Открытый урок по теме "Famous people"
методическая разработка (6 класс) на тему



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Открытый урок в 6 «а» классе по УМК М. 3. Биболетовой "Enjoy English 3."

Тема: "Talking about the Famous."

Цели урока:
1. Обучающая - развивать навыки чтения и устной речи.
2. Воспитательная — воспитывать толерантность к иноязычной культуре.
3. Образовательная - расширить знания учащихся о культуре страны изучаемого языка.
4. Развивающая - развивать способности к межкультурному взаимодействию.

Оборудование: карточки со словами, портреты знаменитостей, аудиокассета, ребус страничка "Joke Spot' Стенд "They are Famous, Popular, Gifted".


  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher:        Good morning, children!

Children:        Good morning, dear teacher!

Teacher:        Sit down, please! Who is on duty today?

Pupil:        I am.

Teacher:        Who is absent?

Pupil:        Kartusova is.

Teacher:        What date is it today?

Pupil:                It is the 5th of October.

Teacher:        What season is it now?

Pupil:                It is autumn now.

Teacher:        What are autumn month?

Pupil:                They are September, October, November.

Teacher:        Very good, children! Today we shall speak about the Famous. We' 11 do some exercises and read texts.

2.        Фонетическая зарядка.

а) Режим выполнения Teacher – Class.

Artist                        politician

Scientist                musician

Architect                businessman

Poet                        sportsman

Ballet-dancer        banker

Opera-singer        teacher

Runner                writer

Singer                magician

б) Назвать суффиксы словообразования.

Pupil:   -ist, -ect, -et,-er, -ian и слово man

Teacher: Very good, Masha!

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher:        Now look at the blackboard!

Do you know them?

In what spheres are they famous?

/На доске портреты знаменитых людей. Елизаветы II, Л.И. Маркелова, П. Пикассо, Дж. Турнера, М. Ю. Лермонтова, В. Шекспира, Д. Билана, Ю. Савичевой, Дж. Леннона, Ю. Чепаловой, П. Буре./

Pupil I:      Elisabeth II is   a famous   politician.

Pupil 2:    Pikasso is a famous artist.

Pupil 3:    Lermontov is a famous poet.

D. Bilan is a famous singer.

J. Chepalova is a famous sportsman

J. Turner is a famous British artist.

L.I .Markelov is a politician.

W. Shakespare is a gifted British poet.

J. Savicheva is a popular Russian singer.

J. lennon is a world - famous singer.

P. Bure is a well-known sportsman.

Teacher:        Wonderfull, children!

4.        Актуализация лексических единиц.

а)        Teacher:        Open your books at page 89 exercise 35.

The task is to finish the sentences.

So, Dima, read the example/

Ученики выполняют упражнение. Каждый читает по одному предложению, вставляя необходимые слова:

1.        scientist

  1. businessman
  2. swimmer
  3. ballet-dancer
  4. teacher
  5. writers
  1. musician.

Teacher:        Super!

б)        Работа в парах. Упражнение 39 на странице 90. Назвать имена знаменитых актеров, художников, композиторов, певцов.

Teacher:        Let us do exercise 39 at page 90. Your task is to find out the names of famous people who you like or admire. Work in pairs.

Example:        Pupil 1:        Tell me the names of three famous actors you like.

Pupil 2:        I like D. Pevtsov, O. Ostroumova, A. Miagkov.

Pupil 3:        Tell me the names of three world-famous artists.

Pupil 4:        I like J. Turner, S. Levitan, P. Pikasso.

Pupil 5:        Tell me the names of three pop-singers.

Pupil 6:        1 like J. Savicheva, D. Bilan, J. Lennon.

Pupil 7:        Tell me the names of three writers.

Pupil 8:        I like D. Defoe, M. Lermontov, W. Shakespare.

Pupil 9:        Tell me the names of three composers.

Pupil 10:        Hike P. Chaikovsky, I. Nikolaiev, A. Eshpai.

6.        Физкультминутка.

а)        Teacher:        And now let’s have a rest!

Here are some sirnames. Put the letters in the correct order to have the job. Переставь буквы в инициалах и фамилиях так, чтобы получились названия разных профессий:

Example:        C.H. REATE- TEACHER

(postman) (footballer)




  1. S.U. SENSBINAM         (businessman)
  2. N.N.ASPOT
  4. E.S.mNG
  5. V.R.REID

6.        E.S. TRACERY

Teacher:        Fantastic!

б)        And now make some actions showing these professions. Make pantomime of these professions.

А теперь сделайте пантомиму на эти профессии:







Very good! You are gifted artists!

7.        Совершенствование навыков чтения.

Teacher:        Now we are going to read the text and fill in the gaps in the gaps in the text. What's the russian for fillthe gaps in!

Olia:        Заполнить пропуски.

а)        First of all we shall read the necessary words and translate them into Russian: (ученики читают за учителем и переводят).

19 – nineteen

18 – eighteen















б)        (Ученики читают выражения и заполняют пропуски в тексте.)

Teacher:        Are you ready now? Let's read it one by one.

Учащиеся читают предложения, вставляя слова:

  1. writer
  2. 1892
  3. Languages
  4. English language and literature
  5. Linguist
  6. A fairy-tale world
  7. 1973

Teacher:        Excellent!

8.        Развитие умений и навыков монологической речи и аудирования.

(Иванов Д., Иринев Н., Иванова М. рассказывают о своих кумирах. Учащиеся должны угадать о ком идет речь)

Teacher:        It's time to speak about your famous man or woman you admire.

Please, Dima, it's your turn. Class guess who he is.

Dima:                Let me introduce my favourite He is a footballer , he is not Russian.

He is very good at dribling/ His number is 9. Who is it?

Class:                This is D. Backham.

Teacher:        You are quite right. Please, Masha speak about your favourite.

Masha:        All right! He is a Young but world famous singer.He has beautiful voice. He won the second prize in Eurovision. Who is this?

Class:                He is D. Bilan.

Teacher:        Listen! I like your work today!

9.        Подведение итогов. Оценки. Дом. задание Ex 37, р.90.

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