Методическая разработка открытого мероприятия по английскому языку на тему: “All about Great Britain”.
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное
образовательное учреждение
Себряковский технологический техникум
Одобрено на заседании
Цикловой комиссии протокол №____ от ________
Председатель цикловой комиссии
Урюпинская О.И.
Методическая разработка открытого мероприятия
по английскому языку на тему:
“All about Great Britain”.
Для студентов I курса
Михайловка 2015
“All about Great Britain ”
Цели и задачи
- Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по указанной теме. Углубить и расширить знания по теме.
- Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
- Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Оснащения мероприятия: газеты и журналы о стране, слайд шоу в Power Point, компьютер, мультимидийная система, листы с заданиями для каждой команды.
Ход мероприятия:
Good afternoon students! I’m very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have a competition. We’ll remember all the facts about Great Britain. And that’s why the topic of our lesson is “All about Great Britain”. (1 слайд)
Let me introduce our guests:
But they are not only guests they also will be playing the role of jury.
II. And now let’s begin our competition. There are two teams. They will show us their knowledge of the United Kingdom, because our competition is connected with this country. We’ll speak about the sights, the capital of the country and interesting facts. We’ll have several tasks at the lesson. Some of them were prepared by you at home. I hope our competition will be fun. For a right answer you’ll get 1 point. The winner will be the team with the biggest number of the right answers and points.
II. Task1 Match. Phonetic exercise. (2 слайд)
From as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain using the following word- parts:
chester | pool | diff |
New | Brigh | Glas |
Liver | ford | Man |
bridge | Strat | ton |
Castle | Edin | Bris |
ford | Lon | burgh |
Car | gow | tol |
don | Cam | Ox |
Manchester, Brighton, Bristol, Stratford, New Castle, Glasgow, London, Oxford, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Liverpool, Cambridge
(участникам раздаются задания, где написаны отдельные части названий городов. Соединяя эти части, участники должны составить названия городов, а затем прочесть )
Task2 “Questions” Warming up. (3 слайд)
This task is the following: answer the questions about the United Kingdom. You’ll get one point for a right answer.
- The UK is an island, isn’t it? Where is it situated?
- What countries is the UK made of? What are their capitals?
- What channel separates the British Isles from the European countries?
- What’s the highest mountain on the British Isles?
- What is the largest river in Great Britain?
- What is the deepest and the most important river in Great Britain?
- Is the UK a large country?
- The UK is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?
- Who is the Head of the state?
- How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? Name them.
- How many political parties are in Britain? What are they?
- Why is the climate in Britain mild?
- What can you say about the weather in Great Britain?
- What comparison do the British use when they want to describe a person whose mood and opinion changes very often?
- How often does it rain in Britain?
- When do the British prefer to stay at home by the big fire?
- What is the most unpleasant aspect of British weather?
- Is the London the largest city in the world?
- Traditionally London is divided into several parts. Can you name them?
- What do you know about the City?
- What do you know about Westminster?
- What can you say about the West End and the East End?
- What are the English so proud?
- What formal ceremonies do you know?
- How often does the Ceremony of the Keys take place?
(командам задаются вопросы, за правильный ответ команда получает один бал)
Task 3 “A broken phone” (4 слайд)
You will listen to the text about London. You know a lot of facts about this wonderful city. Now try to spot the mistakes made in facts about London and correct them. Be attentive.
Broken telephone
This text is about London. London is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the oldest and largest cities in the world. They say that London is one hundred years old.
Now London is a big political, industrial and cultural centre. London is situated on the river Clyde. The river connects the capital with the sea.
London is divided into two parts. They are the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The West End is the richest part of the city with many beautiful shops, hotels, bars and restaurants. The East End is the place where the working people live. Westminster is the heart of business and commercial life. The City is a political centre.
(Участники прослушивают текст один раз. Можно разрешить учащимся делать записи во время прослушивания. За правильный ответ 1 бал)
Task4 “Try the crossword” (5 слайд)
And now the next task. You are to complete the crossword. Each team will be given one and the same crossword connected with Britain and its traditions and customs.
(Каждой команде даётся один и тот же кроссворд, который нужно правильно и быстро заполнить, по результатам проверки выставляются балы.)
Task 5 Test yourself (6 слайд)
The next task. You know Britain is also rich in different customs, traditions and has a lot of interesting facts in its history. The following task for teams is: to do questions with some variants of answers to each question. You should write the number of the correct answer.
(Каждой команде даётся тест, в котором они отмечают правильные ответы)
Task 6 Your home task.
You had to do your own projects on topic “All about Great Britain”. Now you have to introduce these projects for all audience.
(Участники представляют свои проекты, которые были приготовлены заранее)
IV. Подведение итогов урока конкурса.
(Преподаватель просит просчитать количество набранных балов, выявить самого лучшего знатока Соединённого королевства. Учитель благодарит всех участников и жюри. Выставляет оценки.)
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