Самостоятельная работа по чтению
тест (6 класс)
Самостоятельная работа по чтению по учебнику Rainbow English 6 класс (2 часть) .Текст про Колумба. Определить, верно, неверно, в тексте об этом не сказано
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Предварительный просмотр:
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
True, false, Not Stated
1) America is the country and the continent.
2) Columbus discovered America in the 14th century.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) It took him two weeks to get to an island.
5) Columbus died in the 16th century.
True, false, Not Stated
1) The USA and America are different countries..
2) Columbus was a sailor.
3) He made 1451 sea voyages.
4) Columbus decided to sail east to get to India.
5) He got the island. It was America.
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