Мастер-класс «Использование групповой формы работы для закрепления темы "Charity organizations"»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10 класс)
Разработка урока работы в группах по теме в старшей школе "Charity organizations"
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Мастер-класс «Использование групповой формы работы для закрепления темы «Charity organizations»».
Автор: Осипова Екатерина Вадимовна, МАОУ «Гимназия №2».
Цель – показать практичность применения групповой формы работы на уроке закрепления знаний.
- научить слушателей использовать групповые формы работы на закреплении конкретной темы;
- приобрести практический опыт использования группового взаимодействия на уроке.
- Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги. Ни для кого не секрет, что групповая работа развивает у учеников умение взаимодействовать друг с другом и своей яркой стороной работы улучшает запоминание материала.
- На каких этапах вы используете групповую работу?
- Да, действительно, работа в группах формирует учебную мотивацию (заинтересовывает), также решает конкретно-познавательную задачу непосредственной учебной ситуацией и, конечно же, контролирует и закрепляет уже имеющиеся знания.
Хотелось бы выделить преимущества группового обучения перед традиционным:
• приобщение к важным навыкам жизни: действенное общение, умение слушать, умение встать на точку зрения другого, умение разрешать конфликты, умение взаимодействовать для достижения общей цели;
• улучшение академической успеваемости;
• воспитание самоуважения;
• самооценка своей деятельности;
• укрепление дружбы в классе, изменение отношения к школе;
• отсутствие соревнования в учебной деятельности;
• убеждение учащихся в ценности взаимопомощи;
• благоприятный психологический климат.
Результативность используемой технологии.
Использовать групповые формы работы, по моему мнению, можно на любом материале, т.е. на любых УМК. Главное, немного перестроить урок и подобрать нужную тему и материал. В 9м классе, где я использовала групповую форму работы на закрепление темы, мы занимаемся по образовательной программе Solutions, которая разработана для школьников возраста 13-18 лет и предназначена для учащихся 7-11 школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Так как данный курс имеет хорошо структурированные уроки с четко обозначенным результатом и большое количество дополнительного тренировочного материала, не представляет сложности в конце каждого юнита подобрать материал и тему для итоговой групповой работы по разделу.
По теме «Charity organizations» я также решила провести групповую работу, немного дополнив уже существующее в учебнике задание. Итогом работы стали плакаты, характеризующие основные благотворительные организации мира. По завершению работы группы выбирали одного человека от организации, и он представлял свою компанию.
Имитационная игра.
Домашним заданием у учеников было найти информацию о крупнейших организациях по защите окружающей среды (по трое на каждую организацию), выбирая из предложенного списка:
- Greenpeace
- Panthera
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- Russian Bird Conservation Union
- World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA))
- The Tree Council
- You need to sit in your groups of organizations. Carefully read the text and choose the main information, based on the some points that you can see on the blackboard:
- What is the mission of …?
- What kind of animals\ plants do you protect?
- How can you get a membership in …?
- How do you prevent cruelty to animals\ plants?
- What countries have … organizations?
- Where do you invest your funds?
- Then, you need to draw a poster that characterizes the main idea of the organization. It can be an animal, a bird etc. Moreover, you need to write a slogan that draws attention to the problem that the organization decides.
Get started. Your time to work is 10-15 minutes.
По истечении времени: You need to choose 1 person who will represent your organization. Others listen carefully and vote for the organization they like. A voice can only be for one company.
Далее выступают представители каждой группы и проводится голосование (поднятие руки) после всех выступлений. (На уроке – ставятся оценки группе, за которую больше голосов).
Моделирование и рефлексия.
В течение 5 минут слушатели думают, на какую тему можно было бы перенести данный вид работы. Feedback.
Распечатанные вопросы на каждую группу:
- Какая информация Вам показалась интересной?
- Какие идеи Вам показались важными?
- Какой информации Вам не хватило?
- Что бы Вы изменили в данном отрывке урока?
- Было ли в структуре то, чего Вы не поняли?
- Какие пункты оказались полезными лично для Вас?
Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by:
- Catalysing an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet: climate change.
- Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global network of marine reserves.
- Protecting the world's ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them.
- Working for disarmament and peace by tackling the causes of conflict and calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
- Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today's products and manufacturing.
- Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by rejecting genetically engineered organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging socially responsible farming.
Greenpeace is present in more than 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific.
To maintain its independence, Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants.
We exist to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future.
In pursuing our mission, we have no permanent allies or enemies. We promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices. We use research, lobbying, and quiet diplomacy to pursue our goals, as well as high-profile, non-violent conflict to raise the level and quality of public debate.
And we believe that the struggle to preserve the future of our planet is not about us. It's about you. Greenpeace speaks for 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and encourages many millions more than that to take action every day.
As one of the longest banners we've ever made summed things up, "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money..."
Panthera is the only organization in the world that is devoted exclusively to the conservation of the world’s 40 wild cat species and their ecosystems.
Utilizing the expertise of the world’s premier cat biologists, Panthera develops and implements global strategies for the most imperiled large cats.
Representing the most comprehensive effort of its kind, Panthera partners with local and international NGOs, scientific institutions, local communities, governments around the globe, and citizens who want to help ensure a future for wild cats.
Panthera’s grants program, the Small Cat Action Fund (SCAF), additionally supports conservation and research initiatives on many of the smaller wild cat species around the globe.
Panthera’s range-wide conservation strategies are focused on the world’s largest, and some of the most imperiled cats: tigers, lions, jaguars, snow leopards, leopards, pumas and cheetahs. Every program is founded on the best available science and is tailored to suit each cat’s behavior and ecology, the unique threats they face, the various landscapes they depend on, and the human communities they live alongside. By collaborating with governments, corporations, local communities and other NGOs, we have amplified our conservation efforts as they relate to genetic research, education, and human health and livelihood.
Whether on the frontlines of conservation or based at our New York City headquarters, Panthera is led by a burgeoning team of multinational scientists, law enforcement professionals, and other wild cat advocates.
Panthera’s team includes over 100 staff implementing programming in 47 countries across four continents.
The Global Alliance for Wild Cats is a groundbreaking coalition formed to save the world’s wild cats and their ecosystems. On June 1, 2014, under the auspices of His Highness Mohamed bin Zayed, environmental philanthropists from China, India, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the United States together committed an initial $80 million over the next ten years to provide cornerstone funding for Panthera's new $200 million initiative for wild cats.
Initiatives funded through this commitment will focus on implementing effective conservation solutions, including protecting and stabilizing more than half of the world’s most important Asian tiger and African lion populations; securing the largest corridor in the world for jaguars across 18 Latin American countries; creating community-based conservation projects in nearly all countries with snow leopard populations; reducing killing and poaching in more than half of cheetah and leopard range countries; and designing and implementing a range-wide conservation strategy for cougars.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature.
The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by more than one million members in the United States and close to five million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.
Together, we can
- Protect and restore species and their habitats
- Strengthen local communities' ability to conserve the natural resources they depend upon
- Transform markets and policies to reduce the impact of the production and consumption of commodities
- Ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decisions made by individuals, communities, governments and businesses
- Mobilize hundreds of millions of people to support conservation
As a nonprofit organization, WWF deeply values the trust that has been placed in us. Partners trust us to carry out joint projects; governments and private entities trust our science and ability to create solutions that serve nature and people; and donors trust us to use their funds to advance conservation. To safeguard this critical trust, WWF is committed to best practices in governance, accountability and transparency.
Composed of leaders from the scientific, conservation and business communities, the WWF board of directors exercises overall responsibility for the policies, programs and direction of World Wildlife Fund and provides advice and counsel on a broad range of policy and operational matters. The composition of the board, whose members are elected for three-year terms, is chosen to reflect a broad range of scientific and other expertise, with all members having a strong and demonstrated commitment to nature conservation.
Russian Bird Conservation Union
Goals and objectives: informing, enlightening and uniting a wide range of people in order to preserve the species diversity and number of birds in the territory of Russia.
Date of creation: February 9, 1993.
Certificate of registration: the organization was registered with the Ministry of Justice on May 7, 1993. Certificate No. 1700.
There are branches of the Union in 64 regions of the country. Regional offices may have their own Charter (not inconsistent with the Charter of the Union), as well as their budget and leadership.
Membership: individual, collective. Individual members of the Union may be citizens of Russia and other states wishing to take part in the conservation of Russian birds, recognizing the Charter of the Union and paying an annual membership fee. Only collective organizations can be collective members of the Union.
The main sources of funding for the Union: membership fees, voluntary cash donations and targeted income for the implementation of special programs for the protection of birds and environmental education in Russia.
The mission of the Russian Bird Conservation Union is to preserve the diversity of Russian birds as part of our natural heritage, uniting for this purpose all those who love birds and are not indifferent to their fate, forming a positive attitude towards birds and involving them in active bird protection activities.
The Russian Bird Protection Union is an organization of like-minded people who represent and protect the interests of birds in the world of people. It unites ornithologists-professionals and amateurs, people of different ages, views and political beliefs, is called upon to inspire Russians to act in defense of birds and their habitats, and gives opportunities to realize the needs of people in communicating with nature and birds as a part of it.
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA))
The World Society for the Protection of Animals (commonly WSPA) is an international non-profit animal welfare organization and also a federation of such organisations and active in over 50 countries with more than 1000 member societies.
WSPA has thirteen offices, located in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Tanzania, Thailand, United States and United Kingdom. The main office is in London.
The WSPA resulted from the merger of two animal welfare organizations in 1981, namely the World Federation for the Protection of Animals (WFPA) founded in 1953 and the International Society for the Protection of Animals (ISPA) founded in 1959.
Though WSPA is against the cruel treatment and abuse of animals in general, they also campaign against specific kinds of cruel treatment and abuse, such as bullfighting, bear baiting and dancing, whaling, the capturing and keeping of dolphins, intensive farming of animals, and the treatment of working equines and Pet|companion animals.
WSPA's work with bears is particularly well known, partly due to the Libearty campaign (which began in 1992). They currently work on ending bear farming, bear baiting, and the use of dancing bears. WSPA also funds and advises member societies working on bear cub rehabilitation and bear sanctuaries. It can be said that thanks to the WSPA bear baiting campaign this blood sport has largely been stopped in Pakistan.
Besides these specific campaigns, the WSPA also advises governments on and promotes legislation which would improve animal welfare. Their international campaign for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) aims to take a set of principles on respect and protection for animals to the United Nations for endorsement.
They also design educational programmes on how to work with and care for animals, including programmes for veterinarians, animal owners and children.
Besides campaigning, the WSPA also actively helps animals in need, such as during the aftermath of a natural disaster or war. Many pets become strays when their owners have died or fled and these animals are often in need of food, shelter and medical care. Wild animals often also suffer from the consequences of natural disasters. The loss of draft and farm animals in disaster situations impacts local livelihoods and food security, making recovery harder for the human community. Disasters responded to in recent history include the 2004 tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, where the WSPA provided shelter, food and medical care for stray animals. Template:Citation needed The WSPA also ensured that evacuees from Hurricane Paloma in Cuba brought their companions.
The WSPA also funds and supports mobile clinics that neuter and spay stray cats and dogs, particularly in countries with ineffective and/or cruel methods of animal control. Mobile clinics also provide medical care for horses in Latin America where the owners of the animals often do not have the money and/or knowledge to give the animals the care they need.
The Tree Council
The Tree Council is the UK's lead charity for trees, promoting their importance in a changing environment. It was founded as the national tree planting campaign that would follow up the success of Plant A Tree In '73, encourage action for trees and run National Tree Week.
The Tree Council was founded in 1974, with government backing, as the umbrella body for UK organisations involved in tree planting, care and conservation. The idea was to keep up the momentum of National Tree Planting Year 1973 (with its slogan of “Plant a Tree in ‘73”). Today The Tree Council’s members range from professional non-governmental specialist and trade organisations, including other conservation charities, to local authorities and government bodies.
We are still working in partnership with communities, organisations and government to make trees matter to everyone.
Our work has expanded and we are responsible for the annual Community Action Programme that includes Seed Gathering Season, National Tree Week and Walk in the Woods month, supporting the groups organising local events.
We also co-ordinate and manage our national volunteer Tree Warden Scheme, fundraise and distribute grants for planting trees, woodland wildflowers and bluebells, and hedges and work with our partners on an agenda for change that includes the Tree Care Campaign, the Green Monuments Campaign and the Hedge Tree Campaign.
We are a registered charity and rely on donations and sponsorship income. We also have a Friends scheme for individual supporters.
Our work can be divided into two categories. First, the core activities we undertake, promoting the cyclical tree year programme and supporting our volunteer Tree Wardens, bringing our member organisations together to enhance mutual understanding and raising and giving away grant money for tree planting.
Second, responding to changing times: some direct support for practical action, but also work that needs to be done to improve the operating environment and drive trees up the agenda of decision makers on the local, regional and national stage.
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