План-конспект. В гостях хорошо, а дома... Работа над проектом.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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План-конспект урока для учащихся с ЗПР 7 класса
по УМК В.П.Кузовлева (5-9) – 2 часа в неделю
7 класс III четверть.
Урок 12.
Тема урока: В гостях хорошо, а дома…. Работа над проектом. Подготовка к самостоятельной работе.
Цель урока: формирование навыка чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного, закрепление грамматического материала.
1. Оргмомент.
2. Проверка Д.З. – перевод упр. 1 стр.117
3. Работа над проектом.
Работа проходит в зависимости от уровня класса. Можно прочитать текст и выписать предложения, составив рассказ, тогда Д.З. – перевод рассказа + подобрать картинки с видами города. Можно каждому раздать отрывки для перевода + подобрать фото. В зависимости от психологических особенностей класса можно чередовать индивидуальную и групповую виды работ.
Modern St. Petersburg is the second largest Russian city after Moscow. The city is situated in the north-west corner of Russia and lies on either side of the Neva and on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. The Neva is a wide river but it is not very long. It runs from the Lake of Ladoga into the Baltic Sea. A lot of small rivers flow into the Neva, creating many islands. The city lies on 42 of these islands. 363 bridges cross the rivers and canals in the city. At night some bridges rise high over the Neva and let the large ships pass up and down the river.
St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It may be called the city of museums. There are about 50 historical, art and memorial museums. Among them is the Hermitage, one of the world’s largest art galleries and museums of the history of culture, and the State Russian Museum, with its outstanding collection of works of Russian art. The Russian Museum is situated in the Square of Art. The famous monument to A.S. Pushkin is there.
There are many places of interest in the city. The Peter and Paul Fortress is one of them. It is the birthplace of the city. The fortress was built in 1703 by the order of Peter the Great to protect the lands along the banks of the Neva from Sweden. The Cathedral of Peter and Paul which gave its name to the fortress is a remarkable part of the historical museum.
Vasilyevsky Island is one of the most beautiful places of the city. The port was situated there till the middle of the 19th century. We can still see the two rostral columns used as lighthouses. There are other outstanding buildings on Vasilyevsky Island. The oldest of them is Menshikov’s Palace. The former building of “Twelve Collegia” or twelve ministries of Peter I are now the houses of St. Petersburg State University. We can also see the Academy of Science and the Academy of Fine Arts there.
Palace Square is the main square of the city. It reminds us of many important historical events. It was finally formed in the mid-19th century and it was meant to glorify the victory of Russia over Napoleon in 1812. In the centre of the square there is the triumphal column called the Alexander Column. This is the largest granite monolith of the world.
St. Petersburg has a lot of symbols. Perhaps the most famous symbol of the city is the monument to Peter the Great in Dekabrists Square. Many people of the world visit St. Isaac’s Cathedral so that they can look at the city from its top.
The main street in St. Petersburg is Nevsky Prospect. It has lots of monuments, bridges, beautiful buildings, shops, restaurants and metro stations in it.
There are a lot of beautiful places around St. Petersburg. You can find them in Pavlov, Pushkin and Lomonosov. However the most beautiful place is Petergoff with its fountains, beautiful palaces and wonderful parks. When you arrive at Petergoff from the seа and see all those beautiful fountains at work, you can’t help admiring this fantastic corner of Russia.
The city is often called “Venice of the North” because there are 65 rivers, arms and canals there with decorated bridges. It’s also famous for its beautiful “white nights”.
4. Грамматическая работа. Повторение форм глагола to be – is and are:
1) There …. other outstanding buildings on Vasilyevsky Island.
2) Vasilyevsky Island …. one of the most beautiful places of the city.
3) There … many places of interest in the city.
4) The famous monument to A.S. Pushkin …. there.
5) There …. about 50 historical, art and memorial museums.
6) Modern St. Petersburg …. the second largest Russian city after Moscow.
4. Д.З – составить рассказ на английском языке о своем городе и оформить проект, подобрав фото или рисунки.
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