Подготовка к ОГЭ в 9 классе (обучение монологической речи)
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа, 9 класс) на тему
Обучение монологической речи на среднем и старшем этапе, различные способы обучения и виды упражнений. Практический материал для обучения монологической речи.
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Предварительный просмотр:
АНО СОШ «Димитриевская»
М/О учителей английского языка
Обучение говорению (монологическая речь) при подготовке к ОГЭ
1) Характеристики монолога:
- целенаправленность/соответствие речевой задаче
- логичность
- непрерывность высказывания
- самостоятельность смысловая законченность
2) Пути обучения монологической речи:
- сверху вниз
- снизу вверх
3) Путь «сверху вниз»: формирование монологических умений на основе различных этапов работы с текстом.
- текст позволяет создать продуманную речевую ситуацию на уроке
- на дотекстовом этапе учащиеся составляют мини-монологи, пытаясь предугадать содержание текста, комментируя заголовок;
- задания после прочтения текста позволяют делать более продолжительные высказывания, происходит установление логико-смысловых связей речи, анализ речевых приёмов, способов аргументации
- современные аутентичные тексты имеют высокую степень информативности, что предопределяет содержательную ценность высказываний;
- аутентичные тексты разных жанров дают хорошую языковую и речевую опору, образец для подражания, основу для составления собстенных речевых высказываний по образцу.
- Типичные задания:
- ответ на вопросы на понимание содержания и смысла текста;
- согласиться с утверждениями или опровергнуть их;
- выразить отношения к героям, событиям, мнению автора, аргументируя свою точку зрения
- определить основную идею текста;
- кратко изложить содержание текста (summary);
4) Путь «снизу вверх»: в данном случае монолог строится без опоры на конкретный текст.
На среднем и старшем этапе этот путь может быть выбран учителем в данных ситуациях:
- у учащихся есть достаточный информационный запас по данной теме (с учётом межпредметных связей);
- уровень языка (лексический и грамматический) достаточен для успешного обсуждения данной темы на иностранном языке;
- в речевом репертуаре учащихся имеется необходимый запас средств реализации различных речевых функций (согласия, несогласия, передачи и запроса информации)
учащиеся владеют речевыми умениями (способами связи речевых высказываний, дискурсивными приёмами).
5) Примеры заданий и упражнений (средний и старший этапы)
- Повторение изученного материала по теме(фронтальное обсуждение темы/беседа, ответ на вопросы, подбор и повторение лексики по теме)
- ознакомление с новым языковым материалом и его первичная отработка в речи (лексические упражнения на основе слова и словосочетания, составление предложений с новой лексикой)
- речевые упражнения (высказать своё мнение по вопросу, утверждению, цитате, прокомментировать пословицу, подготовить сообщение по теме)
Рекомендумые материалы:
- «Методика обучения иностранным языкам» Соловова Е.Н., «Просвещение»
- «Английский язык. Тренировочные варианты экзаменационных работ», ФИПИ, Трубанёва Н.Н. идр.
- «Практикум по английскому языку», Трубанёва Н.Н., Бабушис Е.Е., изд. «Титул»
- Сборник тестов для подготовки к ГИА (ОГЭ) в 9 классе. Лэнг М., Немыкина А.И., Почепаева А.В, «Language – 360»
- “Exam Success”, Уэйн Риммер и др. «Cambridge University Press»
- “Exam Activator”, изд. «Pearson Longman»
- Laser B1+, изд. “Макмиллан»
подготовила Астахова О.Б.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подготовка к ОГЭ 9 класс
Монологическая речь
Starting a talk:
I’d like to tell you about…
I'd like to give a short talk about …
Developing a talk:
I’d like to begin by saying that …
Let me start/finish with…
As I was saying …
Ending a talk:
In conclusion, I’d like to say that…
To sum up, …
Argue your point:
It’s true that …
You can’t deny that…
Everyone would agree with me that …
Expressing your opinions/feelings/reactions:
I (don’t) think that …/I reckon …
I’m (not) sure that/I doubt that
I can’t believe that
it’s terrible/strange/funny that…
I find it really exciting because …
Describing your likes/dislikes/preferences:
I really enjoy (doing smth)
I’m crazy about …
I’m really into (sports/music/playing tennis)
I’m a great fan of …
(Something) is fantastic/brilliant/wonderful/amazing
The Internet
- Why is the Internet very important nowadays?
- Has the internet had a great impact on our lives? Can we imagine our life without the Internet and computers?
- Is the Internet a source of information, education and entertainment?
- search for useful information on the Internet (for school projects)
- download films, music, songs
4. How can the Internet help you to learn English?
- do online tests
- prepare for exams
- use online dictionaries
- watch films in English
- listen to English songs
5. How can the Internet help you to communicate with friends?
- send emails instantly and freely all over the world
- get in touch with pen-friends
- use social networking sites
- create your own blog/website
6. Do you use social networking sites? What for?
- communicating with friends
- uploading photos
- sharing information, interests
7. What do you use the Internet for?
(educational purposes, entertainment, shopping, communicating with friends)
8. Why can the Internet be dangerous and harmful for users?
- viruses
- the activities of hackers and criminals
- dangerous websites
- not all information on the Internet is reliable
- online games
9. Do some teenagers become addicted to playing computer games (social networking sites)? Do teenagers waste their time playing online games?
10. How can you avoid the dangers of the Internet?
- be very selective and careful
- avoid dangerous sites
- should not share personal information
11. Do you think the Internet has more advantages or disadvantages? Why?
Environmental Problems
Nowadays our planet is facing a lot of serious environmental problems, such as 1) …………. warming, air and water 2) ………………, climate change, the greenhouse effect, deforestation (cutting down trees).
Our planet 3) ….. getting hotter and hotter. This causes changes 4) … climate, sea levels are 5) ……………, ice caps are 6) …………………, animals and plants are dying. If we try, we can reduce the greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere, which make the Earth warmer. We can save on electricity by turning 7) … the lights when we don’t need them. We can also 8)…………. energy by 9) ………………… a bus, 10) ………………. a bike or walking.
Animals’ habitats 11)…. ……. destroyed now. A lot of trees are being cut down and forests are disappearing fast. Also, lots of people hunt even when they 12) ….. not allowed to. Governments should protect areas where animals live and hunters should be sent to prison. It is a good idea to set up more nature reserves where animals could live in their natural 13) ………………
Since I am a Muscovite, I would like to discuss some important environmental problems of our city. First of all, the condition of 14)…. Moscow River is very poor. The Moscow River used to be a popular place for swimming and fishing, but now it is full 15)…. chemicals. The problem of air pollution is also highly acute now. The effect of it is very strong in Moscow because of a large number of cars and industrial emissions.
It seems that these problems are too big and complex for us to solve, but we, teenagers, can do something to change our personal environment.
Over to you:
What can you personally do to make a difference in your personal environment?
- form an environmental club in your school and promote some environmental issues
- make a film to focus attention on ecological problems in Moscow
- collect newspapers and use recycled paper
- save energy and water
- feed birds in winter
- plant trees and flowers
- clean up your local park
- work as a volunteer
Teenage Fashions
- Are you interested in fashion?
- Do you know the names of any famous designers?
- Do you follow the latest fashion or prefer to where what you like?
- Do boys and girls pay attention to fashion? Why (not)?
- What style of clothes do you prefer? Why?
- casual clothes - comfortable clothes that you wear in your free time( a sweater, jeans)
- formal clothes ( a suit, a tie, a dress, a blouse, a skirt, high-heeled shoes)
- What clothes are appropriate for different occasions?
- What do you wear when you go to the theatre (to your friend’s birthday party, go camping, go for a picnic)?
- Why do some people prefer to buy designer clothes?
- to look fashionable
- to wear expensive clothes
- to show off
- these clothes are of excellent quality
- Do you wear a school uniform? Describe it.
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of wearing a school uniform?
- you don’t have to think what to put on in the morning
- it’s cheaper and more available
- students are not jealous of other students possessions (trendy clothes)
- helps to concentrate on your studies
- all the pupils look the same
- poor quality
- it does not look fashionable
- How would you change your school uniform to make it trendy and smart?
- Is there any special teenage fashion? Do teenagers have an influence on modern fashion? Do they like to improvise and create their own style or mix whatever is available?
- Do shops offer any special outfits for teenagers?
- Do you think fashion style should be different for adults and teenagers? Why (not)?
- Why do teenagers sometimes wear weird clothes and hairstyles? Do they want
- to show off
- to stand out in the crowd
- to attract attention
- to show they belong to a special group (football fans, Goths, punks)
- What is more important – to look neat and tidy or to look fashionable?
Jobs/My future career
1) What are the most popular jobs nowadays? Why?
- a lawyer
- a doctor
- a teacher
- an officer
- a nurse
- an astronaut
- an office worker
- a businessman
- an economist
- an accountant
2) What would you like to do when you leave school – enter university or start working?Why?
3) What job would you like to do after you graduate from university?
4) Would you like to do the same job as your parents? Why (not)?
5) Would you like to work as a volunteer? Why (not)?
Do you think you could acquire some skills and experience that could be attractive for your future employer?
Where would you like to work as a volunteer?
6) How important is it to earn a high salary?
7) What is more important – to get job satisfaction or to earn money?
- a rewarding job
- to get satisfaction from work
- to be satisfied with your work
- to have a sense of achievement
- to do routine work
8) Do you think you would need English for your future career? Why (not)?
9) Would you like to do a summer job to earn some pocket money? Why (not)?
What job could you do? Why?
- work as a waiter/waitress
- work as an office boy/errand boy
- loader
- babysitter
Family relationship
1) Do you come from a big family? Are you an only child or do you have any brothers or sisters?
(We are a family of three…)
2) Do you get on well with your parents (younger/elder brothers and sisters)?
3) How do you spend your free time?
- go to amusement parks
- go to the country
- have a picnic in the countryside
- play sports/games
- watch sports competitions
- go to the cinema/theatre
- discuss films/books
- go on trips/excursions
4) Do you have any family traditions? Describe them.
- celebrate birthdays
- celebrate holidays (New Year/Victory Day/Easter/Christmas)
- have family meals at the weekend (on special days)
- visit grandparents
5) Do you have a lot in common with your parents? What common interests do you have?
6) Do you sometimes have arguments? What do you usually argue about?
- fashions/clothes
- music
- films
- friends
7) Do you share your problems/secrets with your parents?
8) Do your parents support you when you are in trouble? How do they support you?
- give good advice
- comfort you
- warn you about some problems or dangers
8) Is your family friendly and hospitable?
Do you have a wide circle of friends?
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