Political system of the USA
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Презентация помогает наглядно представить политическую систему США.
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The USA Constitution Why did America need the Constitution ? Where and when did the representatives of all the states write the Constitution? What is the Constitution? After the War of Independence the colonies became free and independent states a nd they needed one strong national government In Philadelphia in 1787 It is the highest law in the country which describes the powers of the government
The USA government People The Congress The President and his helpers The Supreme Court The Senate The House of Representatives
The Congress The Senate 2 people from each state 100 senators 6 years The House of Representatives The number of representatives from each state depends on the number of people in the state 435congressmen (women) 2 years
The President and his helpers Carry out the laws that the Congress makes Who can be the President? He must be born in the USA Must be at least 35 years old Must live in the USA at least 14 years Can be President for 1 term (4 years) or 2 terms
The Supreme Court 9 judges Work all their life Have to make sure that the President and the Congress follow the Constitution
The Constitution More than 200 years People can change it Changes are called amendments = 26 10 first = the Bill of Rights (guarantees freedom of press, religion, the right to go to court, have a lawyer)
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