Проектная работа « Моя будущая компания» к курсу «Деловой английский». Project “My Company”.
элективный курс (11 класс) по теме

Хрипунова Ирина Андреевна

Здесь подобран материал к курсу "Деловой английский. Проект " Моя компания" кратко предоставлен материал, описание туристической компании на английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Проектная работа « Моя будущая компания».

Элективный курс «Деловой английский».

Project “My Company”.

Today Delfin Tour is a company is an actively developing vertically integrated tourist holding. It implements its activity in four segments of tourism and travel industry: operating of travel tours, retail sales of tours, hotel business and transportation services.

Mission and goals of strategic development of Delfin Tour   respond both to interests of shareholders and society. The mission of the company consists in development of tourist and travel business in Russia, bringing of Russian tourist business to the level, corresponding to international standards; increase of investment attractiveness of this sector of Russian economy.

The main strategic goals:

strengthening of leading positions on the Russian tourist market;

increase of company capitalization by means of optimization of financial flows and management procedures;

maintaining strong and stable financial position, as well as high standards of corporate management. Delfin Tour is a leading Russian real estate asset manager, acting in between the Public & Private sector in order to assure optimal property development, contributing thus to meeting tourism property goals.

Delfin tour's main scope of activity is to manage and administrate the state-owned tourism property while securing optimal development through modern financial techniques that promote the synergies between the State and the private sector (Private Public Partnerships' strategies).

 The Company is still 100% state – owned and refers to the newly established Ministry of Tourism Development. Delfin Tour's Board of Directors numbers eight members, elected by the General Shareholders' Meeting with a three-year term. The Company's Managing Director is Member of the Board, and also has a three-year term. Executive Management - Board of Directors.




At this momentum, the Tourism industry is passing through a deep restructuring phase, the tourism effort gets co-ordinated, while Real Estate sector focuses on the rationalization process of the State's property.

Delfin tour shifts focus towards interventions that guarantee modern tourism infrastructure development and innovative tourism product . Action is prioritized in order to meet sound corporate prospects:

expand internationally by investing in the companies competitive advantage

transplant usage of private incentives in state - owned property

pooling & securitize contracts

privatize corporate services (stock - market) Delfin Tour  has been established in 1998   with the view to becoming the “managing arm” of Russian's State owned Tourism Property . Property under management is currently mostly owned by the Russian National Tourism Organization .


Effective realization of the strategy of Delfin Tour   allows levelling down the risks and increasing profit, by the constant raise of the quality of produced services.

Become corps — services for corporative clients — business trips to Moscow, Saint-Petersburg — corporative events and holidays — business meetings in Russia

In business each trifle has an incredible meaning for the image of the company. One of the main details   are corporative events. The main things here are an irreproachable style and exact organization.

Delfin Tour is one of the leading companies in the sphere of organization of business trips and corporative events. Our employees possess a huge experience in organization of business meetings, conferences and seminars, the aim of which is organization of corporative holidays, knowing with the experience of foreign colleagues and spreading the circle of clients, searching of partners and establishing business connections.

We assist our clients in organization of corporative and private trips, meetings on any level, such as:

incentive tours


business trips

corporative holidays



symposiums and so on.

Just imagine that you won’t have prepared programs any more, which leave a nasty taste in the mouth to the members of it. Your own team of professionals works for all the time, and they are ready to make your dreams come true with maximum efficiency.

Just set up a contract with us for corporative service and get a guarantee for the provision of all necessary services:

а personal manager

free consultations from specialists about any questions, concerning tourism

provision the information about special offers

provision of all necessary financial reporting

organization of any events as soon as possible.

Be sure that we will release you from any problems. The main goal of the company   is the provision to corporative and private clients’ service of the highest level. The result of our professional lead-up in the organization and provision of a high-class service was getting the rank of the “Purveyors to the Moscow Kremlin”.

This fact is an additional confirmation that Delfin Tour is one of the leading companies in the sphere of rest organization, business trips, and corporative events in Russia and abroad.

Our main areas of business:

End-to-end servicing of organizations and private persons;

Reception of foreign tourists in Russia

Organization of any exclusive, corporative events, business trips and incentive tours, seminars and conferences in Russia and CIS;

Organization of any corporative events;

A full spectrum of services in the sphere of eventive tourism: international exhibitions, sport events, festivals and so on;

Working out of individual rest programs and trips in any Russian region and CIS;

Provision of excursion and cultural programs;

Hotel reservation at the prices, which compare favourably from rack rates;

Reservation of air- and railway tickets;

Visa support for foreigners (tourist and business invitations);

VIP service in airports, express passing through of any formalities in airports.

We keep on raising levels of our work by any possible means, putting the whole soul to our work.

It’s not simple, but any worthy goal demands a lot of efforts!

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