Конспект открытого урока по теме «Sports School»
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (2 класс)
Данный урок построен в рамках реализации социально-коммуникативной компетенции, как итоговый урок по теме «Sports School» во 2 классе. Целями урока являются развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в форме диалогической и монологической речи, развитие логического мышления. Форма урока – ролевая игра, позволяет обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Этапы урока | Ход урока | Формы и средства выполнения |
| T: Good morning, children! P: Good morning, teacher! T: How are you today? P: We are o’k! T: How are you, Marsel? Marsel: I’m fine! Thank you! What about you? T: I’m fine too. Thank you. And you, Kamilla? Kamilla: I’m all right! T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Look at the blackboard. There is an announcement. And something is written there. Insaf, read it aloud, please! Insaf: “Attention! Today there is a circus in our town. Come here to see. You will not regret.” P: Fantastic. P2: Wonderful. P3: How interesting. T: Will we go there, children? P: Yes, we will. T: Let’s go then | Учитель приветствует учащихся, объясняет цели урока Объявление вывешено на доске Реакция учащихся |
| T: Now we have got the tickets for our circus. We can hear how different animals cry behind the scene. Can you hear it? P: Yes we can. T: let’s try to say sounds like they. A crocodile says – r - r – r. Repeat after me. P: A crocodile says – r - r – r. T: A frog says – k – k – k . P: A frog says – k – k – k . T: A monkey says – p – p – p. P: A monkey says – p – p – p. T: An elephant says - h – h – h. P: An elephant says - h – h – h. T: A dog says – g – g – g . P: A dog says – g – g – g . T: A bear says – f – f – f. P: A bear says – f – f – f. T: Now, look at the blackboard. You can see there the sounds. Let’s name them. Adelina, will you please to read them? Others will repeat after her. T: At the last lesson we listened to the counting rhyme. Let’s revise it. Listen to the speaker very carefully. Ssss! It’s a snake. Zzzz! It’s a bee. Sh. It’s she. Bump! It’s me. | Прослушивание записи с криками животных Транскрипционные знаки вывешены на доске Аудирование текста на стр. 95 упр. 1 |
| T: Look at our artists on the scene. You can see them in your textbooks. It’s Ex. 1, p. 89. Look at the pictures, please. Today we will learn how to say what animals you like. We will use the word “like”. First of all, let’s read the example, and translate it. P: I like a dog. The dog is funny. Мне нравится собака. Собака – веселая. T: Rustam, what animal do you like? Rustam: I like a lion. T: How clever of you. Irik: I like a tiger. T: Good for you. Alina: I like a cat. T: Excellent. Vlad: I like a duck. T: How wonderful. | Работа с учебником. Упр. 1 стр. 89 |
| T: Imagine, I am the director of the circus, and you will be the animal trainers. I’m going to give you a job, but beforehand, you should tell us about your animal. Come up to my table and choose any animal you like. Now you should say what it can do. What color is it? How can you describe its character? Who wants to start? Victoria? Come up to the blackboard, please. Victoria: I have got a dog. I like it. It is yellow. It can jump, run, skip, swim. It is funny, kind, merry. T: Very good. Sit down please. Who is the next? Vlad: I have got a cat. It is white. It can run and jump. It is merry, lazy and kind. T: So, nice. This job is yours. Adelina: I have got a frog. It is green. It can sing and swim. It is nice and slim. T: I’ll give you a job. Arthur: I have got a bear. It is brown. It cannot fly, but it can run. It is angry and big. T: Oh, I see. Good for you. Thank you, for such good artists. | На учительском столе лежат игрушки. Составление собственных монологов. |
| T: Our artists showed the performance for us. That is why, they are so tired. So, they will have a rest and so do we. Let’s sing a song “Clap, clap, clap your hands”. Stand up, please. Now, sit down, please. | Песня “Clap, clap, clap your hands” |
| T: It is high time to play a game. It’s called “Favourite sports”. I give you out the cards with the names of the sports. Your task is to ask your classmate about his or her favourite sport. Then you mark his answer like this “+”. We will do the task in groups of four. We should use What is your favourite sport game? question. Repeat after me. P: What is your favourite sport game? T: When everybody give the answers, one of you will say the decision. F.E. Lena likes to play football. T: Now I am ready to listen to your answers. Adelina: Dinar likes to play football. Kamil likes to play badminton. Irik likes to play football, and I like to play tennis. T: thank you, Adelina. Vlad: Arthur likes to play football, Alina likes to play basketball, Marsel likes to play football. T: And what is your favourite sport game? Vlad: I like football. T: Now look at the blackboard. We see that most of your classmates like to play football. | Выдача тестов и заполнение их учащимися Запись ответов учащихся на доске. |
| T: Our artists showed their performance for us, now, it is high time to show ours. We will show them how well we can read. I want you to open your textbooks on page 93 ex. 2 (then we will do ex. 3 p. 93). We shall read some English words. First of all, you will read after me, then we will read in turn. | Выполнение упр.2, 3 стр. 93 |
| T: So, our artists see that you can read the words and sentences very well. They liked your reading so much, that they invited you to take part in their performance. But you should do the task for it. You should decode the Gold Rules of Circus. Look at the blackboard. YOUMUSTRUNYOUMUSTSWIM You must divide the chain of letters, so that to read the Gold Rules. T: The Circus is the place where everyone is jumping, skipping, running. So the letters of our sentences do the same. Let’s try to make the sentences from these words. (ex. 4 p. 46) | Выполнение задания у доски. Упр. 4 стр. 46 в рабочих тетрадях |
| T: Today’s lesson comes to its end. It’s high time to give you the marks. Count your cards, please. Irik, how many cards do you have? Irik: 5 cards. T: So, I’ll give you a 5. Good for you. Now write down our homework, please. Ex. 3,4 p. 46 (in our workbooks) and Ex. 3, 4 p. 89 (in our student’s books). The lesson is over. See you next time. Good bye, children! P: Good bye, teacher. | Выставление оценок. |
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