Тест по теме "Великобритания"
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Тест по теме «Великобритания»
1. What is the official name of Britain?
a) The United Kingdom b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c) Great Britain
2. Where is the UK situated?
a) On Victoria Island b) On New Zealand Island c) On the British Isles
3. What parts does the UK consist of?
a) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland b) England, Scotland, Wales c) England, Wales, Northern Ireland
4. What is the capital of Britain?
a) Washington b ) Edinburgh c) London
5. What is the oldest part of London?
a) The City b) The West End c) The East End
6. What river is the British capital situated on?
a) On the Severn b) on the Thames c) on the Mississippi
7. What is the capital of Scotland?
a) Belfast b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff
8. What is the capital of Wales?
a) Belfast b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff
9. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
a) Belfast b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff
10. What is the symbol of England?
a) The thistle b) The daffodil c) The red rose
11. What is the symbol of Scotland?
a) The thistle b) The daffodil c) The red rose
12. What is the symbol of Wales?
a) The thistle b) The daffodil c) The red rose
13. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?
a) The red hand and the shamrock b) The daffodil c) The thistle
14. What is Edinburgh famous for?
a) for its art galleries b) for its music and theatre festivals c) for its monuments
15. What is Wales called?
a) A “Land of Song” b) A “Land of Music” c) A “Land of Art”
16. When do British people celebrate Christmas?
a) On the 7th of January b) On the 25th of December c) On the 19th of January
17. What is the traditional Christmas meal in Britain?
a) Roast chicken and apple pie b) Roast potato and cherry pie c) Roast turkey and pudding
18. What is the longest river in Britain?
a) The Severn b) The Thames c) The Tay
19. What is the deepest river in Britain?
a) The Thames b) The Severn c) The Tweed
20. Why is it never too hot or too cold in Britain?
a) It is because of the wind b) It is because of the high mountains c) It is because of the sea
21. What is the best and driest season in Britain?
a) Spring b) Summer c) Autumn
22. What is the London home of the Queen?
a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Palace c)The Houses of Parliament
23. What is the official name of the parliament building?
a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Palace c)The Houses of Parliament
24. What was the Tower of London?
a) A palace, a fortress, a shop b) A palace, a prison, a fortress c) A prison, a fortress, a library
25. What is the Tower of London now?
A) It is a palace b) It is a library c) It is a museum
26. What birds live in the Tower of London?
a) Sparrows b) Woodpeckers c) Ravens
27. What is in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
a) Nelson’s Column b) the Monument to Queen c) the Monument to Peter Pan
28. Who was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral?
a) Charles Barry b) Christopher Wren c) Charles Mackintosh
29. What is the national drink in Britain?
a) Tea b) Coca-cola c) Beer
30. What is the national sport of Britain?
a) Cricket b) Football c) Rugby
1 b
2 c
3 a
4 c
5 a
6 b
7 b
8 c
9 a
10 c
11 a
12 b
13 a
14 b
15 a
16 b
17 c
18 a
19 a
20 c
21 a
22 a
23 b
24 b
25 c
26 c
27 a
28 b
29 a
30 b
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