Пособие по изучению Бурятии и Иволгинского района
методическая разработка на тему
Данное пособие является учебно-дидактическим материалом изучения Бурятии на анлийском языке для студентов тНПО, СПО разных специальностей и является региональным компонентом государственного образовательго стандарта по Иностранному языку, раздел страноведение.
Пособие содержит пояснительную записку, информационные тексты, диалоги, лексико-грамматические упражнения, слайды, кроссворд и т.д., а также материал для домашнего чтения, что является тоже обязательным компонентом образовательной программы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Иволгинск, 2010
Рассмотрено и одобрено МК | «Утверждаю» |
зам. директора по НМР | |
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протокол № ____ | «____» ___________ 200_ г. |
«___» ____________ 200__ г. |
Составитель: Дашинимаева С.Д.- | |
преподаватель английского языка ГОУ СПО БРАТТ |
Методическая разработка:
«Республика Бурятия»
составлена для использования при изучении раздела «Страноведение».
Пояснительная записка
Тема «Республика Бурятия» является составляющей раздела «Страноведение».
Данная методическая разработка темы составлена для обучающихся 3 курсов техникума.
В методической разработке представлены задания, направленные на развитие коммуникативной, социальной компетенций, формирование навыков проблемно-поискового чтения, содействие в воспитании чувства уважения к своей республике, своему народу.
Упражнения, представленные в разработке, направлены на формирование фонетических, лексических, грамматических навыков. Задания разнообразны по своей структуре, и имеют логическое продолжение.
Тема завершается лексическим тестом, имеется приложение в виде текста для самостоятельного перевода и изучения, задания направлены на формирование проблемного мышления, навыков поисковой и творческой деятельности.
- Read the words and expressions aloud. Write down them and remember!
accept - принимать
anthem - гимн
become one with smb. – становиться одним целым
be full of – быть полным
beloved - любимый
bird cherry – черемуха
blooming - цветущий
bow [bau] – поклон, поклоняться
breath – дыхание, вдох
breathe –вдыхать, дышать
country – страна
course - путь
difficult - сложный
fate - судьба
feel - чувствовать
force - сила
forest - лес
fragrance – [freigrəns] - благоухание
heart - сердце
holy - святой
lake - озеро
land – земля
light - свет
lilac marsh - багульник
long – длинный, долгий
motherland – родина, родная земля
native - родной
plain - равнина
red bilberry - черника
republic - республика
smell - запах
steppe – степь
sunny - солнечный
taiga - тайга
taste - вкус
treat – лечить, облегчать
unknown – неведомый, неизвестный
water - вода
2.Translate into English using the words from ex.1:
Моя любимая родина, солнечный свет, наполненный солнечным светом, цветущая равнина, родная земля, запах черники, благоухание черемухи, вкус чая, равнинная земля, святая вода, неведомая сила, долгий и сложный путь, твоя судьба, поклон от сердца
3.Do you remember the Anthem of The Buryat Republic? Read it in English and try to sing it out. Learn the anthem by heart!
Anthem of The Buryat Republic
Music by A. Andreyev
Words by D. ZhalsarayevTranslated by Patrick Curb (USA)
My motherland is taiga, lake and steppe,
It is full of warm and kind sunny light,
Blooming from end to end
Be happy, my native land.
Red bilberry’s smell, bird cherry’s breath
And a taste of lilac marsh tea,
I don’t breathe but I drink fragrance
Of my plain and forest land.
Accept, the land, your son’s thanksgiving
And treat me to Baikal’s holy water,
Just for me to feel an unknown force
For a long and difficult course.
We become one with you, my land
And your fate is the same as mine.
And bow from my heart to my native land
My beloved Buryatia.
Oh, Motherland!
4. Read the text and answer the questions:
Being a part of the Russian Federation, Buryatia is located in Eastern Siberia, / near Mongolia and China. Its territory is 351, 4 thousand sq. km., the population is over one million. The capital of the Republic of Buryatia is Ulan-Ude with the population of 380 thousand.
Nature of Buryatia is unique. One can find here boundless steppes, gently sloping hills, meadows, taiga and mountainous valleys. Over 75% of territory is covered by forest, mainly coniferous one. Buryatia is situated in the region of the world famous lake Baikal which contains more than 22% of the world's fresh water reserves and unique flora and fauna. Over 2500 different kinds of animals and fish inhabit Baikal and its environment, 250 of them are endemic.
The climate is sharp continental, mostly with dryhot summer and cold winter. Buryatia is located in these sismically active zone.The geographical location of Buryatia is rather advantageous. Being close to the Pacific Asian countries, Buryatia has a good opportunity to establish relationships with the Pacific Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, as well as the USA and Canada.
The Buryat-Mongols belong to the subgroup of Central Asian Mongols. Their language belongs to the Mongolian group of the Altay family of languages, in which western, eastern and southern groups of dialects can be identified. The majority of Buryat-Mongols, especially Transbaikalian ones, used Old Mongolian script until 1930. Beginning from 1931, their script was based on Latin.
1. What is the total area of the Republic?
2. What kind of climate has the Republic?
3. Who is the ethnic population of the Republic?
5. a) Read the dialogue and find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word groups:
с удовольствием, посмотрим на, один раз увидеть лучше, чем два раза услышать, одногруппники, запись, я не видел тебя вечность, путешествовал, видел, ещё, был когда-нибудь, наслаждался
Dialogue “Have you ever been to Buryatia?”
- Hi!
- Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
- I traveled in Siberia, you know. I saw Lake Baikal.
- Fantastic! Did you see anything else in Siberia?
- Well. I was in Buryatia.
- Really? Tell me something about it! You enjoyed your trip, didn’t you?
- Of course. But once seen is best than twice heard. I want to present you the film with records of our excursion. Let’s have a look at it and show it our group mates.
- With pleasure!
b) Learn the dialogue by heart!
1) Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время) используется для обозначения действия, которое уже свершилось, но имеет связь с настоящим (только что, на этой неделе и т.п.), поэтому сигналами этого времени могут служить слова:
Ever – когда-либо, когда-нибудь
Never – никогда
Already – уже
Yet – еще (не)
Just – только-что
By (the time) – к (этому времени)
Since – с (тех пор, как)
For - (в течение)
How long? – Как долго, сколько?
2) Present Perfect Tense образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола have (has) и третьей формы смыслового глагола:
I, you, we, they – have + Ved(3)
He, she, it – has + Ved(3)
3) На русский язык предложения, содержащие Present Perfect Tense, переводят в прошедшем времени:
I have already been to France. – Я уже была во Франции.
He has never been to England. – Он никогда не был в Англии.
They have just seen him. – Они только-что видели его.
4) В вопросительных предложениях с Present Perfect Tense вспомогательный глагол стоит на первом месте перед подлежащим:
Have you already been to France? –
Has he ever been to England? –
Have they already seen him ? –
5) В отрицательных предложениях порядок слов остается прямым, а отрицательная частица not стоит после вспомогательного глагола:
I have not been to France yet. – Я еще не была во Франции.
He has not been to England. – Он не был в Англии.
They have not seen him. – Они не видели его.
- Read the sentences paying attention to the place of adverbs in the sentences. Translate them in Russian.
- I have already cleaned my teeth, Mum!
- They have just finished their work.
- Have you ever seen this film?
- No, I nave never seen it.
- We haven’t visited Lake Baikal yet.
- How long has she been to her Granny?
- Mister Gregg has traveled around the world for 10 years.
- They haven’t seen each other since 1997.
- Choose the right form of the verb and explain your choice:
- Look! I (bought, have bought) a new car.
- Bob (bought, have bought) a new car yesterday.
- She (has been, have been, was, were) to Canada.
- Paula (was, were, have been, has been) in Canada two years ago.
- (Have, Did) you ever (play, played) golf? – Yes, I (have, did).
- They (played, have played) football last holidays.
- How long (were, have) you (been, - ) married?
- When (did, has, have) she (arrive, arrived) in Greece? – She (arrived, has arrived, have arrived) a month ago.
- My friend is a writer. He (has written, have written, wrote) a lot of books.
- Yesterday he (has written, have written, wrote) his last story.
Raymond Murphy/ Essential Grammar in Use/ A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English/Unit 15/ Ex. 15.1, 15.2
Unit 16/ Ex. 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4
Unit 17/ Ex. 17.1, 17.2, 17.3
Unit 18/ Ex. 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5
Unit 19/ Ex. 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4
- What do you know about your republic? Try to answer the questions!
- Where is Buryatia located? Show it on the map!
- How big is the territory of Buryatia?
- What countries and republics does it border on[1]?
- How big is a population [2]of Buryatia?
- Are there any lakes in Buryatia? Find them on the map[3]!
- How many rivers [4]are there on the territory of Buryatia? Which are the biggest?
- How different is the landscape [5]of the republic?
- What climate is there in Buryatia?
- What animals [6]are called the symbols of Buryatia?
- Which sightseeing [7]is Buryatia famous for?
- Read the text and mark out what information new is (!), or you knew about this fact (+), you disagree with this information (-).
The Buryat Republic | ! + - |
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- Name the each passage of the text using the following words:
Climate, Flora and fauna, Landscape, Geography, Population, National symbols, Industry
- Prepare the retelling of the text, using Ex. 9 as a plan. (You can add to the plan some key-words)
- Prepare reports about National symbols of Buryatia, Industry, Government, Religions, Lake Baikal, and Cuisine
- Translate the words into Russian:
is located, total area, mountain chains, is washed by, numbers, is situated, landscape, includes, highest peak, is rich in, sharply, cedar, larch, pine, is considered to be
- Translate the words into English:
Цветущие равнины, широкие степи, высокие горы, чистая вода, Азиатский континент, занимает, Восточная Сибирь, реки, озера, густые леса, население, Центрально-азиатский ландшафт, животный и растительный мир, климат, царь дикой пушнины
- Translate the text into English:
Республика Бурятия расположена в центральной части азиатского континента и занимает большую часть Восточной Сибири. Общая площадь республики – 351 300 кв. км. Центрально-азиатский ландшафт включает в себя высокие горные цепи, широкие степи, цветущие равнины, густые леса, реки, озера чистой воды. Население насчитывает 969100 человек. Климат Бурятии – резко-континентальный. Животный и растительный мир очень разнообразен. Леса Бурятии богаты кедром, лиственницей, сосной. Соболь считается в Бурятии «Царем дикой пушнины».
- Name the pictures:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
12 13
- Read the text and translate it into Russian:
The city is situated in Transbaikalia, in the valley of the Selenga River and The Uda River, on their banks, between the mountain ridges of Khamar-Daban and Ulan-Burgasy, 120 km due east of Lake Baikal.
Ulan-Ude was founded in the 17th century by Russian settlers. The year of 1666 is considered to be the year of the city foundation, when Russian Cossack built a little wooden house on a high rocky bank of the Uda River. It was called the Udinsk winter quarters. Later, in 1698 the Udinsk winter quarters was renamed a town. The official name of the town – Verkhne-Udinsk – was fixed in the 70s of the 18th century. The emblem was presented to Verkhne-Udinsk on October 26, 1790 by the decision of the Tsarist Senate “as sign of the fact, that there a splendid tender is held”. In the golden ground of the escutcheon in its crest one can see a babr (tiger) with a sable in its teeth – the emblem of Irkutsk (that time it was a centre of the province); and in its heel – the crozier of the God Mercury (The God of Trade) and the cornucopia, which underlined the trade importance of the town.
Since 1994 the city has a new emblem, without babr. There are three stripes of colors of the flag of the Buryat Republic:
The city consists of three districts: Sovetskii, Oktyabrskii, Zheleznodorozhnyi. Sovetskii is an administrative and cultural center of the city. Zheleznodorozhnyi is a busi ness district since all the main industrial plants and factories are situated there. Oktyabrskii is mainly a residential part of Ulan-Ude.
Ulan-Ude is a very attractive city. There are many streets and avenues which are green and pleasant to look at. More over there are a lot of places of interest there:
- Revolution Square, which was the first square built there. The most popular sight in Revolution square is a stone building under the name of Gostinii Ryady. It is a huge one-storey building of the 19th century surrounded by columns. Across the street there is one more beau tiful building in the classical style - the mall, which was a trading center of the town in old days.
- Walking down from the square you can reach another architectural monument of the past-the Cathedral of St. Odigitry. It was built in the 18th century.
- Lenin Street, the main street in Ulan-Ude connects Revolution Square to Soviet one. Nowadays it is a pedestrian area of the city with two sculptures: the rod of Mercury, the God of Trade, and the Horn of Plenty. Some people call this street “Buryat Arbat”
- Soviet Square is the heart of the city. All government houses are situated here.
- If you walk down Lenin Street you can reach the Museum of Nature. It was founded in 1982. There are many halls displaying species of flora and fauna of Buryatia. The halls devoted to the Baikal Lake territory are of special interest. Here you can see fish and animals inhabiting the Baikal Lake and all other representatives of the animal kingdom in the territory around Baikal.
- There is the other museum which attracts a lot of visitors. It is the Ethno graphic museum. The museum was opened in July, 1973. It is an open air museum, displaying the region ethnic groups. Each complex acquaints visitors with the rich and original culture of the peoples that inhabit the region.
There are many monuments in the city: The Monument to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, The Monument to the Fighters for the Revolution. They are also very interesting and famous sights of Ulan-Ude.
In Ulan-Ude there are five theatres: the Buryat Drama, the Russian Drama, the Youth Theatre, Puppet Theatre and the most popular Opera and Ballet House and the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. The building of Opera and Ballet House is the most striking building in the city. It's a good example of the national style and ornament. The Russian drama theatre was rebuilt in 2009 and is the most magnificent building of the republic.
There are four higher educational establishments in Ulan-Ude: the Buryat State University, the East Siberian Technological University, the Agricultural Acad emy, the Academy of Culture and Art and many secondary schools, technical schools and colleges.
Флаг Республики Бурятия был принят 29 октября 1992 года. В левом верхнем углу синей полосы флага изображен желтым цветом традиционный символ Бурятии (соембо — внизу серп луны, над ним круг солнца, сверху очаг с тремя языками пламени).
2. Translate the texts and try to find more information about the national symbols.
Герб Республики Бурятия был принят 20 апреля 1995 года. Он представляет собой геральдический щит традиционной формы, на котором размещен трехцветный круг (сине-бело-желтый цвета бурятского флага). В верхней части круга — золотое соембо (солнце, луна, очаг). В центре круга сине-белые волны Байкала, гористый рельеф Бурятии. Нижнюю часть круга обрамляет голубая лента хадак — символ гостеприимства. Центральная часть хадака служит основанием герба. С 1 января 2000 года с хадака были убраны надписи Республика Бурятия на русском и бурятском языках.
3. Do the crossword puzzle
2 | 1 | |||||||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||
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10 |
1. A settlement of Buryatia that comes first among the places connected with Decembrists.
2. The second largest town in Buryatia.
3. A famous Russian writer who passed by Buryatia and liked it.
4. A fish what can be only caught in Baikal.
5. The former flameof Ulan-Ude.
6. A town where the Dzida wolfram - tungsten enterprise is located "'
7. A river which flows out of Baikal.
8. One of the Buryatia's mountain range.
9. The authors of Lenin monument in Soviet Square.
10. .A town of Buryatia known for its local History Museum.
Ivolginsky Region
1. Read and translate the text.
The Republic of Buryatia consists of 24 regions. Our Region is one of them. It was founded in 1939, 25 August. The Region located 29 km. From Ulan-Ude. The total area of the region is 266290 sq.km., the population is more than 25 thousand people. Our region is mostly agricultural. There are 11 state enterprises, 280 peasants' and farmers' enterprises: too. The main agricultural branches are - growing and cattle- and sheep breeding.
There are 17 secondary schools, 19 libraries, 20 medicine establishments in our Region.
. Ivolginsky region is rich in History, culture and natural resources. Numerous monuments of material culture of legendary Huns- III-I centuries B.C. are situated in our Region. Many historical monuments connected with the name of Chingiz-Han can be found in our Region too, among them "Olenny Stone", "Oboo" Chingiz-Han and others.
2. Read and make a summary:
Ivolginsk is the centre of Ivolginsky Region. It is situated 29 km. From Ulan-Ude.
The population of Ivolga is more than 6700 people. It is located in Ivolginskaya Valley. In the north Ivolga borders on Hamar-Daban Range, in the south there one of the interesting natural monuments - Ivolginskaya Sopka, w'ich cast be called one of the sight- seeing of our village. This place is sacred for all the inhabitants of Ivolga, where the believers of Buddizm have ceremonies.
Ivolga is not a large village. There you can see both old and new houses. The streets are long green withirees in spring and summer.
The main street is Lenin Street, where main buildings, are located, among them, the secondary school, post-office, administrative establishments. There is also a hospital, a cinema in Ivolga, many shops and a confectionary. There is technical school also, and a higher vocational school № 38, which train good specialists in different spheres of economy.
Not far from Ivolga the well-known Buddist Temple "Datsan" is situated, which is very popular among the believers not onlytours Region but of all the world. The Temple was founded in 1946 and now in "Datsan" the Buddist institute is founded, where more than 100 students study. Ivolga is a birthplace of many famous people such as A. Andreev, B. Namzalov, B. Danilov, Zh. Badmatshirenov and others.-Welcome to Ivolga.
3. Read and write a report at home about “Famous people of your region”.
Culture and Sport
Buryatia is a land of skillful craftsmen, talented painters. Their art is inspired by the customs and traditional of the people, the heritage of cult icon painting, chram and beauty of the Buryat nature.
People of Buryatia celebrated not only holidays which are common in Russia (new Year, Women's Day, Independence Day) but also national holidays like - Sagaalgaa - the New Year according to the Moon calendar in January-February; it lasts for the whole month; Surkharbaan is a national festivity which is celebrated in summer (sport contest; singing; dancing).
In 1995 people of Buryatia celebrated the 10001 anniversary of the Buryat national, epos - Geser festivities took place in all districts of Buryatia, Irkutsk and Chita regions and Aginsk National Formation.
Домашнее чтение
Hello! I '11 be your tour-guide today. My name is.... We are going on a coach excursion to the Ivolginsk datsan. In forty minutes we will see the centre of Buddhism in Russia. In the meantime, I would like to give you some brief information about Buddhism in Buryatia and the Ivolginsk datsan itself.
The main part
The Ivolginsk datsan is the official residence of the Russia's Buddhist Sangha. The majority of the indigenous population ofthe republic - the Buryats - arefollowers of the Buddhist faith. They join 255 million Buddhistsall over the world. Buddhism came to the territory of the present-day Buryatia fromTibet and Mongolia at the end of16th — the beginning of 17th centuries. After the decree signedby the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in 1741 Buddhism in Buryatia was officially recognized as the state religion of Russia. To the end of 19th century Buddhism in Buryatia was a well-developed system. There were more than 40 datsans which had over 10,000 monks-lamas. Buddhist datsans were a kind of universities, which gave knowledge of Tibetan, Mongolian languages, Sanskrit,. Buddhist philosophy, , Tibetan-Mongolian medicine, astrology. Also lamas developed book-printing, icon-painting and Buddhist architecture. It is well-known that Buddhism, as well as Orthodox Christianity, suffered from cruel repressions from the Soviet regime in the 1930th. Buddhist schools and monasteries were closed down, lamas were murdered or deported to GULAG: Only after the Great Patriotic war in 1946 it was allowed to open a datsan in Buryatia - the Ivolginsk datsan where we are going now.
Since the fall of the Soviet regime, we experience religious renaissance in Russia. Buddhism is not an exception. The Republic of Buryatia celebrates religious holidays, first of all Sagaalgan -the Buddhist Lunar New Year. Other festivities include Maidari, a midsummer Buddhist Festival honouring the Buddha of the Future, and Surkharbaan which is a sports competition featuring wrestling, horse races, and archery.
Dear ladies and gentlemen! Now we have come to the datsan. Welcome to the centre of Buddhism of Russia! So, we are on the territory of Ivolginsk datsan. It is a local historical monument protected by State decree of the Republic of Buryatia since 1996. The datsan is situated 30 km away from Ulan-Ude and occupies 3 hectares.
Now, I would like to say a few words about the history of datsan. As I already said, the Ivolginsk datsan was built at the end of 1946. At the Ivolginsk datsan resides Bandido Khambo-lama, the central clerical administrator of Buddhism in Russia. During the long time this datsan had a status of half a museum. All necessary services were held, but education was absent. The datsan was one of two active datsans on the territory of our country. The second one was situated in the village of Aginiskoe of Chita region. In 1979 for the first time in the history of our republic his Holiness Dalai Lama 14th visited Buryatia. After that Dalai Lama visited Russia many times.
To continue our excursion, you should know what praying drums are. They are situated on the left side, along the perimeter of the territory of datsan. There are many rolls in it, containing short prayers or mantras. Inscriptions on praying drums are written on Sanskrit, Tibetan and Old Mongolian. They say what prayers each praying drum contains. It is believed that a person who rotates a drum also sets its prayer going. There are magic (sacred) figures in Buddhism: 3, 7, 21 and 108 (that's why there are 108 beads in rosaries / beads). Therefore people try to rotate the drum 7 or 3 times. If you want, you may put your offerings here under drums, just a few coins. Please, let's go on.
And now, dear guests, will you pay attention to these small wooden houses where emchi-lamas, experts in Tibetan medicine live and have opportunities to receive visitors. The great power of Tibetan medicine consists in the following: it is orientated towards symptom complexes of a patient and, responding softly on groups of symptoms, it does not put down any complaint. Tibetan medicine is connected closely with astrology. Stocking up of raw materials for medicine, prescription of Tibetan diets, beginning of treatment and other things are set up taking into consideration astrological data. In difficult cases, using astrological methods, a doctor can determine if it is possible to start treatment or not. If you need some help from tibetologists you can visit these lamas. Let's move on.
There are four stupas on the territory of Ivolginsk datsan. Tradition of buildings stupas as the monuments .to the most remarkable sacred events began in India during the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. Later on, they were erected not only on places of remarkable events, but also as tombs for lamas, known by sanctity of .their lives, who did many achievements for benefit of Buddhist faith. The stupas are subjects of respect, as well as icortspdugans and other religious
There is also a greenhouse with a tree of Bodhi on the territory of datsan. Near the same tree Buddha attained the Enlightenment. In the main temple all services are held. The daily service, is held from 9 to 11 a.m. All lamas of datsan gather together for this service, the senior lamas sit near the altar; the junior lamas sit near the exit. Reading of prayers begins by all lamas at the same time and it is accompanied by blows in drums, sounds of shells, sounds of bells, and kettle-drums. Also, while praying, lamas perform different ritual actions; for example, they scatter grain, make bows.
During-great holidays, about 6 times a year, big khurals are held. They-usually last three days; prayers - are read from the morning till the evening. People come from different regions, towns, and villages to take part in these holidays. The most important holiday is meeting of Buddhist New year, which is celebrated on the first day of the first month according to the lunar calendar. This holiday is called in Buryatia White Moon's holiday -Sagaalgan.
Khambo-lama Itigelov
Not long time ago Ivolginsk datsan became a place where the most valuable relic is kept - the imperishable body of Pandito Khambo-lama XII Dashi-Dorzo Itigelov. This phenomenon is an enigma for scientists and, probably, the most famous Buddhist shrine.
Khambo-lama Itigelov was a real person, the Head of the Buddhists of East Siberia from 1911 to 1917. He became popular as a philosopher and a doctor. During World War I he organized hospitals and got several governmental awards. His name, even when he was alive, was connected with legends. One of them says that the monk, as Jesus Christ, could walk on the surface of water. In 1926, when "the red teaching" has come Itigelov advised the Buddhist monks to leave Russia (Itigelov himself never left Russia). He died (or went in nirvana) in 1927 in the age of 75. Surrounded by his disciples, he took the pose of lotus and
[1] граничить с
[2] население
[3] карта
[4] реки
[5] ландшафт
[6] животные
[7] достопримечательности
[8] расположена
[9] занимает
[10] = territory
[11] огорожена
[12] горные цепи
[13] высокогорье
[14] омывается
[15] насчитывает
[16] according to the census data of January, 1, 2005
[17] = is located
[18] включает
[19] = highlands, возвышенность, горы
[20] вершина
[21] богата
[22] ручьи
[23] резко
[24] сосна
[25] лиственница
[26] хвойный, меховой
[27] дрофа
[28] лебедь
[29] осетр
[30] хариус
[31] кусты
[32] = lilac marsh
[33] голубика
[34] смородина
[35] облепиха
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