Урок-квест по теме "Green home"
план-конспект занятия (10 класс)
Цели урока:
- образовательная – закрепление изученной лексики по теме «окружающая среда», тренировка навыков понимания текста по теме «окружающая среда» зрительно и на слух, совершенствование устной речи; знакомство с традицией англоязычных стран праздновать День Земли.
- развивающая – развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, развитие внимания и мышления.
- воспитательная – обучения работе в группе, осознание важности своей роли и знаний каждым учащимся, повышение интереса к изучению английского языка.
Основная лексика, отрабатываемая на уроке: rubbish bin, environment, litter, human being, throw into, pollute, prohibit, recycle, reuse, waste, water/energy, protect, reduce, nature.
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Урок-квест по теме "Green home"
Цели урока:
- образовательная – закрепление изученной лексики по теме «окружающая среда», тренировка навыков понимания текста по теме «окружающая среда» зрительно и на слух, совершенствование устной речи; знакомство с традицией англоязычных стран праздновать День Земли.
- развивающая – развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, развитие внимания и мышления.
- воспитательная – обучения работе в группе, осознание важности своей роли и знаний каждым учащимся, повышение интереса к изучению английского языка.
Основная лексика, отрабатываемая на уроке: rubbish bin, environment, litter, human being, throw into, pollute, prohibit, recycle, reuse, waste, water/energy, protect, reduce, nature.
Ход урока:
Dear boys and girls, I'm very glad to see you. I hope you are fine. So let's begin our quest. The subject of today's discussion is very vivid. Today we are going to discuss the problem of environmental protection. You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment. Today the ecology is very important. Ecology is a science about nature and about relation of man with it. Children do you know what the main environmental problems are? (Students: air pollution, water pollution, acid rain, etc.)
Your mission:
Our planet is on the verge of a global ecological catastrophe. Acid rain, global warming, air and water pollution, destruction of wildlife are the problems that threaten human life on the Earth. Imagine! You are young scientists and you have to rescue our planet. You have just 40 minutes to do that. You’ll have to give a general idea of the ecological situation on our planet and try to highlight the most dangerous tendencies that have deadly consequences for people. In conclusion, you should find possible ways of solving some of environmental problems and rescue the Earth! For every right done tasks you will get some equipment and very important key-words, which help you to rescue the Earth! Are you ready?
- Dear friends, Welcome to the PHONETIC station. Let’s begin our work with phonetic exercise. There are 2 tongue-twisters here. Please choose one of the the envelopes. Listen to me first of all, then repeat after me and try to pronounce it correctly.
1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
(Сколько древесины смог бы сурок перекидать,
Если бы сурок мог бросать дрова? )
2) How many berries could a bare berry carry,
if a bare berry could carry berries?
(Сколько ягод можно носить с простая ягодами,
Если простая ягода может нести ягоды?)
Let’s translate this tongue-twister. Thank you very much! Good job! Now you are real scientists. Please, get your equipment! Please put on your gowns. And also you get the eco-alphabet, it will help you to solve very difficult tasks!
Air Atmosphere | 2. Cc Crisis Cut down Clean | 3. Dd Dirty Dry | 4. Ee Ecology Extinction Earth Environment Extinction | 5. Ff Fauna Flora | 6. Gg Global warming Go green Greenhouse |
7. Hh Habitat | 8. Ii Incinerate Industry | 9. Ll Liquid Live earth | 10. Mm Meteorologist Mineral Migrate | 11. Nn Nature Negative | 12. Oo Oceans Oxygen Ozone Oil |
13. Pp Pollution Planet Plant Protect | 14. Rr Reduce Reuse Recycle Rubbish Red book | 15. Ss Soil Solar power Species | 16. Tt Tree Temperature Take care of | 17. Uu Universe | 18. Vv Vital Violence Vandal |
- Dear friends, welcome to the VOCABULARY station.
Oh, just look at that! There are piles of litter on that desk. It’s awful and unpleasant! Do you agree? Your challenge: you have to clean up litter on that desk and it helps you to find your next tasks! Here are your tasks. You may choose your task, please! Which one? Use your eco-alphabet, when you do this task! Don’t forget about time!
- Now your task: Find the antonyms.
to cut down trees | to protect fauna |
to kill birds and animals | to take care of nature |
to destroy wildlife | to clean |
to throw away litter | to respect environment |
to spoil environment | to plant trees |
№2. Take the Word Search. Find each word in the square
p | r | O | t | e | c | t | i | o | n | h | f | p | g | f |
t | h | S | j | f | k | a | t | b | f | f | h | o | d | a |
g | g | L | i | t | t | e | r | n | e | o | o | l | k | c |
l | a | A | b | c | s | d | u | b | a | r | l | l | x | t |
o | v | J | z | p | i | l | a | y | s | e | p | u | u | o |
b | n | R | t | r | a | s | h | r | v | s | v | t | e | r |
a | u | D | d | f | i | u | t | w | y | t | a | i | t | y |
l | o | I | n | d | u | s | t | r | y | b | c | o | r | a |
w | j | S | l | k | f | e | d | s | l | a | i | n | n | v |
a | b | a | h | a | t | r | e | e | g | l | o | d | e | r |
r | o | n | o | a | o | d | s | x | n | a | t | u | r | e |
m | p | i | e | i | b | f | o | a | v | b | k | e | b | i |
i | w | m | n | r | d | e | c | o | l | o | g | y | h | y |
n | q | a | m | d | t | a | g | v | u | b | c | o | e | z |
g | h | l | a | e | n | v | i | r | o | n | m | e | n | t |
№3. - The next task: Find the synonyms.
to disturb animals | to pollute |
trash, litter | to protect |
environment | to frighten birds and animals |
to throw litter | rubbish |
to take care of | nature |
Thank you very much! Well done! How do you think what the motto of this station is? (Throw your rubbish into the bin, Don’t throw litter on the ground!Сlean up litter! … etc.)
- Dear scientists, Welcome to the READING station. Where are you?Look at the pictures. Try to guess! Now you have to find your task! Some Help-words- GREEN, PLANT, FLOWER. Don’t forget about time!
№1. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
Protect, home, keep, pointed out, environment
The Earth is our ___________. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is ____________ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ____________. Each of us must do everything possible to ___________ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ____________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties
1 home 2 pointed out 3 environment 4 keep 5 protect
№2. Read the text and mark the statements true / false / not stated.
The problems of climate
Tornados, sometimes called ‘twisters’, are whirlwinds with speeds of up to 400 km per hour. In the USA there are 1000 tornadoes every year. They look fantastic and dramatic when we are watching them on TV, but they can kill. Tornados are only one sign of the world’s climate changes. There are more floods in some parts of the world, and there’s much less rain in others.
We know that these things happen because global temperatures are rising
and many people believe that weather will get worse in the future. The problem of climate is very big. Cutting down trees, burning too much oil, a lot of cars and planes are some of the things that cause the problems. Global warming (потепление) will change the world’s climate.
Many scientists (учёные) try to solve these problems.
Mark the statements true / false / not stated.
- Tornados in the USA look fantastic and dramatic on TV
1)true2) false 3) not stated
- Tornados are not very dangerous because they can’t kill.
1)true2) false 3) not stated
- The climate is changing only in the USA.
1)true2) false 3) not stated
- Cutting down trees, burning too much oil can’t change the world’s climate.
1)true2) false 3) not stated
1. true 2.false3. not stated 4.true
Thank you very much! Well done! How do you think what is motto of this station? (Plant trees, flowers, don’t pick up flowers… etc.) Now you get the key-word! (REDUCE) What can or must we reduce? (We can reduce using electricity. We can reduce using water…etc.).
IV. Dear friends, Welcome to the LISTENING station. HOW do you think where are you? Oh, what's up? There is a terrible smell here! We can’t continue our quest. You will die here unless you wear your masks! Don’t speak, Just listen to the text and put the parts of the text in the order you hear them. There are some missing words in this text, please fill in the gaps (Слушают аудио, составляют текст). Thank you very much! Well done! How do you think what is motto of this station?( Plant trees! Keep the water and air clean etc.) Now you get the key-word! (RECYCLE) Try to guess what it is!? What can or must we recycle? (We can recycle newspapers. We must recycle paper. We can recycle plastic containers…etc.).
V. Dear friends, Welcome to the SPEAKING station. Pay attention to these pictures. This is a red zone! Why? Do you know something about The Red Book of Russia (The Russian Red Book is a state document where you can find a list of rare and endangered species of animals, plants. It was created for protecting animals, birds, plants). Your challenge: you should answer one question. Please, choose it!
1) Think about all good things you do to protect the environment. What do you do for it?
2) What would you recommend to people to do to protect the environment?
3) What do you do to protect the environment in your town?
Thank you very much! Well done! How do you think what the motto of this station is?(Don’t kill animals, plant trees and flowers…etc.) And now what about your key-word! Let's play bowling. You must knock down skittles-bottles and get the code, and then make up a word. Understandable? Are you ready? Don’t forget about time! Now you get the key-word! (REUSE) What can or must we reuse? (We must reuse glass bottles. We must reuse paper. We must reuse paper and plastic bags…etc.).
VI. Dear friends, Welcome to the WRITING station. Now you know 3 key-words and get a lot of information about environment and its problems. Work into your group thinking how we can help our nature using the rule of three R’s. Now you should create, make up your project to show it to other people for encouraging them to save our planet! (Ученики на листе формата А2 готовят проект) You have just 10 minutes. (Презентация проекта)
You worked well today. Your marks are good and excellent. I want you to remember that you should treat all the people, animals and plants with love and care, respect everybody and everything and you will be happy. It’s our responsibility to preserve the Earth for ourselves and for future generations! Thank you very much!
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