Разработка урока: What Political System Does Russia Belong To?
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме
Цель: Формирование лексических навыков говорения
1) Обучить навыкам аудирования и монологической речи;
2) расширение кругозора;
3) Формирование у учащихся знаний о политической системе своей страны.
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Lesson 18
Topic: What Political System Does Russia Belong To?
Цель: Формирование лексических навыков говорения
- Обучить навыкам аудирования и монологической речи;
- расширение кругозора;
- Формирование у учащихся знаний о политической системе своей страны.
Речевой материал:
продуктивный — to guarantee, to dissolve, a council, a deputy, an assembly, a chairman, basic.
Оборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
Teacher | Pupil |
I Оргмомент Good morning boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you too. Take your seats, please. How are you today? Who is absent today? What is the date today? What is the day today? What’s the weather like today? How often do you stay at home, because it’s rainy and cold? What did you do when do you stay at home? Did you watch TV? Did you watch news? What interesting facts can you tell us about policy in the Russia? | Ps: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you. Ps: We are fine Petrov…. Today is the 26th of September. Today is Monday. P2….. |
II Основная часть I know that you don’t interesting in policy, but Politics is part of your lives. Very soon you’ll turn 18 and you’ll have to make a choice. That’s why you should interest in politics and know about it. At the previous lessons we discuss a lot about political systems of the UK, the USA, and their presidents. Today we are going to study political system of our country. But before it lets revise what do you know about political system in the USA and UK.
Do you love your native country? What is the official name of our country? Yes, of course, you are right! Russia is our native country. And we love our country, that’s why we should be interested in everything, including a policy that is connected with Russia and we should be take part in a life of our country, because we citizens of Russia. Today we are going to study the political system of the Russia. I shall give you some basic information about the political system of the Russia. Let’s begin our work. Be carefully, listen to me than we you will answer my questions. (Презентация) Look at the screen! Look! Read! Remember! Фонетическая зарядка
What color is the flag of your country? National Flag of Russia The national flag of Russia is a tri color flag-white color which lies on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. White stands for nobility and frankness; blue symbolizes loyalty, honesty, chastity and scarlet represents self-sacrifice, generosity and love. While some Russians believe that red means the land, blue stands for sky, and white symbolizes heaven. Is the political system of Russia democratic? What Political system does Russia belong to? Read and translate! Now please listen to the information about the political system of Russia and answer the questions. Ex.1.4., p.48 Teacher: Speak about the political system in the Russia. Use your test and the scheme as a plan for retelling. And now answer the questions: 1. The Russian Federation is… a. a parliamentary monarchy b. a presidential republic c. a monarchy. 2…is the head of the state a. the King b. the Queen c. the President. 3…represents the legislative branch of power a. the Federal government b. the Congress c. the Federal Assembly. 4…can Veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly. a. the Federal Government. b. the President c. the Duma. 5. The Federal Government represents … branch of power. a. the legislative b. the executive c. the judicial. 6. The Federal Assembly consists of … a. the Federation Council and the Duma b. the House of Lords and the House of Commons c. the Senate and the House of Representatives. 7…represents the judicial branch of power.
the Supreme Court 8. The President is elected by… a. the Federal Government b. the Federal Assembly c. the people. (Ученики рассказывают о политической системе России) Today we carefully examined the political system of the Russia, scrutinized the distribution of power the main functions of every branch of power Your answers appealed to me today. Thank you for cooperation. Russia is our native country. And we love our country, that’s why we should be interested in everything, including a policy that is connected with Russia and we should be take part in a life of our country, because we citizens of Russia. | P1: The MONARCH is the official head of state and integral part of Parliament in her constitutional role. The president, or Chief Executive, is the head of the government. P2: The head of the state is elected directly in the USA. (Глава государства избирается прямым голосованием в США). The head of the state is not elected directly in Britain. (Глава государства не избирается прямым голосованием в Британии). P3: The President and his Administration represent the executive branch. Congress represents the legislative branch in the USA. The Parliament: the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the monarch represents the legislative branch in the UK. The Government: the prime minister, the Cabinet, non-cabinet ministers represent the executive branch in the UK. P4: The President and the members of Congress are elected in the USA (Президент и члены Конгресса избираются народом в США). The "he members of the House of Commons are elected. (Члены палаты Общин избираются народом в Британии). P1: The official name of our country is Russia, the Russian Federation. Ps:
P1: we can say, we live in Russia which is a democratic state – the Russian Federation, Presidential Republic. |
IV. Итог урока You were active today. Open your mark books. Your home task will be the next: составить схему. Your marks are: satisfactory, good, excellent | |
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye! | Ps: Good-bye! |
National Flag of Russia
The national flag of Russia is a tri color flag-white color which lies on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. White stands for nobility and frankness; blue symbolizes loyalty, honesty, chastity and scarlet represents self-sacrifice, generosity and love. While some Russians believe that red means the land, blue stands for sky, and white symbolizes heaven.
Национальный флаг России
Национальный флаг России - цвет белого флага цвета тримарана, который находится на вершине, синей в середине и красный на основании. Белые стенды для благородства и откровенности; синий символизирует лояльность, честность, целомудрие и алый представляет самопожертвование, великодушие и любовь. В то время как некоторые русские полагают, что красный означает землю, синие стенды для неба, и белый символизирует небеса.
What Political system does Russia belong to?
- The President is the head of state and is elected directly by the people.
- The Federal assembly represents the legislative branch of power.
It has two houses:
The Federation Council and the Duma.
- The Federal Government represents the executive branch of power. It consists of the Chairman of the Government and Ministers
The President.
- The President guaranties the basic rights of the citizens
- and can dissolve the Duma.
- The President is involved in the work of the executive branch.
- The President can veto laws passed by the Federal assembly.
- The President appoints of the Chairman of the Government. The Duma must approve his appointment.
- The Federal assembly can pass the laws over the President veto by a two- third majority. The Federal assembly is elected by the people.
- The Judicial power is represented by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is the highest judicial body.
- -The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation can declare acts and laws unconstitutional.
Какой Политической системе Россия принадлежит?
президент глава государства и избран непосредственно людьми.
федеральное собрание представляет законодательную власть власти.
У этого есть два здания:
Совет Федерации и Дума.
Федеральное правительство представляет исполнительную власть власти. Это состоит из Председателя Правительства и Министров
президент гарантирует основные права граждан
и может расторгнуть Думу.
президент вовлечен в работу исполнительной власти.
президент может наложить вето на законы, принятые федеральным собранием.
президент назначает Председателя Правительства. Дума должна одобрить его назначение.
федеральное собрание может принять законы по вето президента двумя - третье большинство. Федеральное собрание избрано людьми.
Судебная власть представлен Верховным Судом Российской Федерации. Это - самый высокий судебный орган.
Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации может объявить действия и неконституционные законы.
3. Keys: В бывшем здании Сената в Кремле находится резиденция Президента, Дом Федерального Правительства находится в здании на Краснопресненской набережной.
The former Senate in the Kremlin is now the building where the President works. |
| The building on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment belongs to the Federal Government. |
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