Дополнительное задание к тексту The Language к учебнику Афанасьева О. В. Михеева И.В. 9 класс
методическая разработка (9 класс) на тему

Шахрай Ирина Анатольевна

Дополнительное задание к тексту ст 60 к учебнику Афанасьева О. В.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.

  1. Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?
  2. What helped him to relax and comfort?
  3. What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
  4. What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
  5. What languages can help people to learn English?
  6. Why?
  7. What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
  8. What does this phrase mean?
  9. Why does it work?
  10. Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?

Find the synonyms

  1. to take -          2. satisfactory/reasonable -   3. persuade/make sure -         4. comfort -     5. to learn/to discover -     6. dark/unlighted -     7. to whisper -     8. borrowings -     9.  well-educated /polite -    10. forward –

Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.

  1. Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?
  2. What helped him to relax and comfort?
  3. What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
  4. What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
  5. What languages can help people to learn English?
  6. Why?
  7. What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
  8. What does this phrase mean?
  9. Why does it work?
  10. Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?

Find the synonyms

  1. to take -          2. satisfactory/reasonable -   3. persuade/make sure -         4. comfort -     5. to learn/to discover -     6. dark/unlighted -     7. to whisper -     8. borrowings -     9.  well-educated /polite -    10. forward -

Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.

1.Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?

  1. What helped him to relax and comfort?
  2. What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
  3. What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
  4. What languages can help people to learn English?
  5. Why?
  6. What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
  7. What does this phrase mean?
  8. Why does it work?
  9. Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?

Find the synonyms

  1. to take -          2. satisfactory/reasonable -   3. persuade/make sure -         4. comfort -     5. to learn/to discover -     6. dark/unlighted -     7. to whisper -     8. borrowings -     9.  well-educated /polite -    10. forward -

Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers.

1.Why was the storyteller upset after his arrival in English?

  1. What helped him to relax and comfort?
  2. What was the most common or popular adjective in England?
  3. What should a person do to give a good impression according to the storyteller’s opinion?
  4. What languages can help people to learn English?
  5. Why?
  6. What phrase can help us to convince the porter to be more polite?
  7. What does this phrase mean? Я отказываюсь признавать ваш раздражительный протест.
  8. Why does it work?
  9. Do you know any Latin or Greek expressions?

Find the synonyms

  1. to take -  to pick up      
  2.   2. satisfactory/reasonable – tolerable терпимый, вынослевый, удовлетворительный
  3.    3. persuade/make sure -  convince убеждать, уговаривать
  4.  comfort -  consolation утешение
  5.  to learn/to discover -  to find out
  6. dark/unlighted – unlit неосвещенный
  7. to whisper – to mutter бормотание, шепот
  8. borrowings – expressions
  9. well-educated /polite – highly cultured
  10. forward – onward далее, вперед    from 1970 onward  с 1970 и позже

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