Рабочая программа по английскому языку для 10 класса (для вечерней школы)
рабочая программа по английскому языку (10 класс)

Цыренова Татьяна Михайловна

Рабочая программа включает в себя пояснительную записку, тематическое планирование, краткое содержание занятий, требования к уровню подготовки выпускников, контрольно-измерительные материалы, грамматический материал, разговорные темы, список литературы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Рабочая программа

 по английскому языку

10 класс

(для вечерней школы)

Составитель: Цыренова Татьяна Михайловна,

учитель английского языка

                                                                  ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА

Программа по английскому языку для учащихся групп экстерната составлена на основе федерального компонента государственного стандарта о среднем (полном) образовании. Рабочая программа включает в себя пояснительную записку, тематическое планирование, краткое содержание занятий, требования к уровню подготовки выпускников, контрольно-измерительные материалы, грамматический материал, разговорные темы, список литературы.

Данная программа составлена для групп репетиторства и экстерната, где обучаются работающие, семейные и те, которым для карьерного роста необходимо полное среднее образование. В группах экстерната много военнослужащих по контракту, молодых мам, лиц для которых работа связана с длительными командировками. На данную форму обучения принимаются граждане со средним общим образованием с 18 лет, согласно Положению о получении общего образования в форме экстерната. В настоящее время в группах обучаются лица от 18 лет до 35 лет.

Преподавание иностранного языка в вечерней (сменной) школе преследует цель заложить основы практического владения иностранным языком на базовом уровне.

Программа установочных занятий по иностранному языку в Х-ХII классах вечерней (сменной) школы составлена с учетом предшествующего усвоения учащимися курса иностранного языка в основной школе. В основе Рабочей программы лежит Программа для общеобразовательных школ (базовый уровень).

Изучение иностранного языка осуществляется в виде модуля: количество часов: по 10 часов в 10 и 11 классах и 36 часов – 12 класс. Модуль проходит в течение 2 месяцев.

Обучение иностранному языку в вечерней школе в условиях ограниченного внешкольного времени у учащихся групп экстерната происходит, прежде всего, на групповых и индивидуальных консультациях, а также за счет самостоятельного изучения материала, состоящего из выполнения разнообразных устных и письменных упражнений на иностранном языке, что проверяется во время сдачи зачета в виде дополнительных вопросов.

В целях интенсификации учебного процесса при дифференцированном подходе к каждому учащемуся широко используются наглядные дидактические материалы, игры.

Организация учебного процесса имеет ярко выраженную речевую направленность: применение приемов и методов, активизирующих мыслительную деятельность учащихся и развивающих их память и внимание; установление рационального соотношения между различными видами речевой деятельности (устной речью, чтением и письмом) в зависимости от характера учебного материала и решаемых задач; максимальное использование различных видов дидактических материалов.

Методы применяемые при изучении модуля: выделение основной мысли текста, составление вопросов к тексту и ответов на них, выполнение тестовых заданий для проверки понимания, работа над лексикой, заполнение пропусков, составление диаграмм – опорных конспектов, аудирование, работа со словарем, составление диалогов, монологических высказываний, групповая работа.

Обучение иностранным языкам в вечерней (сменной) школе направлено на комплексную реализацию практической, воспитательной, образовательной и развивающей целей.


  • формирование уважения к языку и культуре носителей языка;
  • воспитание коммуникативно-речевого такта, коммуникабельности в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми;
  • воспитание активности в решении коммуникативных и познавательно-поисковых задач;
  • приобщение к самостоятельному выполнению заданий, работе со справочной литературой, зарубежными источниками информации.


  • ознакомление со стилем и образом жизни зарубежных сверстников;
  • формирование готовности к осмыслению социокультурных особенностей страны изучаемого языка;
  • культуроведческое обогащение за счет сведений о культурных ценностях и культурной жизни народов стран изучаемого языка;
  • приобщение к активному участию в диалоге культур.


  • развитие языковых способностей и устойчивого интереса к изучению немецкого языка;
  • развитие потребности в самообразовании;
  • развитие интеллектуальных способностей (память, мышление, воля, эмоции и т.д.);
  • развитие общеучебных умений (работа с учебником, сборником упражнений, книгой для чтения, справочной литературой, словарем).


  • формирование коммуникативных умений и речевых навыков, обеспечивающих познавательно-коммуникативные потребности учащихся старших классов;
  • обучение иноязычному общению в контексте диалога культур;
  • обучение этике дискуссионного общения и этике межличностного общения;
  • формирование умений анализировать и сравнивать сведения и факты родной и иноязычной культуры.

Воспитательная, образовательная и развивающая цели решаются в процессе практического овладения учащимися иностранным языком.

Практическая цель заключается в обучении учащихся вечерней школы общению на иностранном языке, которое должно складываться из овладения следующими видами иноязычной речевой деятельности: аудирования, говорения (устная речь) и чтения, причем чтение и устная речь имеют одинаковое значение в курсе обучения иностранному языку в вечерней школе. Письмо используется в качестве средства обучения языку и должно способствовать овладению другими видами речевой деятельности. В программе представлены единые по всем иностранным языкам требования к практическому владению учащимися X, XI и XII классов каждым видом речевой деятельности.

Весь курс иностранного языка в вечерней школе предусматривает непрерывное развитие в каждом классе умений и навыков. В связи с перерывом в обучении у большинства учащихся, поступающих в вечернюю школу, изучение иностранного языка в X классе должно начинаться с повторительно-коррективного курса, продолжительность которого с учетом конкретной подготовки учащихся может колебаться от одного часа до трех в 10 классе.

Овладение аудированием в вечерней школе предполагает полное понимание учащимися иноязычной речи в записи и в предъявлении учителя, построенной на программном языковом материале, звучащей в нормальном темпе, а также понимание общего смысла речи, содержащей небольшое число незнакомых слов.

К концу обучения в вечерней школе владение учащимися устной речью должно достигать уровня, обеспечивающего в процессе общения употребление в новых ситуациях лексико-грамматического материала, предназначенного для активного владения.

Учащиеся должны уметь самостоятельно читать несложные тексты из общественно-политической и научно-популярной литературы, применяя различные виды чтения: чтение-поиск с целью нахождения нужной информации, чтение текстов с охватом их общего содержания или чтение с извлечением полной информации из текста. В зависимости от подготовки по языку, сложности языкового материала и объема извлекаемой при чтении информации учащиеся читают тексты со словарем или без словаря. Достижение целей в области чтения связано с необходимостью ознакомления учащихся с рядом характерных для книжно-письменного стиля речи языковых явлений, которыми учащиеся должны овладеть на уровне понимания в письменной речи.

Языковой материал представлен в рабочей программе по установочным занятиям. При этом особо выделяется грамматический материал девятилетней школы, который подлежит обязательному повторению и предназначен для активного использования в устной речи во всех классах, а также новый грамматический материал, изучаемый в каждом классе вечерней школы и предназначен для пассивного владения-понимания в процессе чтения и аудирования.

Аттестация обучающихся за курс «Английского языка» 10-12 классов подразделяется на рубежную (промежуточную) (за курс 10-11 классов) и текущую и рубежную (за курс 12 класса). Аттестация проводится в форме зачета (всего за курс 4 зачета). Зачет состоит из:

  • Конспектов по темам самостоятельного обучения
  • Устный ответ по одной из разговорных тем (на выбор учителя)
  • Лексико-грамматический тест
  • Текущие самостоятельные работы

Разговорные темы и тесты к зачетам составлены в соответствии с темами Программы, вопросами для устного экзамена по дисциплине и в соответствии с «Требованиями к уровню подготовки выпускников»




Характеристика ответа


Учащийся логично строит монологическое высказывание в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей в заданном объеме; демонстрирует умение рассуждать о фактах/событиях, приводит примеры и аргументы. Употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной, задачей; не допускает фонематических ошибок


Учащийся логично строит монологическое высказывание в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей, но объем высказывания менее заданного, есть повторы; демонстрирует умение рассуждать о фактах/событиях, старается приводить примеры и аргументы. Употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной, задачей; не допускает фонематических ошибок

Учащийся логично строит монологическое высказывание в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей в заданном объеме; демонстрирует умение рассуждать о фактах/событиях, старается приводить примеры и аргументы. В основном употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей (допустил 2-3 ошибки в употреблении лексики, 2-3 ошибки в разных разделах грамматики); не допускает фонематических ошибок


Учащийся логично строит монологическое высказывание в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей, но объем высказывания менее заданного, есть повторы; демонстрирует умение рассуждать о фактах/событиях, старается приводить примеры и аргументы (допустил 4-5 ошибок в употреблении лексики, 4-5 ошибок и разных разделах грамматики); допустил 1-2 фонематические ошибки

Учащийся не вполне логично строит монологическое высказывание, уходит от темы или пытается подменить ее другой, которой владеет лучше, но старается приводить примеры и аргументы. В основном употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей (допустил 2-3 ошибки в употреблении лексики, 2-3 ошибки в разных разделах грамматики); допустил одну фонематическую ошибку


Учащийся не понял основное содержание текста и не может его изложить. На заданные экзаменатором вопросы ответил неудовлетворительно

Учащийся понял отдельные детали, но не может связно изложить основное содержание текста. На заданные экзаменатором вопросы ответил неудовлетворительно

Беседа по предложенной проблеме


Учащийся логично строит диалогическое общение в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей в заданном объеме; демонстрирует умение осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, выражать свое мнение по обсуждаемой теме. Употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей; не допускает фонематических ошибок


Учащийся логично строит диалогическое общение в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей, но объем высказывания менее заданного, есть повторы; демонстрирует умение осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, выражать свое мнение по обсуждаемой теме. Употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей; не допускает фонематических ошибок

Учащийся логично строит диалогическое общение в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей в заданном объеме; демонстрирует умение осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, выражать свое мнение по обсуждаемой' теме. В основном употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей (допустил 2-3 ошибки в употреблении лексики, 2-3 ошибки в разных разделах грамматики), не допускает фонематических ошибок


Учащийся логично строит диалогическое общение в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей, но объем высказывания менее заданного, есть повторы; демонстрирует умение осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, но затрудняется сформулировать свое мнение по обсуждаемой теме; использует ограниченный словарный запас и элементарные грамматические структуры (допустил 4—5 ошибок в употреблении лексики, 4-5 ошибок в разных разделах грамматики); допустил 1-2 фонематические ошибки

Учащийся не вполне логично строит диалогическое общение, уходит от темы или пытается подменить ее другой, которой владеет лучше; затрудняется осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, а также формулировать свое мнение по обсуждаемой теме (допустил 2-3 ошибки в употреблении лексики, 2-3 ошибки в разных разделах грамматики); допустил одну фонематическую ошибку


Учащийся не понял формулировки задания и его коммуникативной задачи. Его речь представляет собой грамматически не оформленный набор слов

Учащийся пытается подменить диалог монологом, не умеет строить диалогическое общение, осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, не может сформулировать свое мнение по обсуждаемой теме. На попытки экзаменатора выстроить диалог не откликается


Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.

Отметка «отлично» ставится, если правильно выполнено 86% - 100% теста

Отметка «хорошо» ставится, если правильно выполнено 71% - 85% теста

Отметка «удовлетворительно» ставится, если правильно выполнено 55% - 70% теста


В результате обучения на старшем этапе общего среднего (полного) образования учащиеся должны уметь:


давать интерпретацию прочитанного текста с опорой на вопросы; на основе содержания прочитанного текста высказать свое мнение о возможном его продолжении, обсуждать проблемы, поднятые в прочитанном тексте, извлекая при этом аргументы из текста; использовать при чтении лингвострановедческий комментарий.


Диалогическая речьпринимать участие в групповой дискуссии, выражая собственное мнение по поводу прочитанной или услышанной информации; вести диалог с использованием информации из прочитанных текстов, опираясь на свой жизненный опыт.

Монологическая речь

кратко передать содержание прочитанного или услышанного текста; строить собственное высказывание на основе текста-образца; строить самостоятельное монологическое высказывание в рамках основных коммуникативных типов речи (описание, по средства, обеспечивающие связность высказывания, лексическое разнообразие, эмоциональность; осуществлять компенсаторные стратегии (использовать синонимику, перифраз, язык жестов) в иноязычном высказывании.


понимать основное содержание более сложных аутентичных текстов (художественных, публицистических, научно-популярных); извлекать интересующую информацию из воспринимаемого на слух текста прагматического / функционального характера типа прогноза погоды, объявления и др.; использовать информацию, полученную при восприятии текста на слух, в речевой и неречевой деятельности.


написать письмо личного характера, передающее личный опыт и впечатления; составить краткую аннотацию прочитанного или прослушанного текста; написать мини-сочинение по предложенной теме.


10 часов

№ п/п


Количество часов

Фонетический обзор


Имя существительное. The Noun


Имя прилагательное и наречие. The adjective and the adverb


Глагол. The Verb


Great Britain. London


The USA. Washington.




Australia. New Zealand


Зачет 1. Тест по англо-говорящим странам и грамматике


                                                                             Итого  :    34часа                                                                                          




  1. Повторение алфавита
  2. Знаки транскрипции
  3. Обобщение правил чтения
  4. Упражнения


I. Грамматика. Имя существительное

  1. Классификация имен существительных по составу
  2. Классификация имен существительных по значению
  3. Единственное и множественное число имен существительных
  4. Падеж и род имен существительных
  5. Притяжательный падеж
  6. Роль существительных в предложении
  7. Основные суффиксы у имен существительных
  8. Упражнения

II. Разговорная тема “My family”

  1. Активизация слов и выражений, используемые в письменной и устной речи
  2. Составление ответов на вопросы по теме
  3. Составление монологического высказывания по теме (15-20 предложений)


I. Грамматика. Имя прилагательное и наречие.

  1. Общие свойства имен прилагательных и наречий
  2. Роль имен прилагательных и наречий в предложении
  3. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных и наречий
  4. Упражнения

II. Разговорная тема “My friends”

  1. Чтение с извлечением полной информации
  2. Составление предложений о друге с использованием степени сравнения имен прилагательных и наречий
  3. Составление монологического высказывания по теме (15-20 предложений)

III. Самостоятельная работа 1.


I. Грамматика. Глагол

  1. Общие свойства глагола
  2. Суффиксы и префиксы глагола
  3. Повелительное и изъявительное наклонение глагола
  4. Времена группы Indefinite Active
  5. Упражнения

II. Разговорная тема “English-speaking countries”

  1. Общее представление об англо-говорящих странах. Работа с картой.
  2. Чтение с извлечение полной информации
  3. Составление ответов на вопросы.


I. Разговорная тема “The Great Britain. London”

  1. Работа с картой
  • Географическое положение
  • Население
  • Города, столица, достопримечательности
  • Промышленность, сельское хозяйство
  1. Чтение с извлечением полной информации
  2. Составление ответов на вопросы
  3. Обучение монологическому высказыванию

II. Грамматика. Времена группы Continuous

  1. Образование глаголов группы Continuous
  2. Отрицательная и вопросительная формы глаголов группы Continuous
  3. Упражнения


I. Разговорная тема “The USA. Washington”

  1. Работа с картой
  • Географическое положение
  • Население
  • Города, столица, достопримечательности
  • Промышленность, сельское хозяйство
  1. Чтение с извлечением полной информации
  2. Составление ответов на вопросы
  3. Обучение монологическому высказыванию

II. Грамматика. Времена группы Perfect

  1. Образование глаголов группы Perfect
  2. Отрицательная и вопросительная формы глаголов группы Continuous
  3. Упражнения

Занятие 7. CANADA

I. Разговорная тема “Canada”

  1. Чтение с извлечением полной информации
  2. Составление ответов на вопросы
  3. Работа с картой.
  4. Заполнить таблицу


Rivers, lakes

Cities, towns




II. Грамматика. Согласование времен

  1. Правила согласования времен
  2. Прямая и косвенная речь
  3. Упражнения


I. Разговорная тема “The Commonwealth of Australia. New Zealand”

  1. Работа со словами. Произношение географических названий.
  2. Чтение с извлечением специальной информации
  3. Составление ответов на вопросы
  4. Заполнить таблицу


Rivers, lakes

Cities, towns




II. Грамматика. Типы вопросов

  1. Общие вопросы
  2. Специальные вопросы
  3. Альтернативные вопросы
  4. Разделительные вопросы
  5. Упражнения

III. Самостоятельная работа 2.

Занятие 9-10. ЗАЧЕТ 1.

Тесты по англо-говорящим странам и грамматике



В английском языке многие существительные употребляются с артиклями a/an/the.

ARTICLE WITH GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES (Артикль с географическими названиями)

Артикль the не употребляется с названиями:

континентов (South America)

городов (New York)

отдельных горных вершин (Mt. Everest)

островов (Jamaica)

озер (Lake Union)

большинства стран (France, Russia)

Артикль the употребляется с названиями:

горных цепей (the Alps)

групп островов (the Hawaiian Islands)

групп озер (the Great Lakes) 

рек, каналов, заливов, проливов (the Volga, the Panama Canal, the Gulf of Mexico, the Straits of Gibraltar), 

пустынь (the Gobi Desert), 

океанов и морей (the Atlantic Ocean, the Caspian Sea),

регионов (the Midwest) 

стран, в которые входят слова союз, федерация, королевство, штат (the UK, the USA, the Russian Federation),

стран, имеющих форму множественного числа (the Netherlands)

ARTICLE WITH THE WORDS THAT DEFINE A POST THAT CAN BE HELD BY ONE PERSON AT A TIME (Артикль со словами, обозначающими должность или положение, занимаемое только одним человеком)

1. Если слова president, prime minister, queen или king и т. п. используются после
слов to elect и to appoint, то артикль с ними не употребляется:

Clinton was elected president in 1992. (Клинтон был избран президентом в 1992 году.)

2. Если слова president, prime minister, queen или king и т. п. используются после
слов to be и to become, то возможно как употребление определенного артикля, так и отсутствие артикля:

Elizabeth II became (the) queen in 1952. (Елизавета II стала королевой в 1952 году.)

Elizabeth II is (the) queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Елизавета II — королева Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.)





Действительный залог

Indefinite (Simple)

Служит для обозначения действия, относящегося к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему времени, но без точного указания момента его совершения

Инфинитив без частицы to.

В 3-м л. ед. ч. -(e)s

work, works

Инфинитив без частицы to + -ed, 2-я форма неправильных глаголов

worked, wrote

shall (will) + инфинитив без частицы to

I shall work

She will work


Служит для обозначения действия, продолжающегося в какой-то момент настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени

To be + Participle I

(инфинитив без частицы to + ing)

am (are, is) + working

Was (were) + Participle I

was (were) working

Shall (will) be + Participle I

Shall (will) be working


Служит для обозначения действия, законченного к какому-то определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени

To have + Participle II

have (has) worked

had + Participle II

had worked

Shall (will) have + Participle II shall (will) have worked

Perfect Continuous

действия, которое длилось в течение указанного периода времени до какого-то момента.

To have + been + Participle I Have (has) been working

had been + Participle I

had been working

shall (will) have + been + Participle I

shall (will) have been working

Страдательный залог

Indefinite (Simple)

To be + Participle II

Am (are, is) informed

Was (were) + Participle II

Was (were) informed

Shall (will) be + Participle II

Shall (will) be informed


To be + being + Participle II

Am (are, is) being informed

Was (were) + being + Participle II

Was (were) being informed


To have + been + Participle II

Have (has) been informed

Had + been + Participle II

Had been informed

Shall (will) have been + Participle II

Shall (will) have been informed


Примеры 1

I think (that) she has a lot of friends. Я думаю, что у нее много друзей.

Are you sure (that) he was at the concert? Ты уверен, что он был на концерте?

They say (that) they will leave for Paris next week. Они говорят, что поедут в Париж на следующий неделе.

Примеры 2

The teacher told (that) water boils at 100 degrees. Учитель сказал, что вода закипает при температуре 100 градусов.

Jane knew (that) Rome is the capital of Italy. Джейн знала, что Рим - столица Италии.

Примеры 3

I knew (that) he had booked the tickets in advance. Я знал, что он заказал билеты заранее.

Примеры 4

I knew (that) he worked in the garden. Я знал, что он работает в саду.

I knew (that) he was working in the garden and I didn't want to disturb him. Я знал, что он работает в саду, и мне не хотелось его беспокоить.

Примеры 5

I knew (that) they would come in a week. Я знал, что они приедут через неделю.

They promised (that) they would bring us all the necessary books. Они обещали, что принесут нам все необходимые книга.

We decided (that) we should visit him next summer. Мы решили, что навестим его будущим летом




Занятие 1

Подчеркнуть слово, которое произносится не так, как другие:

a) tone, smoke, alone, mole, pot, don't, rose, go

b) land, map, sand, black, made, flag, plan, apple

c) curl, cure, turning, burnt, murder, return, hurt

d) pure, cure, curious, student, plural, during, furious

e) plant, glass, last, chance, cranberry, task, craft, calm

f) saw, draw, paw, law, talk, false, grand, pause

g) book, look, took, cool., goodness., room, cook

h) south, pound, count, rough, south, round, sound

Расставить правильно ударение:

Parliament, argument, removes, declaration, acquaintance, self-service, responsibility, extremely

But Louis was a brave and talented boy.

Television, myself, fifteen, hairdresser, elephant

There are several different ways of pronouncing –ea. Put the following words into the correct column.

[e] [ı:] [ıə] [eə] [ei] [ə:]




































CAREFUL! Words marked * nave two meanings and two pronunciation!

Занятие 2

Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, a secretary, a crowd, the airport, a theatre, the tornado, a shop, the tragedy.

Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число.

This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife, this book, this family, this pie, that answer, that apartment, that teacher, that comedy.

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a space film. 4. That is a cartoon. 5. This is a star. 6. This is a boy. 7. This is a baby. 8. That is a plate. 9. That is a flower. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. Is this a sofa? 12. Is this a bookcase? 13. Is this a man? 14. Is that a ball? 15. Is that a train? 16. Is that a plane? 17. Is the window open? 18. Is the door closed? 19. Is the boy near the window? 20. That is not a king. 21. That is not a queen. 22. That is not a bus. 23. This isn't a mountain. 24. That isn't a goose. 25. This isn't a mouse. 26. It is a sheep. 27. It is a cigarette. 28. It is a cat. 29. It is not a girl. 30. It isn't a bag. 31. It isn't a tree. 32. It is not a bad egg. 33. It is a good egg. 34. Is that a flower?

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This cup is dirty. 2. That biscuit was tasty. 3. This hotel is very expensive but it's very nice. 4. There is a children's playground in the park. 5. That is a new supermarket in our town. 6. It's a delicious lemon pie for dessert. 7. It's a nice cotton dress for my niece. 8. This man is an engineer. 9. That woman is my sister. 10. This child is my son. 11. That goose is big. 12. This mouse is white. 13. This man is a doctor. 14. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher. 15. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil. 16. This girl has a blue sweater. 17. This boy has a good coat. 18. My uncle has a large flat. 19. There is a table in the room. 20.1 have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. 21. There is a flower in the vase. 22. This child's foot is sore

Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my friend. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The wife of my brother. 8. The table of our teacher. 9. The poems of Pushkin. Ю. 10. The voice of this girl. 11. The new club of the workers. 12. The letter of Pete. 13. The car of my parents. 14. The life of this woman. 15. The handbags of these women. 16. The flat of my sister is large. 17. The children of my brother are at home. 18. The room of the boys is large. 19. The name of this girl is Jane. 20. The work of these students is interesting. 21. The computer of my son is modern. 22. He was a friend of my cousins.

Занятие 3

Вставьте some, any, по или оставьте пропуски незаполненными, смотря по смыслу.

1. There are ... buses today and I can't go shopping. 2. There is ... caviare in the can. I love it. Would you like ... ? 3. Please don't offer her ... chips. She doesn't want ... .4. Can I have ... milk in my tea? I don't like it black. 5. There is ... ink in my pen. 6. Is there ... snow in the street this morning? 7. My mother likes ... music. 8. Are there ... chess players here? 9. There are ... diagrams in the new book. 10. Are there ... newspapers on the table? 11. Was there ... water in the glass or ... milk? 12. There was ... soap in the box; he used it to wash his hands. 13. There was ... soap in the box: it smells of ... soap. 14. There are ... letters for you on the table. 15. Do you like ... apples? 16. Were there ... of our teachers at the stadium? 17. There were ... students of our group at the consultation yesterday. 18. Will there be ... concerts at the club next month?http://gigabaza.ru/images/1/149/138c4481.gif

19. There were ... yellow and green pencils on the table. 20. People need ... oxygen for breathing. 21. Are there ... mistakes in my dictation? — Yes, there are ... . 22. My brother doesn't like ... carrots.

Вставьте something, anything, nothing или everything.

1. My husband taught his son ... he knows. 2. Her patient has a bad memory. She can't remember ... . 3. I think there is ... wrong with my watch. 4. We've got ... to eat. We've got only ... to drink. 5. The student didn't understand ... because she heard .... 6. Does he know ... about computers? — Yes, he knows ... because he is the best specialist in computer science at Harvard University. 7. He felt terrible. He couldn't do ... else. 8. ... is all right, the patient is much better today. 9. Is there ... interesting in the programme of the concert? 10. I could see ... : it was quite dark. 11. Give me ... to drink. 12. I didn't take any money with me, so I couldn't buy .... 13. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see ... now. 14. I saw ... near the wood that looked like a tent.

Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere.

1. I can't find my book .... I have looked all over the house. 2. Johnny lives ... near Chicago. 3. It so happened that he had ... to go to. So last summer he stayed at home in his beloved city for his holidays. 4. This book can be found ... . Let's buy it. 5. Do you live ... near them? 6. Is it ... in Russia? — Yes, it's ... in Russia. 7. Where are you going? — I am not going ... . 8. I put my dictionary ... yesterday and now I can't find it ... . — Of course, that is because you leave your books ... . 9. You must go ... next summer. 10. Did you go ... on Sunday? 11. Let's go ... . The weather is fine. I don't want to stay at home in such weather. 12. I cannot find my glasses .... I always put them ... and then look for them for hours. 13. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people. There are flags, banners and flowers ....

Занятие 4

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It, (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

2. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. Andrea Schatzmann, an exchange student from Switzerland, (to live) with the Connor family in San Francisco. She (to get) up at 7 am and (to take) a shower. She normally (not to have) breakfast. At half past seven she (to catch) the bus. Her first class (to start) at a quarter past eight. She always (to have) lunch at 12 o'clock in the cafeteria. The cafeteria food (to be) OK and it (to be) cheap too. Her afternoon classes (to be) from 1.15 till 3.00 pm, so she (to be) at school all day. She usually (to have) dinner with the Connors at about 8.00. On Saturdays she (to have) lunch at the restaurant. Once a week, usually on Sunday mornings, she (to go) swimming. A few friends usually (to go) along, too. One of her friends has got a car, so he (to pick) them up and then he (to drive) them home. After swimming they often (to go) out for a pizza. On Saturday evenings she sometimes (to go) out with friends to a party or maybe to a concert. Sometimes she (to invite) friends to her house and they (to listen) to music and (to talk). Mr. and Mrs. Connor often (to take) them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains. From time to time she (to call) her family in Switzerland. They never (to talk) for very long because it (to be) expensive. She usually (to call) on Sundays because it (to be) cheaper then.

2. What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 3. When she (to catch) the bus? 4. She (to take) a shower in the morning? 5. She (to go) home for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? 7. How she (to get) to the pool? 8. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two hours ago. 3. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? — No, I ... . Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 4. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 7. Last night he (to wash) his face with soap and water. 8. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 9. We (not to rest) yesterday. 10. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 11. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 12. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? — Yes, I ... . But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 13. Your sister (to go) to school every day? — Yes, she .... 14. Mary (to like) writing stories. 15. Last week she (to write) a funny story about her pet. 16. You (to tell) your mother the truth about the money? 17. You (to wear) your polka-dot dress to work? — Yes, I .... I (to wear) it yesterday. 18. We (to like) to go to the beach. We (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. Tom always (to eat) breakfast. 2. Yesterday he (not to eat) breakfast because he (to get) up late. 3. We (to like) to cook but we (not to like) to wash the dishes. 4. He never (to shout) at his students. He (to be) a wonderful teacher, I remember. 5. My friend (to know) Spanish very well. 6. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago? 7. He (to live) on the third floor. 8. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday? 9. When your lessons (to be) over on Monday? 10. I (to have) dinner with my family yesterday. 11. Her friends (to be) ready at five o'clock. 12. One of her brothers (to make) a tour of Europe last summer. 13. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952. 14. You always (to get) up at seven o'clock? — No, sometimes I (to get) up at half past seven. 15. Antonio Stradivari (to make) wonderful violins. 16. Who (to paint) the world-known picture "Mona Lisa"? 17. She (to know) all the works of Chopin. She (to enjoy) listening to his waltz last night. 18. Steven's friends (to come) to his birthday party last night and (to give) him wonderful presents. His parents (to cook) a special dinner for him. His girlfriend (to promise) to come, but she (not to be) there. He (to try) to phone, but he couldn't get through. He (to be) really upset. Only she (not to wish) him a Happy Birthday.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o'clock. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? — No, I ... . 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? — I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning. 2. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning. 3. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons tomorrow morning. 4. I always (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there. 5. I (to be) very busy last summer and I (not to go) there. 6. I (not to go) there next year because it (to cost) a lot of money and I can't afford it. 7. They (to enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening? 8. Who (to take) care of the child in the future? 9. How often you (to go) to the dentist's? 10. We (not to have) very good weather, but we still (to have) a good time during our short stay in London. 11. She (to do) all the washing in their house. 12. He even (not to know) how to use the washing machine. 13. Two years ago they (to be) rich and money (to be) never a problem. 14. You (to think) you (to be) happy in your new neighborhood? 15. When the cabbage soup (to be) ready? 16. The customs officers at JFK airport in New York (to arrest) that young man when he (to arrive). 17. I (to like) to get on with my friends, so I often (to do) what they (to want). 18. When (to be) your birthday? 19. When you (to get) your watch? 20. Who (to create) Mickey Mouse?

Занятие 5

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Past Continuous.

1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) now. 4 My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 5. My friends (not to do) their homework now. They (to play) volleyball. 6. My friends (not to do) their homework at seven o'clock yesterday. They (to play) volleyball. 7. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 8. She (not to read) now. 9. Now she (to go) to school. 10. What you (to do) now? — I (to drink) tea. 11. You (to drink) tea at this time yesterday? — No, I (not to drink) tea at this time yesterday, I (to eat) a banana. 12. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday, and now she (to read) again. 13. Look! My cat (to play) with a ball. 14. When I went out into the garden, the sun (to shine) and birds (to sing) in the trees. 15. You (to eat) ice cream now? 16. You (to eat) ice cream when I rang you up yesterday? 17. What your father (to do) now? 18. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday? 19. Why she (to cry) now? 20. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six o'clock yesterday. 9. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 10. I (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. I (to read) a book. 11. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework. 12. When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much. 13. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.

1. Where you (to be) yesterday? — I (to be) at home the whole day. — How strange. I (to ring) you up at two o'clock, but nobody (to answer). — Oh, I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book and (not to hear) the telephone. 2. What you (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? — I (to work) in the library. — I (to be) there, too, but I (not to see) you. 3. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, two or three pairs (to dance). 4. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano. 5. I (to like) music very much. 6. When I (to look) out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets. 7. What you (to do) at seven o'clock yesterday? — I (to have) supper. 8. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) round the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle, who (to live) in Kiev. 9. Yesterday I (to work) at my English from five till seven. 10. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday. 11. Where your sister (to be) now? — She (to be) in her room. She (to do) her homework. 12. He (to brush) his teeth at the moment. He (to clean) them thoroughly morning and night. 13. Don't disturb her while she (to sleep). 14. You (to talk) nonsense. You never (to talk) sense. 15. My mother (to sit) in the sunlight now and I (to set) the table.

Занятие 6

В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The pupils are writing a dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem. 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10. You are putting the dishes on the table. 11. They are having tea. 12. She is taking the dirty plates from the table. 13. The children are putting on their coats. 14. Susan is making a new dress for her birthday party. 15. She is opening a box of chocolates. 16. I am buying milk for milk shakes. 17. James is ordering a bottle of apple juice. 18. We are looking for more CDs with good music. 19. Are you recording your favourite film on his video recorder? 20. I am translating a difficult article from German into Russian.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. Helen speaks French so well because she (to live) in France. 2. She (to live) there last year. 3. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago. 5. Mary (to buy) a new hat. 6. I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday. 7. The wind (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it. 8. The weather (to change), and we can go for a walk. 9. The wind (to change) in the morning. 10. We (to travel) around Europe last year. 11. My father knows so much because he (to travel) a lot. 12. I (to see) Pete today. 13. She (to see) this film last Sunday. 14. Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago. 15. I just (to meet) our teacher. 16. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books. 17. Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother. 18. I (not to see) you for a long time. I (to see) you in town two or three days ago, but you (not to see) me. I (to be) on a bus.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. Tom (to return) from the cinema at five o'clock. 2. Tom (to return) from the cinema by five o'clock. 3. I (to finish) my homework at seven o'clock. 4. I (to finish) ray homework by seven o'clock. 5. He (to think) that he (to lose) the money. 6. Ann (to tell) me that she (to see) an interesting film. 7. When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 8. When father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework. 9. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already (to open) their books. 10. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before. 11. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 12. The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field. 13. Mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands. 14. The teacher (to understand) that Lena (not to do) her homework. 15. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to come). 16. When I (to wake) up yesterday, father already (to go) to work. 17. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home. 18. Mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner. 19. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer. 20. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).

Занятие 7

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен в русском и английском языках.

1. We did not know where our friends went every evening. 2. We did not know where our friends had gone. 3. She said that her best friend was a doctor. 4. She said that her best friend had been a doctor. 5. I didn't know that you worked at the Hermitage. 6. I didn't know that you had worked at the Hermitage. 7. I knew that you were ill. 8. I knew that you had been ill. 9. We found that she left home at eight o'clock every morning. 10. We found that she had left home at eight o'clock that morning. 11. When he learnt that his son always received excellent marks in all the subjects at school, he was very pleased. 12. When he learnt that his son had received an excellent mark at school, he was very pleased.

Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного.

1. My uncle says he has just come back from the Caucasus. 2. He says he has spent a fortnight in the Caucasus. 3. He says it did him a lot of good. 4. He says he feels better now. 5. He says his wife and he spent most of their time on the beach. 6. He says they did a lot of sightseeing. 7. He says he has a good camera. 8. He says he took many photographs while traveling in the Caucasus. 9. He says he will come to see us next Sunday. 10. He says he will bring and show us the photographs he took during his stay in the Caucasus.

Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола.

1. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room. 2. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off. 3. I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter. 4. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse. 5. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man. 6. I want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday. 7. I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum. 8. He said he (is staying, was staying) at the Ritz Hotel. 9. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark. 10. He asked me where I (study, studied). 11. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time. 12. He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago. 13. Victor said he (is, was) very busy.

Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Oleg said, "My room is on the second floor." 2. He said, "I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg." 3. Misha said, "I saw them at my parents' house last year." 4. He said; "I haven't seen my cousin today." 5. "I don't go to this shop very often," she said. 6. Tom said, "I have already had breakfast, so I am not hungry." 7. He said, "I have just received a letter from my uncle." 8. "I am going to the theatre tonight," he said to me. 9. Mike said, "I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning." 10. He said to her, "I shall do it today if I have time." 11. I said to them, "I can give you my uncle's address."

Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. The woman said to her son, "I am glad I am here." 2. Mike said, "We have bought these books today." 3. She said to me, "Now I can read your translation." 4. "This man spoke to me on the road," said the woman. 5. "I can't explain this rule to you," said my classmate to me. 6. The teacher said to the class, "We shall discuss this subject tomorrow." 7. Our teacher said, "Thackeray's novels are very interesting." 8. She said, "You will read this book in the 9th form." 9. Nellie said, "I read 'Jane Eyre' last year." 10. "My friend lives in Moscow," said Alec. 11. "You have not done your work well," said the teacher to me. 12. The poor man said to the rich man, "My horse is wild. It can kill your horse." 13. The rich man said to the judge, "This man's horse has killed my horse."

Занятие 8

Задать все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям

He studies at school

They played computer games yesterday

She is writing test now



My family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander, Alec for short. At the moment I am a pupil of the 10th Form. My parents are not old at all. Father is 45 years old, and Mother is three years his junior. My father works at a big plant as an engineer. He is a good-looking man, tall, handsome, with dark-brown hair just beginning to go grey. By character my father is a quite man, a little unpractical while my mother is, energetic and talkative. She is very attractive, a beautiful woman with large blue eyes and fair hair. My mother is a teacher of music and plays the piano very well. She always has a lot of work to do about the house, and we all help her. She manages her house very well.13). My mother is kind and gentle, very practical and full of common sense.

Besides me, my parents have two more children. Thus I have got an older brother and a younger sister. My brother, whose name is Michael, is nine years my senior. He is a builder. Michael is married and has a family of his own. He has a wife and two children - a son and a daughter. They are twins. They are as like as two peas. It means I have a niece and a nephew. My younger sister Helen is only eleven. She is a lovely little girl with golden hair and dark blue eyes. She is always full of joy and gaiety. Helen does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. She loves music and dancing and she sings prettily. She is like a ray of sunshine in the house.

Our family is very united. We like to spend time together watching TV, listening to music or just talking about the events of the day. Our parents don't always agree to what we say but they listen to our opinion. All of us like to spend our weekends out of town. We often go to the village where our grandparents live. They are old-age pensioners now but prefer to live in the country.

I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins and many friends. We are happy when we are together.

My friends

I have a lot of friends, but my best friend is Mike. He is 16. We made friends when his family moved to our house.

Mike has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, blue eyes and an attractive smile. He is well built, tall and strong. People say he is handsome.

Mike is particularly known for his warm and friendly character. He loves a joke and he always likes to tell funny stories. Mike is never downhearted. He is a great optimist and he is always confident that everything will go well.

Mike is interested in computers and he dreams to enter the University. I hope his dream will come true. We always meet at the weekends. We have much in common. Mike is well read. He is a real bookworm like me. I always approve of his choice of books. We often discuss books, listen to modern pop and rock music and go to the stadium.

Mike goes in for sports with great enthusiasm. He plays basketball and football well. His hobby is bodybuilding. Mike has good manners. He is modest and sincere. He is always ready to help people when they are in need. I am happy to have such a friend as Mike. I can fully rely on him and trust him as I would trust myself.

English - Speaking countries

Great Britain is the largest Island of the British Isles. It is divided into three parts: Scotland, England and Wales. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Island. London is the capital of Great Britain.

The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent. It's western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The main
rivers of the USA are Mississippi, the Colorado and the Columbia. Washington is the capital of the USA.

Canada is a country of lakes. It's western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its
eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Canada is a capitalist
federal state and a member of the Commonwealth. The population of Canada is over 26
million people.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state with in the Commonwealth of Nations. Canberra is the capital of Australia. Today there are about sixteen million people in Australia. The Federal Parliament consist of die Senate and the House of Representatives.

New Zealand – an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth is situated – south-east of Australia. The country consists of three large Islands called North Island, South Island and Stewart Island, and also many small islands. New Zealand is a mountainous country. Wellington is die capital of New Zealand. The population of New Zealand is over three million people, more than two thirds of whom live in North Island. New Zealand is a capitalist self-governing state and a member of the Commonwealth. The Prime Minister heads the cabinet.

The Great Britain.

The United Kingdom is situated off the northwest coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north and the North Sea on the east. It is separated from the Continent by the English Channel, 21 miles wide at its narrowest point, and the Straits of Dover.

The United Kingdom includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Channel Islands. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, contains England, Scotland and Wales. It is separated from Belgium and Holland by the North Sea and from Ireland by the Irish Sea.

The climate of Great Britain is mild and there is a good average rainfall. Fogs often prevail in many parts of the country.

The surface of England and Ireland is flat, but Scotland and Wales are mountainous. The highest mountain top in the United Kingdom is Ben Nevis in Scotland (4,406 ft). Many parts of the country have beautiful green meadows.

The chief rivers are the Thames, the Severn, and the Clyde. The longest river is the Severn. It is in the southwest of England.

The United Kingdom has few mineral resources, of which the most important are coal and oil.

Metallurgy, chiefly iron and steel, is vital to other key industries, such as shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, the automotive industry, electrical engineering and electronics. The country is the fourth largest exporter of manufactured goods.

The main industrial centres are Sheffield and Birmingham, also Manchester, the cotton centre of Great Britain, and Leeds is the country's wool producing centre.

Agriculture remains a major sector of economy. Britain grows wheat, barley, oats, fruit, vegetables. The largest cities of the country are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, Glasgow. The important ports are London, Cardiff, Glasgow.

The capital of the country is London, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff is the capital of Wales, and Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people.

The United Kingdom is a constitute) as its Head of State. The monarch reigns with the support of Parliament. The main political parties of Great Britain are: the Conservative Party (the Tory Party), the Liberal Party and the Labour Party.


London, is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on the banks of the river Thames. It is the largest city in Great Britain and one of the largest cities in the world. The population of Greater London is more than 11 million people.

London dominates the life of Britain. It is the chief port of the country and the most important commercial, manufacturing and cultural centre. There is little heavy industry in Greater London. Clothes, food, planes and cars are produced there.

London consists of three parts; the City of London, the West End and the East End.

The City is the heart of London. About half a million people work in the City but only about 6000 live there. It is the business and financial centre of the UK with many banks, offices and stock exchange.

The West End can be called the centre of London. The main streets and squares, historical monuments and beautiful parks are in the West End. Hyde Park with its Speaker's Comer is also here. In the West End there is Buckingham Palace, which is the Queen's residence, and the Palace of Westminster, which is the seat of Parliament. There one can see a famous Clock Tower called Big Ben, which is the symbol of London. Big Ben is really the bell, which strikes the hour. The best-known streets in the West End are Whitehall - the political centre with important government offices, Fleet Street where most newspapers have their offices, Downing Street, the London residence of Prime Minister and others. In the West End the largest stores, cinemas, hotels, concert halls, theatres and museums are situated.

As for the East End, it is the area where workers and dockers live. It is not very attractive in appearance but very important to the country's commerce.


Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometres. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. There are many islands in the north of Canada.

Canada has mountains, high plains and low plains. The Rocky Mountains run parallel to the Pacific coast. East of these mountains are the high plains. The low plains lie in the region of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. There are also mountains which run parallel to Canada's east coast, in Labrador and Baffin Island.

Canada is a country of lakes. Besides the Great Lakes – Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario (the fifth Great Lake, Michigan, lies in the USA), there are many other very large lakes, for example, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and Lake Winnipeg.

Canada also has large rivers: the Mackenzie flows from the Rocky Mountains into the Arctic Ocean, the Yukon rises in Canada and flows into the Pacific, the St. Lawrence River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

The Niagara Tails are one of the most splendid sights in the world.

Since the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River form a great water-way from the Atlantic to the heart of the country.

Canada has several climatic regions. Winter in Canada lasts from four to five months with heavy snowfalls. There is much rain in the east and west, but less in the centre.

The north of the country near the Arctic is tundra with great forests to the south. The central plains form the prairies.

The population of Canada is over 26 million people. In the country there are 330,000 Indians and 25,000 Eskimos, who live mostly in the North. Today more than 40 per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain, about 30 per cent from France and 20 per cent from other countries. The Canadian constitution has no articles guaranteeing the Indians and Eskimos equality with other citizens of the country, and their struggle for their rights goes on for a long time.

The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large important towns are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg and Quebec.

Canada is rich in metal ores, oil and gas, and the metal, machine-building, motor-car and ship-building industries are highly developed.

The hydroelectric industry is highly developed, its main centres are in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. There is a very large hydro-electric station at the Niagara Fails.

Canada’s main agricultural products are wheal, meal, some kind of fruit, especially apples and dairy product.

The provinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia, with their great forest, produce wood for paper-making and building.

Many of the lakes and rivers are polluted today and few of them have fish now. But Canada's fishing industry is still important on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Canada's largest ports are Vancouver, Montreal and Halifax.

Canada is Federal state and a member of the Commonwealth. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General.

The Federal Parliaments consist of the provinces and two territories. Each province has its own government.

The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate, whose members are appointed by the Governor-General, and the House of Commons, elected by the people for a period of five years.

There are several political parties which are represented in Parliament: the Progressive Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party. These are all bourgeois parties serving the interests of the capitalist class.

The Commonwealth of Australia. New Zealand

New Zealand is an independent state. It has got total area of 269,000 square kilometres. It is situated to south-east of Australia. Nearly 3.5 million people live in the country. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. (It has been the capital since 1865.) The official language is English. The climate of New Zealand is moist. New Zealand is rich in minerals. There are some main industries in the country, for example, iron and steel industry. The country has gas and petroleum. There are many mountains in New Zealand. The highest is Mount Cook (12,349 feet).

There are many rivers and lakes in the country. The chief rivers are the Waikato and the Wairu. You have heard about the native animals in the country. One of them is the kiwi. This interesting bird lives in the wet parts of the thick bushes. In the day time the bird does not go out. It comes out only at night to find food. Kiwis cannot fly. Many years ago kiwis were hunted for food. Now the government does not permit the hunting of kiwis. The kiwi is now the symbol of the New Zealand people. Small children are often called kiwis.

New Zealand is a self-governing state. The Parliament consists of one House only, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of the government.

There are some political parties in New Zealand. They are: the Labour Party, the National Party, the Party of Socialist Unity and others.

New Zealand has got heavy industry. There are many plants in the country. Paper and rubber industries are developed too. New Zealand exports apples and honey.

There are some big cities such as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson. Auckland, Dunedin, Wellington are the main ports of the country.

The capital of the country is Wellington. It is a financial centre too. The city was founded in 1840.

There are some educational and cultural institutions in Wellington. They are the University of New Zealand, Victoria University College and others. Victoria University was established in 1897.

New Zealand is a very interesting and beautiful country.





мокрый, дождливый













main, chief





разрешать, позволять






местный, туземный

The Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. It has got six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and two internal territories.

It is situated in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean.

The area of this country has got 7,687,000 square kilometres. Australia is the largest island in the world and it is the smallest continent. The Dutch were the first Europeans to visit Australia. In 1770 the English captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia.

Nearly twenty million people live in Australia.

The capital of the country is Canberra. The city became the capital in 1927. Federal Government works in Canberra in the government buildings. It is interesting to know, that there are no industrial plants in Canberra.

The population of Canberra is about 300,000 people.

There are many sights in the city. They are the Building of the Australian Academy of Sciences, the Australian National University and others. There are two big industrial cities in Australia: Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia's climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the southern hemisphere and that's why it has summer, when we have winter and it has winter, when we have summer. It is interesting to know, that January is the hottest month in Australia.

Australia is separated from many countries. The animals in Australia have a lot of original, and they are interesting.

The dingo is one of Australia's wild animals. It is reddish, brown or yellow. The dingo is a wild dog, which kills other animals at night, sheep, for example. They can kill hens, chickens and small dogs.

You can see the kangaroo there. The kangaroo has got the pouch in which it carries her cub. There are many birds in the country, too. One can see parrots and cockatoos. The emu is the most interesting bird in Australia. It is big and can't fly.

There are many rivers and lakes in the country.

Australia is an industrial country. It has coal, nickel, zinc, gold. Several factories and plants work in the country. Australia is one of the most important producers of metals and minerals. It exports wool production, meat, fruit, sugar.

The country is situated near the ocean. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane are the ports of the country.

There are many universities, theatres and museums in Australia.

There are some political parties in Australia: the Liberal Party, the Labour Party and the Socialist Party of Australia.




Pacific Ocean

Тихий океан


г. Канберра (столица Австралии)












мешочек, сумка


Самостоятельная работа 1.

Поставьте следующие существительные и словосочетания во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A baby, a plant, a brush, a man, a woman, a shelf, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a tomato, a secretary, this magazine, that window.

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

That is a snail. 2. Is this a bookcase? 3. Is that a ball? 4. It is not a girl. 5. It isn’t a bag.

Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother.

Вставьте some, any, по, something, anything, nothing, everything somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere или оставьте пропуски незаполненными, смотря по смыслу.

1. There are ... buses today and I can't go shopping. 2. Please don't offer her ... chips. She doesn't want ... . 3. Is there ... snow in the street this morning?

4. My husband taught his son ... he knows. 5. Her patient has a bad memory. She can't remember ... . 6. Does he know ... about computers? — Yes, he knows ...

7. I can't find my book .... I have looked all over the house. 8. Johnny lives ... near Chicago. 9. Do you live ... near them?

Самостоятельная работа 2.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. 2. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 7. She (to speak) French well.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.

Where you (to be) yesterday? — I (to be) at home the whole day. — How strange. I (to ring) you up at two o'clock, but nobody (to answer). — Oh, I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book and (not to hear) the telephone.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. Helen speaks French so well because she (to live) in France. 2. She (to live) there last year. 3. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago. 5. Mary (to buy) a new hat.

Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола.

1. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room. 2. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off. 3. I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter. 4. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man. 5. I want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday. 6. He asked me where I (study, studied). 7. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time. 13. He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago.

Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Oleg said, "My room is on the second floor." 2. She said to me, "Now I can read your translation." 3. "This man spoke to me on the road," said the woman.

Самостоятельная работа 3.

1. Составить словосочетания













2. Артикли с географическими названиями. Поставить Артикль the, где необходимо.

USA, Simpson Desert, Great Britain, Moscow, Mt. Elbrus, Voga, Russia, Rockies, Atlantic Ocean, Jamaica, New York, Hawaiin islands.

3. Перевести предложения, обращая внимание на союзы и выражения.

a). Because Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so uniqe.

b). Thanks to its geographical position, Great Britain has got more than 300 ports.

4. Какие личные качества типичны для американцев, русских, англичан (по текстам учебника В.П. Кузовлева).

Love of compromise, willingless to experiment, love of Gardening, submission, risk-taking, sense of community.



the British

5. Образовать косвенные вопросы от следующих вопросов, обращая внимание на порядок слов. Косвенные вопросы начинаются с вежливых фраз
Do you know…? Can/ could you tell me…?

a) What time is it now?

b) Where does she live?

c) What are Florida s nicknames?

d) Where did he live?

6. Написать 5 предложений на тему: «Where would You like to live?»

7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive и Present Simple Passive.

1. The postbox (to empty) yesterday. 2. The stamps (to postmark) at the post office. 3. The letters (to sort) into the different towns. 4. The mail (to load) into the train. 5. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey. 6. The postbox (to empty) tomorrow. 7. The stamps (to postmark) at the post office. 8. The letters (to sort) into the different towns. 9. The mail (to load) into the train. 10. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey. 11. The museum (to open) at nine o’clock. 12. She often (to send) to post-office. 13. These books always (to ask). 14. The flowers (to water) in the evening by me.

Самостоятельная работа 4.

Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1. I like ... dance. 2. I'd like ... dance. 4. She made me ... repeat my words several times. 5. I saw him ... enter the room. 6. She did not let her mother ... go away. 8. Would you like ... listen to good music? 11. My brother can ... speak French. 13. They wanted ... cross the river. 14. It is high time for you ... go to bed. 15. May I ... use your telephone? 20. You look tired. You had better ... go home.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Past Participle.

1. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me. 2. The coat bought last year is too small for me now. 3. Nobody saw the things kept in that box. 4. My sister likes boiled eggs. 5. We stopped before a shut door. 6. Tied to the tree, the goat could not run away. 7. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 8. This is a church built many years ago. 9. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II.


  1. A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.
  2. He saw some people in the post office sending telegrams.
  3. When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.


  1. Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.
  2. The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
  3. While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.

1. Repairing cars is his business. 2. It goes without saying. 3. Have you finished writing? 4. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very healthy. 5.1 like skiing, but my sister prefers skating.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные формы герундия.

1. The place is worth visiting. 2. Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football. 3. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her. 4. Can you remember having seen the man before? 5. She was terrified of having to speak to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to.

Самостоятельная работа 5.

  1. Выберите правильную форму глагола to be для следующих предложений

a) is b) are c) am

1. There … little light in the room

2. There … may children on the sports ground

3. Who … making the poster?

4. Where … you going?

5. I … late.

6. Our classes … over.

  1. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках

1. Show us (какую-нибудь) picture.

a) few b) some c) a few d) any

2. My son is fond of (рисовать)

a) making b) slogan c) drawing d) paint

3. There are (различные) offices in this building

a) modern b) various c) comfortable d) high

4. She is (всегда) late.

a) clean b) married c) every d) always

5. Show (ему) your drawing

a) him b) his c) her d) them

6. Tell (им) about your new flat.

a) they b) their c) them d) her

  1. Выберите английские эквиваленты кратких ответов на вопросы.

1. Will be you here next weekend?

a) No, I won’t b) No, I don’t c) No, I’m not

2. Have you got any time for me?

a) Yes, it is b) Yes, there is c) Yes, I do

3. Did Julia phone you earlier?

a) Yes, she did b) Yes, she had c) Yes, she has

4. Do you like hot tea?

a) Yes, I’d like b) Yes, please c) Yes I do

5. I wasn’t a bad day, was it?

a) Yes, it wasn’t b) No, it wasn’t c) Yes, it was

6. Are there a lot of children in your group?

a) Yes, they are b) Yes, they do c) Yes, there are

7. Tom neither wrote nor phoned, did he?

a) Yes, he didn’t b) No, he didn’t c) Yes, he had

8. I went to bed late last night. And you?

a) So did I b) So I did c) And I did

  1. Put in like or as.

It’s raining again. I hate weather ..like... this.

Jane failed her driving test ...as... she expected.

  1. Do you think Carol looks …………her mother?
  2. He really gets on my nerves. I can't stand people …………… him.
  3. Why didn't you do it …………… I told you to do it?
  4. “What does Bill do?” “He’s a student,…………… most of his friends.”
  5. Why do you never listen? Talking to you is …………… talking to the wall.
  6. …………… I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job.
  7. Tom’s idea seemed a good one, so we did …………… he suggested.
  8. It’s a difficult problem. I never know what to do in situations ……………this.
  9. I’ll, phone you tomorrow …………… usual, OK?
  10. This tea is awful. It tastes…………… water.
  11. Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was …………… a bomb exploding.
  12. She’s a very good swimmer. She swims…………… a fish.
  13. I’m afraid I can’t meet you on Sunday …………… we arranged.
  14. We met Keith last night. He was very cheerful, …………… always.
  1. Complete the sentences using like or as + one of the following:
  1. a beginner
  1. blocks of ice
  1. a palace
  1. a birthday present
  1. a problem
  1. a child
  1. a church
  1. winter
  1. a tourist guide

This house is beautiful. It’s ...like a palace ...

  1. Margaret once had a part-time job……………
  2. My feet are really cold. They’re ……………
  3. I’ve been learning Spanish for a few years but I still speak ……………
  4. I wonder what that building with the tower is. It looks ……………
  5. My brother gave me this watch …………… a long time ago.
  6. It’s true that we disagree about some things but I don’t regard this……………
  7. It’s very cold for the middle of summer. It’s ……………
  8. He’s 22 years old but he sometimes behaves ……………
  1. Put in like or as.
  1. Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak …………… you.
  2. Don’t take my advice if you don’t want to. You can do…………… you like.
  3. You waste too much time doing things …………… sitting in cafes all day.
  4. I wish I had a car…………… yours.
  5. There’s no need to change your clothes. You can go out. …………… you are.
  6. My neighbour’s house is full of interesting things. It’s…………… a museum.
  7. I think I preferred this room …………… it was, before we decorated it.
  8. When we asked Sue to help us, she agreed immediately, …………… I knew she would.
  9. Sharon has been working …………… a waitress for the last two months.
  10. While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing energetic things …………… sailings, water skiing and swimming.
  11. You’re different from the other people I know. I don’t know anyone …………… you.
  12. We don’t need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them …………… a study:
  13. …………… her father, Catherine has a very good voice.
  14. The news that Sue and Jim were getting married came …………… a complete surprise to me.
  15. At the moment I’ve got a temporary job in a bookshop. It’s OK…………… a temporary job but wouldn’t like to do it permanently.


Зачет 1.

English - speaking countries (Занятие 9)

  1. ________ has got six states.

a) Great Britain b) Australia c) the USA

  1. London is the capital of ______.

a) New Zealand b) Great Britain c) the USA

  1. __________ is the largest island in the world.

a) Great Britain b) New Zealand c) Australia

  1. _________ is a country of lakes.

a) the USA b) Canada c) New Zealand

  1. Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow are the biggest towns of __________.

a) Canada b) Great Britain c) the USA

  1. The five Great Lakes are located between

a) the USA and Canada b) the USA and Australia c) Canada and Australia

  1. The capital of __________ is Wellington.

a) the USA b) Australia c) New Zealand.

  1. January is the hottest month in___________.

a) Australia b) New Zealand c) the USA

  1. The kiwi is the symbol of ____________.

a) Australia b) Canada c) New Zealand

  1. The Thames flows in _______________.

a) Great Britain b) the USA c) New Zealand.

  1. Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver are large important towns of _____________.

a) the USA b) Canada c) Great Britain

  1. You can see the kangaroo, the dingo in ____________.

a) Australia b) New Zealand c) Canada

  1. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane are the ports of __________.

a) Canada b) Australia c) New Zealand

  1. There are two hot deserts in _______________.

a) Australia b) Canada c) New Zealand

  1. The main river of ____________ is the Mississippi.

a) the USA b) Canada c) Great Britain

Грамматический тест (Занятие 10)

1 вариант

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

  1. Jack has got a lot of ____________of his girl-friend on the wall.

a) photo

b) photoes

c) photos

  1. Mathematics ____ too difficult for me.

a) is

b) are

c) —

  1. Too ___________ people still smoke.

a) many

b) much

c) a lot of

  1. ____________ Moon moves slowly round ____________Earth.

a) — ... the

b) The... the

c) This ...the

  1. The keys are in _______________________.

a) the pocket of my suit

b) my suit's pocket

c) my pocket in the suit

  1. Their daughter is doing business _______________ at local college.

a) the

b) —

c) a

  1. His opinion differs from _______________.

a) my

b) mine

c) me

  1. He is quite right. I agree with _________________completely.

a) he

b) him

c) his

  1. I can't eat _______________ chips because they are cold.

a) this

b) these

c) that

  1. Nowadays Bob is eating more and exercising _____________ than he used to.

a) little

b) less

c) the least

  1. Dick was ______________of the three brothers.

a) the eldest

b) the oldest

c) elder

  1. Henry was _____________ of the boys.

a) the most big

b) the biggest

c) biggest

  1. Brain is known as a very ________________ driver.

a) fast

b) fastly

c) fasting

  1. The past 10 years _____________ the happiest in her life.

a) are

b) are being

c) have been

  1. The pizza _______________ delicious without any cheese at all.

a) tastes

b) is tasting

c) has tasted

  1. They met yesterday, __________________?

a) did they

b) didn't they

c) they did

  1. Our neighbors __________________ their house recently.

a) painted

b) were painting

c) have painted

  1. When ______________ from his business trip?

a) has he returned

b) did he return

c) was he returning

  1. My sister _______________ some new clothes last week.

a) had bought

b) bought

c) was buying

  1. He ______________ a light breakfast and then _____________ to work.

a) had ... went

b) had had ... went

c) has had ... went

2 вариант

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

  1. Parents always tell interesting ________ about their children.

a) stories

b) storys

c) storyes

  1. She comes from ______________ Netherlands.

a) the

b) —

c) a

  1. Do you have ____________ friends?

a) many

b) much

c) a lot of

  1. Sally opened the _______________________ and entered.

a) kitchen's door

b) door of the kitchen

c) kitchen door

  1. Mathematics ____ too difficult for me.

a) is

b) are

c) —

  1. Greg's father is _______________________ engineer.

a) an

b) a

c) the

  1. She had taken the advice, but the decision was _________________.

a) her

b) she

c) hers

  1. "Who is it ?" — "It's _____________."

a) I

b) me

c) mine

  1. Does ___________ car use much petrol?

a) these

b) those

c) this

  1. He had to spend about six months in a class with __________ students.

a) more younger

b) younger

c) the youngest

  1. It was absolutely the ________________ food I have ever had.

a) worst

b) worse

c) most bad

  1. Fiona is _______________ girl. I have ever met.

a) the most beautiful

b) a more beautiful

c) the beautifulest

  1. She speaks French _________________.

a) very good

b) very well

c) very goodly

  1. He ________________ so many mistakes in his exam papers!

a) always makes

b) is always making

c) always make

  1. I _______________ an appointment with my dentist next week.

a) have got

b) have been having

c) am having

  1. They are having a meeting, ___________?

a) haven't they

b) aren't they

c) are they

  1. In his youth, he ______________ very lazy.

a) was

b) has been

c) was being

  1. The children ________________ so much noise that we couldn't listen to the news on the radio.

a) made

b) had made

c) were making

  1. _____________ when you came in?

a) Did it snow

b) Was it snowing

c) Was it snow

  1. While Tom ______________ on his letter, the telephone ________________.

a) worked ... was ringing

b) was working ... was ringing

c) was working ... rang

Зачет 2.

Тест по чтению (занятие 9)

Read the text about the political system of Australia. For statements 1-5, decide which answer is correct. Circle the corresponding letter.

Australia is an independent country within the Commonwealth. Formally the British monarch is the head of state and has royal representatives in the country and in each of the six states.

According to the Australian Constitution, that was adopted on January 1, 1901, the legislative branch is represented by the Federal Parliament. The parliament is made up of two houses: the Senate with 76 senators and the House of Representatives with 148 members. The lawmakers are elected by the people. Voting is compulsory (обязательно). Australian citizens can vote by mail. Those who abstain from (воздерживаются от) voting are fined (штрафуются). Australians are proud of the fact that secret ballot (тайное голосование) was first introduced in Australia.

The party or a coalition of parties with the majority of seats in the House of Representatives forms the Cabinet and its leader becomes Prime Minister. So, the executive branch in Australia includes the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Like in Great Britain they come from the Federal Parliament and are responsible to it for government decisions. The main political parties are the Liberal Party and the National Party. Normally they act in coalition. The Australian Labour Party and the Australian Democrats also play a great role in politics.

There is a question whether Australia should become a republic with an Australian head of state. The debate on the problem started several years ago. Everybody in Australia understands that a change to a republic needs the assent of the Australian people at a referendum. In February 1998, Australia began the process of severing (разъединения) its constitutional link to the Queen.


A. Australia is a parliamentary democracy.

B. Australia is a monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.


A. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are elected directly.

B. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet come from the Federal Parliament.


A. The Federal Parliament includes the Senate and the House of Representatives.

B. The Federal Parliament includes the House of Commons and the House of Representatives.


A.The representatives of the executive branch are responsible to the Queen.

B. The representatives of the executive branch are responsible to the Federal Parliament.


A. Now Australia is in the process of changing to a republic.

B. Now Australia is in the process of becoming closer to the British Crown.

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