Игра соревнование по теме “Political Systems of the World”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Сальникова Татьяна Владимировна


Воспитательная  цель: воспитание уважения и признания политического устройства другой страны.

Развивающая цель: развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов по полученной информации,

Развитие логического мышления.

Образовательная цель: обобщение знаний об устройстве

политической системы США, Британии и России.

Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор , слайды флагов США,Великобритании и России, карточки с заданиями.


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Предварительный просмотр:

В начале звучит гимн Российской Федерации (1 куплет)

Ведущий :  Good afternoon suvorovites, teachers and our guests!  We are happy to see you again at our competition. It is devoted to politics.

. The students of the 21 , 22, and 23 platoons will  show their knowledge and achievements in politics. In my opinion the life of citizens depends on the political system of the state. I am convinced that every citizen has to know everything about it. That`s why  our theme today is” Political Systems of the World”.Imagine that you are the participants of the conference about policy.

I wish you success. Be active ,helpful , industrious and you`ll be sure to win.

Ведущий: It`s time to introduce our jury.Captains , introduce your teams.

Government policy is the theme of many aphorisms.

Game I : “ Find the correct translation of the following aphorisms.

You will get cards with the expressions of the well-known politicians. Try to find the correct translation.

  1. Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where  there is no river.(Nikita Krushcev)
  2. Politics is a war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.(Mao Tse- Tung)
  3. A politician … one that would circumvent God. ( W. Shakespeare )
  4. Politicians and corporations have always placed economic interests above moral interests. This is know hurting the entire planet.(Marianne Trieme)
  5. Politics is more difficult than physics. (A. Einstein )
  6. The ballot is stronger than the bullet. (A. Lincoln )
  7. Every nation has the government that it deserves. (J. D. Maistre )
  8. The best  government is that which governs most. (J. O` Sullivans)
  9. The whole art of government consists in being honest.( T. Jefferson )
  10.  In politics an absurdity is not a handicap. (N. Bonoparte )

  1. Каждая нация имеет правительство, которое заслуживает.
  2. Лучшее правительство то, которое управляет больше.
  3. Политика – сложнее, чем физика.
  4. Бюллетень – сильнее пули.
  5. Все политики  имеют много общего. Они обещают построить мост даже там , где нет реки.
  6. Политик – человек, который должен перехитрить господа.
  7. Политика –это война без кровопролития, в то время как война – это кровь.
  8. Нелепость в политике –  не помеха.
  9. Политики и акционерные общества ставят экономические интересы выше моральных. А это вредит целой планете.
  10. Искусство управления в честности.


All political systems have the same parts. But there are many other kinds of differences.

Game 2.

“ Complete the right information in the table”.

The parts of the political system

The United  Kingdom


The Russian Federation

The Head of State

Executive Branch

Parts of the Executive Branch

Legislative Branch

Parts of the Legislative Branch

III.Ведущий :

Suvorovites, what is the most important  part of the political system?

( I agree with you – the leader).

Game 3.

“ Do the crossword and know the name one of the most respected and devoted English statesmen”.

The words help you.

Lords, Commons, hardworking, honest, risky, popular, shall, should, secret, patient, love, sly, skilful, cigar, kind, bossy, gifted.

  1. He was the member of the House of … .
  2. He worked very much. He was … .
  3. He was very … with the nation during the Second world War.
  4. During the Second World War he had to make decisions that could bring success or failure. He was … .
  5. He smoked much  and in many pictures he is depicted with a  … .  
  6. The British think that he always knew what he … do in difficult situations.
  7. He could wait, he was  … .
  8. He was reputed to be a … politician because many times he showed his ability to do well his job.
  9. Many years passed after his death but the British still remember and … him.

IV. Ведущий:

The representatives of power  are involved in different activities.

Game 4.

“Match the speakers and their actions”.


1)The President

a) We elect the Congressmen and the president.

2)The Vice President

b) I am the Head of the US Administration.

3)The Secretary of the State

c) We make laws and we can introduce

a new project.

4)The Congressmen

d) I can replace the President in case his death or his impeachment.

5)The People

e) I’m the head of the Cabinet.

(Key: 1- b, 2- d, 3- e, 4-c , 5- a )        

V.  Ведущий.

Now it’s high time to organize a word competition between the teams on the theme “ Political Systems”. Every team gets the box with the words.The winner is the team  that name the larger number of words.

Game 5.

“ How well do you know words ?”.

to appoint the Prime minister

to approve the government policy

to determine the government programme

royal assent









The House of Commons

The House of  Lords

The Supreme Court





to elect


to examine

to revise

to sign


to oppose






to make the law

to represent


to rule

to vote on

to elect




to adopt the Constitution

the Federation Council

to guarantee

to dissolve

the Federal Assembly

to delay the bill

to control

to coordinate


to pass over

To discuss political problems

VI. Ведущий:

While the jury is busy counting the score let’s pass over the next round which is called “ Make the right choice”. We know it is very  important to make the right choice in our life, the right choice of a friend, a university etc. Listen to the teacher , be attentive and choose the right answer.

Captains, it’s your round.

Game 6.” Make the right choice”.

Round1.   “Warming up”.

  1. What is the name of our country?

( the Russian Federation, Russia).

  1. When was the new Constitution of the Russia Federation adopted? (1993).
  2. What is the Russian Federation state system according to the political system? (a Presidential Republic).
  3. What chambers does the Federal Assembly consist of ? (the Council of Federation and the State Duma).
  4. Is the legislative branch of power represented by the Federal Assembly? (Yes , is).
  5. Who is the head of the Government?  ( the Prime Minister).
  6. What is state language of Russia? ( Russian).
  7. Is Russian the only language spoken in the Russian Federation? ( No, it is not).

Round 2.

Choose the right version.

  1. The US Government has … branches.
  1. three      b) four           c) five
  1. The highest law in the USA which describes the powers of the national government and the powers of the state government is.
  1. The Congress          b) the Constitution         c) the President
  1. The official head of state in the UK is … .
  1. the Queen       b) the Prime Minister        c) Parliament
  1. The Queen … the bills.
  1. signs       b) votes on        c) passes
  1. The Government in the UK represents the … branch of power.
  1. legislative        b) representative       c) executive
  1. … guarantees the basic rights  of the people in Russia.
  1. The President        b) The Duma       c) The Federal Assembly
  1. The Chairman in Russia is … .
  1. elected       b) invited       c) appointed
  1. People who work in the US Senate are called senators and people who work in the House of Representatives are called … .
  1. housemen       b) congressmen       c) members of Parliament
  1. There are … senators than congressmen in the US Congress.
  1. more         b) a lot more       c) fewer
  1. The US President term is … .
  1. 2 years       b) 4 years        c) 6 years
  1. The British Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the  majority seats in ….
  1. the House of Lords       b) the House of Commons
  1. … makes laws in the UK.
  1. The House of Commons        b) The House of lords
  1. The Cabinet of the British government consists of … .
  1. the members of Parliament       b) about twenty ministers
  1.  The Russian President is elected by … .
  1. the people        b) the Supreme Court      c) the Duma
  1. The President of the US is … every four years.
  1. examined       b) elected       c) challenged


Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our game. I hope you’ve had a nice time together and learned something new.

It’s time for our jury to declare the winners of today’s game.

VII. Заключительное слово жюри.

Игра соревнование по теме

“Political Systems of the World”

II курс

Воспитательная  цель: воспитание уважения и признания политического устройства другой страны.

Развивающая цель: развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов по полученной информации,

Развитие логического мышления.

Образовательная цель: обобщение знаний об устройстве

политической системы США, Британии и России.

Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор , слайды флагов США,Великобритании и России, карточки с заданиями.

Преподаватель английского языка: Сальникова Т. В.

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