Урок английского языка в 9 классе Тема «The World of Music»
план-конспект урока (9 класс)

Махневич Ольга Владимировна

Иностранный язык стал в полной мере осознаваться как средство общения, средство взаимопонимания  и взаимодействия людей, средство приобщения к иной национальной культуре и как важное средство для развития интеллектуальных способностей школьников, их общеобразовательного потенциала. В курсе иностранного языка принципиально важным остается сравнение родной культуры с культурами стран изучаемого языка и другими культурами мира. Краеведческий материал приближает иноязычную коммуникацию к личному опыту учащихся, позволяет им оперировать в учебной беседе усвоенными с детства фактами и сведениями через призму иной культуры, способствует формированию и закреплению у них навыков общения на изучаемом языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 9 классе

Тема « The World of Music»


Социокультурный аспект: умение представлять родную культуру средствами английского языка;

Развивающий аспект: организация учебного процесса как речемыслительного поиска, развитие творческой деятельности, памяти, языковой догадки, воображения, способности логически излагать, работать в группах, парах, самостоятельно;

Воспитательные: укрепление интереса к предмету, воспитание уважительного отношения к зарубежной культуре, более глубокое осознание русской культуры, культуры родного края;      

Образовательный аспект: развитие речевых умений в монологической и диалогической формах речи; совершенствование навыков аудирования с поиском заданной информации; развитие умения читать с целью понимания основного содержания/полного понимания содержания.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, презентация, аудиозаписи, раздаточный материал: лексика, тексты для чтения, тестовые задания; карточки настроения в виде смайликов.

                                                   Ход урока

1.Начало урока. a) Организационный момент. Определение темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends. Good morning our guests. Welcome to our lesson. How are you? Choose a card to show me your mood. (I am fine/OK/I am bad/ So-so).

Let’s imagine the following situation – you are sitting in a club that unites people of various interests. You are discussing different problems over a cup of tea or coffee. Everybody has an opportunity to express his or her opinion. Do you feel like talking today? OK.

If you look at the blackboard , you will see a small crossword puzzle. If you guess and fill it in, you will know the key-word and the theme of our discussion.

  1. A play where there are also singing and dancing. (musical)
  2. A person who stands in front of the orchestra. (conductor)
  3. A very popular singer or actor. (star)
  4. What is the hometown of the Beatles? (Liverpool)
  5. A person who writes music. (composer)

You managed to do this task and the theme of our conversation is « The World of Music». There is a world of music around us. Is this world large or small? It often depends on how much you know: the more you know the larger world is. (Oбращение к эпиграфу урока)

Today you will listen to music; we will speak about music in dialogue and monologue. I also hope that you will find something interesting and new for yourselves.

b) Речевая подготовка. I think that music is an amazing thing. It makes our life better. What influence has music on people?

P1: It puts me in a good mood because it’s a perfect way to relax.

P2: I think so too. It helps to develop my abilities.

P3:  You are right. Music encourages me to use my imagination.

P4: Music helps to understand the world around us.

P5: Music makes us remember the best moments of our life.

P6: Music transforms our hearts and feelings.

P7: Music makes our taste better/evokes the feeling of happiness/entertains us/enriches our feelings.

2. Активизация лексики.

a) Music can leave us indifferent or provoke powerful and complex feelings. When we speak about music many adjectives come to our mind. Let’s revise them. Read the adjectives with positive/negative meaning.

b) What are your tastes in music? You have got questionnaires on your desks. Ask your partner to express his/her opinion on music. Then summarize your partner’s opinion. Work in pairs.

  • Is music  part of your life?
  • What is your favorite sort of music?
  • What does music make you think of??
  • What music do you like listening to when you have free time
  • What music irritates you?

He/she is sure that…

He/she enjoys listening to…because…

He/she can’t give up listening to…

The music he/she hates is…

T: I see that your tastes in music are different. That’s why we’ll discuss different styles of music.

3. Аудирование с пониманием основного содержания. Релаксация.

a) T: Listen to some facts about one of the most outstanding British groups. Guess what group is described.

This group was formed at the end of the 50s. They were amazing and talented boys who made a unique contribution to music and it made a revolution in pop history. The boys composed songs for the youth. The group broke up about 40 years ago. But their songs will live forever.

b) You are right. The Beatles were sure that their songs will live forever when they wrote their song “Let it be”. Open your hearts to the song. Be ready to say what impression the music makes on you.

-Прослушивание песни.

-Ответ на вопрос.

P1: This music has made an unforgettable impression on me (a pleasant impression, a breathtaking impression).

4. Аудирование текста с поиском заданной информации.        

Open your books on P 46, please. –Введение в ситуацию.

                                                      -Прослушивание диалога.

                                                       -Контроль понимания.

5 Развитие речевых умений в диалогической форме речи.

a) Open your AB on P. 33, Ex. 2. Here you can see the questions and the answers. Match them.

Exchange your exercise books and check your partner’s mistakes. Put marks. Possible marks are “Good”, “OK”, “Try again”. What is Nastya’s mark?

b) Which questions could you ask the box office assistant? Which questions could the box office assistant ask you?

c) Look into your books on P. 47. Ex. 3, task 1. Imagine that you are talking to the box office assistant of her Majesty’s Theatre. Make up a dialogue using the phrases from AB.

d) Now, your time is up. Act out your dialogues.

Примерные диалоги:

I. -Can I help you?

-Yes, please. Can I buy some tickets?

-Which performance are you interested in?

-I don’t know. What can you offer me?

-I think you may be interested in The Phantom of the Opera.

-The Phantom of the Opera? What’s that?

- It’s a world-known musical about a man wearing a mask to hide his ugly face. He kidnaps a beautiful opera singer because he loves her.

-I think I’ll be happy to watch it. How much does the ticket cost?

-It costs 20 to 40 pounds.

- 30 is Ok.

-Fine. Here is your ticket. The performance takes place on Saturday.


II. –Are there any tickets available this week?

-Yes, there are. We’ve got tickets available for Thursday and Friday.

-Is there more than one performance?

-Of course, we are going to have two. I can offer you tickets for The Sound of Music.

-What is special about the performance?

-The musical is very popular and they have very good actors. Listen to it and you will like it.

-I’d like 3 tickets for the Thursday performance.

-Would you like the seats near the stage or would you prefer to sit further back?

-I’d like to sit near the stage, please.

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

III. –Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I’d like 4 tickets for tomorrow’s performance.

-I’m sorry, we’ve got only 3 tickets for tomorrow. I can offer you tickets for the performance of the American Ballet Theatre. No doubt it is going to be a great success in our city.

-When does the performance begin?

-It is taking place on Friday at 7.

-Ok. How much does the ticket cost?

-It costs 30 pounds. Here you are.


-Enjoy your performance.

-I will.

6. Релаксация.

a) What styles of music do you think are popular in our country? (No doubt people enjoy…/In my opinion people adore…)

Is classical music popular? (There are people who are mad about classical music. Some people can’t imagine their life without classical music. As for me I don’t mind classical music).

What composers made our country a musical power? Fill in the names.

P1: Tchaikovsky put so many feelings into his music.

P2: Prokofiev overwhelmed the world with his music.

P3: Shostakovich filled the world with his music.

P4 Mussorgsky wrote music performed all over the world.

T: Tchaikovsky put so many feelings into his music. (Звучит музыка: Адажио из балета «Щелкунчик»).

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Let’s pretend it’s summer.
You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. A light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. (Pause)
Your troubles float away.
You love your relatives, your school, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirits. Open your eyes. How do you feel?

7. Развитие речевого умения в монологической форме речи.

  T: Belgorod region is known for its musical traditions. What styles of music are popular in our region? What musical places can be visited in the area? A group of pupils made a project “A musical map of Belgorod region” and they are ready to give their comments.

     Look at the map of Belgorod region. You know, there are a lot of famous people who were born and lived in  Belgorod region. Tsar Peter the Great presented rich land in the western part of Belgorodia to Count Seremetev. Nikolai Sheremetev established a private theater, the best in Russia, directed by the talented composer, conductor and soloist Stepan Degtyaryov. Degtyaryov was born in Sloboda Borisovka, in a serf family. He contributed much to the development of choral music. His music is considered to be sentimental and fascinating.

     The outstanding musician Michael Erdenko was from Stary Oskol district by origin. He was a well-known Gypsy singer and composer.

     The Belgorod region is the Motherland of choral folk music. The “Peresek” folk music ensemble has united young and talented musicians. Its concert programmes  are a bright and colourful show. The ensemble sings unique songs from the south of Russia of the 16-19 centuries. Such folk-rock compositions as “Black Raven” and “A Maid Walked in the Garden” are a peculiar combination of folk song with the sound of modern electronic instruments.

The “Balalaechka” band is directed by a wonderful musician Boris Goriunov, the talented explorer of national culture. The ensemble carries out educational work performing before students of music and comprehensive schools.

     The “Vezelitsa” folk song and dance troupe performs many vocal and choreographic compositions, focusing on national holidays and rites. Its shows are well known by the residents all over Belgorodia.

     The ensemble “Belogoriye” is a famous choir in our region and abroad. It is a calling card of  Belgorod.”Belogoriye” made its way to the stage in the 70s. Their music is catchy, amazing and sweet. “Belogoriye” is very successful. In 2003 they took part in a folk competition in France and won the first place.

     Krasnogvardeiski district is a well-known folk land. There are many folk groups in their villages, such as “Chernozyomochka”, “Malobykovskiye Zori’. They performed in many Russian cities.

     Podseredneye in Alexeyevski district is a center of folk music.

     The regional bard’s festival “Nezhegol Path” is held in Shebekinski district every autumn. “Oskolskaya Lira” is an annual international bards’ festival which takes place in July in Stary Oskol.

Have you got any questions?

  1. Чтение текста с поиском заданной информации.

a) T: You know, children, there are a lot of famous people who were born and lived in Belgorod region. One of them is Gavril Lomakin. We’ll read the text about him.

Study the words:

a serf - крепостной

a count - граф

purposeful - целеустремленный

obstinate - упрямый

to dedicate – посвящать

b) Predicting:

T: Do you think G Lomakin was a serf? What kind of person was he?

What did he dedicate his life to? (to music, to people, to the country)

Let’s read the text and see if your predictions were right. Look through the text and find the birthplace of Lomakin.

c) Reading for specific information.

T:  Split into groups.You’ve got graphic organizers. Scan the text (find out specific information) and fill out a graphic organizer. Write dates for each event in time order from left to right. Add details along the line.Winners will get prizes.

The best and brightest period in the development of music in the Belgorod region is closely connected with the name of Gavril Yakimovich Lomakin, who was not only a famous composer, but also an outstanding music critic and an organizer. He had a rare pedagogical talent. He was author of the first Russian choral textbooks for public schools. Gavril Lomakin was one of the greatest choral public figures of the 19th century.

G.Y Lomakin was born on March 25, 1812, in Sloboda Borisovka, in one of Count Sheremetiyev's serf families. He liked singing from his early childhood, so his parents sent him to the professional choir in Nickolayevskaya Church.

When Gavril was 10, he began to sing in Sheremetiyev's Choir in St. Petersburg. (It was one of the oldest ones in Russia). Here he received a musical education. Gavril was a purposeful and obstinate young man. He took music lessons and learned to play the piano and the violin. In 1850, he became the leader of the choir. For 20 years this choir held the highest position in our country.

G. Lomakin's fame as a talented choral teacher soon spread all over the northern capital. A lot of schools gave him invitations. At the Smolny Institute he met K.D. Ushinski, the greatest teacher in Russia. At Law School he met the outstanding composer A.N. Serov. Here, Lomakin headed a choir that P.I. Tchaikovsky sang in.

In 1834, G. Lomakin and M. Glinka became friends. Gavril often visited Glinka's family and met his future wife there. Nadezhda Sobolskaya was a close relative of M. Glinka.

In 1862, G. Lomakin and another composer, M. Balakirev, organized the "Free Music School". In this school, Lomakin created a new choir and organized courses for future music teachers. He often helped young singers to master professional skills. A lot of his students became well-known singers and conductors.

G. Lomakin has left us with many great works, which are an important part of Russian art: over 50 songs, romances, and duets. One of his books, "Lomakin's Romances", was published in St. Petersburg.

This book was very popular and was republished several times.

G. Lomakin was the first to start cultivating folk songs. His vocal compositions were performed in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, in the Concert Hall of the Russian Music Academy and at the Moscow conservatoire.

Gavril Lomakin dedicated his great talent to the people. He died on May 9, 1885.

Teacher: Now let's check. P1, read the dates. P2, read the details, please. Were your predictions correct?

c) Read the text more attentively. Find true and false sentences.

 1. Gavril Lomakin was a master vocalist.

 2. Gavril Lomakin couldn't get a good musical education because he was born in a serf family.

 3. Gavril Lomakin sang in Sheremetiyev's choir.

 4. A lot of schools gave him invitations because he was a talented teacher.

  he lived in the northern capital.

5. Gavril Lomakin headed a choir M. Glinka sang in.

6. The "Free Music School" helped people to play musical instruments.

  1. Заключительный этап урока.

a) Рефлексия. In my opinion music reflects our mood and emotions. Our lesson is coming to the end. Create a cinquain. Write the words which reflect your mood and feelings.

Cinquain Pattern

Line1: A noun

Line2: Two adjectives

Line 3: Three verbs

Line 4: A phrase

Line 5: Another word for the noun

b) Write down your home task for the next lesson. Ex.3, part 2, P. 47. You are discussing a concert of pop or rock music with your British friend. Make up dialogues.

c) Conclusions, results.

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