Дополнительное задание к тексту The Language к учебнику Афанасьева О. В. Михеева И.В. 9 класс
методическая разработка (9 класс) на тему
Дополнительное задание к тексту ст 60 к учебнику Афанасьева О. В.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.
- Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?
- What helped him to relax and comfort?
- What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
- What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
- What languages can help people to learn English?
- Why?
- What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
- What does this phrase mean?
- Why does it work?
- Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?
Find the synonyms
- to take - 2. satisfactory/reasonable - 3. persuade/make sure - 4. comfort - 5. to learn/to discover - 6. dark/unlighted - 7. to whisper - 8. borrowings - 9. well-educated /polite - 10. forward –
Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.
- Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?
- What helped him to relax and comfort?
- What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
- What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
- What languages can help people to learn English?
- Why?
- What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
- What does this phrase mean?
- Why does it work?
- Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?
Find the synonyms
- to take - 2. satisfactory/reasonable - 3. persuade/make sure - 4. comfort - 5. to learn/to discover - 6. dark/unlighted - 7. to whisper - 8. borrowings - 9. well-educated /polite - 10. forward -
Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.
1.Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?
- What helped him to relax and comfort?
- What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
- What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
- What languages can help people to learn English?
- Why?
- What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
- What does this phrase mean?
- Why does it work?
- Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?
Find the synonyms
- to take - 2. satisfactory/reasonable - 3. persuade/make sure - 4. comfort - 5. to learn/to discover - 6. dark/unlighted - 7. to whisper - 8. borrowings - 9. well-educated /polite - 10. forward -
Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.
1.Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?
- What helped him to relax and comfort?
- What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
- What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
- What languages can help people to learn English?
- Why?
- What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
- What does this phrase mean? Я отказываюсь признавать ваш раздражительный протест.
- Why does it work?
- Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?
Find the synonyms
- to take - to pick up
- 2. satisfactory/reasonable – tolerable терпимый, вынослевый, удовлетворительный
- 3. persuade/make sure - convince убеждать, уговаривать
- comfort - consolation утешение
- to learn/to discover - to find out
- dark/unlighted – unlit неосвещенный
- to whisper – to mutter бормотание, шепот
- borrowings – expressions
- well-educated /polite – highly cultured
- forward – onward далее, вперед from 1970 onward с 1970 и позже
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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