Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему: «A Great Day. Victory day»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)
Международный конкурс методических разработок
«Уроки Победы»
Номинация «Лучший урок иностранного языка»
Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему:
«A Great Day. Victory day»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Международный конкурс методических разработок
«Уроки Победы»
Номинация «Лучший урок иностранного языка»
Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему:
«A Great Day. Victory day»
Автор: учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Кзыл-Ярская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Бавлинского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
Гафиятова Айгуль Рамилевна
План урока.
Тема: «A Great Day. Victory day»
Цель урока: воспитание патриотизма, формирование позитивного образа, который может служить идеалом для подражания.
- Обучающая - расширять представление детей о Великой Отечественной войне;
- Развивающая - обогатить знание детей о великом и светлом празднике – Дне Победы;
- Воспитательная: воспитывать чувство гордости за свой народ, уважение и благодарность к ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны, ко всем, кто защищал Родину.
- Оборудование: Компьютер, презентация, раздаточный материал
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент.
Good morning guys. I am glad to see you. Take your seats.
2. Сообщение темы урока, постановка цели.
Today we are going to talk about the Great Patriotic War. Could you tell me why we are going to talk about it? What do you know about the Second World War? Do you know when it started and ended? Which countries were involved?
Дети отвечают на вопросы.
Yes. I agree with you my dears. Victory Day is a symbol of a national pride, glory and folk’s feat of arm. It consolidates and joins everybody today. We must remember the Great Patriotic War and its heroes.
Просмотр презентации по теме «День победы» (Приложение 1)
3.Речевая разминка.
Работа по теме «Great Patriotic War»
Let’s discuss these quotes. Do you agree with them or not?
«Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for it».
«There is no such thing as an inevitable war. If war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom».
«There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for»
4. Введение новых лексических единиц.
War [wɔː] - война
Peace [piːs] - мир, спокойствие
Battle ['bætl] - битва
Victory ['vɪkt(ə)rɪ] - победа
Defence [dɪ'fen(t)s] - оборона
Offence [ə'fen(t)s] - наступление
Retreat [rɪ'triːt] - отступление
Defeat [dɪ'fiːt] - поражение
Rear [rɪə] - тыл
Front [frʌnt] - фронт
Oath [əuθ] -присяга, клятва
Capitulation [kəˌpɪtju'leɪʃ(ə)n] - капитуляция
Armistice ['ɑːmɪstɪs] - перемирие, прекращение военных действий; короткое перемирие, прекращение огня
Military ['mɪlɪt(ə)rɪ] - военный
Prisoner of war - военнопленный
Attack [ə'tæk] - атака, наступление; наступательный бой
Conscription [kən'skrɪpʃ(ə)n] - призыв, воинская повинность; набор (в армию)
Order ['ɔːdə] - распоряжение, приказ
Armament ['ɑːməmənt] - вооружение
Now write down these words into your vocabulary books.
5. Первичное закрепление лексических единиц.
Your next task is to make up your own sentences with these words. You have 3 minutes. Дети составляют предложения с помощью предложенной лексики, а потом озвучивают по очереди.
6. Изучающее чтение
Reading the text about the War
Great Patriotic WarВеликая Отечественная война
The Great Patriotic War is a huge emotional distress for many people. It’s hard to find a family in our country which didn’t lose somebody in this awful war. The tragic event started in 1941 in the month of June and lasted for almost four years. The 9th of May, 1945 is considered to be the end of the murderous war. Each year Russian people celebrate this day as a Victory Day with numerous commemorative processions, fireworks and concerts. Perhaps, the Great Patriotic War was the most horrible war in human history. Thousands of courageous soldiers have died, leaving their children orphaned and wives widowed. It’s hard to imagine that even 13 or 14 year olds were involved in this war. People sacrificed their lives to save the country from outer invasion, to save their comrades and families. Each city that withstood all the pressure coming from Hitler’s army was awarded with the heroic title. Today every family keeps and honors the photos of their ancestors, who fought at that inhuman war. My mother also keeps a framed picture of her two grandfathers. It’s been more than 60 years ago, but people still remember and commemorate this global event. Russian people suffered a lot during these four terrifying years. To think about the situation in Leningrad, when citizens had to stay strong for nine hundred days and defend the city. People had to survive the severe cold, the hunger, sleepless nights, the bombardments, etc. I’m convinced that our generation should be appreciative for all that our great-grandfathers did for us.
7. Совершенствование навыка изучающего чтения.
Now let’s make questions to the text and then will answer them.
8. Заключение.
Подведение итогов:
At the end, I would like you to listen the song. «В землянке»
Who recognized this song? What this songs name?
9.Домашнее задание.
Your home task is to try to find the information of veterans of this war.
Thanks for your work. Bye
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Victory Day is a symbol of a national pride, glory and folk’s feat of arm. It consolidates and joins everybody today. We must remember the Great Patriotic War and its heroes.
Let’s discuss «Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for it ». «There is no such thing as an inevitable war. If war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom». « There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for»
War [ wɔ ː] - война Peace [ piːs ] - мир, спокойствие Battle [' b æ tl ] - битва Victory [' vɪkt (ə) rɪ ] - победа Defence [ dɪ'fen (t)s] - оборона Offence [ ə'fen (t)s] - наступление Retreat [ rɪ'triːt ] - отступление Defeat [ dɪ'fiːt ] - поражение Rear [ rɪə ] - тыл Front [ frʌnt ] - фронт Oath [ əu θ ] - присяга , клятва Capitulation [ kəˌpɪtju'leɪʃ (ə)n] - капитуляция Armistice [' ɑːmɪstɪs ] - перемирие , прекращение военных действий ; короткое перемирие , прекращение огня Military [' mɪlɪt (ə) rɪ ] - военный Prisoner of war - военнопленный Attack [ ə'tæk ] - атака, наступление; наступательный бой Conscription [ kən'skrɪpʃ (ə)n] - призыв, воинская повинность; набор (в армию) Order [' ɔːdə ] - распоряжение, приказ Armament [' ɑːməmənt ] - вооружение
Thanks for your work
Предварительный просмотр:
Great Patriotic WarВеликая Отечественная война
The Great Patriotic War is a huge emotional distress for many people. It’s hard to find a family in our country which didn’t lose somebody in this awful war. The tragic event started in 1941 in the month of June and lasted for almost four years. The 9th of May, 1945 is considered to be the end of the murderous war. Each year Russian people celebrate this day as a Victory Day with numerous commemorative processions, fireworks and concerts. Perhaps, the Great Patriotic War was the most horrible war in human history. Thousands of courageous soldiers have died, leaving their children orphaned and wives widowed. It’s hard to imagine that even 13 or 14 year olds were involved in this war. People sacrificed their lives to save the country from outer invasion, to save their comrades and families. Each city that withstood all the pressure coming from Hitler’s army was awarded with the heroic title. Today every family keeps and honors the photos of their ancestors, who fought at that inhuman war. My mother also keeps a framed picture of her two grandfathers. It’s been more than 60 years ago, but people still remember and commemorate this global event. Russian people suffered a lot during these four terrifying years. To think about the situation in Leningrad, when citizens had to stay strong for nine hundred days and defend the city. People had to survive the severe cold, the hunger, sleepless nights, the bombardments, etc. I’m convinced that our generation should be appreciative for all that our great-grandfathers did for us.
Great Patriotic WarВеликая Отечественная война
The Great Patriotic War is a huge emotional distress for many people. It’s hard to find a family in our country which didn’t lose somebody in this awful war. The tragic event started in 1941 in the month of June and lasted for almost four years. The 9th of May, 1945 is considered to be the end of the murderous war. Each year Russian people celebrate this day as a Victory Day with numerous commemorative processions, fireworks and concerts. Perhaps, the Great Patriotic War was the most horrible war in human history. Thousands of courageous soldiers have died, leaving their children orphaned and wives widowed. It’s hard to imagine that even 13 or 14 year olds were involved in this war. People sacrificed their lives to save the country from outer invasion, to save their comrades and families. Each city that withstood all the pressure coming from Hitler’s army was awarded with the heroic title. Today every family keeps and honors the photos of their ancestors, who fought at that inhuman war. My mother also keeps a framed picture of her two grandfathers. It’s been more than 60 years ago, but people still remember and commemorate this global event. Russian people suffered a lot during these four terrifying years. To think about the situation in Leningrad, when citizens had to stay strong for nine hundred days and defend the city. People had to survive the severe cold, the hunger, sleepless nights, the bombardments, etc. I’m convinced that our generation should be appreciative for all that our great-grandfathers did for us.
Great Patriotic WarВеликая Отечественная война
The Great Patriotic War is a huge emotional distress for many people. It’s hard to find a family in our country which didn’t lose somebody in this awful war. The tragic event started in 1941 in the month of June and lasted for almost four years. The 9th of May, 1945 is considered to be the end of the murderous war. Each year Russian people celebrate this day as a Victory Day with numerous commemorative processions, fireworks and concerts. Perhaps, the Great Patriotic War was the most horrible war in human history. Thousands of courageous soldiers have died, leaving their children orphaned and wives widowed. It’s hard to imagine that even 13 or 14 year olds were involved in this war. People sacrificed their lives to save the country from outer invasion, to save their comrades and families. Each city that withstood all the pressure coming from Hitler’s army was awarded with the heroic title. Today every family keeps and honors the photos of their ancestors, who fought at that inhuman war. My mother also keeps a framed picture of her two grandfathers. It’s been more than 60 years ago, but people still remember and commemorate this global event. Russian people suffered a lot during these four terrifying years. To think about the situation in Leningrad, when citizens had to stay strong for nine hundred days and defend the city. People had to survive the severe cold, the hunger, sleepless nights, the bombardments, etc. I’m convinced that our generation should be appreciative for all that our great-grandfathers did for us.
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