Конспект урока "Жизнь с ограниченными возможностями"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Конспект урока английского языка для учащихся 10-11 классов
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Topic: “Life with disability”
Form – 10th (aged15-16)
- Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you all today. I’m also glad to see our guests.
Today we are going to discuss a very serious topic and first of all I’d like to share with you a video which I came across while preparing for this lesson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk06mROvJcY&feature=relmfu
Watch it and then tell me please what emotions it has evoked in you.
I feel …
- impressed
- astonished
- uncomfortable
- proud
- inspired
- disgusted
- fascinated
- indifferent
- bored
- pity
- admiration
- other (say what) ________________
Express and explain your emotions
So I believe you have guessed what problem we are going to discuss today – we are going to speak about people whose life is different from ours, because it’s a Life with Disability.
- The major objective of our today’s lesson is to raise awareness about the needs of people with disabilities. I would like you to think and speak about this problem, to share your ideas and to try and find a way we can make a difference.
- Firstly, let’s define what disability is and what forms of disability you know.
Really, a disability can affect people’s body, intelligence, emotions. Now on your desks you’ve got lists of disabilities and now I would like you to rank them from 1 to 10, giving 1 to the most terrible for you form of disability.
- diabetes [ˌdaiǝ'bi:tiz]
- cardiovascular disease [ˌkɑ:diǝu'væskjulǝ]
- cancer
- mental health disorder
- blindness
- limb loss [lim]
- deafness
- loss of speech
- paralysis [pǝ'rælǝsis]
- autism ['ɔ:tizm]
- Any disability is a serious problem as it changes a person’s life completely, making ordinary things difficult or even impossible. For example, I sometimes go to a café with my friends, but if I had diabetes it would be a problem as our cafes don’t usually have food for people with this disability on their menu. What other examples can you give?
- As we see, people with disabilities face a lot of problems in their everyday life. Our students have done a kind of research on this issue and now they would like to share their results with you. Listen to them and get ready to say which of the problems they have mentioned is the most difficult to solve.
- One of the problems that they mentioned is the problem of transportation. a group of our students have walked around our city and now they would like to show how friendly and accessible it is to the people with disabilities. Watch their presentation and say if the disabled people face discrimination in our city.
- As you remember, one of the basic human rights is the right to education. Nowadays many people believe that the disabled children should study in ordinary schools together with healthy children. Others, however, argue that such a decision has more disadvantages than benefits. Now, you will discuss this question and one side of the classroom should think of the arguments for teaching the children with disabilities in the ordinary schools, and the second group should find the arguments against it. You’ve got one minute to discuss your arguments.
Now I would like you to exchange your seats so that we have both people for and against in one group. Firstly, it’s the time for those who are for including the disabled children into their classroom to present their point of view. The opposing team should listen and find the argument they agree with. (Then vice versa).
Now you’ve got one more minute to discuss this question in your groups and come to a conclusion taking into the consideration both points of view.
- Today we have said a lot about the problems of people with disabilities. Now I want you to think about possible solutions of this problem. Make groups of four. Imagine that one of you is the mayor of our city. Help him to work out a program for solving the problems of the disabled which he is then going to present. Two minutes for the discussion and half a minute for each presentation.
- We have talked about what people in power can do solve these problems. But do you think you can do anything to change the situation for the better?
Read the poem. Think about its message.
If each grain of sand were to say:
One grain does not make a mountain,
There would be no land.
If each drop of water were to say:
One drop does not make an ocean,
There would be no sea.
If each note of music were to say:
Each note does not make a symphony,
There would be no melody.
If each word were to say:
One word does not make a library,
There would be no book.
If each brick were to say:
One brick does not make a wall,
There would be no house.
If each seed were to say:
One seed does not make a field,
There would be no harvest.
If each of us were to say:
One person does not make the difference,
There would never be love and peace on earth.
You and I do make the difference,
Begin today and make the difference.
(Author Unknown).
- Thank you for your work and for sharing your thoughts and ideas with me today. I especially appreciate…
- Homework:
Choose from:
- Write an opinion essay. Nowadays many people believe that the disabled children should study in ordinary schools together with healthy children. Others, however, argue that such a decision has more disadvantages than benefits. What is your opinion?
- Write a story about a person with disabilities and the way he struggles with his problem. If possible, write it in the first person and show the person’s feeling and emotions.
Extra: make a poetic translation of the poem.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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