Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "Телевидение: за и против" в 11 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Итоговый урок по теме "Телевидение: за и пртив" в 11 классе
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2»
г. Тарко-Сале, Пуровский район
английский язык
11 класс
Урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме «Телевидение – за и против…»
комбинированный урок
личностно - ориентированные, игровые, проектные технологии
Лобанова Оксана Александровна
учитель английского языка
Цель: Развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений, практическое применение полученных знаний, развитие творческих и индивидуальных способностей учащихся.
Задачи урока:
1.Подвести итог знаниям, навыкам и умениям учащихся в рамках изученной темы (произношение, активный запас фраз и речевых образцов, умения устного активного и рецептивного речевого общения);
1.Вовлечь школьников в активную речевую деятельность на уроке путем использования современных средств обучения и различных организационных форм работы.
2.Обеспечить активную деятельность каждого ученика в течение всего урока,
3.Развивать критическое и логическое мышление при постановке проблемы, умение аргументировано высказываться, убеждать собеседников, учитывая при этом их аргументы и факты;
1.Воспитывать самостоятельность и навыки исследовательской работы.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Метод проведения: фронтальный, групповой, индивидуальный.
Место проведения: учебный кабинет
Межпредметная связь:
Время проведения: 40 минут
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный экран..
Ход урока.
1. Warm-up activities
How do we spend our free life? Some of 20 or 30 years ago the usual answers used to be, “We’re going to the theatre” or “We’re going to a party”. Now we hear often, “We’re going to stay at home and watch the telly!”
Television is now one of the most important parts of mass media. It plays a great role in our life today. We can hardly imagine our life without television. It offers the viewers several programs on different channels to satisfy all tastes. It’s a convenient source of information as it informs us about current affairs and the latest developments and achievements in science and technology both in our country and abroad. You can also get a lot of useful information from a great number of educational programs, which are very helpful and interesting for children and grown-ups.
T.: Today at the lesson we are going to have a discussion “TV or not TV”. We have to decide how TV influences the people’s lives. Let’s see what you think about this problem.
Слайд 2 (The topics of our discussion)
I. Раскрытие цели урока силами учащихся.
T: Give me the simplest definition of the word “TVset”.
Student 1: It is a box
Teacher: What kind of box is it?
Student 2: It is a magic box.
Teacher: Why is it a magic box?
Student 3: Because it shows us the world.
Student 4: It educates
Student 5: It informs us
Student 6: It gives us company when we need it
Student 7: It develops different skills.
Teacher: What is TV set else?
Student 1: It is a goggle box.
Student 2: It is one-eyed monster.
Teacher: Why is it a Monster
Student 1: Because it eats up time
Student 2: It kills conversations
Student 3: Some programmes are annoy able
Student 4: Too much violence is shown on TV.
Student 5: TV can be harmful to our health.
Student 6: Watching TV we can’t go outdoors, to the cinemas, theatres, restaurants and even we can’t visit our friends, relatives.
Учитель пишет на доске выше названных качеств телевизора On the positive side и On the negative side.
On the positive side | On the negative side |
Magic box Develops different skills | One-eyed monster |
II. Речевая зарядка.
Слайд 3 (unscramble the words)
Nowadays our television presents a great range of different programs.(Слайд 4 The types of TV)
You’ve got papers in front of you, look at the list of TV programs and match the names of the programs with their descriptions.
Possible Ss answers:
Phone-in-a programme, in which people telephone to give their opinions or ask famous person questions.
Game show/ quiz show – a programme where people play games and answer questions to win prizes.
Show - a programme that is indented to be entertaining or funny.
Soap-opera – a television story about a group of people and their lives.
Cartoon – film story for children.
Sitcom – a popular form of humorous television.
Series – a set of separate programmes each of which tells the next part of a story or deals with the some subjects.
Movie/film – a full-length film.
The news – a programme which tells you about all the important events that are happening in the world.
Wildlife programme-a television programme about wild animals.
Documentary – a programme that gives you facts and information about a serious subjects such as history, sciences or social problems.
Music show – an entertaining music programme.
Tastes differ. Different people prefer different kinds of TV programmes.
Ann and Victor were discussing their favourite programmes on TV. In fact they had some arguments. Let’s listen to their attitude to this problem!
III.Reading. (Слайд 5)
Now I`ll give you some texts with the tasks. The texts are the same, but the tasks are different. Those pupils who belong to group A (N., S., N., and A.) should find advantages and disadvantages of television in the text. You can write them into two columns or you can just underline these phrases in your sheets of paper.
Pupils from group B should answer the following questions (you can also underline them) and K. (group C) should circle the correct answer in his paper. Is it clear for you?
(каждая группа учащихся получает лист с текстом и своим заданием)
You’ll have 5 minutes to do the task.
Let`s check up your tasks. We shall start from Group C . Listen to them and be ready to help or to correct their answers.
Now we`ll listen to “group B” pupils. Who wants to answer the questions? O.K. be attentive, please.
And now let`s speak about advantages and disadvantages of television. “Group A”, who wants to tell us about the advantages? And what about the disadvantages?
IV. Speaking. Рассказ учащимися темы по составленному плану.
TELEVISION has changed our lives in many ways. Many people now spend more time watching TV than doing anything else. They often have second and third televisions in bedrooms and kitchens. They are part of family life.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of television and express your idea and opinions.
Two boys had their individual tasks. They’ll begin our discussion about advantages and disadvantages of TV. Listen to them and then give us your own opinion. These expressions can help you.(Саша и Антон)
P1:Is watching television harmful for people?(ролик)
Some people believe that watching television is good. But many people think that it can be harmful.
I think that watching television is harmful. Especially if we spend on it much time. There are several causes. At first, we can lose our vision. At second, we waste our time instead devoting ourselves for useful work. For example, we can help our parents with household. Our mums need us to wash cookery, but we watch television. At third, we can become cruel if we watch bad programs. Very many channels transmit cruelty, evil, harm. It destroys our minds.
However,some people think that watching television can be useful. They believe that TV develops people and help their enlightenment. These people consider that we should enjoy watching television. I do not agree with them. I am sorry that people can get dependence from harmful affair and use TV in useless goal.
To sum up, there are two opposite opinions about watching television. But I personally think that watching television is harmful.
P2: There are several advantages of television like we all know that we can have a clear idea that what is happening in the world, we can have live information about the several events like sports and any other good or bad events happening in the world. Can learn a weather forecast and accordingly plan ahead several things. TV also a good source of entertainment which is very cheap and within the access of every one. Television has reduced the distance of the world. You can watch what is happening several thousand miles away from you. So in totality it is information from all over the world, and it is fun and enjoyment with convenience.
For example, we are can look program "Russia Today" (ролик), оr weather forecast (ролик).
V. Подведение итогов урока и ознакомление с домашним заданием
T: And now some words on conclusion.( Слайд 6,7)
On the positive side, television gives us the possibility to see the world for free. Television keeps us informed. Makes us to think and feel. It entertains and gives us company when we need it. Quizzes make people develop different skills, make people interested in reading.
On the negative side: before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our houses we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends, we used to go outside, to theatres, cinemas, sporting events. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulated by the goggle-box. The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a program he is quickly silenced. Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost. Television cuts us off from the real world. It prevents us from communicating with each other.
I’m pleased of your work. You’ll get such marks…
Open your diaries and write down your homework.(Слайд 8)
Our lesson is over.
Текст для чтения и выполнения заданий по группам.
TV or not TV?
Television plays a very important role in people`s lives. It`s a wonderful source of information and one of the best ways to spend free time. Television viewing is the most popular leisure pastime. It`s not surprising, because TV channels show a great variety of programmes: documentaries and current affairs programmes, feature films and comedies, soaps and police series, concerts and talk shows.
Television is a reflection of the modern world. It gives you an opportunity to travel all over the world, to see different people and to learn about their customs and traditions. Television keeps you informed about the rest of the world. It also helps to escape from our everyday problems. A lot of people usually relax watching soaps. Their story lines are entertaining, but often unbelievable. I don`t think that they show life realistically. But to many people, the characters in the TV serial have become more important than real people.
Of course, not everything shown on TV is made in good taste. There are badly-written programmes that contain unnecessary bad language and violence. Another thing I would like to complain about is the amount of smoking in the films that are shown on TV. Smoking is often shown as a very “cool” thing to do, making young people take up smoking themselves.
Many people admit that the quality of television could be better. One reason for the poor quality of programmes is advertising. Not all people like watching commercials. They find ads silly and boring. But I am not against commercials on TV, because television companies get most of their money from advertising.
Some people say that television is a terrible waste of time. Of course, there are TV addicts who can`t drag themselves away from the box. But if we watch TV for an hour a day, to find out what is happening in the world or to relax, then television is really useful. So I think we should not blame the TV for the bad effects it has. We must know how to make the best use of it.
Group A
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Group B
Answer the following questions:
Why does television play a very important role in people`s lives?
What kind of programmes do TV channels offer?
What opportunities does television give you?
How do a lot of people usually relax?
Is everything shown on TV made in good taste?
What things make you think so?
What is one of the reasons for the poor quality of programmes?
Why are there so many commercials on TV?
Do you think that television is a waste of time?
Why do you think so?
Group C
Circle the correct answer:
- Why is TV viewing the most popular leisure pastime?
- People have much free time
- TV channels show a lot of programmes
- It is the only hobby in our country
- Why do a lot of people enjoy watching soaps?
- They haven`t seen anything else
- Soaps show life realistically
- Their story lines are entertaining
- What are bad points of television?
- Amount of smoking in the films
- A variety of educational programmes
- Feature films about the life of outstanding people
- Why do we have to watch commercials on TV?
- TV companies get most of their money from advertising
- TV companies don`t have enough programmes to show
- People like to watch commercials most of all
- Who are TV addicts?
- People who don`t like to watch TV programmes
- Lazy people
- People who like to watch TV most of all
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The topics of our discussion THE EFFECTS OF TV Negative effects of TV My favourite TV programme What can we do about dangers of TV Your TV habits Positive effects of TV Types of TV programmes
Unscramble the words: s,n,e,w i,m,s,c,u , i,m,f,l o,t,n,o,a,c,r , s,i,e,r,s,e , t,m,i,o,c,s , z,q,i,u , News Music Film Cartoon Series Sitcom Quiz
The types of TV programmes Music show Documentary The news Wildlife programme Movie film Series Cartoon Game show/quiz Show Phone – in Soap opera
Reading - Advantages and disadvantages of TV Answer the questions Circle the correct answer Group A Group B Group C
The effects of television POSITIVE NEGATIVE a)You can learn a lot. b)You can get the news very fast. c)You don’t have to buy tickets to the theatre or cinema. d)You don’t have to go to the stadium to watch a football match. e)It is an enjoyable way to relax. f)It has increased the popularity of sports and art. a)It takes a lot of time. b)It is bad for your eyes. c)It takes away time from sports and reading. d)Television can make us passive. e)It makes some people violent. f)It encourages you to buy unnecessary things.
What can we do about the dangers of TV -Do not watch violent programs - Do not watch TV after 9-10 p. m . - Watch educational programmes -Watch TV less than 3 hours -Do not watch crime programmes -Switch TV when you do your homework -Watch football match and then play football with your friends -Do not watch TV when you are having meals
Homework Students may choose: Write an essay: “ Television:for and against” Make the presentation: “TV or not TV”
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