Открытый урок в 5 кл.по теме FAMOUS PEOPLE
план-конспект урока (5 класс) по теме
Урок в 5 классе Famous People (УМК Spotlight 5) c презентацией по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
FAMOUS PEOPLE ЛИСТВЕНСКАЯ ОШ Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме: Подготовила: учитель английского языка Галагуцкая Наталья Васильевна
Four furious friends fought for the phone.
PRINCESS DIANA Diana was born on July 1, 196 1 in Norfolk , England . Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. Diana attended private boarding schools. she was good at sports , and won trophies for her swimming. Diana and Prince Charles married on July 29, 1981 in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
They had two children, William and Harry, but soon they became unhappy together.
Diana liked pop music, romantic novels and charity work . In 1996 Charles and Diana were no longer husband and wife.
Diana put all of her energy into her two sons and her charity work. In 1997 she was tragically killed in a car crash in Paris.
Diana’s facts FULL NAME______________________ IS FROM_________________________ DATE OF BIRTH____________________ FAMILY__________________________ HOBBIES_________________________ SHE COULD_______________________
The Possessive Case of Nouns Притяжательный падеж существительных ‘s - для ед. числа The dog’s box- коробка собаки ‘ - для множ . ч исла The cats’ basket- корзина кошек
Choose the right answer Кошка Элисон Alison’s cat b. the cat’s Alison 2. с обака Тома a.the dog’s Tom b. Tom’s dog 3. п опугай мальчиков a.the parrots boys b.the boys’ parrot 4. ч ерепаха девочек a.the girls’ tortoise b. the tortoise’s girls 5. в елосипед ученика a.the pupil’s bicycle b.the bicycle’s pupils
Write down your home task : Study the information about Shakira and f ill in the card with facts about her ( EX .1 p. 60)
Предварительный просмотр:
ДАТА: 25.11.2014
Открытый урок в 5 классе.
-формирование навыка употребления POSSESSIVE CASE
-развитие навыков устной и письменной речи на иностранном языке;
-развитие произвольного внимания и запоминания;
-формирование положительного отношения к культуре и традициям другой страны; -воспитание ответственности и инициативы учащихся в индивидуальной и совместной работе.
Оснащение урока: УМК «Spotlight - Английский в фокусе 5» ,компьютер, проектор, планшет.
Procedure of the lesson
Beginning of the lesson
T: Hello, my dear students! Nice to see you!I hope you are fine and ready to start our lesson.
But I won’t tell you the topic , you will guess by yourself.
Look at this slide , please. Do you know these people? Yes, of course, you have heard about them.So, the topic is” FAMOUS PEOPLE”
( один из учеников приклеивает скотчем листки с названием темы)
T: Now let’s write down the date and our topic into our exercise- books
(учащиеся записывают число, тему урока) T: At the lesson we will speak about a very interesting woman, famous, of course. We ‘ll also listen to the tape,recollect grammar, play a lexical game and even dance.
Warming up
(slide 2)
Five furiuos friends fought for the phone
(учитель отрабатывает произношение хором, в парах, индивидуально; просит учащихся сказать с удивлением, огорчением, улыбкой)
Main part of the lesson
Сhecking hometask
T:At home you had to prepare a short paragraph about your friend(Ex.8 p.59), let’s check it.
Reading for specific information
T: Look at slide 3 . Do you know this woman? Yes, of course, it’s a very famous and interesting person- Princess Diana.
(pupils read the text on the slide, then in exercise books they fill in the facts about Diana.)
Lexical game
The Comb. Цель: закрепление изученной лексики, развитие орфографических навыков.
Класс делится на 2–3 команды. На доске для каждой команды пишется длинное слово. Представители команд по очереди подбегают к доске и пишут слова, начинающиеся с букв, составляющих первоначальное слово, по вертикали. Слова одной команды не должны повторяться. Выигрывает та команда, которая первой и правильно написала слова. Слова могут быть разных частей речи, главное, чтобы они были длиннее, чем слова соперников.
Physical activity
T: Well, I see, you are tired. Let’s relax and dance with penguins.
Penguin dance (a short video)
Revising Grammar
T: Let’s recollect the rules of forming Possessive Case
(slide with rules)
And now I want you to do the exercise(slide with exercise)
(учащиеся выполняют задания с учителем, записывая правильные ответы в тетрадь)
Ex. 5 p.60
Listen and match the people to their hobbies.
( ученики слушают текст, потом соотносят имя говорящего и его увлечение. Имена написаны мелом на доске, а занятия на листочках, прикрепленных к краю доски скотчем.)
End of the lesson
Summing up
T: So, thanks for good work. Did you like the lesson? What did you like most? Can we talk about famous people now?
Marks for the lesson
Study the information about Shakira and fill in the card with facts about her.(Ex. 1 p. 60)
Предварительный просмотр:
Diana was born on July 1, 1961 in Norfolk, England. Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. Diana attended private boarding schools. She was good at sports, and won trophies for her swimming. Diana and Prince Charles married on July 29, 1981 in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. They had two children, William and Harry, but soon they became unhappy together. Diana liked pop music, romantic novels and charity work. In 1996 Charles and Diana were no longer husband and wife. Diana put all of her energy into her two sons and her charity work. In 1997 she was tragically killed in a car crash in Paris.
Diana was born on July 1, 1961 in Norfolk, England. Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. Diana attended private boarding schools. She was good at sports, and won trophies for her swimming. Diana and Prince Charles married on July 29, 1981 in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. They had two children, William and Harry, but soon they became unhappy together. Diana liked pop music, romantic novels and charity work. In 1996 Charles and Diana were no longer husband and wife. Diana put all of her energy into her two sons and her charity work. In 1997 she was tragically killed in a car crash in Paris.
Diana was born on July 1, 1961 in Norfolk, England. Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. Diana attended private boarding schools. She was good at sports, and won trophies for her swimming. Diana and Prince Charles married on July 29, 1981 in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. They had two children, William and Harry, but soon they became unhappy together. Diana liked pop music, romantic novels and charity work. In 1996 Charles and Diana were no longer husband and wife. Diana put all of her energy into her two sons and her charity work. In 1997 she was tragically killed in a car crash in Paris.
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