Сценка на английском языке для 8-х классов «Santa and Snow Queen’s New Year Love Story»
методическая разработка (8 класс)
Новогодняя сценка для уровня 8-9 классов
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Предварительный просмотр:
Играет музыка, на сцене появляются сестры , начинают играть в куклы. Появляются два ведущих по бокам сцены.
Ведущий №1 Hello dear guests! New Year is a magical time when all the miracles seem to come true. You would like a little more magic on New Year`s?
Ведущий№2 Then you really need to hear one extremely amazing story. Оnе day, a young wizard accidentally overheard a conversation between three sisters…
Ведущие уходят со сцены, затем появляются каждый раз когда им нужно сказать свои реплики.
По улице( внизу сцены) идет волшебник/ помощник Санты и останавливается у окна сестер
Wizard: Oh, what should I do, what should I do,.. It’s such a magical time on the threshold of the New Year and Christmas. I shouldn' t waste a minute. I need to come up with something.. Oh, I hear voices .. What are they talking about? Have I found someone who can help me? ( поднимается по ступенькам, но пока стоит за кулисами)
Разговор сестер
1Sister: Tell me sisters, do you like the fairytale we have watched today? I mean “Snow Queen”
2Sister: Oh, I really liked this story! Kai is so cute.. And his sister Gerda is such a brave girl! Not like me!
3Sister:As for me, the Snow Queen is more interesting character . I like her more.
2 Sister :But she is evil!
3 Sister: Not at all. I think her heart is so cruel, because she’s lonely. And I deeply sympathize with her.
1Sister: She is so beautiful! She has a special beauty, shining and glittering
like snow, but cold like ice
2 Sister:So.. Yes you are right, I agree with.
Появляется волшебник.
Wizard: Hello hello girls! No panic! Please don’t be afraid of me. I am Santa’s assistant, and a wizard of course. I’ve heard your conversation, and I suppose you can help me.
1 Sister; Why are you here?
2 Sister :What kind of aid do you expect from us?
3 Sister: Are you really a wizard?
1 Sister Of course he is! He is able to walk through walls!
W.: Look.. I want to share one important secret with you. Santa loves Snow Queen!
3S: That’s great!
2S: Are you kidding?
1S: And does she know?
W: No, she doesn’t. I’ve just said it is a secret! So you want the Snow Queen to be happy, and I want Santa to be happy.. When Santa was young, he was very shy, and now he believes that time is lost. Help me to change the situation.
3 S: I have an idea! Let's write to Snow Queen an invitation to the ball on behalf of Santa! And then we will travel back in time and send her this letter!
(уходят со сцены, появляются снежная Королева(садится на «трон») и ведущие )
1.Вед. So they did it. They travelled back in time and sent an invitation to the Snow Queen.
2 Вед.The snow queen was very surprised by the letter she had received. She tried to pretend that she didn’t care about it, but she was very excited.
(Ветер приносит письмо)
Wind: It's a letter for your, my Lady!
S.Q. Let me see it ! ( читает) «Oh... Dear Snow Queen! I invite you to the ball, which will be held tonight at my house. Your presence will be most eagerly awaited. Thanking you in anticipation of your favourable response. Santa.»
What an insolense! But it would be impolite to refuse .. I'll go.
And our friends also went to Santa'place to warn him. ( появляется Санта, сестры и волшебник)
Santa was very surprised to hear that the Snow Queen would come. And he invited the wizard and the sister to the ball too
What a nice palace. This hall is very beautiful, but I would add some ice here.
So where is Santa?
Santa :Oh, how beautiful she is! I'm so shy! But I have to go to her, because I am the master of the house, and I must welcome guests. (подходит к Снежной Королеве)
I greet you, dear Snow Queen.
I'm so glad you accepted the invitation!
S.Q.I was glad to get it..
Танцуют под песню «Perfect Duet» песню исполняет Ведущий№1
Santa: I'm nervous
I can no longer keep this secret. I want to say..You’re my soulmate and the love of my life. My heart calls out for you.
I love you!
Snow Queen : I love you too! You make my heart melt.
Заключительное слово Ведущего2
It was a great story! Even an icy heart can be warmed with love! Thank you for your attention! Happy New Year!
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