урок английского языка Hobby
видеоурок по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Класс: 6
ТЕМА: Hobby
ЦЕЛЬ: обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Hobby»
активизировать в речи учащихся лексический и
грамматический материал по теме «Мир моих увлечений»
развивать у учащихся навыки монологической и диалогической речи
воспитывать умения коллективной и индивидуальной работы, навыки самоконтроля
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: презентации, рисунки, опорные таблицы, оценочные листы
План урока
I Организационный момент
- беседа с дежурным
II Ознакомление учащихся с целью и задачами урока
III Введение в тему урока
Today we shall speak about many interesting things, about your hobbies. Every day we try to work hard but sometimes we should take a little rest
Work while you work,
Play while you play,
This is the way
To be happy and gay
T: What does this proverb mean?
P: Schoolchildren must have some leisure time after work because it is good for their health.
T: How do you think what is hobby?
P: It is what you can and like to do in your free time
PROVERB: Tastes differ
T: What does this proverb mean?
P: Some people are interested in music. Others are fond of collecting different things.
T: People choose a hobby according to their tastes, personalities and temper. Hobbies make people”s and children”s lives more interesting and happy
IV Фонетическая зарядка
The world s a very happy place
Where every child should laugh and sing
And always have a smiling face
The world is such a happy place
That children weather big or small
Must always have a smiling face
And never sulk at all
V Повторение лексики по теме (слайд)
- classify the words and expressions according these four key words: do, make, collect, learn
- make up your own sentences using these words
VI Work in pairs (слайды)
Group 1
You should find out which hobbies are more and less popular among English students
Group 2
You should find out which hobbies are more or less popular among students of our school
Group 3
You should find out which hobbies are more and less popular among students of your class
VII Представления учащимися своих увлечений
P: I want to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is looking after my pets. I have a cat, a dog, a tortoise. My favourite pet is a dog. Every day I clean the cages, feed my animals well. I can treat the animals. I think animals are very important to people. They make people kind and happy.
I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habbits
I want to be a vet.
P: I will tell you about my hobby. I am interesting in music and I like to dance. I collect records, CDS, tape-recordings of my favourite music and singers. My favourite type of music is pop music. All my friends are fond of pop music too. I do not play any musical instrument but I like to listen to music. I sing and dance well. I take part in every school party. I dream to be a singer.
P: As for me I like sports. My favourite subjects are mathimatics and physical training lessons. There are many kinds of sport; swimming, running, jumping. But I prefer to play football and basketball. Sport helps children to keep fit and to be healthy. I take part in school competitions. I want to be a famous sportsman.
P: I want to tell you about my hobby. I like to watch TV. I spend a lot of time watching TV. My favourite programmes are: sport programmes, childrens programmes, music, comedy shows. But I do not like news and soaps. There are many advantages: when I watch TV I relax, I receive much information, I can travel round the world without wasting money. TV is a good friend for me.
P: As for me I want to tell you about my family. There are 5 of us in my family. We all have different hobbies. My father likes fishing. My mother prefers to watch TV. She can watch silly soaps the whole day. My elder sister tries to keep fit. She likes dancing and singing, she has fun at discos. I am fond of collecting stamps. I have many stamps. Every stamp has useful information and I learn much.
So you see , tastes differ.
The dialogue between pupils
N: Hello!
M: Nikita, may I ask you a few questions?
N: Yes, certainly.
M: What are your hobbies?
N: Music and reading.
M: Do you play any musical instruments?
N: No, I Don’t. I like to listen music.
M: What genres do you prefer to read?
N: I prefer adventure and detective stories, history books and books about animals. The books make us think, they can show us the world. And what about you? Do you like to read books?
M: No, I don’t like books but I like to go in for sports and fishing.
N: What sport do you prefer?
M: Football and basketball.
N: See you on Sunday. Goodbye.
VIII Итог урока:- что нового узнали
- чему научились
IX Оценки
X Домашнее задание и консультирование по его выполнению
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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