Авторский конспект урока в 11 классе по теме "Профессия Твоей Мечты"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Используемые технологии: коммуникативные, метод проектов, ИКТ, технология проблемного диалога.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок английского языка в 11 классе
«Профессия твоей мечты»
Тип урока: урок обобщения материала по теме «Профессия твоей мечты»
- Обучающие:
- Совершенствование навыков устной речи
- Формирование навыков речевого этикета при работе с диалогом
- Развивающие:
- Развитие способности мышления и языковой догадки
- Развитие способности поиска нужной информации при работе с новыми лексическими единицами
- Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи
- Воспитательные:
- Формирование речевых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся
- Воспитание чувства ответственности при выборе будущей профессии
- Воспитание чувства сотрудничества и поддержки при работе в группах
Используемые технологии: коммуникативные, проблемного диалога, проектная методика, ИКТ, игровые
Межпредметные связи:
Английский язык
Русский язык
Ход урока
1. Начало урока
1.Организационный момент
T. : Good morning, my dears!
Cl.: Good morning, teacher!
T.: How are you?
Cl.: Fine, thanks. And you?
T.: Fine too, thank you. I am glad to see you.
Cl.: We are glad to see you too.
T.: Thank you. Sit down.
2. Определение темы урока
T.: Let us begin our lesson. I ask you to watch some video and decide what our theme is going to be today.
( уч-ся смотрят видео- ролик и делают предположения о теме урока)
P1: Our theme will be « Our future jobs».
P2: We are going to discuss our future professions.
P3: We`ll speak about different jobs.
P4: Our theme is « The job of my dream», etc.
T.: You are right. We`ll speak about different professions. What do you think is the best suggestion? ( пишет тему урока на доске)
2. Основная часть урока
T.: There are a lot of different professions and jobs in the world and you must choose one of them. It`s very important to make the right choice. Why?
P1: It`s very important because our future depends on our choice.
P2: I think it is extremely important because it will determine our future life.
P3: It is very important not only for us, but for our parents, families as well.
T.: You are absolutely right. I see you are quite grown up because you think like adults. Let us name some professions. Look at the screen, please.
( на экране разные профессии и уч-ся по цепочке читают их. Кому не хватает, приводят собственные примеры).
T.: There are no bad jobs, there are professions not suitable for this or that person. You know your character and abilities, I hope. Let us remember some personal qualities and professional characteristics. Your attention, please.
( phonetic drills). You see transcriptions. Your task is to read the words (adjectives).
T.: Our girls have prepared a presentation and are eager to show it to us.
( две девочки представляют презентацию о профессиях).
T.: Thank you, girls. Children, did you like the presentation? What did you like best?
P1: I liked it. It was interesting, picturesque and funny. Well done.
P2: The girls were convincing. And their English was correct.
P3: They have done a lot of work, used many terms.
T.: Thank you. Some of you have already decided what to be, some are hesitating. Who can help you to make a choice?
P1: Our parents, relatives, friends, teachers, examples of famous and successful people.
T.: I suggest you to play a role game. You will do it in pairs. One of you will be a school – leaver, the other one will be either a parent or a psychologist (psychologists also can help you, by the way). So, your task is to make up short dialogues.
- Good morning. I need your advice.
- How can I help you?
- I am a school-leaver and I want to be a manager. Could you tell me if it is the right job for me.
- If you are responsible, organized, persistent, able to arrange work, this job is for you.
- Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello. Can I help you?
- Yes. You see I want to be an engineer and I`d like to know if I can.
- Of course, you can if you are well-educated, computer-literate, creative, responsible, able to make decisions.
- Thank you. I`ll make a note of it.
- Good morning.
- Good morning. What can I do for you?
- This year I am leaving school, but I haven`t decided what to be yet. Can you advise me anything?
- I hope so. You must do some tests….Oh, you are creative, well-organized, able to cope with stress. You love children. You are kind and sympathetic. You could be a good teacher, nurse or doctor.
- Thank you very much.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I need your advice.
- I`ll help you with pleasure. What`s the problem?
-You see, I am going to become a psychologist in future. What is necessary for it?
-First of all, you must study psychology of people, be convincing, have a sense of humour, respect your patients, be able to understand them and have a wish to help them.
-Thank you. I`ll take it into consideration.
T.: Well done. Thank you. And now I`d like to invite here some of you who have decided what to be. They will share their choice with us.
( Трубенков Н, Дворецкий А.показывают свои презентации и рассказывают о выбранных профессиях).
T.: Thank you, boys. Children, were you attentive? You know your classmates. Think and say if the boys` personal qualities are good for their future professions.
( уч-ся характеризуют мальчиков и делают предположения: P1: Nikita is persistent,…..I`m sure he will be a good …)
T.: Thank you . You are true friends. And now I want you to look at the screen again.
( видео-ролик из отрывков из к/ф « Доживем до понедельника», звучит мелодия из к/ф.)
(создание проблемной ситуации на уроке)
T.: I think you guess what profession we shall speak about now.
Cl.: We`ll speak about the profession of a teacher.
T.: What do you think about this profession?
P.: It is stressful, creative, rewarding, hard, respected, pleasant, not well-paid, difficult, challenging, …
T.: Is it prestigious? ( формулирование проблемы)
Cl.: (задумываются): Not very prestigious.
P.: It is not well-paid. Mostly women work at schools.
T.: Why? Do you see a contradiction here ?
(выдвижение гипотез)
P.: Yes. On the one hand, the profession of a teacher is respected and it really is. No one can do without teachers. On the other hand, not many men become teachers. This profession takes a lot of time, efforts, but the salary is not very high.
T.: This is a problem. You will think of it while making projects. Please, write your ideas on the sheets of paper. You will do it in groups. ( продуктивное задание)
( уч-ся в группах делают проекты, а затем выясняют, престижна или нет профессия учителя).
T.: Please, show us the products of your work.
( презентация проектов)
T.: Let us sum up all the ideas, thoughts, facts.
( на доске два столбика: advantages and disadvantages. ( уч-ся распределяют слова: respect, joy, stress, hard work, reward, importance, salary, necessity, long holidays.)
T.: Thank you very much. Compare these two lists on the blackboard. Which of them is longer and more impressive? ( выражение решения)
P.: There are more advantages than disadvantages.
T.: What does it mean?
P.: The profession of a teacher is respected and prestigious no matter what.
T.: I agree with you. And Ovod Zhenya has even written a poem about his favourite teacher. The ode to teachers!
( ученик читает свое стихотворение).
3. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов.
T.: My dears, thank you for good work. Let`s remember what we did at the lesson.
Cl.: We repeated the words, listened to the classmates, made projects, solved a problem, watched some presentations, spoke about different professions, listened to good music, made sure that the profession of a teacher is prestigious in our world.
T.: What mark do you deserve for your work?
P.: Very good or excellent.
T.: Yes, you get fives today. Look at the screen and write your home work for the next lesson. Write an essay (200-250 words). The lesson is over. Good bye.
Resource id #1866Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[prə’feʃənəl] PROFESSIONAL
[kri:’eɪtɪv] CREATIVE
[ɪ’nɪʃətɪv] INITIATIVE
[ ` wel ’ed j ʋ‚keɪtɪd] WELL-EDUCATED
[’lɪ t ə r ɪ t ] LITERATE
[’kɒmpɪtənt] COMPETENT
[‚ɪnspɪ’reɪʃənə l ] INSPIRATIONAL
[’məʋtə‚veɪtɪ d ] MOTIVATED
[kə’mɪtɪd] COMMITTED
[pər’sɪstənt] PERSISTENT
[ɪn‚Ɵu:zɪ’æstɪk] ENTHUSIASTIC
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
PHONETIC DRILL architect army officer nurse babysitter engineer policeman dentist mechanic programmer builder chef/cook cashier barber baker businessman farmer surgeon librarian air traffic controller teacher designer accountant bus driver
Today’s world of jobs
Kinds of jobs: Good promotion prospects, prestigious and well-paid, rewarding and interesting, intellectual, physical
Traits of character needed to become a professional: determination enthusiasm responsibility intelligence ambition
Necessary things for job: good education, knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, lucky chance, opportunities.
Reasons for work
Reasons for work People work for 2 sets of reasons : extrinsic ( for a wage, to earn money ) and intrinsic (f or the interest and enjoyment of the job, for the companionship , for the status and the sense of identity ).
A good job …means/is to work… … depends on… …involves… To get/ find…, one should…. …shouldn’t be… …is…
A good job for you Name Age Applying for Experience Qualities Available to start training
Thank you for attention
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