Разработка урока по английскому языку "The way we live" 6 класс
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Разработка урока по английскому языку "The way we live" 6 класс
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Класс 6
ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ: расширять кругозор учащихся, развивать самостоятельность мышления, развивать познавательную активность учащихся, умение работать в команде.
ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНЫЕ: воспитывать культуру общения, мышления, чувств, поведения, воспитывать цивилизованную личность.
РАЗВИВАЮЩИЕ: развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление, развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся.
1.Активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме «The way we live» в речи учащихся.
2.Автоматизировать употребление неопределённых местоимений some/any в речи учащихся.
3. Автоматизировать употребление Настоящего простого времени в речи учащихся.
4.Развивать умения и навыки аудирования у учащихся.
5.Развивать диалогическую речь учащихся по теме «The way we live».
6. Развивать умения и навыки функционального письма.
Видео, аудио, наглядность, дидактические материалы.
Медицина, физическая культура.
1.Организационный момент.
Hello, boys and girls . I’m very glad to see you.
The topic of our lesson is “The way we live”.
Today we’ll do a lot of lexical exercises, we’ll revise our grammar material, we’ll work with dialogues, we’ll watch a short video film, we’ll complete the information card and we’ll do some aerobics.
Let’s start our work.
2. Warm up.
Now look at the blackboard and say what the children do and if it is good for their health.
1)She eats vegetables. IT’S GOOD FOR HER HEALTH.
2) They watch TV. It’s bad for their eyes.
3)They play volleyball, run, jump, do sport. It’s good for their health.
4)She plays computer games. It’s bad for her health.
And wha about you?
Do you eat vegetables every day?
Do you eat chips, chocolate, sweets , biscuits, cakes every day?
Do you go in for sport?
Do you do your morning exercises every day?
Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night?
3. Vocabulary exercises:
a)Word pairs. You should match the words from the first column and the words from the second column. Work individually. (Everyone has got a card)
WORD PAIRS Match the words (1-6) with (a-f) 1 swimming a) courts 2 sports b) pitch 3 football c) centre 4 tennis d) pool 5 aerobics e) courts 6 basketball f) classes |
b) Match the names of sports and places. (All pupils have got cards and do it themselves, one pupil will do the exercise on the blackboard and then he/she will read it aloud and the pupils check up themselves their works.)
Match the names of sports and places Sports Places Swimming stadium Ice hockey skating rink Athletics pool/lake Roller skating river/sea Cross country running mountains Cycling/skiing fields Riding forest Tennis street Water-skiing sports ground Windsurfing court Surfing gym |
c) Divide the activities into three groups. We’ll work in groups. Discuss together these activities and write if they are SPORTS, GAMES, or they are both SPORTS and GAMES. (Checking up: when the teams are ready, their representatives will go to the blackboard with their posters and name the activities by turns)
DIVIDE THESE ACTIVITIES INTO THREE GROUPS A Sports B Games C Activities which are both sports and games ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Squash tennis scrabble Billiards fishing hockey Basketball roller skating skiing Swimming golf chess |
d)Write the words in the correct list. We’ll continue to work in groups.
You’ll got cards. There are some words and 5 lists. Write these words in the correct list.
(When the teams finish their work, they’ll read the lists by turns.)
Write the words in the correct list The long jump, tennis, cycling, athletics, handball, fast, three metres , skiing, football, 100 metres, basketball, the high jump, hockey, gymnastics, volleyball, swimming Play do run jump go Tennis …… …….. ………. ….. ………. …… ……... …… ………. …… ……. ………. …… ………. ………. |
e) Find the activities. Do it in pairs.
Look at the picture and find 8 sports activities. Write them in your cards.
(checking up: one pupil will read the answers and all the rest will correct their mistakes if they have got any.)
1) Some/any
Fill some/any in the sentences. The pupils work individually. One pupil will do it on the blackboard, then he/she will read it and all the pupils will check up their sentences.
1. Are there … apples? – Yes , there are … apples. 2. Are there … eggs ? – Yes, there are … eggs. 3. Is there … meat? – Yes, there is …meat. 4. Are there … tomatoes? – No, there aren’t … tomatoes. 5.Is there … butter? – Yes, there is … butter. 6. Is there … milk? – Yes, there is … milk. 7. Are there … oranges? – No, there aren’t … oranges. 8. Is there … juice? – Yes, there is … juice. |
b)I think you are fond of shopping. Now I offer you to go shopping. On the desk you see some food.
One of you will try to choose the healthy food.
I’ve got some … .
I haven’t got any .. .
When you come home after shopping your family wants to know what is in your bag.
Now ask P1 what’s in his/her bag. Use the following model :
Have you got any …?
2) Present Simple
a)Complete the sentences as in the example. Write positive and negative sentences. Work individually. P1 will do it on the blackboard and read the sentences. On your desks there are some hints for you if you don’t remember the rule.
Has she/he got any mistakes?
Correct your mistakes if you have got any.
d) Now you will work in groups. I’ll give you the envelopes with words. Look at the Russian questions on the blackboard and make up the English questions. Which group is the quickest?
5. Now let’s have a rest. You know the best rest is doing sport. Aerobics is also sport. You listen to the music and do some rhythmic exercises. It’s good for your heart, blood, lungs, muscles. It helps you to be fit and cheerful. Let’s do some aerobics right now. Please , stand up and dance.
6. Now take the cards with the dialogue. You see the adjectives before the dialogue.
Read and translate them .
Big, boring, fantastic, good, great, new, terrible
Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the adjectives. Work in pairs. (Take your pencils)
Kostas: Megan, is there a sports centre near here?
Megan: Yes, there’s a ___________ place near Newmarket Road. It’s got a___________ gym.
Kostas: _________! Is there a swimming pool?
Megan: Yes, there are two pools. There’s a children’s pool and a __________ pool.
Kostas: Good. There’s a big pool near my house in Rhodes. And is there a sauna?
Megan: No, there isn’t. And there isn’t a Jacuzzi. There are five tennis courts but there aren’t indoor courts.
Kostas: Mmmm ….. I can’t play tennis very well. Are there tennis classes?
Megan: Yes, there are. There are tennis classes in the afternoon.
Kostas: Can you play tennis?
Megan: Not very well! I’m …………..!
Kostas: Well, come to the tennis classes with me!
Megan: That’s a good idea, but … I haven’t got a good tennis racket.
Paola: I’ve got two tennis rackets. Take this racket. It’s ……… .Jamie: Come on, Megan. Don’t be ……….!
Megan: OK.
- Listen once more. Now let’s check up.
- Read the dialogue.
7. Now look there’s a sports center here. And many children go there. But there’s one pupil who wants to go in for sport but he/she doesn’t know what sport is for her/him.
Your home task was to tell him/her about your sports centre and your favourite sport
Teacher: In our class there is a student who can’t choose a sport he would like to go in for. Your home task was to persuade your classmate to go in for your favourite sport.
Pupil : Hi ! My name is Artyom.
Pupil1: Hi! I’m Max.
Pupil2: I’m Igor.
Pupil 3 : I’m Serguey.
Pupil: I see you are into sport and I think you are members of this sports centre, aren’t you?
Pupil1: Sure, we are.
Pupil2: Yes , we’re fond of sport.
Pupil3: And what about you?
Pupil: I’m eager to go in for sport but I can’t make up my mind what sport is for me.
Pupil1: How old are you?
Pupil: I’m 11 years old.
Pupil2 : What class are you in?
Pupil: I’m in the 6th class.
Pupil3 : What are you good at?
Pupil: I’m good at swimming but there isn’t any swimming pool here.
Pupil1 : In our sports centre there is a good basket ball court, a football pitch, a gym ,and a cycle-track.
Pupil: Guys, and what sports do you go in for?
Pupil1 I play football. There is a very good football team in our centre. We are champions of our region.
Pupil2 : And I do athletics. I like to run. I like to do the high jump and the long jump. Athletics makes me strong and flexible.
Pupil3 : And I go skiing. It’s fun. Skiing helps me to be active and healthy.
Pupil: And what do you do in summer? Skiing is a winter sport.
Pupil3: I have trainings all the year round. In summer we run, jump,, do different exercises.
Pupil: I’d love to. But I prefer team games. I’m a football fan and I think it would be better for me to join your football team. How often do you have your trainings?
Pupil1 : Four times a week in the afternoon.
Pupil: Where is your football pitch?
Pupil1 : It’s over there. I’ll show you the way.
Pupil: OK. Thank you, guys. See you. Bye.
Teacher: To join any sports classes you need to complete the form with information about you.
8. Writing practice.
If you want to join any sports club you should complete the information form about you.
Try to do it.
SPORTS CENTRE SURNAME …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. NAME …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. AGE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. NATIONALITY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TOWN ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CLASS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TIME OF CLASSES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. HOBBY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. SPORTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
9. Let’s watch a short video film about sports in Krasnozavodsk. Then you’ll answer the questions.
1)Which sports are popular in Krasnozavodsk?
2)Which sports facilities are there?
10. Project work.( Choose the questions for your questionnaire, ask your classmates to answer them, analyze them.)
Questionnaire “The way of living”
Tamara | Dasha | Max | Artyom | Vova | Ira | Julia | Nastya | Sreguey | Igor | |
1. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? | ||||||||||
2.Do you often eat vegetables and fruit? | ||||||||||
./Do you eat chips, sweets every day? | ||||||||||
4 Do you like winter or summer sports? | ||||||||||
5.What’s your favourite sport? | ||||||||||
6.Do you do sports regularly? | ||||||||||
7.Do you do your morning exercises? | ||||||||||
8.Do you like team sports? | ||||||||||
9.Where do you do your sports? | ||||||||||
10.Would you like to take part in the Olympic Games in Sochi? | ||||||||||
11.Do Sports lessons? | ||||||||||
12.What games do you usually play at a your Sports lessons? | ||||||||||
13.What games can you play very much? | ||||||||||
14.What sports activities can’t you do at all? | ||||||||||
15.Do you take part in your school competitions? | ||||||||||
16.Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV? | ||||||||||
17.Are your friends sportsmen? | ||||||||||
18.Why do you need sport? | ||||||||||
19.Do you want to become a professional sportsman? | ||||||||||
20.What kinds of sport are popular in your school? |
Teacher: Let’s listen to the results of our questionnaire.
Pupil1: Hello, boys and girls! I’m a representative of the Town Healthy Centre. In recent years our government pays great attention to the health of our people and especially of our children. You know a lot of factors influence our health: ecology, industries, transport, food and the way of our living. Our Centre studies the interests of young people and the way they live. It’s important for our future life. That’s why we’ve asked you to answer some questions. We’ve analyzed them and we’ve made the following conclusions. We’re pleased to know that … % of you go in for winter and summer sports. That means that you do it regularly. And it’s important for your health that active games are popular among you and you play them outdoors every day, and for that you’ve got good sports grounds and stadiums. We’re glad that all of you like PT lessons and you always take part in school sports competitions. In your free time you go to different sports clubs. So sport helps you to keep fit, to be healthy and in good mood. Thank you for your answers. And I want all of you to be strong, active and energetic. And may be some of you will take part in the Olympic Games one day.
11.Home task: complete the crossword with the names of sports.
12. Results of the lesson.
We have done a lot today.
We’ve done many vocabulary and grammar exercises.
We’ve listened to the dialogue and read it.
You’ve acted your own dialogue,
You’ve done some aerobics.
And you’ve watched the video film about our town.
You’ve worked individually, in pairs and you’ve done a lot of exercises in groups. You’ve got good marks.
That’s great! Thank you for the lesson.
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