Методическая разработка, конспект открытого урока для учащихся 6 класса "Технологии подготовки к ГИА"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6, 7 класс) на тему
Данная презентация является опорным конспектом урока для учащихся 6-7 класса. Задания, представленные в рамках урока направлены на развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
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LISTENING: http://www.elllo.org/english/1001/1048-Rachel-Glasgow.htm Pre- listening task: match the sentence and the phrase/ word. We stayed at a nice _________ . People hate to pay their taxes but that is just _________ . The city is not ____________ so you should take the bus. I think a bed-and-breakfast _____________ you around twenty pounds. The service was _________ poor. A/ quite B/ B and B C/ would cost D/ walkable F/ the way it is
LISTENING: http:// www.elllo.org / english /1001/1048-Rachel-Glasgow.htm Answer the questions below. Some questions have more than one answer. 1) What can he get for 30 pounds? a) A nice hotel b) A room at a B and B c) A room with breakfast 2) What does she say about the underground? a) It has one line. b) It is not cheap. c) It goes in a circle. 3) What does she say about walking? a) It is easy to get around. b) Transport is better. 4) She says the underground is _______ . a) orange in color b) named after a movie c) in a famous movie 5) What colo u rs does she mention? a) Red b) Green c) Maroon 1- b, c 2- a, c 3- a 4- a, b 5- a, c
LISTENING: http://www.elllo.org/english/1001/1048-Rachel-Glasgow.htm Thirty pounds is an expensive price for a room in the hotel in Glasgow. A - True B- False C- Not stated Glasgow has a deep underground. A - True B- False C- Not stated The underground is not very expensive. A - True B- False C- Not stated 4. The underground is called The Clockwork Orange because it goes in a circle. A - True B- False C- Not stated 5. London buses are red and maroon. A - True B- False C- Not stated 1- F 2- NS 3- T 4- T 5- F Find the phrases in the text which can prove your ideas.
SPEAKING TASK 1: http://www.elllo.org/english/1001/1048-Rachel-Glasgow.htm 1/ Answer the questions giving two-three facts or arguments to support your idea. 2/ What do you know about the UK? Give a two-minutes talk on the topic speaking about: geography of the country; population and national languages; main cities; national symbols. First, think of the possible beginning and links starting with: As far as … Though….. Moreover,….. Finally, represent your attitude towards the country, make the conclusion whether you’d like to visit it and why. SPEAKING TASK 2:
SPEAKING TASK 3: You have arrived in London. Unfortunately the hotel is overbooked. You’ve turned to the information office to receive the recommendation on the suitable accommodation. Ask the information office clerk about: a suitable place to stay at not far from the main sights of the city; the rooms, ex. a bathroom en-suite, a Wi-fi, an LCD TV, air conditioning, modern furniture, a personal safe; the hotel facilities: a restaurant, a swimming pool, a gym, a car parking area; the price of the room per night. Remember to: 1) state the problem, 2) discuss all the options, 3) you start the conversation, 4) come to a conclusion, 5) be active and polite. Excuse me, I’m looking for a hotel to stay at. It should be in the centre of the city not far from the main sights. Could you comment on the rooms facilities? Do they have …. What about a café or a restaurant on site and the cuisine served? Is it possible to park the car nearby? How much is the room per person per night? Could you give the address, please ? Excuse me, Could you What about How much It suits me all right. Thank you
SPEAKING TASK 4 You know London well. Organize an excursion for your friend around London during the summer weekend on Saturday. Ask your friend about his preferences. Decide upon three places you both would like to visit. Remember to discuss: The Tower of London; The Houses of Parliament; Buckingham palace; The National Gallery; The Regent’s or Hyde park. Remember to: 1) state the problem, 2) discuss all the options, 3) you start the conversation, 4) come to an agreement, 5) be active and polite. How about visiting the ... It is a wonderful chance to …. You know , tomorrow the weather will be wonderful. Why not to have a splendid holiday in the city? Why don’t we watch a unique collection of ... in What do you think of having a rest ...in Shall we … It’s a great idea! I agree with you. It sounds rather interesting. Yeah! That’s the chance! I’d like it too! It’s not the best idea, I’d prefer … I’m afraid, I can’t agree with you. It sounds rather boring. I’m fond of …, so I’d prefer… I’d do something different instead. For example..
Homework: Make and write down similar dialogues about Saint-Petersburg Thank you for your attention and good work!
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