Инсценировка сказки "Кошкин дом" на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
В данном материале приводится инсценировка сказки "Кошкин дом" в стихотворной форме, с которой мои ученики выступали на фестивале иностранных языков "Открытый мир"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Scene 1.
Cat. I am a cat,
I like to run for a rat,
My name is Kit,
I like to eat.
Leader 1. She is a cat,
She has a very good flat.
Leader 2. She has a white ceiling,
She has a big door,
She has a big window,
She has a brown floor.
Leader 3. There is a picture on the wall,
There is a table and the doll,
There are some chairs in the room,
There is a carpet and the broom.
Basil-cat. I am Cat’s friend Basil-cat,
I have a very good hat.
Kittens. Aunty-cat, aunty-cat,
Look, please, out of the flat,
Kitten 1. We are poor kittens,
Kitten 2. We are poor nephews.
Kitten 1. Will you be so kind and good,
Kitten 2. Will you give a little food.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
Who is knocking at the flat?
Who is crying, who is crying?
I can’t hear that!
Basil-cat. It’s your poor kittens,
It’s your poor nephews.
Leader 4. They are little,
They are hungry,
And they want to eat.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
I have no nephews,
I have no kittens,
Go them away, away!
Basil-cat. Go away, go away,
Dirty kittens, dirty kittens,
Go away!
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
What have we for party?
What have we for party?
Basil-cat. Don’t worry, dear Cat,
We have everything for that.
Cat. Thank you, Basil-cat, all right,
And good night, good night, good night.
Basil-cat. Good night, good night,
Everything will be all right.
Scene 2.
Song “Come to the Party”.
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Cock.
Will you show me your clock?
Cock. Good afternoon, good afternoon,
I am a big red cock,
I come to your house,
To have some good hours.
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Hen!
Will you show me the pen?
Hen. Good afternoon, dear Cat,
I am very glad.
I am a little grey Hen,
I have a big grey pen.
I have many little chickens,
I have many little darlings.
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Goat,
You have a very nice coat.
Goat 1. Good afternoon, dear Cat,
You have a very nice flat.
I am a big Goat,
I have a red coat,
I like to eat grass,
Do you know us?
Goat 2. Good afternoon, dear Cat,
You have a very nice flat.
Cat. Come in, please, come in, please.
Will you take some pears?
Pig. Good afternoon, friends,
I am a Pig, I like to eat,
My name is Pat, I am very fat.
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Pig.
You are very, very big.
You look very nice and good today,
Let’s eat, sing and dance this day.
Leader 5. Dear friends, help yourself,
Take some cabbage, take some jam,
Take some apples, take some cakes,
Help yourself, help yourself.
Leader 6. Dear friends, let’s sing and dance,
And we have a lot of fun.
The party is the holiday,
It is for everyone.
Song “We can do anything”.
All guests. Oh, it’s time to go home,
Good-bye, our dear Cat,
Thank you for the Party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Scene 4.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat!
What will we do with that?
Basil-cat. Let’s go to the Hen and Cock,
They have a very good flat and clock.
Scene 5.
Cock. Who is knocking at the door?
Hen. Oh, dear Cat, dear Cat,
I have a very little flat,
My little chickens are fighting all the days,
Cock and Hen. Go away, go away!
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
Let’s go to the Goat.
Dear Goat! Will you open the flat?
We are tired, we are cold,
We are tired, we are bad.
Goat. Good evening, dear Cat,
My Goat is very old,
His manners are very cold,
He is not very glad,
When he can see that,
Come next Monday, next day,
Go away, go away!
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
Let’s go to the Pig,
She is fat and very big,
She will give some food,
She is very kind and good.
Basil-cat. Good evening, dear Pig,
You are kind, you are big,
Will you open the door?
We can rest on the floor.
Pig. Dear Cat and Basil-cat,
I can’t open the flat,
My little pigs are running,
My little pigs are crying,
Come to us next Sunday-day,
And, please, now go away!
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
I can’t stand that,
I can’t stand that.
Basil-cat. Lady-Cat, Lady-Cat,
I can see a little flat.
It’s night. It is cold.
I am hungry. I am old.
Cat. Dear nephews, dear cats,
Will you open the flat?
We are poor, we are bad,
We are tired, we are sad.
Kittens. Aunty Cat, Aunty Cat,
Come to us and have some bread,
Kitten 1. Drink some milk,
Kitten 2. And eat some meat,
Kittens. You are tired, you are sick.
Cat and Basil-cat. Thank you, dear kittens!
Will you take these mittens?
Cat. Let us live together,
Basil-cat. Let us be the friends.
Song “ The more we are together”.
Cat. I am a cat,
I like to run for a rat,
My name is Kit,
I like to eat.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
Who is knocking at the flat?
Who is crying, who is crying?
I can’t hear that!
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
I have no nephews,
I have no kittens,
Go them away, away!
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
What have we for party?
What have we for party?
Cat. Thank you, Basil-cat, all right,
And good night, good night, good night.
Scene 2.
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Cock.
Will you show me your clock?
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Hen!
Will you show me the pen?
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Goat,
You have a very nice coat.
Cat. Come in, please, come in, please.
Will you take some pears?
Cat. Good afternoon, dear Pig.
You are very, very big.
You look very nice and good today,
Let’s eat, sing and dance this day.
Scene 4.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat!
What will we do with that?
Scene 5.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
Let’s go to the Goat.
Dear Goat! Will you open the flat?
We are tired, we are cold,
We are tired, we are bad.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
Let’s go to the Pig,
She is fat and very big,
She will give some food,
She is very kind and good.
Cat. Basil-cat, Basil-cat,
I can’t stand that,
I can’t stand that.
Cat. Dear nephews, dear cats,
Will you open the flat?
We are poor, we are bad,
We are tired, we are sad.
Cat and Basil-cat. Thank you, dear kittens!
Will you take these mittens?
Cat. Let us live together,
Basil-cat. I am Cat’s friend Basil-cat,
I have a very good hat.
Basil-cat. It’s your poor kittens,
It’s your poor nephews.
Basil-cat. Go away, go away,
Dirty kittens, dirty kittens,
Go away!
Basil-cat. Don’t worry, dear Cat,
We have everything for that.
Basil-cat. Good night, good night,
Everything will be all right.
Scene 4.
Basil-cat. Let’s go to the Hen and Cock,
They have a very good flat and clock.
Scene 5.
Basil-cat. Good evening, dear Pig,
You are kind, you are big,
Will you open the door?
We can rest on the floor.
Basil-cat. Lady-Cat, Lady-Cat,
I can see a little flat.
It’s night. It is cold.
I am hungry. I am old.
Cat and Basil-cat. Thank you, dear kittens!
Will you take these mittens?
Basil-cat. Let us be the friends.
Kitten 1.
Kittens. Aunty-cat, aunty-cat,
Look, please, out of the flat,
Kitten 1. We are poor kittens,
Kitten 1. Will you be so kind and good,
Scene 5.
Kittens. Aunty Cat, Aunty Cat,
Come to us and have some bread,
Kitten 1. Drink some milk,
Kitten 2. And eat some meat,
Kittens. You are tired, you are sick.
Kitten 2.
Kittens. Aunty-cat, aunty-cat,
Look, please, out of the flat
Kitten 2. We are poor nephews.
Kitten 2. Will you give a little food.
Scene 5.
Kittens. Aunty Cat, Aunty Cat,
Come to us and have some bread,
Kitten 2. And eat some meat,
Kittens. You are tired, you are sick.
Leader 1. She is a cat,
She has a very good flat.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Leader 2. She has a white ceiling,
She has a big door,
She has a big window,
She has a brown floor.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Leader 3. There is a picture on the wall,
There is a table and the doll,
There are some chairs in the room,
There is a carpet and the broom.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Leader 4. They are little,
They are hungry,
And they want to eat.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Leader 5. Dear friends, help yourself,
Take some cabbage, take some jam,
Take some apples, take some cakes,
Help yourself, help yourself.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Leader 6. Dear friends, let’s sing and dance,
And we have a lot of fun.
The party is the holiday,
It is for everyone.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Scene 2.
Cock. Good afternoon, good afternoon,
I am a big red cock,
I come to your house,
To have some good hours.
All guests. Oh, it’s time to go home,
Good-bye, our dear Cat,
Thank you for the Party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Scene 5.
Cock. Who is knocking at the door?
Cock and Hen. Go away, go away!
Scene 2.
Hen. Good afternoon, dear Cat,
I am very glad.
I am a little grey Hen,
I have a big grey pen.
I have many little chickens,
I have many little darlings.
All guests. Oh, it’s time to go home,
Good-bye, our dear Cat,
Thank you for the Party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Scene 5.
Hen. Oh, dear Cat, dear Cat,
I have a very little flat,
My little chickens are fighting all the days,
Cock and Hen. Go away, go away!
Goat 2.
Goat 2. Good afternoon, dear Cat,
You have a very nice flat.
All guests. Oh, it’s time to go home,
Good-bye, our dear Cat,
Thank you for the Party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Goat 1.
Goat 1. Good afternoon, dear Cat,
You have a very nice flat.
I am a big Goat,
I have a red coat,
I like to eat grass,
Do you know us?
All guests. Oh, it’s time to go home,
Good-bye, our dear Cat,
Thank you for the Party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Scene 5.
Goat. Good evening, dear Cat,
My Goat is very old,
His manners are very cold,
He is not very glad,
When he can see that,
Come next Monday, next day,
Go away, go away!
Pig. Good afternoon, friends,
I am a Pig, I like to eat,
My name is Pat, I am very fat.
All guests. Oh, it’s time to go home,
Good-bye, our dear Cat,
Thank you for the Party,
Thank you for all that.
Scene 3.
All together. Tilly, tilly, tilly-Fair!
The Cat’s house caught fire!
Cat is running, Cat is crying,
Cat is asking for the help!
Scene 5.
Pig. Dear Cat and Basil-cat,
I can’t open the flat,
My little pigs are running,
My little pigs are crying,
Come to us next Sunday-day,
And, please, now go away!
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