урок английского языка "Hobbies"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок "Hobbies" проводится для учащихся 5 классов в форме конкурса между командами
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Hobbies
Класс: 5
Цель: 1) систематизация лексических и грамматических навыков по теме "Hobbies", совершенствование навыков MP;
2) развитие умений работать в группах (командах);
совершенствование учащимися интеллектуальных
способностей ( память, мышление)
3) воспитание у учащихся интереса к изучения английского
языка, создание атмосферы сотрудничества.
Задачи: совершенствовать навыки ответов на вопросы, развивать у учащихся речевые умения говорения (в MP, ДР), развивать навыки и умения письменной речи в форме подготовленных рефератов.
Тип урока: общение и систематизация знаний по теме "Hobbies".
Форма: конкурс между командами
Оборудование, оснащение урока: аудиозапись, карточки с заданием, таблица (глагол "to be"), звездочки (для подсчета набранных очков)
Основные этапы урока | Время | Ход урока | Формы, Методы, Приемы | Примечание |
Организационный момент а) Подготовка учащихся к р-боте, сообщение темы урока | 2 | Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you. You may sit down. Let's begin our lesson. I hope, my dear children, you'll work hard today. “Hobbies” is the topic of our lesson. Today we're going to talk about hobbies. We are to revise everything about different kinds of hobbies. Do you know what a hobby is? What does this word mean? And what is your hobby? Work in pairs and ask each other about hobbies. Look at the blackboard. Begin with a question: What is your hobby? Repeat after me! | T-CI | |
3 | And your answer: My hobby is ... My hobbies are ... | P1-P2 P3-P4 | На доске | |
What is your hobby? My hobby is ... My hobbies are... | ||||
2 | Well, look at these cards now. During our lesson we're going to ... | T-Cl | ||
read, revise the words, improve our grammar, act out dialogues, sing the song, present our projects(Card №2) | ||||
1 | We are going to work in groups (teams). During our work you can get points (очки). Orange points - stars are for excellent work. Blue points - stars mean good work. Pink points - stars are for satisfactory work. Those who score more points will be our stars, our winners. | T-Cl | ||
б)распре- деление ролей | 2 | For today's lesson I need some helpers. A sponser of knowledge in every group, who knows much and pupils can ask him to help. Who would like to be a sponsor in your group? I think, …. and in your group? | T-Cl | Распределение ролей |
То my mind,... will be a sponsor. And if you don't mind, I'll be a sponsor of knowledge, too. And I need a psychologist. This pupil will try to understand how you feel today. Well,... will be a psychologist today. | ||||
в) создание эмоционального фона для развития урока. | 2 | Now, look at the blackboard. On the 1st picture — the sun is shining and here it is raining. Please, choose this picture if you are in a good mood and that one if you are in a bad mood. …, as you are a psychologist, help me please. Well, turn to each other and smile. I believe, you'll be so happy; the atmosphere will be so warm till the end of the lesson. | P1,P2, | Картинки с изобра- жением солнца и дождя Are you in a good mood? |
П.Центральн ая часть а) семанти-зация лексических единиц по теме | 5 | Well, work in groups (teams). The 1 st group - make a list of different hobbies. Remember about your sponsor. He/she can help you. Don't forget about me. I can help you, too. The 2nd group - chose the words on the topic «Hobbies», underline them and read aloud. (Card №3). And two pupils ... and ... try to find the beginning and the end of 8 words. Let's begin the working. You've got 2 minutes to do the task. The 1 st group - who would like to name all hobbies that you know? The 2 st group - who will read aloud the words? And you, please ...,..., read your words. | T-Grl T-Gr2 T-Pl T-P2 | Игра домино This ... star is for your.../... /... work |
б) семанти-зация грамматических навыков | 1 | We're going to improve our grammar. Look at the blackboard. Do you remember the verb "to be"? Жил - да был король "to be" Славный был и мудрый В подчинении у него находились принцы Принцы am, и is, и are - В настоящем времени А в прошедшем - was и were Два прекрасных принца. | ||
1 | Let's read word-combinations which are | T-Pl, |
used with the verb "to be". Card №4 | P2,... | |||
Now, ... and ..., do this exercise. Fill in: am, is, are, was, were. Do you understand? Card №5 | T-Pl, P2,... | |||
2 | And the rest of the group look here! In this "magic box" chose a card with any word - combination and try to make up a sentence with it in Present or in Past. Now, think over! Are you ready? Your team gets a... star and your team gets a... star. | T-Pl, P2,... | All right! That's Fine! It's wonderful! Well done! Not bad! | |
в) работа в парах на совершенствование навыков ДР | 5 | We'll continue speaking with you about different collections of things and cartoons. This team, try to act out the dialogue about your collections of something. Please, take these cards, use the following question. Card №6(a) And your group (team) will role play the dialogue about your favorite cartoons. Use these questions in your dialogues. Card №6(b) Begin working in pairs. Ask your sponsors some unknown words and me, if it's necessary. Don't forget about the right intonation. Look at the blackboard. Well done! For your group is ... star, for yours is ... one. | T-Gr l T-Gr 2 | |
г) Минутка отдыха | 2 | I think you're tired. Let's sing a song "If you're happy". Stand up, please. Are you ready? | песня | |
д) развитие навыков говорения | 2 | It's time for your project. You're prepared them at home, at school during several lessons. Let's present them to the classmates. Please, listen to everyone. I'll give you cards.
| T-CI | |
10 | Then we'll choose the best projects, the best illustrated project. | T – P1, P2... | ||
1 | Now, we'll count up the points. Let's con- | T-Cl | Медаль "The |
gratulate … You get the medal for "The Best Project" and you get the medal for "The Best Illustrated Project". Let's applaud our winners. | Best Project" и "The Best Illustrated Project". | |||
III. Подведение итогов | 4 | Your homework for the next lesson is to write what you can about your relative's hobbies. This homework is for.... And you, please,..., write about your favorite cartoon. Now, let’s count your stars. This team has won. Let's applaud them. Well, the first team, you worked hard (unsatisfactory, not bad). You have been working very well (bad) during the lesson. I'm pleased with your answers. You fulfilled your tasks successfully. Your marks ... Now I hope, you know how to speak about hobbies. А сейчас мне бы хотелось узнать: " На какой стадии у вас находится тема наших уроков? Вам всё в ней ясно и понятно, как в ясный солнечный день, или расплывчато, тяжело как в ненастную и пасмурную погоду. Выберите картинку и подойдите к ней. И мне всё будет ясно". Thank you! The lesson is over. | T-Cl |
Card №3 Choose and read aloud the words on the topic "Hobbies".
To be fond of, mother, to be proud of, open, cartoon, success, room, audience, screen, dinner, teeth, cinema, theatre, plane, stamp, collection, coin, fly, give, performance, thematic, city, badge, library, tea, cook, growing flowers, feature film, tree, special.
Card № 5
Fill in: am, is, are, was, were
- The theatre ... full of audience yesterday.
- I... fond of reading books every day.
- When my mother was 9 she ... fond of collecting badges.
- The se children ... born in 1990.
- We ... cinema-goes, we like to see feature films.
- This cinema ... usually full of audience.
- Last year this feature film ... a success.
Card №6 (a) Give answer to question
- What is your hobby... ?
- When did you begin to collect... ?
- Is your collection thematic?
- What is your theme?
Use the following phrases:
- My hobby is ..., I'm found of... .
- I began to collect... when I was ....
- Yes (No). My collection is (not) thematic.
- The theme of my collection is ... . The theme is ... .
Card №6 (b) Give answer to question
- Do you care for films or cartoons?
- What is (are) your favorite cartoon (s)?
- What is (are) your favorite character (s)?
- Is (are) the cartoon (s) a great success?
Use the following phrases:
- I care for ... .
- My favorite cartoon (s) is (are) ....
- My favorite character (s) is (are) ... because it is (they are)... .
- Yes. The cartoon (s) is (are) a great success.
- No. The cartoon (s) isn't (aren't) a great success.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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