Разработка урока 5 класс "Достопримечательности Лондона. Тауэр"
план-конспект урока (5 класс)

Мищак Елена Алекcандровна

Урок английского языка для 5 класса разработан по УМК «Английский с удовольствием» / “Enjoy EnglishМ.З.Биболетовой. Урок сопровождается презентацией и заключительным тестом самопроверки, систематизирующим полученную информацию на уроке.


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The Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London . It was built in the 11 th century by William the Conqueror .

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The Tower is a complex of several buildings. There are 21 different towers in it. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a royal treasur y , a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. White Tower Bloody Tower Beauchamp Tower Bell Tower Bowyer Tower Brick Tower Broad Arrow Tower Byward Tower Constable Tower Cradle Tower Develin Tower Deveraux Tower Flint Tower Lanthorn Tower Martin Tower Middle Tower St Thomas’s Tower Salt Tower Wakefield Tower Wardrobe Tower Well Tower

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The White Tower is the most important building in the Tower of London. It was the Keep of the castle. It protected and controlled the City of London. It is the tallest tower. At first its name was the Great Tower but later the walls of the Tower were painted in white and its name became the White Tower .

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Inside the White Tower The 15th-century picture of the White Tower and the water-gate .

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The history of the Tower of London is great, bloody and cruel. The gray stones of the Bloody Tower could tell a lot of saddest stories. At first this tower was named the Garden Tower . But it was renamed because of murderous events that took place there.

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The walls of the Bloody Tower contain some of the bloody secrets . A lot of famous people were killed or beheaded there.

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So the T wo little Princes - Edward V and his younger brother Richard, the Duke of York were killed there on the order of their uncle the Duke of Gloucester, afterwards King Richard III. Today people believe that at night you can see the ghosts of famous people in the Bloody Tower. They even saw the ghosts of two sad and beautiful children in white clothes walking along the dark halls.

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There is another legend in the Tower of London. ‘If the ravens leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall....’ Legend says that the kingdom and the Tower will fall if the six ravens leave the fortress. It was Charles II , according to the stories, who first insisted that the ravens of the Tower should be protected .

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Six ravens, plus one as a reserve, live in the Tower today. Each of raven has its own name. Please note : We would ask that you do not try to feed the ravens. They are large birds who are fed daily by our Ravenmaster . They can bite you , so please be careful. The ravens eat 170g of raw meat a day, plus bird biscuits soaked in blood.

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Every night at 10 p.m. at the Tower of London the Ceremony of the Keys takes place. The Tower is locking up. The Ceremony of the Keys is a 700 year old tradition.

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Five minutes before the hour the Headwarder comes out with the keys and cries: ‘Escort for the keys.’ Then he closes the three gates. Another warder asks: ‘Halt, who comes there?’ ‘The Keys.’ ‘Whose keys?’ ‘Queen’s Elizabeth’s Keys,’ comes the answer. ‘Advance Queen’s Elizabeth’s Keys. All’s well.’

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If you want to see the Ceremony of the Keys try to come in time . You mustn’t be late! Keep the rule: Photography is not permitted during any part of the ceremony.

Слайд 2

1. Today the Tower of London is a ….. a) Queen’s House b) museum c) prison 2. The Tower was built ….. a) 300 years ago b) yesterday c) 1000 years ago 3. How many buildings are there in the Tower complex? a) 21 b) 5 c) 33 4. The White Tower is … a) a shop center b) a big garden c) the main tower 5. The Bloody Tower has a …. a) cruel history b) bloody walls c) lot of fun

Слайд 3

6. The seven ravens live in the Tower of London because… a) the British like animals and birds a lot b) there is an old legend c) they cannot find the exit from the Tower 7. You can feed and play with the ravens. a) True. b) False. c) You can only feed them. 8. The Ceremony of the Keys means that…. a) The Tower is opening. b) The Tower is locking. c) you can buy a key as a souvenir. 9. If you want to visit the Tower you should go to …. a) the capital of the UK. b) Trafalgar Square. c) the London’s countryside.

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