Дифференцированный подход к обучению английскому языку в средней школе.
Данный материал содержит примеры дифференцированного подхода на уроках английского языка в средней школе.
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Дифференцированный подход к обучению английскому языку в средней школе. | |
Бутенко Дмитрий Анатольевич Учитель английского языка. puzeo@yandex.ru Ссылки на примеры дифференцированных заданий по английскому языку: Примеры дифференцированного подхода: Презентация на тему "Дифференцированный подход в обучении" (infourok.ru) Мастер-класс " Приемы уровневой дифференциации на уроках английского языка" (videouroki.net) Разноуровневые задания на уроках английского языка | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый» (moluch.ru)
| Важнейшей составляющей педагогического процесса в настоящее время с учетом ФГОС становится личностно-ориентированное взаимодействие учителя и ученика. Образовательные технологии переходят от ориентации на усредненного ученика к дифференцированным индивидуализированным программам обучения. Дифференциация обучения является одним из эффективных средств оказания воздействия на личность и формирования ценностных ориентаций учащихся. Педагогам знакома проблема различной образовательной подготовки учащихся, несмотря на то, что дети обучаются по одним и тем же программам. Причин этому несколько: это и различные способности детей к изучению иностранного языка, и психолого-педагогические проблемы развития детей, и пропущенные уроки, и невнимательность, и отсутствие мотивации к учению. Решить эти проблемы и призвана уровневая дифференциация, цель которой – обучение каждого на уровне его возможностей и способностей и адаптация обучения к особенностям различных групп учащихся. Я хочу представить вашему вниманию приемы уровневой дифференциации, которые позволяют активизировать мыслительную деятельность учеников каждого уровня развития и вызывают неподдельный интерес у ребят. При этом эти приемы позволяют создать ситуацию успеха на уроке, а успех помогает преодолеть ощутимые, но посильные трудности для ребенка. Практическая часть. Перейдя по ссылке вы сможете найти примеры дифференцированных заданий по английскому языку для формирования различных умений и навыков. |
Пример дифференцированного подхода к развитию навыков аудирования.
So the first task is…Итак первое задание на развитие навыков аудирования.
Now we are going to listen to a piece of song. You should listen to it attentively and fill in the gaps.
But we have different levels of this task. If you think it will be too difficult, you should take the envelope with letter A.
If you are not quite sure of your skills take B.
If your English well take C.
Make your choice, please
Сейчас дети получили разноуровневые задания, причем дети, имеют возможность сами решить задания какого уровня они, будут выполнять. Задания, данные до прослушивания, организуют мыслительную деятельность, внимание и запоминание.
И теперь разные группы учащихся знакомятся со своими заданиями.
Our group A should put the lines in the right order.
Group B should fill in the gaps with the words from the song.
Group C should complete the text with the word combinations from the song.
(прослушивание 1 раз)
Now you have 1 minute to fill in the gaps and then we’ll listen to the song once more for checking your answers.(прослушивание 2 раз)
Who can read your work? (средняя гр. 1 четверостишие, сильная группа 2 четверостишие)
Give me your papers, please.
Итак, дети, выбравшие репродуктивные задания на восстановление последовательности (А) все успешно с ним справились, показав нам так называемое фрагментальное понимание текста.
Группа выбравшая задания В так же справилась, при этом показывая общее понимание текста.
Группа С работала с более серьезным заданием по аудированию, которое демонстрирует полное понимание.
Данная передача полученного сообщения в англ. языке называется Feedback.
Полученный текст песни мы можем использовать для домашнего задания так же дифференцированно. 1 группа детей может просто выучить текст, другая найти грамматические явления, 3 сделать стихотворный перевод.
Пример дифференцированного подхода к развитию навыков написания письма личного характера.
Today we’ll write an informal letter. I’ll give you different kind of this task because I have already known your level.
(задание письма на экране)
Look at the screen where you can see a part of the letter from your English speaking pen-friend. Let’s write back to Ann.
The 1st group should put the parts of the letter in the right order.
The 2nd group should complete the letter with etiquette phrases but choose only informal style.
And the 3rd group should answer the letter.
I’ll give you some minutes.
Наша эксперементальная группа получила 3 типа задания по одному и тому же фрагменту письма. В данном случае уровень полученного задания выбирает учитель, т.к. уровень учеников был уже определен и учитель заранее прогнозирует, какое из данных трех заданий окажется, наиболее успешным для ученика. И позволит ребенку лучше усвоить материал.
Задания для группы слабоуспевающих учеников А - поставить части письма в нужном порядке. Это репродуктивное задание, подразумевающее так же чтение и понимание текста.
Группа В –выбирает подходящие этикетные фразы. Здесь творчество сводится к минимуму, но при этом проверяется умение стилистически правильно строить письменное высказывание. А более сильная группа С пишет собственный ответ, т.е. проводит мысленный анализ чужого высказывания и строит внутренний диалог.
Are you ready my dear students? Was it difficult for you?
Let’s read your letter, please. At first let’s check up group A. I have this part on the screen. What part is the 1st? 2nd?
That’s enough. You are right.
The 2nd group B, please, read the ending of the letter.
The 3rd group C read the body of the letter.
Кейс метод.
And our topic for today is clothes. I’d like to know if you remember the words. I have got three different tasks.
The 1st task is to divide the clothes according to the season. A
The 2nd task is to complete the text using the picture. B
And the last one is to design your own style and describe it. C
Choose your task. I’ll give you two minutes to prepare.
Как вы видите наши испытуемые теперь уже сами выбирали задание, которое по их мнению подходит им. Личный выбор учащихся в данном случае снимает вопрос психологического дискомфорта субъективной оценки учителя при распределении в более слабую группу. Ситуация как бы обрастает все новыми лексическими единицами «собирается кейс» где все принимают участие, разнятся только вопросы по уровню сложности. Ситуацию выбора одежды можно рассматривать в дискуссии: Почему выбрали такую одежду? Удобна ли она?
Now let’s check up.
1 What winter clothes do you choose? Which one is most comfortable for you?
2 Would you choose the style like that?
3 Is it suitable for school?
Мастер-класс " Приемы уровневой дифференциации на уроках английского языка" (videouroki.net)
Пример дифференцированного контроля аудирования.
“Mr. Holland’s Dream”
I shall read you the text three times by intervals. And after that the pupils of the first group (level A) have to put the sentences in a logical order according to the text. The pupils of the second group (level B) have to answer the questions according to the text. And the pupils of the third group (level C) have to circle the correct answer in their papers.
When Mr. Holland was a young man, he played a lot of football, and he had always been thin and very strong. But then he worked in an office for many years, and he drove to work in a car, so when he was forty, he was fat and very soft, and he didn’t wish to get fatter and softer every year.
One day one of his friends said to him: “Would you like to be thinner, Fred?”
“Of course, I would”, Mr. Holland answered.
“Well”, his friend said, “stop going to your office by car, and get a bicycle”.
Mr. Holland had not ridden a bicycle for many years. “It’s very hard to learn to ride a bicycle again at your age,” his wife said.
But it was not too hard for Mr. Holland to do. He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper in the evening, but he bought a bicycle for his birthday and practiced riding it every evening instead. He hoped that it would help him to get thinner, and he got a lot of pleasure from it.
He found little roads which were not really very narrow, but were too narrow for cars, and there he got away from the nasty noises of the city, which were becoming too much for him. They were not really very loud, but they were too loud for Mr. Holland.
Then he began to go to his office by bicycle. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and he went past them to the front, because his bicycle was narrow. Then he was very happy.
Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on another bicycle. He stopped too and said to Mr. Holland, “Have the police taken your driving licence away too?”
Level A.Put the sentences in the correct order.
1. Then he began to go to his office on his bicycle.
2. He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper.
3. It was not too hard for Mr. Holland to ride a bicycle.
4. He found little roads which were not really very narrow.
5. When Mr. Holland was a young man, he played a lot of football.
6. When he was forty, he was fat and very soft.
7. Mr. Holland hadn’t ridden a bicycle for many years.
8. He didn’t wish to get fatter and softer every year.
9. When all the cars stopped at a red light Mr. Holland went past them, because his bicycle was narrow.
10. Another man stopped too and said to Mr. Holland “Have the police taken your licence away too”?
Level B.Answer the following questions.
1. What is Mr. Holland’s dream?
2. When did he play a lot of football?
3. Why had he always been thin and very strong?
4. Why did he become fat and very soft?
5. What was the advice of one of his friends?
6. Was it hard to follow this advice? Why?
7. What did he usually do in the evening?
8. What would help him to get thinner?
9. Where did Mr. Holland practice?
10. Did he stop at the red light?
11. Why did a man behind him ask “Have the police taken the driving licence away too”?
Level C.Circle the correct answer in your papers.
1. Was Mr. Holland fat or thin when he was young?
A) He was slim.
B) He was thin.
C) He was thick.
D) He was fat.
2. What was he like when he was forty?
A) He was fat.
B) He was thin.
C) He was thick.
D) He was slim.
3. Who told him to get a bicycle?
A) His son did.
B) His wife did.
C) His mother did.
D) A friend did.
4. Was it hard for him to learn to ride a bicycle again?
A) Sometimes it was very hard.
B) Yes, it was very easy.
C) Yes, it was very hard.
D) No, it wasn’t.
5. When did he practice?
A) In the evening.
B) In the morning.
C) On his birthday.
D) At weekends.
6. Did he enjoy riding his bicycle?
A) Yes, he did.
B) Fifty-fifty.
C) No, he didn’t.
D) Sometimes he did.
7. Why did he like narrow roads?
A) Because they were crowded.
B) Because they were very clean.
C) Because they were noisier.
D) Because they were less noisy.
8. Why could he go past cars at red lights?
A) Because he didn’t have to stop at them.
B) Because he was very ambitious.
C) Because he didn’t know traffic rules.
D) Because his bicycle was narrower than the cars.
9. Had the police taken Mr. Holland’s driving licence away?
A) No, they hadn’t.
B) Just checked it.
C) Yes, they had.
D) He left it at home.
10. Had they taken the other man’s away?
A) No, they hadn’t.
B) Just checked it.
C) He left it at home.
D) Yes, they had.
Level A: 5; 6; 8; 7; 3; 2; 4; 1; 9; 10
Level B:
1. His wish was not to become fatter and softer.
2. He played a lot of football, when he was a young man.
3. Because he played a lot of football.
4. He became fat and very soft, because he drove to work in a car and he usually sat a lot.
5. He advised him to stop going to his work by car and get a bicycle.
6. No, it wasn’t. Because he thought that it would help him to get thinner and he also got a lot of pleasure from it.
7. He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper.
8. He thought that riding a bicycle would help him to get thinner.
9. He practiced in narrow streets.
10. Yes, he did.
11. Because he had broken the rules and lost his driving licence.
Level C: 1. B; 2. A; 3. D; 4 D; 5. A; 6. A; 7. D; 8. D; 9 A; 10. D
Критерии оценки при дифференцированном контроле навыков аудирования:
Level A:
без ошибок – отлично (5)
1-2 ошибки – хорошо (4)
3-4 ошибки – удовлетворительно (3)
5 и более 5 ошибок – неудовлетворительно (2)
Level B:
без ошибок – отлично (5)
1-2 ошибки – хорошо (4)
3-4 ошибки – удовлетворительно (3)
5 и более 5 ошибок – неудовлетворительно (2)
Level C:
без ошибок – отлично (5)
1 ошибка – хорошо (4)
2 ошибки – удовлетворительно (3)
3 и более 3 ошибок – неудовлетворительно (2)
Разноуровневые задания по чтению
Текст 1. The biggest football competition in the world is the World Cup. This is how it all started. The organizers of the Olympics decided not to include football in the 1932 competition, because it was in America and football was not popular there. In 1930, the FIFA president, Jules Rimet, started a world championship for football. He decided to hold it in Uruguay, because they were the best team in the world at that time. At first, European countries did not want to send their teams. The only way to travel a long distance in 1930 was on a ship. European countries said it was too expensive and took too long for them to travel to South America. Finally, Jules Rimet persuaded four European countries to send their teams. There were teams from North and South America and from Europe. A French player, Lucien Laurent, scored the first goal of the competition. France won their first match, but lost the others. The winners of the competition were Uruguay. They played Argentina in the final. Uruguay won 4–2. They scored their fourth goal in the last minute. 93000 people saw the best team in the world become the first World Champions. Уровень 1 Прочитай текст и продолжите предложения. The World Cup started in … A Uruguay C 1932 B 1928 D America Уровень 2 Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a— True, b— False, с— Not stated). Europe was too far away to send teams. a — True b — False с — Not stated The French team sent four teams. a — True b — False с — Not stated Uruguay won an Olympic medal. a — True b — False с — Not stated Уровень 3 Make up your own story about the world is the World Cup. Разноуровневые лексико-грамматические задания Тема «Food» Complete the words: bre__d, swe_ts, mil_, but_er, hunn_. Match the word and its definition: 1) an apple a) a long thick fruit with a yellow skin 2) milk b) an animal which lives in water 3) tea c) a white liquid produced by cows Choose the suitable word: 1) She drink (much/many) tea. 2) He (buys/bought) bread yesterday. 3) These flowers (grow/grows) in different countries. Put questions to the sentences starting with the words: 1) Tom drinks coffee for breakfast. (What?) 2) We went to the museum yesterday. (Where?) 3) She drank two cup of tea. (How many?) Разноуровневые задания по аудированию Запись текста «The London Museum» Underline the words you have just heard: sculptures, photos, albums, pictures, documents. Choose the right variant: — The library of the London museum is one of (the biggest / the richest) in the world. — When you come to the museum you can see (the rest / the Reading) Room. — Some of (the most famous / the greatest) people have sat in the Reading Room. Complete the sentences: — The London Museum is situated in ___ street. — There are a lot of _____ in it. — Many things came to the museum from___. Answer the questions. — Where is the London Museum? — What is it famous for? — What pictures can you find in the London Museum? Write what have you learnt about the London Museum.
Разноуровневые задания на уроках английского языка | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый» (moluch.ru)
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