Обобщающий урок в 7 классе "Welcome to the UK"
методическая разработка (7 класс) по теме
Урок обобщения материала по теме "Соединенное Королевство"
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Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе на тему : “Welcome to the UK”
Учитель английского языка
Михайлова М.В.
Тема урока : “Welcome to the UK”
Цель урока : расширить знания учащихся о Соединенном Королевстве , способствовать формированию у учащихся навыков социолингвистической и лингвострановедческой компетенции .
Задачи урока : обобщить лексический и страноведческий материал , организовать практику речи на английском языке , развивать межпредметную связь с географией , историей и МХК .
Наглядные пособия : географическая карта Соединенного Королевства , лексический материал со словами-опорами , флаг Соединенного Королевства ,портрет королевы , фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона.
Дата проведения : 19 декабря 2007 года
Класс : 7В
Тип урока : обобщающий , с элементами экскурсии .
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.
The main theme of our lessons sounds like this «Welcome to the UK » . It means that today we'll speak about the United Kingdom in brief: about its geographical position, political systems, about the flag, the Head of State - Queen, some interesting places -in Britain and others.
So, welcome to the United Kingdom.
II. Обобщение сведений учащихся о флаге Соединенного Королевства.
(изображение флага на доске)
On the blackboard, you see the flag of the UK . Let’s speak a little about it.
1) How many crosses has the flag?
- It has 3 crosses: upright red cross, diagonal red cross and diagonal white cross.
2) What does each cross mean?
- The upright red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.
3) Do you know the nickname of this flag?
-Yes, it's the Union Jack.
-Good for you. But I want to know where else can we see the Union Jack (in small
- The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain on the Australian flag, (показать австралийский флаг)
Good , comrades. I am glad you know much information about the flag of the UK.
III. Королева - глава государства. Что мы знаем о ней ?
Now, I want to show you the portrait of one famous woman. Do you know her?
She is the Queen of the UK
What is her name?
Her name is Elizabeth II
- What do you know about her?
Р1 Queen is the Head of State.
Р2 She doesn't rule the country
Р3 She has no power.
Р4 Queen is a symbol of the country, its history and its traditions.
Р5 She is very rich.
Р6 She travels a lot.
Р7 She meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places.
Good for you. But where does the Queen of England live?
- She lives in Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it,
which is the Queen Victoria Memorial.
Well. Now I want to show you a doll in the costume of a soldier of Queen's Guard. .
Look at this interesting doll and try to describe its costume:
It has a long red jacket with a wide white belt. Also the doll wears black trousers and a big black wool cap on his head. Through the shoulder we see a drum.
Another doll wears traditional costume. In what country do people wear such costume? (in Scotland ). It is a short skirt - Kilt - which is a part of the dress of men in Scotland. Also the soldier plays the bagpipes, the national Scottish instrument.
IV. Структура Британского парламента. Чтение текста и заполнение таблицы. As you see, the Queen has no power and she doesn't rule the country. But whom does the real power in Britain belong to?
-The real power in Britain belongs to the British Parliament, (определение появляется на доске)
I ask you to open your books at page 183 and find information about the British parliament. We'll read about it and on the way fill in the table (работа в тетрадях) First conclusion: the British Parliament consists of 2 Houses.
The British Parliament | |
The House of Lords | The House of commons. |
- are selected from aristocrats, | - are elected 650 members |
people of the church, lawyers, | every 5 years. |
and former politicians. | - make laws about the policy of |
- can offer, change and delay | the country, taxes and others. |
laws. | |
- the members are permanent. |
V. Отработка лексического материала с опорой на наглядность и перевод нескольких предложений с русского на английский.
On the blackboard, you see some difficult words for your pronunciation and I want you to repeat them after me. Words on the blackboard.
1)The Atlantic Ocean
2)The North Sea
3)The Strait of Dover
4)The Irish Sea
6)The Northern Ireland
7)The British Isles
These words help us in our talking about the geographical position of the UK. But at first try to translate some sentences from Russian into English.
Соединенное Королевство, расположено на Британских островах.
Соединенное Королевство- это островное государство.
3) Два острова отделены Ирландским морем.
The Two islands are separated by the Irish Sea
4) Соединенное Королевство отделяется от континента проливом
Ла-Манш и Па - де - Кале
The UK is separated from the continent by the England Channel and the Strait of Dover.
5) Соединенное Королевство омывается Атлантическим океаном на
севере и Северным морем на востоке.
The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east. Very well. Look at the map of the UK and tell us about its geographical position. Who will be the first?
VI. Работа с картой. Географическое положение страны (2 человека – пересказ у доски)
Thanks a lot. Tell me, please do you know the symbols of each country of the UK? (эмблемы крепятся на географической карте , согласно стране: Англия - роза, Шотландия - чертополох, Уэльс -нарцисс, Ирландия - трилистник).
VII. Работа по карточкам. Узнавание достопримечательностей.
Now, I'd like to give you the cards with the descriptions of interesting place in
Britain and you should try to guest what is it.
For example: карточка - картинка - название на доске.
It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. It is very old too. It is more than nine hundred years old. Many English Kings and Queens, writers and poets are buried there /Westminster Abbey/
It is not far from the Tower of London. The Famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17-th century after the Great Fire. It took him 35 years. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. /St. Paul's Cathedral /
It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of it stands a tall column. It is the monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monuments.
Еще 3-4 достопримечательности.
VIII. So, it is time to finish our work . At the end of our lessons I want to give you a test about the UK. Write down your name on the sheet of paper and choose the right answer from the test. Write down only figure and letter like this: 16) Test: What do you know about Britain?
XI. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
I think your work at the lesson is great. Today we summarize a lot of information about the UK. Your marks for the lesson will be next.
X. Домашнее задание.
Thanks for good work.
Михайлова M.B., учитель английского языка СОШ №9
Кировского района г.Уфы.
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