Кошкин дом
творческая работа учащихся на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Scene I.
Cat’s Flat.
Fairy – taller: Listen to me, listen to roe,
There is a house in the meadow - lea,
Listen to me, listen to me,
There is a house in the meadow - lea.
Carpet inside is so fine,
Like the sun in the blue sky.
Every morning just at eight.
Cat is going down this way!
She has very nice shoes,
Dress and hat are light blue,
Gloves are made of leather,
And her look is pleasant.
She is very bright, bright, bright, bright,
Bells are ringing in the night,, night,
Listen to me, listen to me,
There is a house in the meadow - lea.
Now children, bells are ringing,
Our story will begin.
Take your seat and listen to it,
Fairy-tale will, fairy-tale will, fairy-tale will be in a minute.
Cat: I am a cat,
I like to run for a rat,
My name is Peat,
I like to eat.
I am a cat,
I have a very good flat.
It has a white ceiling,
It has a big door,
It has a big window,
It has a brown floor.
There is a picture on the wall,
There is a table and the doll,
There are some chairs in the room,
There is carpet and the broom.
Basil-Cat: I am Cat’s friend Basil-cat
I have a very good hat.
Kitten: Aunty-Cat, Aunty-Cat,
Look, please, out of the flat,
I am a poor kitten,
I am your poor nephew.
Will you be so kind and good,
Will you give a little food?
Cat: Basil-Cat, Basil-Cat,
Who is knocking at the flat,
Who is crying, who is crying,
I can’t hear that!
Basil-Cat: It’s your poor kitten,
It’s your poor nephew.
He is little,
He is hungry
And he wants to eat.
Cat: Basil-Cat, Basil-Cat,
I have no nephew,
I have no kitten,
Let him away, away.
Basil-Cat: Go away, go away.
Dirty kitten, dirty kitten,
Go away.
Cat: Basil-Cat, Basil-Cat,
What have we for party?
What have we for party?
What have we for party?
Basil-Cat: Don’t worry, dear Cat,
We have everything for that.
Cat: Thank you, Basil-Cat, all right.
And good night, good night, good night.
Basil-Cat: Good night, good night,
Everything will be all right.
Scene II.
Guests are coming to the party.
Cat: Good afternoon, dear Cock.
Will you show me .your clock?
Cock: Good afternoon, good afternoon,
I'am a big red clock,
I come to your house
To have some good house.
Cat: Good afternoon, dear Hen.
Will you show me your pen?
Hen: Good afternoon, dear Cat.
I am very glad
I am a little red Hen,
I have a big grey pen.
I have a big many little chickens,
I have many little darlings.
Cat: Good afternoon, dear Goat,
You have a very nice coat.
Goat: Good afternoon, dear Cat,
You have a very nice flat.
I am a big Goat,
I have a red coat,
I like to eat glass
Do you know us.
Cat: Come in, please, come in, please.
Will you take some pears.
Pig: Good afternoon, friends.
I am a Pig, I like to eat.
My name is Pat,
I am very fat.
Cat: Good afternoon, dear Pig,
You are very, very big.
You look very nice and good today,
Let’s eat, sin and dance this day.
Dear friends, help yourself,
Take some cabbage, take some jam,
Take some apples, take some cakes
Help yourself, help yourself.
Basil-Cat: Dear friends, let’s sing and dance,
And we have a Cot' of fun
The party is the holiday,
It is for everyone.
Hen, Cock: Mrs Hen has a yard
Mrs Cock has a yard.
Goat: I like coffee .
Pig: I am a big fat pigs ...
All the animals: 1) Clap, clap, clap your hands
Pig: Oh, it,s time to go home,
All together: Good-bye, dear Cat,
Thank you for the party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene III.
All animals: A song "Tilly-tilly
Scene IV.
Cat: Basil-Cat, Basil-Cat I
What will we do with that?
Let,s go to the Hen and Cock,
They have a good flat and clock.
Scene V.
Cat: Dear Cock, dear Hen,
Will you open the flat?
Cock: Who is knocking at the door?
Hen: Oh, dear Cat, dear Cat,
I have a very little flat,
My kittens are fighting all the day,
Go away, go away.
Cat: Basil-Cat, Basil-Cat,
Let’s go to the Goat
Dear goat! Will you open the flat?
We are tired, we are cold,
We are tired, we are bad!
Goat: Good evening, dear cat,
My goar is very old,
His manners are very cold,
He is not very glad,
When he can see that
Come next Monday, next day,
Go away, go away.
Cat: Basil-Cat, Basil-Cat,
Let,s go to the Pig,
She is fat and very big.
Basil-Cat: She will give some food,
She is very kind and good.
Cat: Good evening, dear Pig.
You are king, you are big.
Will you open the door?
We can rest on the floor.
Pig: Dear Cat. dear Cat,
I can’t open the flat.
My little pigs are running,
My little pigs are crying.
Come to us next Sunday-day.
And please, now go away!
Cat: Basil-Cat. Basil-Cat,
I can’t stand that,
I can’t stand that,
Basil-Cat: Lady Cat, Lady Cat.
I can see a little flat;
It’s night. It’s Cold.
I am hungry, I am old.
Cat: Dear kitten, dear cat,
Will you open the fiat?
We are poor, we are sad
We are tired, we are bad.
Kitten: Aunty-Cat, Aunty-Cat,
Come to us and have some bread,
Drink some milk and eat some meat,
You are tired, you are sick.
Basil-Cat: Thank you dear kitten,
Will you take these mittens?
All together: Let us live together,
Let us be the friends,
The more we are together
The happie we are.
(All the animals sing a song, "If you’re happy”)
A Song "Mrs Hen has a yard".
Mrs. Hen has a yard,
Ea, ea. ea, o.
And in this yard,
She has some chicks,
Ea, ea, o.
With a chick, chick here,
And a chick, chick there,
Here a chick, there a chick,
Everywhere chick, chick.
Mrs Cock, has a yard,
Ea, ea, ea, o.
And in the yard.
He has some chicks,
Ea, ea, o.
With a chick, chick here,
And a chick, chick there.
Here a chick, there a chick,
Everywhere chick, chick.
A Song "I like coffee".
I like coffee,
I like tea,
I like you,
Do you like me?
A Song "I am a pig".
I am a big fat pig,
Sitting in the chair,
A big fat pig,
Doing what I ought to
I jump right out from the brown chair
I like to sleep all day and all night
A Song "Clap, clap".
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together,
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Step, step, step your feet,
Step your feet together.
Step, step, step your feet,
Step your feet together.
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Sing a song together,
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Sing a song together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together,
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
A Song "Tilly-Tilly".
Tilly-Tilly Tilly Fire
Cat’s house caught a fire,
Cat is crying, cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help.
A Song "If you’re happy".
If you’re happy and you know it
Clap your hands,
If you’re happy and you know it
Clap your-hands,
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it.
If you’re happy and you know it
Clap уour hands.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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