Открытый урок по теме: «Around Edinburgh». Урок-экскурсия с применением ИКТ. УМК «New Opportunities Elementary» М. Харрис, 5 класс
план-конспект урока (5 класс) на тему
Урок-экскурсия с применением ИКТ. УМК "New Opportunities Elementary" М. Харрис, 5 класс
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Котельниковская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1
имени Героя Советского Союза Л.Д.Чурилова»
140053, Московская обл., г.о.Котельники, мкр-н Силикат, д.33, т/факс 554-34-69, тел.554-51-68
E-mail: Silikat_33@mail.ru
Открытый урок
в 5В классе
по теме«Around Edinburgh »
учитель английского языка,
Никишова Ольга Дмитриевна
Котельники городской округ 2013
Открытый урок по теме: «Around Edinburgh».
Урок-экскурсия с применением ИКТ.
УМК «New Opportunities Elementary» М. Харрис, 5 класс
Цель: формирование лексических умений на основе грамматической конструкции there is/are.
- развивать слухо-произносительные навыки;
- учить выражать мнение, используя новую лексику (развитие устной речи).
- чтению с полным пониманием содержания текста;
- ознакомить учащихся с достопримечательностями Эдинбурга и культурой Шотландии;
- учить уважать культуру и традиции другой страны.
Оборудование: компьютер, плакаты, картинки, проектор.
Методы: демонстрация, беседа, метод формирования готовности восприятия учебного материала, метод взаимной проверки.
Технологии: компьютерные (новые информационные) технологии
Ход урока
- ОРГ-момент.
T: Good morning, children. Sit down, please.
- Основная часть урока.
1. Do you like travelling? Today we’re having a special lesson. We’re going to travel around city. But what city we’re going to travel around you’ll have to guess in a while. First you’ll learn new words which we have to use during our lesson.
Фонетическая зарядка
a) Open your books on page 28, Ex.1. Listen and repeat the Key words (прослушивается запись).
Key words: palace, art gallery, sport centre, department store, castle, clothes shop, club, swimming pool.
b) As you see, some of these words have similar pronunciation with Russian words. Which words are similar in your language (gallery, club, centre).
c) Which of these places have you got in your area?
Model: We have got…….
Тренировка новых лексических единиц
2. You see a city. Let’s build our own city using these places. I am going to read the meaning of each word or place. You should guess this place and add to our city.
- a large place filled with water where people swim (swimming pool)
- a place where people go to dance to popular music or an organization for people with the same interest (club)
- a shop where you can buy clothes (clothes shop)
- a large expensive house for a king or queen (palace)
- a building where you can look at paintings and drawings (art gallery)
- a large building with thick walls (castle)
- a large shop selling many different things (department store)
- a building where you can do different sports and games (sport centre)
Формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции
3. You see all these places create a city. As I told you at the beginning of the lesson we’ll have to travel around the city. Try to guess this city. Listen to the music . What city does this music come from? (прослушивается музыка).
This is Edinburgh. Do you know anything about Edinburgh? I would like to tell you some information about this nice and beautiful city. Please , look at the map of the UK. The UK consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Edinburgh is in Scotland. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and home of the Scottish parliament and government. Its population is around 450000 people. It is famous for its summer arts festival.
Обучение чтению
3.a) Let’s read some more facts about this beautiful city. But before we have some new proper names. Listen to me and repeat after me:
Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood house Palace, the National Gallery of Scotland, El Greco, Titian, Botticelli, Van Dyck, Monet and Cezanne, the National Gallery of Modern Art, Princes Street, George Street, Celtic, Rangers, Rocking house, Liquid Room.
b) Let’s start reading. Pay attention to the reading and translation of the construction there is/are.
c) We’ve just read and translated the web page about Edinburgh. Ex.2. Are these sentences true or false?
Развитие навыков аудирования
d) Now we are going to watch a video. You’ll hear a teacher speaking about Edinburgh. What place did pupils visit last week? Where did they go? (Прослушивается запись).
e) You have a task. Complete the text with the words below (прослушивается запись)
city, places, castle, active, school, Edinburgh, Palace, music
Hello Kotelniki, hello pupils!
My name is Stevan, I live in Edinburgh. I am a teacher at a local ……...........here.
Edinburgh is a very nice……………... There are many…………………. to see here. For example, Edinburgh…………………., the National Gallery of Scotland, St Giles Cathedral, the National Museum of Scotland and, also, Edinburgh holds a very famous and important festival each year called the Edinburgh festival. This festival fills the buildings and the streets of Edinburgh with………………….. and dance.
My pupils are very……………….. and they are very happy when we go out from the school to visit different places in the city.
Last week we visited Holyrood …………………. It was great and the children were so excited to see the Scottish Royal Residence of the British Royal family.
If you ever have a chance to visit…………………. you should do it. It is worth visiting and it’s a beautiful city.
Well. Good luck with your studies and good bye from Edinburgh.
hold – проводить, держать
f) Change your papers and correct your partner’s mistakes if he/she has any.
Закрепление грамматических умений
f) Can you find the sentence with the construction there is/are? When do we use it? (Ex.3,5 p.29)
Развитие устной речи
g) Would you like to visit Edinburgh? What places would you like to see there?
h) Video. Travel for kids. After watching this video I hope you’ll definitely decide to visit Edinburgh some day.
4. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов урока.
5. Домащнее задание.
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