материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Cамойлова Анжела Сергеевна

Цель данных тестов является активизировать лексико-грамматический материал, изученный ранее на уроках. Источник: Коровина О. Сборник разноуровневых учебных тематических тестов. 10-11 классы. М.Чистые пруды, 2010


Предварительный просмотр:

Источник: Журнал English. Издательский дом “Первое сентября”.  №4 с.48

Тесты для 9 класса «Conflict resolution»

Тесты для 9 класса «Be tolerant»

Предварительный просмотр:

Источник: Коровина О. Сборник разноуровневых учебных тематических тестов. 10-11 классы. М.Чистые пруды, 2010

Variant 1

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

The stars of American journalism can (1) (build up) reputations which make them better (2) (know) than most members of the President’s Cabinet – and such people have real in􀃀 uence. Although each one (3) (work) for a single big city newspaper, their articles may (4) (reproduce) in hundreds of local papers across the nation. These stars are not all political. Some deal with football, baseball or other things which interest people. (5) (Be) successful it is not always necessary to be a graduate in journalism.

In 1955, the Chicago Sun-Times (6) (engage) an untrained housewife from Iowa, (7) (call) Esther Lederer, (8) (take over) the “Anne Landers” column, (9) (give) comforting answers to all manner of que ries on personal problems  (10) (send) in by readers. Thirty years later her “Anne Landers” column (11) (reproduce) in 1,100 newspapers and read by eighty million people. Meanwhile, her twin sister (12) (have) an almost identical column, “Dear Abby”, (13) (base) in California and (14) (reproduce) in 1,300 papers. By 1987 these amazing twins, then aged 67, (15) (not retire) yet.

II. . Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.

1. full of fear – a________d

2. to take the 􀂿 rst step – b______n

3. a town where a seat of government is – 􀉫_____

4. the end of life – d______h

5. to come or go into – e______r

6. very well known – f________s

7. a male goose – g________r

8. to take place – h________n

9. to spring over – j____p

10. the male ruler of the country – 􀉤____g

11. a speech to a group of people – 1__________e

12. to walk like a soldier – m______h

13. the dark part of each day – n______t

14. not shut – 􀉨____n

15. to put in the ground to grow – p______t

Variant 2

I. Choose the correct form from brackets.

THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT It was quite late on a Friday night and Bill and Lora (1) (were having/

had supper) in their new house. Things still felt a bit strange so they (2) (weren’t take/didn’t take) much notice when they heard someone (3) (move/ moving) about nois ily in the house next door – the house (4) (was/has been)

semi-detached. They (5) (think/thought) it was a bit strange that their neighbours should be doing their housework so late on Friday night. Then they (6) (heard/were hearing) men’s voices (7) (talk/ talking) softly. From the

windows they could (8) (saw/see) 􀂿 gures (9) (move/moving) backwards and forwards in the front garden. Bill and Lora assumed that their neighbours (10) (were having/ had) some sort of party. Not long after, they heard the front

door (11) (slam/slamming) shut. Then complete silence. They thought this (12) (were/was) a bit strange, because they naturally expected (13) (hear/to hear) other people (14) (leave/leaving) and (15) (say/saying) goodbye.

However, they (16) (had gone/went) to bed and (17) (forgot/had forgotten) all about it. At breakfast early the next day, they heard someone (18) (shout/shouting). Their neighbours (19) (arrived/had just arrived) back home from

holiday to discover that the thieves (20) (had taken/took) all their furniture and valu ables from the house.

II. Express the meaning of each of the following phrases in one word.

1. an answer expressing agreement – y___ (three letters)

2. to have a desire – w______ (four letters)

3. very rude, low, or bad-mannered – v________ (six letters)

4. up to the time when – u_______ (five  letters)

5. a group of people of the same race, beliefs, language – t_______ (fi ve letters)

6. to die or suffer from lack of food – s__________ (six letters)

7. waste material to be thrown away – r____________ (seven letters)

8. a stated number of people, without whom a meeting can not be held –q__________ (six letters)

9. special right or advantage limited to one person or a few people – p____________ (nine letters)

10. not unusual –o______________ (eight letters)

Variant 3

I. Choose the correct verb form from brackets.


Mr. and Mrs. Parker (l) (had/were having) a quiet day at home. Their 18-year-old daughter was away in Wales (2) (stay/staying) with a friend. At 11 am they (3) (get/got) a phone call from the friend where their daughter (4) (was supposed/has been sup posed) to be staying (5) (say/saying) that she (6) (has disappeared/had disappeared). They were just about to call the police when the phone (7) (rang/was ringing) again. A hoarse voice (8) (told/had told) Mr. Parker that his daughter (9) (had been kidnapped/ had kidnapped) and that unless he (10) (pays/paid) a ransom of $2,000, he (11) (would never see/would have never seen) his daughter again. The voice then gave him instructions about where and when to hand over the money. He (12) (had been warned/ was warned) (13) (not to tell/don’t tell) the police anything.

Mr. Parker (14) (went/has gone) to the bank and (15) (took/has taken) the money out of his bank account and left on the next train to Wales. When he (16) (arrived/had arrived), he (17) (went/had gone) into the hotel at four to 􀂿 ve and carefully (18) (put/had put) the briefcase beside a sofa as arranged. At 5 o’clock a woman in a scarf and raincoat (19) (came/had come) up and (20) (took/had taken) the briefcase. At 11 pm the same evening, to his great relief, his daughter (21 (had come/came) back home. She could hardly (22) (stop/stopped) herself from laughing.

Imagine his surprise when she (23) (handed/ hands) him his briefcase containing the $2,000. It (24) (turned/had turned) out that she and her friend (25) (decided/had decided) to play a practical joke. It was she who (26) (put/had put) on a hoarse voice to phone her father and it was she who (27) (collected/had collected) the briefcase. The joke (28) (worked/ had worked) but, strangely enough, Mr. and Mrs. Parker (29) (didn’t enjoy/hadn’t enjoyed) it as much as their daughter (30) (did/had done)!

II. Complete the names of these animals.

1. the biggest land animal – e______t (eight letters)

2. the fastest dog – g________d (nine letters)

3. the tallest animal – g______e (seven letters)

4. one of the most useful animals to people – h____e (five letters)

5. one of the biggest and most powerful birds – e_____e (five letters)

6. one of the heaviest animals – h___________s (twelve letters)

7. one of the longest and most poisonous animals – s_____e (five letters)

8. one of the biggest birds but the worst at  flying – o______h (seven letters)

9. one of the most dangerous insects – m________o (eight letters)

10. one of the most poisonous creatures – s______n (eight letters)

Variant 4

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.


Computers and microchips (1) (become) part of our everyday lives: we visit shops and of􀂿 ces which (2) (design) with the help of computers, we read magazines which (3) (produce) on computer, we pay bills (4) (prepare) by

computers. Just (5) (pick up) a telephone and (6) (dial) a number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system, as does (7) (make) a 􀃀 ight reservation or bank transaction.

We encounter daily many computers that spring to life the instant they (8) (switch on) (e.g. calculators, the car’s electronic ignition, the timer in the microwave, or the programmer inside the TV set), all of which use chip


What makes your computer such a miracu lous device? Each time you (9) (turn) it on it is capable of (10) (do) anything you ask. It is a (11) (calculate) machine that (12) (speed up) 􀂿 nancial calculations. It is a magical typewriter that (13) (allow) you to type and print any kind of document – letters, memos or legal documents. It is a personal communicator that (14) (enable) you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. If you like gadgets and electronic entertainment, you can even use your PC (15) (relax) with computer games.

 II. Underline the noun that is usually uncountable in each group.

Example: shirt, fashion, skirt, tie, blouse

A holiday, journey, flight, luggage, suitcase

B meal, dish, food, menu, dessert

C cheque, coin, cash, salary, bonus

D tractor, corn, barn, field, orchard

E raspberry, plum, fruit, fig, mango

F job, employee, boss, unemployment, profession

G basement, attic, cellar, bedsit, accommodation

H health, pill, disease, operation, prescription

I disco, musical, music, opera, concert

J motorway, traffi c, traffi c jam, lorry, rush hour

Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple/Past Continuous Tenses

I. Complete the following sentences using the Simple Past Tense form of the verb.

1. I __________________ him yesterday.

a) saw b) was seeing c) had seen

2. I __________________ his letter yesterday.

a) received b) was receiving c) had received

3. She __________________ school last year.

a) will leave b) leave c) left

4. Last night I __________________ sleep well.

a) don’t b) didn’t c) hadn’t

5. He __________________ asleep while he was driving.

a) fell b) falls c) was falling

6. I __________________ a new bicycle last week.

a) bought b) had bought c) have bought

7. We __________________ our breakfast half an hour ago.

a) fi nished b) have fi nished c) had fi nished

8. When I was in the US, I __________________ Chicago, Boston and California.

a) visited b) was visiting c) would visit

9. I ________________ an old classmate of mine at the library.

a) saw b) was seeing c) had seen

10. She __________________ that she would not go.

a) says b) said c) had said

II. Change the following sentences into Simple Past.

1. She buys a book.

2. The teacher punishes the boy.

3. The little girl laughs at the beggar.

4. They know it.

5. He does not tell lies.

6. They do not wait for anybody.

7. Who teaches you English?

8. The masons build the house.

9. They invite us to their party.

10. His manners disgust me.

11. She sings a lovely song.

12. It is time to start.

13. He wants to kill the snake.

14. His conduct surprises me.

15. I want you to come with me.

III. Complete the following sentences using appropriate Simple Past or Past Continuous forms.

1. As I ______________ (open) my eyes, I ______________(see) a strange sight.

2. While you ________________ (play) in the garden, I ________________ (work).

3. As I ___________ (walk) down the street, I ___________(see) Ann driving a Ferrari.

4. While they _______________ (work) in the backyard, someone _______________ (break) into the house.

5. When I was a child, we __________ (live) in Singapore.

6. When I ________________ (sit) under the tree, an apple _______________ (fall) on my head.

7. She ___________ (look) at me as if she _____________(know) me.

IV. Complete the following sentences using appropriate Simple Past or Past Continuous Tense forms.

Last Saturday when I _____________ (visit) Mr. Mohan’s house everyone was busy. Mr. Mohan _____________ (work) in the garden. His wife _____________ (cook) dinner. Their children _______________ (do) their homework. The boy _______________ (try) to solve a problem. The girl said that she _______________ (write) a letter to her friend.

When I ________________ (return) to my house, everyone there was busy too. My father ________________.

(read) the newspaper and my mother ________________(knit) a sweater. My brother _________________ (repair)

his bicycle and my sister _________________ (listen) to music.

V. Choose the right option.

1. I am not used to ________________ in cold climates.

a) live

b) living c) Either could be used here

2. When we were kids, we ___________ go swimming in the evenings.

a) were used to b) used to

3. She used to ________________ a lot.

a) write

b) writing c) Either could be used here

4. I am not used to ________________ on the left.

a) drive

b) driving c) Either could be used here

5. I didn’t use to ___________ fi sh or meat, but now I do.

a) eat

b) eating c) Either could be used here

6. He quit his job in Saudi Arabia because he __________

living in such a hot country.

a) did not use to

b) was not used to c) did not used to

7. They are used to ________________ in poverty.

a) live

b) living c) Either could be used here

8. You will soon get used to ________________ things on your own.

a) do b) doing

9. First-time mothers often fi nd it diffi cult to get used to ________________ up in the middle of the night.

a) get b) getting

10. I ________________ to like him, but now I do.

a) used not

b) didn’t used c) use not

By Katerina Merkulova

Источник: Журнал English. Издательство «Первое сентября». №3- 2015. с.18

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