I четверть |
Дата | № | Кол-во часов | Тема/ подтемы | Лексика | Грамматика | Примечание |
сентябрь | Lesson 1 | 3 | Seasons / (Months, Weather) | Повторение лексики по теме: «Времена года». Монологическое высказывание по теме “Seasons”
| to be (am, is, are) It’s ... It isn’t ... | song “What’s the Weather Like Today?”, 1 |
| Lesson 2 | 3 | Clothes / (Colours) | Повторение лексики по теме: «Одежда». Text “Everything is Good in its seasons”. | Present Сontinuous Tense am is are | 
| + V...ing |
| Lesson 3 | 3 | Family / (Profes-sions) | Повторение лексики по теме: «Семья». Монологические высказывания по темам: “My Family”, “About Myself” | Possessive Сase have got Present Indefinite (Simple) | Кроссворды по теме «Семья». |
| Lesson 4 | 3 | Food/ | Повторение лексики по теме: «Еда». Введение и закрепление новой лексики: beans, mustard, chips, mutton, steak, peas, cereal, bacon, marmalade. Монологическое высказывание по теме: “Shops and Shopping”.
| There is a/some/little, a lot of... There are some/few, a lot of... | song “I Like Food”, 2 |
октябрь | Lesson 5 | 3 | Animals / (Body) | Повторение лексики по теме: «Животные». Введение и закрепление новой лексики: cage, fence, bus, drive, live free. Аудирование, 3. Монологическое высказывание по теме: «Мое любимое животное». | Степени сравнения прилагательных, исключения из правила. |
| Lesson 6 | 3 | Holidays / (The English Year) | Повторение лексики по теме: «Праздники». Введение и закрепление новой лексики: the United States, young, the Germans, skyscraper, “Wild West”, Memorial Day, die, war, dead. Аудирование, 4 | Past Indefinite (Simple) was, were; had got=had |
| Lesson 7 | 3 | Nature / (Sports) | Повторение лексики по теме: «Природа». Text “The Grasshopper and the Ant” | Past Indefinite (отрицательная, вопросительная формы) can (could) | song “The Bear Went over the Mountain”, 5.Тесты. |
| Lesson 8 | 3 | Daily Life | Повторение лексики по теме: «Повседневная жизнь». Монологические высказывания: “My Working day”, “My Day Off”
| Future Indefinite (Simple) | song “Mulberry Bush”, 6 |
| 1 | Home Reading 1 | текст “Satchkin Patchkin” (part I) |
| 1 | Home Reading 2 | текст “Satchkin Patchkin” (part II) |
Всего: | 26 |
II четверть |
Дата | № | Кол-во часов | Тема/ подтемы | Лексика | Грамматика | Примечание |
ноябрь | Lesson 9 | 1-3 | School Life/ Дни недели | Введение новой лексики: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, to meet (met), to laugh. Cleaning day, washing day, shopping day, cooking day, tennis day, visiting day, swimming, helping about the house. to laugh at smb (smth) Text “Whose Diary is it?” | Prepositions of time: at, on, in
| song “We Met on Sunday”, part I, 8
| Lesson 10 | 4-6 | School Life/
| Введение новой лексики: сlass, P. E./Physical, Education, Handicraft, museum, uniform, exercise book, pencil, comfortable. Why? See you later. You see ... in class, after classes, before classes | Повторение Future Indefinite Tense Конструкция: “Shall I…?” |
| Lesson 11 | 7-9 | School Life/ Расписание | Введение новой лексики: half (halves), past, desk, classroom, lesson, never, timetable, Maths, Music, Art, to study. It’s never too late to learn. — What’s the time? — It’s half past five. At the desk, in/at the lesson , on the table. Home Reading 3: текст “The Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’” | Повторение: предлоги : “at”, “in”, “on”. Повторение конструкции: “Shall I…?” | song “We Met on Sunday”, part II, 13
декабрь | Lesson 12 | 10-12 | School Life/ Классная комната | Введение новой лексики: blackboard, bookcase, window, door, floor, wall, picture- in the picture. Better late than never. (But better never late.) I’m sorry, I’m late. Монологическое высказывание по теме «Классная комната». Text “Alice’s Letter”. | Разделительный вопрос She laughs a lot, doesn’t she?
| Lesson 13 | 13-15 | School Life/
| Введение новой лексики: to leave (left), to join, to sing (sang), song, yet, to count, poor, work/to work, luck. Why don’t you ...? Oh, no. By the way ...Good luck! to leave for, to join smb Home Reading 4: текст “Hamburger Harry” | Повторение разделительных вопросов. Повторение неправильных глаголов. | poem “Meet Me in the Morning”, 17 |
| Lesson 14 | 16-18 | School Life/ Primary School in England | Введение новой лексики: age, pen, ruler, rubber, carpet, outdoors, difficult, easy. A good beginning makes a good ending at the age of eight Text “Primary School in England” (part 1). Монологическое высказывание по теме: «Урок английского языка». | Конверсия (N V) love to love (Adj V) warm to warm
| poem “When the Sun Is in the Sky”, 19
| Lesson 15 | 19-21 | School Life/ What’s the time? | Введение новой лексики: to spend (spent), subject, to get on with, to be over, famous, important, to learn (learnt). How often …? once/twice/three times a week to get on with smb to be famous for smth Text “Primary School in England” (part 2) Монологическое высказывание “My School” Аудирование 21, текст “Better Late Than Never” | — What’s the time? — It’s eight twenty-four. — What’s the time? — 7.40. It’s seven forty. |
Всего | 21 |
III четверть |
январь | Lesson 16 | 1-4 | School Life/
| Повторение лексического материала. Text “Pete’s Birthday Party”. Home Reading 5: текст “Alan’s New School” Home Reading 6: текст “At the Royal Ballet School” | Повторение грамматического материала. |
| Lesson 17 | 1-3 | The Place We Live in/ Flat in the Town | Введение новой лексики: house, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, rather, flower, in front of, behind. Come and see me some day! You are welcome! “to be far from” …some day! Text Alec’s flat Монологическое высказывание “My flat” (“My House”). | Разделительные вопросы. |
| Lesson 18 | 4-6 | The Place We Live in/ House in the Country | Введение новой лексики: living room, bedroom, hall, key, back, car, shout, lock. to be at the back to go by car Text “The Keys” | Закрепление по теме: «Разделительный вопрос». |
февраль | Lesson 19 | 7-9 | The Place We Live in/ English Homes | Введение новой лексики: flat, sitting room, dining room, upstairs, downstairs, sofa, armchair, fire. Expensive. Text “English Homes” Home Reading 7 текст “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse” | Альтернативный вопрос с or Have you got a red car or a white car? |
| Lesson 20 | 10-12 | The Place We Live in/ Furniture
| Введение новой лексики: lovely, wonderful, furniture, mirror, curtain, middle, corner, quiet. “to set the table”/ That sounds good. I’ll have the same. “to be in a hurry” in the middle, in the corner Text “Holidays in Brighton” | Оборот to be going to Повторение грамматического материала по теме: “There is… /there are…”
| Lesson 21 | 13-15 | The Place We Live in/ My town | Введение новой лексики: describe, wardrobe, next (to), garden, lamp, standard lamp, cooker, sink, opposite, next to. — How do you like it? — I like it a lot. When’s the best time to ...? to be sure (of smth) Text: “A Letter From Africa” Монологическое высказывание: “My town Dnestrovsk”
| Lesson 22 | 16-18 | The Place We Live in | Введение новой лексики: happen, study (n), suddenly, believe, fridge, cupboard, understand (understood). to happen to Text “A Burglar in the House” Аудирование 35, текст “A Strange ‘Burglar’ in Big Mountains” (part I) |
| song “There’s a Room in My House”, 34 |
март | Lesson 23 | 19-21 | The Place We Live in | Повторение лексического материала. Описание квартиры по рисунку. | Повторение грамматического материала. |
| 22-24 | The Place We Live in | Text “A Strange Burglar in Big Mountains” Аудирование: текст “One Dark Night” |
| Тестирование. |
| 25-27 | The Place We Live in | Home Reading 8: текст “One Dark Night” Словарный диктант. |
Всего: | 31 (4+27) |
IV четверть |
Дата | № | Кол-во часов | Тема/ подтемы | Лексика | Грамматика | Примечание |
апрель | Lesson 24 | 1-3 | Town Life. London/ Orientation in the town | Введение новой лексики: square, main, cinema, theatre, church, road, town, city. in the square to be on at the cinema Turn to the left (right), walk down (up) traffic lights | Повторение неправильных глаголов. |
| Lesson 25 | 4-6 | Town Life. London/
| I haven’t seen you for ages. Just fine. Text “This is London”. | Грамматический материал: Present Perfect (правильных глаголов) |
| Lesson 26 | 7-9 | Town Life. London/ Foundation of London
| Введение новой лексики: ever, already, just, build (built), bridge. I have been to London. Text “The Romans”
| Present Perfect (неправильных глаголов), третья форма глаголов | poem “The Beaches of Mexico”, part I, 40 |
| Lesson 27 | 10-12 | Town Life. London / History of London | Введение новой лексики: be afraid, wake up (woke up, woken up), burn (burnt, burnt), become (became, become), rich, dark, dirty, century. Text “History of London” (part 1).
| Закрепление грамматического материала: Present Perfect Tense | poem “The Beaches of Mexico”, part II, 42 |
май | Lesson 28 | 13-15 | Town Life. London/ Places to visit | Введение новой лексики: capital, place, tower, square (adj), tall, monument, bell. a monument to An Englishman’s home is his castle. Text “The Places We Visit” |
| poem “The Beaches of Mexico”, part III, 44 |
| Lesson 29 | 16-18 | Town Life. London/ Westminster | Введение новой лексики: king, wide, lead (led, led), sound, queen, architect, trip. Text “Westminster” Достопримечательности Лондона. Аудирование 48, текст “Don’s Letter to His Friend” | It takes smb ... to do smth... (It takes me 5 minutes to do it.)
| song “London’s Burning”, 46 |
| Lesson 30 | 19-21 | Town Life. London | Text “True Magican”. Монологическое высказывание по теме: «Лондон». |
| 22-23 | Town Life. London | Повторение лексического материала. Техника чтения. Home Reading 9: текст “The Spy Next Door” | Повторение грамматического материала. Тестирование. |
Всего: | 23 |