Методическая разработка по английскому языку «CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS IN BRITAIN AND IN THE USA. CHRISTMAS (Past Progressive)». 8 класс.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Татьяна Михайловна Левинца

Методическая разработка по английскому языку «CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS IN BRITAIN AND IN THE USA. CHRISTMAS (Past Progressive)». 8 класс.





(Past Progressive) 



Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 538

Кировского района Санкт-Петербурга

Методическая разработка урока

по английскому языку


для 8 класса

Автор-составитель:  Левинца Татьяна Михайловна,

учитель английского языка


Предмет «английский язык», 8 класс





(Past Progressive)


- teaching listening for the receipt of the definite information;

- encouraging pupils to use new vocabulary, involving as many of the pupils' senses as possible (listening, seeing, thinking);

- engaging in creative work and drawing the conclusions about the grammar they study (Past Progressive);

-  to stimulate interest to the English language, British and American traditions and holidays.

Cultural awareness into the lesson:

visual: pictures, cards, speech patterns, charts, toys, bells, other things;

auditory: songs, text-recordings; location: inside the classroom.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Dear friends! My pupils and I are pleased to see you at our lesson.

Good morning, children! Sit down. Lets start our English lesson now. Look! I came with the guests. Don't you know them? Ask them some questions!

Pupil 1. What is your name?

Pupil 2. Where do you work?

Pupil 3. Are you a teacher?

Pupil 4. What is your profession?

Pupil 5. Do you speak English? Etc.

Teacher. Well, are you satisfied with the answers? That's enough. Well, children! Look around our classroom, please! Everything around is very beautiful! There are nice pictures, cards, Christmas bells, Christmas tree, Christmas stockings, the branches of holly. We are in a solemn and majestic atmosphere of Christmas. Aren't we mistaken? And is it really Christmas today?

It is winter now, everything around is covered with snow. Everybody buys and decorates a New Year tree. And what about you?

Have you bought a New Year tree?

P u p i l l Yes, I have bought already.

Pupil 2. No, I haven't yet.

Teacher. Do you like to decorate your New Year tree?

Class. Yes, we do.

Teacher. Children, what do you like to get as a present?

(Ответы детей.)

I think that you like the New Year holiday. Comrades, do you want to learn how Americans decorate the fir-tree, how they celebrate their holidays? I have the text about the Christmas celebrations in the USA, we'll practice in reading, we'll learn about Christmas traditions, we'll puzzle our brains, we'll play, we'll listen to the music, we'll be engaged in creative work and draw the conclusions about grammar you study. The words on the theme "Christmas" that you have on your desks will help you today. Find the list with words, all right (см. Приложение 1, с. 39).

II. Основная часть урока.

1. But to do this work we must know the words on this theme very well! Please, agree or disagree with me (на доске речевая опора «Согласие - несогласие»).



Yes, I agree.

Yes, I think so.

Yes, certainly!

No, 1 disagree.

Oh, no!

I don't think so.

1) Christmas is a winter holiday.

2) Holly, mistletoe and roses are Christmas plants.

3) Father Frost comes to English children.

4) Father Christmas puts the presents into the mittens.

5) For Christmas dinner people eat roast chicken as a traditional Christmas bird.

6) Russian people celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.

7) Every family sends and receives many Christmas cards.


2. Now, lets check how you know the words on the theme "Christmas". Look at the blackboard and find the add words, some words got lost.

1) holidays

2) symbols

3) meals

Mother's Day

a tree

roast turkey

New Year's Day

a Christmas tree





April Fools' Day



Father's Day

Father Christmas

Thanksgiving Day


Good, children!

3, That's good, comrades! You coped with your task quite well. And now I think you know the words very well and we can pass on to the text about Christmas. Listen to the tape, pay your attention to the words written on your sheets of paper № 2.

Учащиеся слушают пленку с текстом, затем читают его (каждому выдается листок с текстом) (см. Приложение 2, с. 40). Now, find in the text and read the answers to these questions:

1) What kind of holiday is Christmas?

2) How do Americans prepare for Christmas?

3) When does Father Christmas come to American children and how?

4) What do people wish each other?

Well, I see you understood the text, you answered the questions. Now, please, try to retell the text, using the keywords, written on the blackboard. Г11 give you 2 minutes to look through the text.

На доске слова:

to decorate with....

to celebrate ...

on to prepare for ...

climbs down the chimney …

leaves the presents…

Merry Christmas!

4.  Now, lets have muni-test (см. Приложение 3, с. 41). Take you sheets of paper number 3.

Учащиеся читают текст.

Teacher. Can you distribute the presents to each member of the family? There are 2 presents for each person. Think a little ... Ready? Who will be the first?


Mr. Brown - saw and fishing-rod;

Mrs. Brown - grapes and knitting-bag;

John Brown - razor and cigarettes;

Mary Brown - diary and chocolates.

Teacher. Which pair will be the quickest doing this task?

5.  You know, that English people have many interesting Christmas traditions. Let's continue our acquaintance of them. You were to prepare your short stories about some of them. Let's listen to you, but while listening, please, mark the most important information from them. There are sheets of paper on your desks, make a little drawing here what was every pupil speaking of. Look here, draw such drawings. You know this task (см. Приложение 4, с. 42).

For example: Lena was speaking about Christmas tree so draw a tree, etc.

Дети выступают с маленькими рассказами об английских традициях (см. Приложение 5, с. 43).

Teacher. So, carols are special religious Christmas songs. Some of the most famous carols are "Silent Night" and "Joy to the World". Let's listen to the carol "Silent Night".

Контроль карточек осуществляется путем ответа на вопросы:

1) What was Lena speaking of?

2) What was Ann speaking of?

Остальные учащиеся просто показывают свои карточки учителю и сверяют их с большой таблицей на доске, где напротив

имени каждого ученика расположен рисунок, отражающий содержание рассказанного им. Затем ученики оценивают свои результаты.

Teacher. Comrades, please, appraise your work by the results for these works:

no mistakes - excellent mark (5);

1-3 mistakes - good mark (4);

4-6 mistakes - satisfactory mark (3);

6-8 mistakes - bad (2).

Put your marks on your tests.

В конце урока учитель собирает эти листочки.

6. Teacher. That's enough with humour pleasant work. Comrades, what were we doing at today's lesson?

Pupils. We were reading, we were playing, speaking, listening

to the tape.

Teacher. Итак, мы умеем говорить о том, что происходило в прошлом. Как называется время, которое мы использовали в нашем разговоре? Что оно обозначает, как образуется? Какие существуют указатели времени, наши помощники, видя которые, мы сразу узнаем это время? Who wants to answer?

Pupil 1. Это прошедшее время. Называется оно Past Progressive — прошедшее длительное. Past Progressive употребляется для выражения длительного действия, происходившего в определенное время в прошлом.

Pupil 2. Past Progressive образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени (was, were) и причастия настоящего времени (Participle I) смыслового глагола.

Возможные указатели времени:

- at 7 o'clock;

- at the moment - в тот момент;

- then - тогда;

- when - когда;

- while - в то время как.

Е х a m р 1 е: It was snowing at 7 o'clock.

I was reading when you rang me up.

I was walking along the street when I met him. I was writing a letter while my mother was cooking a dinner. Teacher. Good! Thank you! Now let's practice our grammar.

a)  Проиграйте на английском языке следующую ситуацию: Стюарт интересуется у Джона, где тот был вчера вечером, он искал его везде. Джон отвечает, что он покупал рождественские подарки.

Pupil 1. What were you doing at 5 o'clock? I was looking for you everywhere.

Pupil 2.1 was buying the Christmas presents.

На доске расположена таблица образования Past Progressive.

b)  Расскажите, чем вы занимались вчера в разное время. Представьте, что вчера вы были в Англии, вообразите себя английскими детьми.

Teacher. What were you doing at this time yesterday?

Учитель, задавая вопросы, использует циферблат часов. На доске речевая опора - слова по теме "Christmas ".

at 12 o'clock;         to decorate our Christmas tree;

at 2 o'clock;           to congratulate my friends on Christmas;

etc.                         to write Christmas cards;

to cook Christmas pudding;

to listen to Christmas carols;

to watch Christmas programs;

to hang up Christmas stockings for Father Christmas;

to bake Christmas cake;

to cook Christmas roast turkey;

to make a snowman.

Pupil 1. I was cooking Christmas pudding at 2 o'clock yesterday. Etc.

Teacher. That's enough for grammar. Let's have a rest.

7. Teacher. Children, when we speak about holiday we always think about guests. And I want to be sure all of you have good table manners. Imagine, that you are invited to a Christmas party.

Tell me if it's True or False:

1) Don't put your elbows on the table while you are eating.

2) It's okay to talk with your mouth full.

3) It's nice to complement the cook.

4) When you are drinking with a straw, do not make a loud noise when you reach the end of your drink.

5)  When you are leaving you should thank the host and the hostess.

6) Don't be late to the party.

7) It's nice to interrupt the speaker.

8) Only talk about nice things at the dinner table. Teacher. Very nice! Now I am sure everybody in my group

has got good table manners.

There'll be the bell soon. Let's stop here. For your homework: revise the vocabulary and make up 5 sentences using Past Progressive on the theme "Christmas".

Thank you, children for your work, we were working hard. We have revised our grammar and known a lot of very interesting things about Christmas and Christmas traditions. Give me your sheets of paper with the task on Christmas traditions.

Your marks are ...

III. Итог урока.

Teacher. The lesson is over. Good-bye, you may go.

Стук в дверь.

Дед Мороз. May I come in? Did you recognize me? I am from the North Pole, I know that you speak English very well, you are interested in English and I think you'll answer my questions.

1) What holiday is celebrated in Britain today?

2) What is my name?

3) What presents do English children get on Christmas? (Ответы детей.)

You are right. Now I want to give everybody my Christmas presents.

Дед Мороз раздает конфеты и коробки с сувенирами, которые дети сами сделали друг другу заранее и подписали, кому предназначается.


  1. Клементьева, 7*. Б. Счастливый английский (Текст]. Занимательные упражнения и игры / Т. Б. Клементьева. - М. : Агентство «Олимп» : Изд. дом «Дрофа», 1995.
  2. Полякова, Е. English for Teenagers [Текст] / Е. Полякова, Г. Раббот. -М.: Компания «Ключ С», 1993.
  3. Фестиваль педагогических идей [Электронный ресурс] : открытые уроки. -2004-2005.
  4. Britannica 2006 [Электронный ресурс] : детская энциклопедия. -М.: Новый Диск, 2006. - 2 электрон, опт- диска (CD-Rom).
  5. Byrne. J. Jingle Bells and other songs [Текст] / J. Byrne, A. Waugh. -Oxford University Press, 1999.
  6. Coilin, P. H. Beginner's Dictionary of American English Usage, special edition [Текст] / P. H. Coilin, M. Lowi, С Weiland. -NTC's, 1991.
  7. Courtney, R. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, special edition [Текст] / R. Courtney. - Longman Group UK Limited, 1986.
  8. Evans, V. Enterprise 2 [Текст] / V. Evans. - Express Publishing, 2000.
  9. Evans, V. Enterprise 4 [Текст] / V. Evans. - Express Publishing, 2000.
  10. Evans, V. Click on 2 [Текст] / V. Evans, J. Dooley. - Express Publishing, 2000.
  11. Evans, V. FCE Practice Tests [Текст] / V. Evans, J. Dooley . - Express Publishing, 2000.
  12. Evans,  V.  Click on  1, 2 [Текст]  : Teacher's Books / V.  Evans, N. O'Sullivan. - Express Publishing, 2000.
  13. Hornby, A. S. Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English [Текст] / A. S. Hornby. - Oxford University Press, 2005.
  14. Longman Essential Activator (Put Your Ideas Into Words) [Текст]. -Longman Group UK Limited, 1993, 1997.
  15. Longman Language Activator (The World's First Production Dictionary) [Текст]. - Longman Group UK Limited, 1993, 1997.
  16. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary [Текст]. - Oxford University Press, 2006.
  17. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, seventh edition [Текст]. - Oxford University Press, 2005.
  18. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, second edition [Текст]. -Oxford University Press, 2005.
  19. Tomscha, T. American Customs and Traditions [Текст] / Т. Tomscha. — Longman, 1995.
  20. Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus [Текст]. - Nickel Press, Inc., 1991.

Спасибо за урок.


Americans celebrate Christmas on December 25. Christmas is a religious holiday and one of the happiest holidays of the year, because it is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We prepare for Christmas weeks before. We buy gifts for our family and friends. We choose a tree and decorate it with ornaments and lights. And we prepare special foods and cookies. Christmas is also the day that Santa Claus visits us and brings us presents in bright paper and ribbons. He delivers them on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, when we are sleeping. How does he get into our house? He climbs down the chimney and leaves the presents under the Christmas tree. In the morning, we open our presents together and then we go to church. People wish each other a "Merry Christmas!".


to choose - выбирать;

ornaments and light - украшения и лампочки;

ribbon - лента;

to climb down  - слезать, спускаться;

chimney -труба;

to wish - желать;

Christian -христианин;

Jesus Christ - Иисус Христос.


Children in Britain believe that Father Christmas travels through the sky on Christmas Eve, on a sledge pulled by reindeer. They think that he comes down every chimney to deliver presents to each person in the house.

Father Christmas has got into a muddle: he has put a pile of presents into his sack to deliver to a house, but can't remember which present was for which person. Can you help him?

The presents are: diary, razor, chocolates, knitting-bag, saw, cigarettes, grapes, fishing-rod.


The people are:

Mr Brown (has a beard, likes woodwork, but does not smoke). Mrs Brown (ill in bed, but able to sit up and use her hands). John Brown (20 years old, clean-shaven, doesn't like fishing). Mary Brown (12 years old, keen on writing, likes sweets).

Can you distribute the presents to each member of the family? There are two presents for each person.


(учащиеся заполняюттаблички с рисунками)

1. Christmas stockings.

In the evening of the 24th of December children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas (Santa Claus) puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

2. Christmas Pudding.

Christmas pudding was first made many, many years ago. Now it is the main dish of Christmas dinner. Children often put a coin into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.

3. Trees and Presents.

People began to celebrate Christmas many years ago. They began to decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other. They placed a large shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls (red, blue, yellow, green) from top to bottom.

4. Robin.

Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards. And people began to think about a robin as a Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every Christmas card.

5. Christmas Dinner.

This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas Day. You know already that they eat Christmas pudding for Christmas dinner. And that children put holly on the pudding. They also eat a turkey for Christmas dinner.

6. Father Christmas (Santa Claus).

You know already that Santa Claus comes into children's home on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for the children.

7. Carol.

A carol is a Christmas song. People often sing carols on Christmas Eve in the streets or at home.

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