Разработка открытого урока в 9 кл. "The World of Travelling"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Открытый урок в 9 класса. УМК Биболетлвлй М.З. с использованием раздаточного материала, ролевых карточек и карточек для сос тавления монологов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
"The World of Travelling"
Открытый урок в 9 классе (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)
1. Оргмомент
Высказывание на доске: "The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page." (Слайд №2)
St. Augustine
Do you agree with these words? What do you think is the topic of our lesson? -Yes? it is travelling.
Open your copy-books and put down the theme.
Now we'll listen to the poem on our topic. Angelina has learnt the poem. You are welcome.
What is travelling for you? While listening think it over, please.
What is travelling for me?
It is the shining sun. the sea;
The golden sand which look like beads;
The blue-eyed sky and tender breeze.
What do I see when close my eyes?
A milk-white ship with two red strips;
I see the moon in magic light.
And stars. that sparkle at the night.
That’s what I’m looking for in dreams.
And they are my inspiring beams!
I want to see it. to behold
And travel all over the world!
But why do people travel? Look at this scheme and try to complete it. (Слайд 3). Give your reasons.
Everybody dreams of travelling to faraway countries. and where would you like to travel?
Students show their pictures and explain where they'd like to go and why. (I'd like to go to Paris to climb the Eiffel Tower etc.)
Very well. You know most people enjoy travelling. Some people travel for pleasure, and some on business. They choose various means of transport. As for me, I prefer travelling by plain, because I don't like long journey and always want to reach the place as quick as possible. And what is your favourite means of transport? (Слайд 4)
Реализация смысла.
Now I want you to read a short funny story about a tourist from the North who came to the South for holidays. The story is unfinished. Read it and try to make up the ending of a story. (Слайд №5)
Учитель читает текст.
Ready to finish up the story? OK. Give your variants.
Do you want to know the real ending of a story? OK. (Зачитывает)
"What makes you sure there aren't any alligators?"
(..."They've got too much sense," answered the guide. "They are afraid of sharks.")
Whose ending was the most exact?
And now imagine that you are going to travel abroad to some country in the North or in the South. (Слайд №6) Choose the things which are necessary for your trip. Let's read the list of things (handouts).
Now prove your ideas. Now all of you will get the task. The first group will take the cards with the place of your destination. Work in pairs.
Trip 1
Trip 2
Trip 3
Trip 4
And another group will get the following task. Take the cards and prepare short reports. Work in group.
And the third student will work with the smart board.
Time is over. Read the name of the country you are going to travel and the list of things that you need for your travel. That's right.
Now let's listen to this group.
Your roles are:
Present the situation.
Children, whose role is closer to you?
Ex. p.
Your h/t will be: I'l give you handouts and at home your task will be to choose the correct answer.
Here are 11 sentences. Who wants to get "5" must do all the points, "4" -nine is enough and "3" at least six.
Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
Now I want you to answer the question "What is travelling for you? Take sheets of paper and write down one noun. If you are ready stick your sheets of paper on our map (globus)
Travelling is thrilling, but let's read the quotation by Moore. (Слайд 10) Do you agree with these words?
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