What's the weather like in the world? (Карточка ученика для повторения материала по модулю 7 перед контрольной работой. Spotlight 6.)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Карточка рассчитана на повторение лексики по теме "Погода", на активизацию навыков говорения, словообразования, употребление времён Present Simple/Present Continuous, а также включает в себя игру и загадки на сообразительность.
Предварительный просмотр:
Student Card: What’s the weather like in the world?
- Warming-up.
In Antarctica it's snowing, And in Mexico it's hot. In Japan the wind is blowing, And in Italy it's not. In Brazil the sun is shining, And in Spain the sky is blue. In Turkey now it is raining, And in Greece it's raining too. | Make adjectives from the nouns Sun - sunny Wind- _______ Rain- ________ Snow-_________ Cloud- ________ Fog- __________ |
Answer the questions:
- Where is it rainy today? ___________
- In what country is it not cloudy? ___________
- Where is it snowy? ___________
- In what country is it not windy? ____________
- Name the country where it is sunny. ______________
- Describe the weather in Saint Petersburg, Los Angeles, Brasilia, and on Bali Island. Give advice what to do in such kind of weather.
A thunderstorm – гроза; There is a thunderstorm today in Brasilia. – Сегодня в Бразилиа гроза.
- Pair work. Which of the activities do you do when it is hot/cold/warm/rainy/snowy?
• Play the piano • Go hiking • Sunbathe • Watch TV • Play computer games • Go camping | • Have a picnic • Play snowballs • Skate • Ski • Sleigh/toboggan • Ride a horse | • Walk your dog • Read a book • Chat with friends • Play beach volleyball |
Example: - Sasha, what do you usually do when it is hot?
- I usually sunbathe and swim in the lake. And you?
- Guess the riddles (Отгадай загадки):
This is the season When days are cool, When we eat apples And go to school. ( ) | The sun is shining, The flowers are blooming, The sky is blue, The rains are few. ( ) |
The snow is falling, The wind is blowing, The ground is white All day and all night. ( ) | The trees are green Blue skies are seen. Grey winter's gone away The world looks new and gay. ( ) |
What man cannot live in the house? ( ) | Without hands and without feet, without head or body, but can open a door? ( ) |
It is a man with 12 children: some short, some long, some cold, some warm. ( ) | |
Write the names of 12 children. Check the spelling. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ |
- Describe a boy or a girl in your class. Don’t tell the name. Tell what is he or she wearing at the moment.
Example: She is wearing a white blouse, a grey vest, a black skirt and blue shoes.
Home task: К контрольной работе № 7 знать написание времён года, месяцев, предметов гардероба, отличать Present Simple от Present Continuous.
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