Разработка урока"ЗООПАРК ЛОНДОНА"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Представляю урок по теме "ЗООПАРК Лондона"-это обобщающий урок по теме представлены разноуровневые задания и презентация и видео фильм,урок построен в соответствии с новыми требованиями ФГОС,разнообразные творческие задания вызываю огромный интерес у учеников,представлена страноведческая информация
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Предварительный просмотр:
Цель урока: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через освоение знаний, умений, навыков по теме “Welcome to London Zoo”.
Цель:формирование у учащихся навыков и умений полного понимания содержания текста.
Цели:1.Минимальный уровень
-научить находить основную информацию из текста
-научить самостоятельно работать по образцу ,воспроизводить изученный материал
-пробудить интерес к предмету путем использования игровых моментов и занимательных задач
Общий уровень
-научить строить монологическое высказывание с использованием опоры
-читать,переводить текст про себя,используя новые лексические единицы
3.Продвинутый уровень
-научить строить монологическое высказывание без использования опоры
- изучить грамматический и лексический материал по теме;
- практиковать учащихся в аудировании и устной речи (диалогической и монологической);
- развивать языковую догадку.
Оснащение урока:
- учебник “Enjoy English-3” Биболетовой М.З.;
- книга для учителя к учебнику “Enjoy English-3”Биболетовой М. 3.;
- мультимедиа , задание на аудирование
- тексты на чтение;
- тестовые задания;
- наглядный материал;
- алгоритм работы “1-2-все”.
Форма проведения: урок с использованием технологии “Техники кооперации: групповая работа”.
Организационный момент.
Th: Good afternoon, dear children! The topic of our lesson is “Welcome to London Zoo ". Animals play an important role in our life. That is why we'll speak about them and about zoo. (Pupils have to be divided into two groups).
Дети все вы знаете пословицы и поговорки где используются названия животных в русском языке,а какие(называют)
А давайте проведем соответсвия между этими пословицами
1. To kill two birds with one stone. | 1. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет. |
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. | 2. Убить двух зайцев. |
3. Every dog has his day. | 3. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки |
4. The early bird catches the worm. | 4. Будет и на вашей улице праздник. |
5. No bees, no honey. | 5. В семье не без урода. |
6. Curiosity killed a cat. | 6. Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда. |
7. Every family has a black sheep. | 7. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали. |
So let’s remember our poem “MY DREAM”
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
And now let’s remember our poem
I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of money,
D'you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of animals
And have my own zoo.
But they wouldn't be in cages;
They would be free to run around.
And there's one thing they would feel
And that is safe and sound
Расшифровать стихотворение
I love all kinds of animals
and and .
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of
D'you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of
And have my own .
But they wouldn't be in ;
They would be free to around.
And there's 1 thing they would feel
And that is safe and sound
3 And now I propose you a film about London zoo.
Просмотр фильма.
Would you like to go there.OK. Let’s go .Take your tickets
А как вы думаете ребята что нам нужно знать ,чтобы поехать в зоопарк
And I propose you a very interesting information about London zoo
5 .Работа с текстом «London ZOO»
Let’s read the text and do the task after it
London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the center of London. Many old trees grow in the park, and in spring, summer and autumn there are a lot of beautiful flowers there too. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the underground . A lot of buses go to the different sides of the park. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many different kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colours.
A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals some times throws a fish into the water, and then the sea lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit.
In the large monkeys house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children love to sit on a camel’s back. Then it walks in the square and they sit high up on its back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean
1 задание(1 группа)
Найдите соответсвия в тексте
1.Зоопарк это большой парк не далеко от центра Лондона.
2.Люди желающие попасть туда добираются на автобусе или на метро.
3.Хорошее время посещать животных когда они принимают пищу.
4.Много старых деревьев растет в парке.
5.Также интересно наблюдать как большие птицы едят мясо ,а обезьяны едят фрукты.
1.London zoo is a new zoo.
2.It is not far from center of London
3. The Zoo is open every day from 11 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening.
4. A good time to visit the animals is when they sleep
5. In the large monkey’s house you can see different kinds of dogs
6. Children love to sit on a camel’s back
2 задание
1.Children visit the zoo with
a-their dogs
b-their parents
2.London Zoo is
a-a large garden
b-a large city
c-a large park
3.The Zoo is open
a-on Sundays
b-every day
c-every month
4.A good time to visit animals
a-when they sleep
b-when they swim
c-when they eat
The man who looks after the animals some times
a- throws a fish into the water
b-swims with sea lions
c-drinks coffee
6. The elephant he washes himself in the morning
a-eats bananas
b- washes himself in the morning
c-plays football
Translate the proverbs about animals and give Russian equivalents
1. To kill two birds with one stone. | 1. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет. |
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. | 2. Убить двух зайцев. |
3. Every dog has his day. | 3. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки |
4. The early bird catches the worm. | 4. Будет и на вашей улице праздник. |
5. No bees, no honey. | 5. В семье не без урода. |
6. Curiosity killed a cat. | 6. Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда. |
7. Every family has a black sheep. | 7. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали. |
Подведение итогов
London Zoo is in Hyde Park in Moscow. |
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There are many exotic animals at London Zoo |
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The Zoo is opened. from 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m |
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In London Zoo you can see cats and dogs. |
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Children love to sit on a camel's back. |
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Children don’t love to visit London Zoo. |
| |
A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. |
l.London ……a very old …
2. visit it
3. is open from…..to…..
4.Many kinds of animals live there: , , ,, , ,
5.There are many ……..kinds of .
6.A good to visit………
Let’s read the text and do the task after it
London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the center of London. Many old trees grow in the park, and in spring, summer and autumn there are a lot of beautiful flowers there too. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the underground and bus. A lot of buses go to the different sides of the park. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many different kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colours.
A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals some times throws a fish into the water, and then the sea lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit.
In the large monkeys house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children love to sit on a camel’s back. Then it walks in the square and they sit high up on its back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean
Let’s read the text and do the task after it
London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the center of London. Many old trees grow in the park, and in spring, summer and autumn there are a lot of beautiful flowers there too. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the underground and bus. A lot of buses go to the different sides of the park. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many different kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colours.
A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals some times throws a fish into the water, and then the sea lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit.
In the large monkeys house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children love to sit on a camel’s back. Then it walks in the square and they sit high up on its back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean
2 задание
1.Children visit the zoo with
a-their dogs
b-their parents
2.London Zoo is
a-a large garden
b-a large city
c-a large park
3.The Zoo is open
a-on Sundays
b-every day
c-every month
4.A good time to visit animals
a-when they sleep
b-when they swim
c-when they eat
The man who looks after the animals some times
a- throws a fish into the water
b-swims with sea lions
c-drinks coffee
6. The elephant he washes himself in the morning
a-eats bananas
b- washes himself in the morning
c-plays football
2 задание
1.Children visit the zoo with
a-their dogs
b-their parents
2.London Zoo is
a-a large garden
b-a large city
c-a large park
3.The Zoo is open
a-on Sundays
b-every day
c-every month
4.A good time to visit animals
a-when they sleep
b-when they swim
c-when they eat
The man who looks after the animals some times
a- throws a fish into the water
b-swims with sea lions
c-drinks coffee
6. The elephant he washes himself in the morning
a-eats bananas
b- washes himself in the morning
c-plays football
London Zoo is in Hyde Park in Moscow. |
| |
There are many exotic animals at London Zoo |
| |
The Zoo is opened. from 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m |
| |
In London Zoo you can see cats and dogs. |
| |
Children love to sit on a camel's back. |
| |
Children don’t love to visit London Zoo. |
| |
A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. |
Правила работы в группе1
1.Распределение обязанностей
2.Заполнение бланков ответов
3.Оценка работы группы
4.Защита работы
Правила работы в группе2
1.Распределение обязанностей
2.Поиск информации
3.Составление монолога по теме London Zoo.
Оценка работы группы
Ф.И. | Взаимооценка за работу в группе | Самооценка |
Солопахина Юлия | ||
Мишарина Марианна | ||
Кузнецов Федор | ||
Павлова Яна | ||
Мороз Алексей | ||
Ф.И. | Взаимооценка за работу в группе | Самооценка |
Березникова Мария | ||
Вилков Алексей | ||
Ефграфова Валерия | ||
Леднева Лиза | ||
Карпов Саша | ||
1 задание(1 группа)
Найдите соответсвия в тексте
1.Зоопарк это большой парк не далеко от центра Лондона.
2.Люди желающие попасть туда добираются на автобусе или на метро.
3.Хорошее время посещать животных когда они принимают пищу.
4.Много старых деревьев растет в парке.
5.Также интересно наблюдать как большие птицы едят мясо ,а обезьяны едят фрукты.
2 задание
1.Children visit the zoo with
a-their dogs
b-their parents
2.London Zoo is
a-a large garden
b-a large city
c-a large park
3.The Zoo is open
a-on Sundays
b-every day
c-every month
4.A good time to visit animals
a-when they sleep
b-when they swim
c-when they eat
5.The man who looks after the animals some times
a- throws a fish into the water
b-swims with sea lions
c-drinks coffee
6. The elephant he washes himself in the morning
a-eats bananas
b- washes himself in the morning
c-plays football
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Proverbs Find the equivalents 1. To kill two birds with one stone. 1. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет. 2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 2. Убить двух зайцев. 3. Every dog has his day. 3. Лучше синица в руках,чем журавль в небе. 4. The early bird catches the worm. 4. Будет и на вашей улице праздник. 5. No bees , no honey . 5. В семье не без урода. 6. Curiosity killed a cat . 6. Без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда. 7. Every family has a black sheep. 7. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.
My dream I love all kinds of animals and
I love all kinds of Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of
D'you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own
But they wouldn't be in
They would be free around. And there's one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound
1.Children visit the zoo with a-their dogs b-their parents c-alone
2.London Zoo is a-a large garden b-a large city c-a large park
3.The Zoo is open a-on Sundays b-every day c-every month
4.A good time to visit animals a-when they sleep b-when they swim c-when they eat
5. The man who looks after the animals some times a- throws a fish into the water b-swims with sea lions c-drinks coffee
6. The elephant a-eats bananas b- washes himself in the morning c-plays football
TRUE FALSE NEW FACT London Zoo is in Hyde Park in Moscow. There are many exotic animals at London Zoo The Zoo is opened from 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m In London Zoo you can see cats and dogs. Children love to sit on a camel's back. Children don’t love to visit London Zoo. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food
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