Charity диалогические ситуации
материал на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
You and your classmates decided to raise money for WWF to help animals in need. All money you want to send to the local zoo. Suggest your classmates to organize a jumble sale.
- On 16th of May
- In the school hall
- Bring clothes, books and toys they don’t need
Ms. Smith, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for WWF to help animals in need. All money you want to send to the local zoo. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Bird Care Charity Organization to help birds in need. All money you want to send to the local zoo. Suggest your classmates to organize a bring-and-buy sell.
- On 9th of October
- In the school hall
- Bring clothes, books and toys they don’t need
Ms. Star, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Bird Care Charity Organization to help birds in need. All money you want to send to the local zoo. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for UNICEF to help children in need. All money you want to send to the local orphanage. Suggest your classmates to organize a sponsored concert.
- On 11th of November
- In the school hall
- Sing a song, dance, recite a poem, perform
Ms. Wellers, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for UNICEF to help children in need. All money you want to send to the local orphanage. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Richard Cross who needs a treatment on the hospital. All money you want to send to his parents. Suggest your classmates to organize a coin trail.
- On 5th of December
- In the school hall
- collect coins, bring them to school and join a trail in the hall
Ms. Robinson, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Richard Cross who needs a treatment on the hospital. All money you want to send to his parents. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Maria Curie Cancer Care. All money you want to send to people who suffer from cancer. Suggest your classmates to organize a quiz evening.
- On 24th of January
- In the school hall
- Organize a quiz competition
Mr. Davis, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Maria Curie Cancer Care. All money you want to send to people who suffer from cancer. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Greenpeace. All money you want to send to help animals in need. Suggest your classmates to organize a swimathon.
- On 1st of February
- In the school swimming pool
- Swim on your own or in a team
Mr. Stevenson, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for Greenpeace. All money you want to send to help animals in need. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for National Charity. All money you want to send to help people who suffer from wars. Suggest your classmates to organize a sponsored bike ride.
- On 3d of March
- In the local park
- Ride on your own or in a team
Mr. Blake, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for National Charity. All money you want to send to help people who suffer from wars. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for National Charity Fund. All money you want to send to help people who suffer from disasters. Suggest your classmates to organize a basketball match.
- On 17th of April
- In the school sport hall
- Organize a team
Mr. Grass, class teacher, will help you to organize the event. Ask your friend to join.
You and your classmates decided to raise money for National Charity Fund. All money you want to send to help people who suffer from disasters. One of your classmates has got an idea. Ask him/her what he/she wants to organize and about
- the date
- the place
- how you can help
- who will help to organize the event
You want to join.
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