The Greatest Challenges of Teaching ESL and how to Overcome Them(Трудности обучения иностранному языку и пути их преодоления).
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The Greatest Challenges of Teaching ESL and how to Overcome Them.
To have another language is to possess a second soul.
- Charlemagne
It is generally agreed today that during the epoch of international contacts, studying English language became especially actual. Learning a foreign language is a challenging task. Teaching English as a second language is a very interesting, fascinating and at the same time very responsible process. It goes without saying, that ESL Teachers have an important mission. To be more exact, our task is not only teaching such aspects as grammar, phonetics, formation of a foreign communicative competence and so on. First of all, we open absolutely new unknown world of foreign culture and immerse children in the atmosphere of tolerance, respect and friendship. Of course, it can`t be denied, that the process of language teaching and learning is tightly connected with certain difficulties.
To begin with, I have been teaching English as a second language for almost seven years. During this time I have been facing and analyzing various challenges of teaching English as a second language. In my opinion, there are three main challenges of teaching ESL. Firstly, it is a lack of motivation to studying foreign languages. Secondly, I can mark complicated English Grammar. Teaching grammar to ESL students is rather tricky because the rules of English grammar are not predictable and systematic. Finally, insufficient lexical stock should be mentioned.
The first thing that needs to be said is that teaching English is a complicated task, because different students have different levels of English language proficiency. If you have a class of learners with similar learning styles, you can afford to use a similar approach. However, if you have a class of mixed learning styles then you need to try to provide instruction using as many different methods as possible. Besides, not all of the students are really interested to know foreign language and speak it fluently. I suppose, the main reason is that they aren't sure to have a chance to communicate with native English language speaker. But it is really possible nowadays to have foreign pen friends; moreover, it is a great chance to practice language skills. First of all, if we want our students to be highly motivated to study English language properly, we have to support and motivate them ourselves! Undoubtedly, we are to make great efforts in order to achieve the necessary results. To be more exact, let`s see what the word «motivation» includes? To my mind, speaking about teaching English or any other language, motivation combines such aspects as interesting and fascinating structure of the lessons, positive and friendly atmosphere. I must note, that using special exercises such as « Brainstorming», « Snowball», making projects help to develop children`s creativity and imagination. As a result, they become involved in an active and creative process of language learning. It turns out to be some kind of travelling into the world of knowledge.
Motivation was the first step to successful teaching and learning English. Well, at last, our students are strongly motivated and ready to discover new language and its culture! Now it`s time to pay attention to one of the most difficult aspects of teaching ESL-teaching English Grammar, especially Verb Tenses. Why? The matter is there are only three Verb Tenses in Russian language- Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple. That is why it is rather difficult for non-native learners to form a clear picture of a Verb Tense System as a whole. Fairy tales, jokes, stories, games are good helpers in the process of overcoming challenges connected with grammar. With their help even a child has an opportunity to understand sophisticated English grammar and phonetics. Games that are amusing and challenging are highly motivating. Games allow meaningful use of the language in context. Plus, during the game, the students are focused on the activity and end up absorbing the language subconsciously. Every teacher should remember that it is a mistake to play a speaking game immediately after the new grammar has been presented. Ideally reading, spelling and writing games come after the new grammar has been absorbed and the students can use it orally. One can also add that fun learning games usually contain repetition, which allows the language to stick.
It is necessary to note that games increase such important aspects as cooperation and competition in the classroom. And, we mustn`t forget that each game should have a clear linguistic outcome instead of being simply a so called « time filler».
The main aims of learning foreign languages are formation of foreign communicative competence and improving personal communicative skills. It is evident that we can`t communicate if our lexical stock is empty. For ESL students, vocabulary is the most important element leading to reading comprehension. There are a lot of various methods of learning new words. It should be underlined that learning words by heart one by one is a bit boring. More than that, a part of the lexical units simply « take off from one`s head» after a while. It is recommended to learn new lexicon by groups of words in the connection with each other.
Reading of original English fiction also plays an important part in enriching our lexical stock. It promotes the development of oral speech, acquaints us with the culture and literature of the country of studied language, and develops analytical thinking. Therefore it is important to include reading of original texts from English literature in educational process. These lessons are undoubtedly valuable: first, because the pupil adjoins to a modern living language, secondly, there is a possibility to express one`s opinion and to state estimation to things, heroes and situations. In conclusion, let`s remember Seneca`s wisdom: « Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body ». Any challenges suppose an active life position, constant search and research, always being in a tone. Successful overcoming them leads to a professional growth and excellent results. To cut a long story short, try to do your best!
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