Конспект урока по теме "Система образования в Британии и России" 8 класс с углублённым изучением английского языка.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Дорофеева Светлана Гайсовна

Конспект урока по теме "Система образования в Британии и России" 8 класс с углублённым изучением английского языка.


Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка по теме “School” в 8 классе по учебнику

 О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой


Материал подготовила

 учитель английского языка

высшей кв. категории

Нефтеюганский район  

НР МОБУ «Пойковская СОШ №2»

Дорофеева С.Г.

Образовательные цели урока: развитие навыков аудирования, говорения;

Развивающие цели: развитие речевых способностей, мышления, памяти, воображения, применение знаний и умений на практике, развитие творческого потенциала обучающихся;

Воспитательные цели: развитие самостоятельности, умения работать с партнёром, развитие интереса к английскому языку;

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, файловые папки с разговорными фразами, распечатки текстов и заданий для чтения и аудирования, деньги распечатанные для игры в аукцион.

  1. The beginning point.   Glad to see you. How are you getting on?
  2. What are we going to speak about today? (слайд с изображением школ России, Британии. Дети дают варианты ответов)

Well, you are right. We are going to speak about Russian and British systems of education and you’ll take part in the TV bridge today.

  1. Association Game What associations come to your mind when I say school? Continue the chain.

 School – knowledge – head – etc.

We started with the word school  and finished with the word … .

  1. Phonetic Drill

Корзинка пословиц Can you name any proverbs related to our theme?

P1 It’s never too late to learn.

P2 Better untaught than ill (badly) taught.

P3 Where there is a will, there is a away.

P4 Knowledge is power.

P5 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

P6 No pains no gains.

P6 Business before pleasure.

P7 Better late than never.

  1. Video “Schools in Britain” You’ve learnt a little bit about the system of education in England and I’d like you to see the film about it.

But first look through the task and get ready to mark the statements as True or False

Schools in Britain

Do you go to school on Saturdays?

Do you wear a uniform?

Do you like school?

  1.     Children start primary school at the age of 5.                                                         True / False
  2.     Secondary school starts at the age of eleven and finishes at the age of eighteen.   True / False
  3. At the age of seventeen  children take GCSE.                                                               True / False
  4. 30% of students leave school after GCSE.                                                                      True / False
  5. They take A –levels at the age of 18.                                                                              True / False
  6. Children don’t go to school at the weekend in John Mason school.                        True / False
  7. School starts at 8 o’clock.                                                                                                  True / False 
  8. British children have a wide choice of subjects.                                                       True / False
  9. Children learn foreign languages from  the age of eleven.                                           True / False
  10. The most popular languages are Spanish and Italian and French.                                True / False
  11. All the children eat in the school canteen.                                                                 True / False
  12. Pupils do different activities after school such as sport and music.                          True / False                                       
  13. 100% of British schools are state schools.                                                                        True / False 
  14. The parents of independent schools pay for their children’s education.                    True / False

What do you think about school?

Are British schools good or do you prefer your school?

Взаимопроверка (ключи на слайде).

Let’s answer Julia’s questions that she asked you at the beginning and at the end of the film.

(pupils answer the underlined questions)

  1. Give it a name.
  1. Any room in a school where teaching is done.(a classroom)
  2. Children begin going to these schools at the age of  5. (primary schools)
  3. Primary education takes place there (infant, junior schools)
  4. These schools take pupils of all abilities without any exams.(comprehensive schools)
  5. An exam taken at the age of 16 in British comprehensive schools. (GCSE)
  6. The exam that is necessary to get a place at one of British universities. (“A” level exam.)
  7. Pupils in these schools are to pay for their education. (private (public) schools)
  8. A period of time when schoolchildren can play or talk.(a break)

What do you usually do during the break? And we’ll listen to the poems  you’ve made up about school. (cinquains, acrostic, opinion poems)

  1. Poems about school   (the teacher hangs the poems on the board)

Whose poem did you like best of all?

  1. TV Bridge (Role cards) (Обучающиеся ознакомились с  ролевыми картами на предыдущем уроке.)

It’s high time for our TV bridge. Imagine that you are students of Russian and British schools. You are in the studios and you have a chance to have a talk with each other. (The students take their seats in the imaginary studios.)

Host 1

-Introduce yourself. Greet the British studio

-Say a few words about education in Russia, inclusive education.

Ask if pupils of all abilities go to the same school.

-Let Russian pupils ask the questions.

Sum up, say what role education plays in the life of people.

Thank the participants for the interesting conversation. Say good bye.

Hostess 2

-Answer the greeting and introduce yourself.

-Answer the question. Speak about the old system of education and comprehensive schools.

-Before  Russian Student 4 begins to speak say that some parents choose private education, explain why. Say that there are 2 representatives of such schools in the studio.

Russian Student 1

Ask when British children start schooling.

Answer when Russian children begin to go to school and how long primary education lasts in Russia. Speak about primary education.

British Student 1

Answer when British children start schooling, speak about primary schools.

Ask when Russian children begin to go to school and how long primary education lasts in Russia.

Russian Student 2

Ask how long pupils can stay in secondary schools and if they take any exams.

Answer if Russian pupils take exams, speak about the exams in the 9 th form.

British Student 2

Answer how long pupils can stay in secondary schools, speak about  secondary education and GCSE.

Ask if Russian pupils take   exams and when they have them.

Russian  Student 3

Ask what is necessary to get a place at one of the British universities.

Answer who can get higher education in Russia

British Student 3

Answer what is necessary to get a place at one of the British universities.

Ask who can get higher education in Russia.

4.Russian  Student 4 (a student of School No 2)

Ask an Etonian (British Student 4) about the history of Eton and famous Etonians.

Ask an Etonian (British Student 5) about the quality of education and the discipline.

Say a few words about your school (a three storey building, rather big, a state school, don’t have to pay fees,  both girls and boys, school building, subjects, classrooms, teachers)

British Student  4 (a student of Eton)

Speak about the  history of Eton and famous Etonians).

British Student 5 (a student of Eton)

Speak  about the quality of education and the discipline.

Ask the Russian student about his (her) school.

  1. Let’s have a rest Song “Blowing in the wind”
  2. Auction (Conditionals) (на слайде 9 предложений, среди них есть неправильные). Let’s begin our auction.

Each pair has 25 dollars (учитель раздаёт напечатанные доллары), you are to bargain for the correct statement. (Ученики торгуются и покупают правильные предложения, в конце игры подводим итоги, кто купил больше правильных предложений).

  1. Home Work Would you like to study in Eton? At home you will read the text about this school and do the task after it. (Е. Г. Воронова Тесты Английский язык, к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой  «English VIII»    

“ Fantastic School for the Right Boys”  стр 38 - 41».

  1.  What did you like to do at the lesson? What can (can’t) you do well?

Marks for listening and role play.


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