Контрольные работы для 5х классов к учебнику Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В.,
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 1 (lessons 1, 2)
1. Choose the correct variant
- I (have/has) a dog.
- (Did/do) you buy bread yesterday?
- We (write/are writing) a test.
- My friend (didn’t have/doesn’t have) much free time now.
- Who usually (watches/is watching) TV in the evening?
2. Open the brackets
Marta (1. live) in her own house in the countryside. Her house(2. be) new. The builders (3. finish) it last year. She usually (4. do) the same things every day. Marta (5. get up), (6. to have), breakfast and (7. walk) for work where she (8. spend) 8 hours. She (9. watch) TV now. Tomorrow she (10. visit) her friends.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
- A baker
- A greengrocer
- Washing machine
- Electricity
- A nurse
- To turn on
- She works in hostipals
- To start using a supply of water, electricity
- He sells fruit
- A form of energy that produce light, heat
- A machine for washing clothes
- He cooks and sells bread
4. Complete the text using the words below
Mr. (Brown), Mrs (Brown), Miss (Brown), modern conveniences, big, bank, typist, butcher, shop, school
The Browns live in a 1._______ city. They are a family of three. 2._______Brown is a 3._________. He works in a 4 _________, 5_______Brown is 6________. She works in a 7_______. 8________ Brown is only 10. She goes to 9_________. They live in the house with all 10__________
5. Translate from Russian into English
- Моя мама – доктор. Она работает в больницею
- Что он делает? – Он включает телевизор.
- Продавец – это человек, который продает различные вещи.
Test 2 (lessons 3, 4)
1. Choose the correct variant
- We (went/have gone) to the theatre this week.
- Have (you done/did you do) your homework yet?
- She (didn’t visit/hasn’t visited) Poland in 1990.
- Where (did/has) he (go/gone) yesterday?
- Who (have/has) visited Paris yet?
- He (hasn’t finished/didn’t finish) his reading yesterday.
2. Open the brackets
- He (write) a poem yesterday.
- She (not/be) to London yet.
- Where they (go) last year?
- Who (visit) Moscow this week?
- We (not/live) there 3 years ago.
- What cities (visit) you yet?
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
4. Complete the text using the words below
Go in for, the violin, fast trains, fare, biography, booked
- We _________ skating
- He is fond of playing ___________
- She always travels by _________
- What’s the __________from Paris to Madrid?
- Father _________a single room at the hotel last week.
- Where could I read the __________of this actress?
5. Translate from Russian into English
- Она может играть на флейте.
- Он любит играть в футбол.
- Вы должны пройти паспортный контроль.
- Я зарегистрировал свой багаж в Лондоне.
- Когда вы прибываете в страну, вы проходите через таможню.
- Знаете ли вы о ее отъезде?
Test 3 (lessons 1-5)
1. Choose the correct variant
- How many people (will/did) you invite next week?
- What time (will/did) the party star yesterday?
- She (isn’t reading/hasn’t read) a book.
- Rhey (won’t/aren’t) go to Paris next week.
- Bill (writes/is writing) his letter at the moment.
- He (didn’t see/hasn’t seen) his friend last month.
- They (have just bought/just bought) return ticket for London.
2. Open the brackets
- We (have) all modern conveniences in our flat.
- My sister (read) a book now.
- The Browns already (check in) their luggage.
- I (start) playing the guitar last month.
- My parents and I (visit) our granny next Sunday.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. caviar 2. a village 3. honey 4. a greengrocer 5. a washing mashine 6. a radio 7. a custom officer |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Village, cold and hot running water, to book, job, piano, science, scientist
- My granny lives in the ___________.
- .In our countryside house there is no _____________.
- I’d like to _________ the tickets beforehand.
- What’s your ___________?
- Do you like to listen to __________?
- Can you play ____________?
- Mathematics is a very important ___________.
- Lomonosov is a very famous _____________
5. Translate from Russian into English
1) Завтра моя сестра приезжает в Лондон.
2) Каждая страна имеет свои праздники и обычаи.
3) Моя сестра будет секретарем.
4) Мы ели блины с медом и сметаной вчера.
5) Джек всегда интересовался теннисом.
Test 4 (lessons 6, 7)
1. Choose the correct variant
- Ann’s dress is too (wide/width).
- What is the (long/length) of the street?
- They (used to walk/were walking) to the park at 2 o’clock yesterday.
- He (used/used to) swim a lot when she was a child.
- (Was he reading/Did he read) a book at 4 o’clock yesterday?
- She (didn’t use to/hasn’t used to) play piano when she was a child.
2. Open the brackets
- When he was a child he (use) to live in Paris.
- Jane (read) a book at 3 o’clock yesterday.
- While Nick (watch) TV, Ann (read)
- .……they (use) to spend summer in the country?
- ….. she (speak) over the phone at 7 o’clock yesterday?
- My sister (not/use) to like milk when she was a child.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. nowadays 2. while 3. an explorer 4. continue 5. nation 6. both | a. during the time that…. b. at the present time c. to go on without stopping d. one who explores e. a large group of people living together and having the same history, languge, traditions f. the two |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Curious, sets, separates, both, foreign, nationality
- My little sister is very _________. She always asks a lot of questions.
- The sun ___________ in the west.
- The sea _________the two countries.
- I like __________fruits and vegetables.
- English is a _________language.
- He is from France, his __________ is French.
5. Translate from Russian into English
- Река разделяет две части города.
- Какая твоя национальность?
- Мой дедушка раньше был врачом.
- Вчера в 3 часа Анна смотрела телевизор.
- Пока он читал, его сестра писала письмо.
- Можно я воспользуюсь твоей книгой?
Test 5 (lessons 8-9)
1. Choose the correct variant
- These flowers smell (nice/nicely).
- The boy felt (bad/badly).
- We (read/were reading) the book at 5 o’clock yesterday.
- Coffee (is grown/are grown) in Latin America.
- Where (is the English language spoken/does the English language speak)?
- I (wasn’t/didn’t be) at school yesterday.
- Neither she nor I (saw/didn’t see) a snowdrop last spring.
2. Open the brackets
- Misha (do) his homework at 5 o’clock yesterday.
- Bread (eat) every day.
- We (spend) last summer vocations in the mountains.
- I (use) to play with dolls when I was a child.
- What ice-cream (make) from?
- When newspapers (bring) to your home?
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. to climb 2. high 3. snowdrop 4. fresh 5. to save 6. to smell | a. an early spring flower b. to have a particular smell c. large in size from the top to the ground d. to go up by using hands and feet e. help somebody avoid harm f. smelling natural |
4. Complete the text using the words below
In blossom, fresh, pleasant, high, deep, among
- I like it when trees are _________.
- The child’s face was __________.
- These apples are ________, buy them.
- Oceans are __________.
- The bird flew _________ in the sky.
- London is ________ the largest cities in the world.
5. Translate from Russian into English
- Масло делают из молока.
- Мы смотрели фильм в то время, когда мама мыла посуду.
- Мой брат не любит ни мясо, ни рыбу.
- Вчера мы купили свежие яблоки.
- Нарциссы и подснежники были в цвету.
Test 6 (lessons 6-10)
1. Choose the correct variant
1) The letter (sent/was sent) yesterday.
2) What (-/a) high mountains.
3) Can I (use/used to) your pen?
4) When I (saw/was seeing) them in the street, they were talking.
5) This girl looked (beautiful/beautifully).
6) New houses (build/are built) in many cities nowadays.
2. Open the brackets
1) She (use) to have long hair when she was a child.
2) While Jane (draw), Fred (play) football.
3) (Write) he a poem yesterday?
4) She (write) a letter at 3 o’clock yesterday.
5) This table (make) of wood.
6) The room (not/clean) yesterday.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. to set 2. purple 3. to explore 4. possible 5. mild 6. to hide | a. to travel in unknown lands b. to go down c. dark red d. the antonym for impossible e. to put something in a secret place f. not strong |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Protect, smell, emblem, deep, nowadays, explore
- Coats _______ us from cold.
- I don’t like the _________ of this flower.
- Is the national __________ of England a rose?
- This river isn’t very _________ .
- Most people travel by plane _________.
- He would like to discover and _________ a new continent.
5. Translate from Russian into English
- Мой папа не знает ни нарциссов, ни маков.
- Конфеты были куплены вчера.
- Какая прекрасная ромашка!
- Вчера я и мой брат играли с машинками в 5 часов.
- Какого цвета национальный флаг России?
- В наши дни все используют иностранные языки.
Test 7 (lessons 12-14)
1. Choose the correct variant
1) Nick says he (writes/wrote) the letter yesterday.
2) She asks her sister (don’t/not to do) it.
3) Ann wants to know (did/if) they visited London last year.
4) Bob asks where (does/is) Wales situated.
5) I think Mary should (be/to be) more careful.
6) You mustn’t (do/to do) it.
2. Open the brackets
1) The Browns say they (watch) this film yesterday.
2) John asks Nelly (give) this book.
3) Tom tells him (go) there.
4) Mary wants to know why it (be) possible.
5) He is a student, so (be) she.
6) Who has a pet? – My brother (have).
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. kingdom 2. state 3. lonely 4. former 5. lawyer | a. belonging to the past b. when somebody is unhappy, because she/he is alone c. is a country ruled by a king d. is a group of people living together under one government e. a person who knows much about law |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Industrial, consists, power, shows off, offended
- The US is an ________ country.
- A year ________ of twelve months.
- Does the Queen have a real ______ in the UK?
- He is a boaster and often _________.
- I am sorry if I have ________ you.
5. Translate from Russian into English
1) У кого есть собака? – У Анны.
2) Кто может купить газету? – Я.
3) Нелли живет в Лондоне. Боб тоже.
4) Приходи либо сегодня, либо завтра.
Test 8 (lessons 15-17)
1. Choose the correct variant
1) I like (either/neither) interesting books or interesting films.
2) We all (live/lives) in St.Petersburg.
3) Tom told that she (can’t/couldn’t) play the piano.
4) Father told Mary that he (will/would) go to the cinema the next day.
5) Helen (told/said) me that we would go to the park.
6) She said she would go to Spain (in two days/two days later).
2. Open the brackets
1) You shouldn’t (smoke).
2) Mary told me she (live) in Moscow.
3) Mary told Jane she (can not) play the piano.
4) Tom said he (go) to the Crimea the next month.
5) Mary told me that Pete (break) the glass.
6) David asked me if I (see) that film.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. chest 2. throat 3. diet 4. cough 5. lung 6. touch | a. to force air from the lungs with a sudden, sharp sound b. the upper, front part of the body c. to put a hand on or against something d. is one of two organs of breathing in the chest e. the front of the neck f. is what one usually eats or drinks |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Lungs, temperature, medicine, pulse, headache, doctor, ill
Yesterday I felt a terrible 1) _________ and had a high 2) __________. My mother phoned 3) _________ Bell. She told him I had fallen 4) ______. When the doctor came he took my 5)________ and listened to my 6) ________ and prescribed some 7) __________.
5. Translate from Russian into English
1) Тебе следует ложиться спать рано.
2) Ни я, ни мой брат не говорим по-английски.
3) У него зубная боль.
4) Какая чудесная погода!
5) Я люблю молочные продукты.
Test 9 (lessons 12-17)
1. Choose the correct variant
1) My friend asked me who (is coughing/was coughing) in the sitting room.
2) I don’t think we should (buy/to buy).
3) Jack told me he (lives/lived) in London.
4) Peter asked what I would do (tomorrow/the next day)?
5) I want to know what he (has bought/had bought) for her birthday.
2. Open the brackets
1) I don’t like it when it (to rain).
2) My cat is pretty. So (to be) her dogs.
3) She is interested if I (to be) to England.
4) I was afraid that the little girl already (to have) a bad cough.
5)Our teacher told us we (to go) to the theatre the next week.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. dairy products 2. immediately 3. a kingdom 4. soft 5. to elect 6. seriously | a. not hard b. to choose something by vote c. in a serious manner d. products made from milk e. at once f. a country ruled by a king or a queen |
4. Complete the text using the words below
The Queen, Parliament, royal, health, medicine, prescribed
- Doctor __________ me a new medicine.
- The _______ family lives in the palace.
- The Head of the UK is ___________.
- Fresh air and exersize are good for the _________.
- __________ consists of two chambers.
- She took the cough __________ every three hours.
5. Translate from Russian into English
1) Мне нравится, когда на улице тепло.
2) Купи или яблок, или конфет.
3) Мама сказала, что видела учителя вчера.
4) Джек спросил, придерживаюсь ли я диеты?
Test 10 (lessons 19-20)
1. Choose the correct variant
1) Whose car is this?- It’s (my/mine).
2) These are (our/ours) books.
3) Jane looked at (herself/themselves) in the mirror.
4) Is he a friend of (your/yours)?
5) Where are (you/your) keys?
6) Pete, I’m talking to (you/your).
2. Open the brackets
1) If we (get) money, we (buy) a new car.
2) When he (come) home, he (call) me.
3) They (go) to the stadium if it (not/rain).
4) If the weather (be) fine, we (go) to the park.
5) When they (finish) their job, they (be) happy.
6) If we (learn) the poem, we (take) part in the concert.
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. row 2. invent 3. team 4.compete 5. coach 6. training 7. lawn | a. to make or think of for the first time b. is an area of land with grass around the house c. is a teacher or trainer d. is a group of people acting togher in a game e. to try to win f. to move through the water in a boat g. is a course of special exerceses, practice, food |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Coach, training, sports, invented, swimming, football
- Russian people like _________ and games very much.
- I like to play cricket, tennis and _________.
- Britain ___________ many of the sports and games.
- Mike is a football __________.
- Sarah is very good at __________.
- To be a good sportsman you need to have a lot of __________.
5. Translate from Russian into English
1) Соревнование начнется, когда перестанет идти дождь.
2) Если погода будет хорошей, мы пойдем гулять.
3) Это моя гитара. А это – твоя.
4) Посмотри на себя в зеркало!
5) Вам следует есть больше молочных продуктов.
Test 11 (lessons 21-22)
1. Choose the correct variant
1) He will buy a (bottle/can) of oil.
2) They bought a (carton/loaf) of bread.
3) She wanted to buy a (tin/bottle) of meat.
4) A 25 cent coin is (a quarter/a penny).
5) A 10 cent coin is (a dime/a nickel).
6) A 5 cent coin is (a quarter/a nickel).
2. Open the brackets
1) Does your mother buy bread? – Yes, she (do).
2) This apple isn’t tasty. Take that (one).
3) I don’t like these shoes, I like those (one).
4) How many (dollar) are there in a hundred dollar note?
3. Match the words in list A with the correct definitions in list B
1. pound 2. pork 3. beef 4. store 5. price 6. blanket 7. department store | a. is a meat of a cow used as food b. are used on beds to keep people warm c. is a piece of money in Great Britain d. is a large shop with many departments e. is a sum of money for which a thing is offered f. is a place where goods are sold g. is the meat of a pig used as food |
4. Complete the text using the words below
Butcher’s, cut, vegetables, baker’s, greengrocer’s, pound
- Mary: - I’m going to buy some ____________. What shop should I go?
Jane:-You should go to the _____________.
- You can buy pork and beef at the ____________.
- My mother buys bread at the__________.
- Mary __________ the pie into six pieces.
- Give me please one ___________ and thirty five cents.
5. Translate from Russian into English
1) Он не любит играть в футбол.
2) Не бери это яблоко. Бери то.
3) Маленькая девочка умеет одеваться сама.
4) Маша спросила Катю, куда она идет.
5) Она сказала, что вчера купила шерстяное одеяло.
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