урок по теме "Путешествие" (написание блог поста)
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему

Хайруллина Венера Тимерхановна

Данный урок проведен в 8 классе по теме "Путешествие".  Цель урока  развитие письменной речи - написание блог поста


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока «Travelling».

Цель урока: К концу урока обучающиеся научатся составлять рассказ  по теме «Holiday blog».

Задачи урока:

1. повторить  лексику  по теме «Means of transport, Holiday activities».

2.  Продолжить развитие умений монологического высказывания с опорой на тематическую лексику.

3. Продолжить развитие умений аудирования с пониманием основного содержания и с выборочным извлечением заданной информации.

4. Активизировать употребление Past Simple

5. Научить обучающихся составлять рассказ с опорой на план

Оснащение урока: учебник,  аудиозапись, компьютер, раздаточный материал, Smart board, телефоны

Ход урока.

Teacher’s words.

Expected words/actions

Type of interaction.



Организационный момент.

-Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, dear guests. I’m glad to see you! I hope everybody is ready to work. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. First of all let’s get into the atmosphere of the theme.

 the song “Travelling around the world

 As you remember we’ve started learning about ….


Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too!

S-s listen to the song

S: travelling


Постановка цели и темы урока

Yes, you’re right.

By the way, how many words concerning the topic Travelling can you make up from these letters?


s-s listen to the song “Travelling around the world”

  • I think we’ll speak about travelling

Travelling, travel, trip, train, plane


Постановка задач урока

T:  Look at the screen, watch the video and define the objective of the lesson.


Script: Hello, guys! You know that  a lot of people all over the world are fond of travelling. So do I.  I’ve been to India, Spain, China  and many other countries. I’ve got an idea to make a project which is called “My travel blog”. Join the project and create your own holiday blog posts. And send them to my account Thank you.

T: Perhaps you’ve already guessed what we’re going to do today.

T: What is a blog post?

T: What will our blog post be about?

T: Yes, and what things should we know in order to create a blog post?

T: How clever you are. So our objectives today are

  1. Learn and use phrases to talk about traveling.
  2. Practise past simple tense
  3. Read an example of a blog post and discuss it
  4. Complete a planner
  5. Write a blog post

Основная часть

Part I

T: It’s difficult to imagine our life without travelling. Some people travel to see other countries, to enjoy picturesque places. Others prefer travelling in Russia. How do people travel? What means of transport do they use?

Look at the screen and repeat after me.

  • Which one of these is fast?
  •                                     slow



                                                do you prefer

                                                do not you like

Part II

You know a proverb different people –different tastes.

So let’s answer the question Why do people travel?

Look at your worksheets and make up true sentences together with your partner

Part III

What do people usually do on holidays  while travelling

Fill in the mind map together with your partner

Let’s share your  ideas

Part IV

Well, we’ve revised the words and phrases. It’s time to read an example of a blog post.

Read and find the answers to the following questions

  1. Who wrote the blog post?
  2. When did he/she write it?
  3. What country did he/ she visit?
  4. What did he/she do there?
  5. What grammar tense did the person use?

Part V

Now we are going to write our own blog post. Get your mobile phones ready. Get into your YA_CLASS. I’ve already sent you the details of a blog post.

But first look at the screen and say if it is right or wrong


  • We give the blog post a title
  • We don’t  write about our experience
  • We write in the past  simple tense

I have already sent you the details of a blog account.

Get into the file and start writing your blog post using a planner.

(На экране план

  1. When and where did you go ?
  2. Who did you go with?
  3. How did you get there?
  4. How long did you stay?
  5. What did you do?
  6. Did you like it there and why?

If you have difficulties in writing, please, signal with your yellow pens.

Part VI

Whose blog did you like more and why?

Assess all the blogs using an assessment chart.


T: Let’s come to the conclusion .

Did you like the lesson?

Write 3 nouns about the lesson, 2 adjectives  and 1 verb

T: At the end of the lesson I want to recite a poem

                   What is travelling for me?

                    It is the shining sun, the sea,

The golden sand, that looks like beads,

The blue-eyed sky and tender breeze…

s-s watch the video.

Yes, we’ll write a blog post.

Individual articles on a blog are called “blog posts”

About our travelling experience.

We should know the words, grammar rules, the plan of the story.

They travel by plane, train…..

s-s look at the screen and repeat the words concerning the means of transport.

S: Travelling by plane is the fastest way……..

S: As for me I prefer travelling by train because it’s the fastest way.

People travel on business……


S; People can take photos…..

S-s read and find answers to the questions

S-s write their blogs in there computers

s-s write

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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