Презентация по английскому языку на тему Housing in Great Britain для 10-11 классов
презентация к уроку (11 класс)

Михайлова Мария Игоревна

Презентация для старших классов. Типы и виды домов в Великобритании.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Housing in Great Britain English teacher Mikhailova M. I.

Слайд 2

Skyscraper a high-rise residential building an administrative building an office building a business a shopping center

Слайд 3

A penthouse a very expensive apartment on the top floor of a high-rise building or skyscraper u sually occupies the entire floor may have its own elevator and separate entrance

Слайд 4

Tower block a modern high-rise building divided into apartments or separate offices t his term is mainly used in British English

Слайд 5

Block of flats an apartment building this term is mainly used in American English

Слайд 6

High-rise building Multi- storey building

Слайд 7

Low-rise building

Слайд 8

Detached house house for one owner such houses can be found in the suburbs, countryside u sually around is a garden

Слайд 9

Semi-detached house a house having two apartments with separate entrances apartments have an adjacent wall and most often have a mirror layout sometimes are called a “house for two owners”

Слайд 10

Terraced house a series of identical or very similar houses adjacent to each other, with separate entrances to each apartment i s typical for European cities

Слайд 11

Bungalow a residential one-story house a summer residence all living spaces are on the ground floor

Слайд 12

Maisonette a small house or two-level apartment

Слайд 13


Слайд 14


Слайд 15

Mansion luxurious detached house belonging to a wealthy family

Слайд 16

Manor house the main house of the estate, in which the owner's family lived

Слайд 17

Villa a detached large country house with a garden often rented to vacationers

Слайд 18

Country house vacation house a lmost the same as mansion the English aristocracy preferred to live in the city, and periodically travel to a country house a large building with many rooms

Слайд 19

Cottage a small country house it usually has one floor and an attic can be found in the countryside, in the village

Слайд 20

Caravan trailer on wheels, van on wheels In American English – « trailer »

Слайд 21

Mobile home a trailer that is taken off the wheels always stands in one place serves its owners only as a house.

Слайд 22

L og cabin or log house built without the use of nails

Слайд 23

Houseboat a house on the water, a vessel adapted to serve as a dwelling equipped with necessary furniture some of these boats do not have motors, they always stand in one place

Слайд 24

Tree house used more often for children's games some people live in such houses

Слайд 25

Shanty , Hovel, Shack

Слайд 26

Hut poor housing , temporary shelter , booth

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