Игра "Пан или пропал" по теме "Животные в нашей жизни" для 6 класса по УМК "Английский с удовольствием" М. З. Биболетова
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
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A game “Sir or was gone? ” Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon, guests! Today we going to play a game. Our game is called "Sir or was gone?" Do you know this game? Unfortunately, we haven't got any cases with money, but we have some excellent marks. Look at the screen and say what the topic of the game is.
Game “Sir Or Was Gone” Animals in our life. The aim of the game: to improve the English language; to control the knowledge to the topic “Animals in our life”; to learn to work in groups.
Plan of the game: Game1 “Warning up”; Game 2 “Do you know…?”; Game 3 “A Dark Horse”; Game 4 “Puzzles in the Barrels”; Relaxation. Game 5 “What animals do you like?”; Game 6 “Right or wrong?”; Game 7 “Rules for my zoo”; Game 8 “It is interesting to know”; Game 9 “What can we do for animals?”
Game 1 “Warning up” ( Разминка) Unjumbled words. You will have a minute to guess the names of animals. YO M NEK X F O EA W HL U D CK RAE B FL W O TABBI R
Game 2. “Do you know…?” What kinds of animals are there in nature?
Which Which Which of the animals are wild / domestic? Write them down in two columns. (Every animal gives one point to your team)
Game 3. “A Dark Horse” - «Тёмная лошадка». Let’s pass over to the next game which is called “A Dark Horse”. This time you are to listen to short stories and guess what animal it is. The first student who puts up the hand, gets the right to answer. If they are wrong the members of the opposite team can answer and get a point. Mind, no point for the team, if I hear somebody shouting.
Game 4. “Puzzles in the Barrels” «Заморочки из бочки» Now you will have a mini-research work. Each group has a text about an animal and an info chart. Read the text and find out what animal is described and fill in the required information into the charts. You know, animals differ in their habitats and characteristics. They eat different food. Report your research finding to the other group. Look and compare animals. What do they have in common? In what ways are they alike?
Summarise the text, use the following phrases: I’ll tell you about… They live in… Their weight is… They are… They… These animals eat… They…
Look and compare animals. What do they have in common? In what ways are they alike? Squirrel Elephant Habitat They live in Asia, Europe, North and South America. They live in Africa and in India. Size They are 20-30 cm long. Their weight is from 200gto 1 kg. Their weight is about 4 tons. Characteristics They are beautiful, active. They are wonderful, intelligent animals. Food They eat berries, mushrooms, nuts and birds’ eggs. They eat leaves, grass and fruits. Interesting facts They gather about 2000 mushrooms every season. They need a lot of water.
Relaxation. Children, you have worked much. Let’s have a rest. Imagine that you are in the nature. Listen to the nature and enjoy yourselves.
Many things are written about animals. Now listen to the poem , which is called "MY DREAM" by Gillian Brown and be ready to answer my question "What is the author's dream?" I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits. I love all kinds of animals, Despite their little habits. If I had tons of money, D'you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. But they wouldn't be in cages; They would be free to run around. And there's one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound.
Guessing game 5 “What animals do you like?” What do we need for it? The animals do. Let's take some animals. Do you have your favourite animals? Anagram - exercise . Write the headword matching the definition. a hamster a lion a crocodile a fox a cow A) a large animal and is kept on farms for the milk and the meat; B) a wild animal like a dog with reddish-brown fur and a thick tail; C) a large animal of the cat family that eats meat and lives in Africa; D) a large reptile that has a long body and a long mouth with sharp teeth; E) a small animal like a mouse, often kept as a pet.
Game 6 “Right or wrong?” There are many animals in our Zoo. What zoos do you know? London Zoo is a zoo in Regent's Park not far from the centre of London. The Zoo is opened every day from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening. There are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo. Many different kinds of beautiful birds live there. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. The man who looks after the animals sometimes throws a fish into the water, then the sea-lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit. In the park there are camels. Children love to sit on a camel's back. Today the Zoo is an important centre for the study of animals.
Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). London Zoo is a zoo in Hyde Park in London. The Zoo is opened about nine o'clock in the morning. A good time to visit the animals at feeding time. There are many thousands of domestic animals at London Zoo. A zookeeper feeds animals. Today the zoo is a hospital for the wild animals.
Game 7 “Rules for my zoo”. Every Zoo has some rules. Here they are. . Please do not feed the animals! Don't open the door of cage! Don't drop litter on the floor! Don't shout at the bear (hare, crocodile ....)! Don't touch the lion's (fox's, tiger's ....) hair. Read them and imagine your own rules.
Game 8 “it is interesting to know”. Endangered animals in the Northern Caucasus:
1) Орёл степной 2) сайгаки 3) куропатка серая 4) пустельга 5) дрофа 6) кот камышовый 7) медведь 8) аист 9) зубр…
Game 9 “What can we do for animals?”
I'd like to thank you for good work . The lesson is over. See you later. Good bye!
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