Открытый урок в 9 классе по теме "The Internet: Advantages and Disadvantages"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Атутова Нина Сергеевна

Урок также направлен на подготовку к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Задания, тексты взяты из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                    План-конспект урока                                                                    1

Тема: «The Internet: Advantages and Disadvantages»

Цель урока: Совершенствование диалогических навыков по теме. Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку, все задания, тексты взяты из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ.

Задачи урока:

  1. Развитие и совершенствования навыков аудирования.
  2. Актуализация и совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков.
  3. Совершенствование навыков чтения.
  4. Развитие и совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Тип урока: Урок развития и совершенствования речевого навыка.        

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация, колонки.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
  2. Основной этап.

  1. Установка темы урока:

Read the sentences:

It is the greatest invention of last century.

It is a dangerous thing. Brilliant but still dangerous.

It is absolute communication. It is absolute isolation.

What is meant?

Today we are going to speak about the Internet.

But in what aspect? What is the problem of using the Internet?

“The Internet: Advantages and Disadvantages”

Let’s start to study the topic.

  1. Установка задач урока:

What does it mean TO STUDY the topic?

- to listen/ to write/ to read/ to speak                                        

  1. Фонетическая зарядка, актуализация лексики по теме:

  [i]                  [i:]                    [ai]                [з:]                      []

limit                delete             violence          surf                  nowadays

influence         keep               crime              search              allow

addicted          need               society            learn                browse

  1. Речевая разминка:  


- Do you use the Internet?

- How much time do you spend surfing the Net?

- What do you use the Internet for?

  1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.                                                                    2

These are Samantha and Tony, a wife and a husband who raise the children. Let’s listen to them and find out what THEY think about our problem.

Ex. 1. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences.

  1. Samantha asks Tony to
  1. help her with her computer
  2. delete the browse history
  3. limit the amount of time their children spend on the Internet

  1. Samantha thinks … on the Internet  
  1. there are a lot of friends
  2. there are a lot of haters
  3. there is a lot of crime and violence

  1. Tony thinks the Internet is useful because
  1. it is the great entertainment for children
  2. children can learn much from the Internet
  3. children can find a lot of friends on the Internet

What advantages and disadvantages have you found out while listening to them?

Write them in your charts, please.  


  1. Актуализация и совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков:

What devices can be used while surfing the Net? What device is popular with teenagers?

Let’s speak about a mobile phone.

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences. Use the words on the right in the necessary form.

People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may be __________________ to their health, but it is difficult to know for sure.


Some research shows that mobile phones may cause brain problems. On the other hand, some doctors say mobiles are not __________________ at all.


No matter what doctors say, it’s just __________________ to live without a mobile phone today.


It has become a very __________________ device and people can’t do without it.


It makes our life __________________ and saves time.


People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make __________________ easier.


What are advantages and disadvantages can you name after reading the text?

Write them in your charts, please.

  1. Совершенствование навыков чтения:                                                                             3

Let us continue to speak about mobile phones as they are one the most popular devices.

Ex. 3. Read the texts and match them with the questions they answer.

1. Young people of which country are the fastest at texting?

2. Who made the first mobile call and why?

3. Are the rules of using phones in school always followed by students?                                                    

4. Which mobile phone has no other advantages but glamour?

5. Why can a mobile phone be dangerous for children?

6. What are the safety tips for using mobile phones?

7. How can a mobile phone message save your life?

A. The first call from a mobile phone was made in 1973. Motorola engineer Martin Cooper made the call from the pavement of Sixth Avenue in New York to show off to his competitor – engineer Joel Angel. He said, “I’m ringing you just to see if my call sounds good at your end.” With the first mobile phones, only voice calls were available and there was no texting facility.

B. Recently the most expensive phone in the world was presented. It is the iPhone 5 with a case made of 24 carat gold with 600 diamonds! The home button of the smartphone is made of a rare black diamond and the company logo is covered with small diamonds. The cost of this device is about $15 million. The technical characteristics of the iPhone 5 are no different from the regular models.

C. Mobile phones are permitted at school in the UK, but students are not allowed to use them in class. Teachers can take away phones if these rules are broken. School students can use their phones at breaktime and at lunchtime. However, some teachers in British schools complain that students don’t always follow the rules and that lessons are disrupted by people texting, receiving calls, looking at social networking sites, watching videos and even making videos in class.

D. The mobile phone is a way to warn people about disasters. Some countries have worked out the following system: phone companies automatically notify their population in advance about emergencies and disasters. Such warnings are very efficient and free of charge. Japan and Finland were among the first countries that understood the necessity of this system.

E. Parents want their kids to be safe. Are children safer with a mobile phone or without? Many parents want their children to have a phone so that they can be in contact at any time or in any place. On the other hand, for lots of parents a phone is a source of possible danger. Parents worry that their child may meet the wrong kind of ‘friends’ on social networking sites or that they might receive cruel messages from school bullies.

F. The idea of sending short text messages originated in 1984. It was later brought to life by a group of engineers from different companies. Writing text messages became extremely popular in Asian countries, especially in Korea. Korean teenagers are certainly text message fans. They send over 200,000 text messages a year – that’s more than sixty texts per day. This hobby must have made their fingers really fast.







What other advantages and disadvantages of the Internet have we learnt from the text?

Write them in your charts, please.


  1. Развитие и совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.                                  4

Now I ask you to discuss the topic and the problem of our lesson. Work in pairs.

Don’t forget to use linking words to make your speech more fluent and connected.

Ex. 4. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer 6 questions. Give full answers to the questions.

  1. How old are you?
  2. How much time do you spend on the Internet?
  3. What do you use the Internet for?
  4. Do you agree that the Internet is one of the greatest invention of the last century? Why?
  5. Why can the Internet be dangerous?
  6. What would you recommend to a person who spends too much time on the Internet?

  1. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание.                                                                                                                                                    


So, it was very interesting lesson today.

Let’s do some conclusions:

  1. What was the topic of our lesson?
  2. What aspects were touched at our lesson?
  3. What was the new for you?
  4. Do you like this lesson or not? Why?

Could you evaluate your work today using the chart:

Well done!


Try to do better





My mark


You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have speak for not more than 2 minutes

(10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much; 
  • how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier;
  • what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet;
  • what your attitude to the Internet is.

You have to talk continuously.

Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _________________________________________________________________                         1

The topic of the lesson: 

Linking words:

In my opinion,              As for me,                  Firstly,          Actually,       On the one hand,              

I think/believe/guess,   Speaking about me,   Secondly,      In fact,         On the other hand,

If I’m not mistaken,     Personally,                  Besides,       No doubt,

To my mind,                                                    Moreover,

Ex. 1. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences.  

  1. Samantha asks Tony to
  1. help her with her computer
  2. delete the browse history
  3. limit the amount of time their children spend on the Internet

  1. Samantha thinks … on the Internet  
  1. there are a lot of friends
  2. there are a lot of haters
  3. there is a lot of crime and violence

  1. Tony thinks the Internet is useful because
  1. it is the great entertainment for children
  2. children can learn much from the Internet
  3. children can find a lot of friends on the Internet

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences. Use the words on the right in the necessary form.                                2                                           

People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may   be __________________ to their health, but it is difficult to know for sure.


Some research shows that mobile phones may cause brain problems. On the other hand, some doctors say mobiles are not __________________ at all.


No matter what doctors say, it’s just __________________ to live without a mobile phone today.


It has become a very __________________ device and people can’t do without it.


It makes our life __________________ and saves time.


People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make __________________ easier.


Ex. 3. Read the texts and match them with the questions they answer.







1. Young people of which country are the fastest at texting?                                    

2. Who made the first mobile call and why?

3. Are the rules of using phones in school always followed by students?

4. Which mobile phone has no other advantages but glamour?

5. Why can a mobile phone be dangerous for children?

6. What are the safety tips for using mobile phones?

7. How can a mobile phone message save your life?

A. The first call from a mobile phone was made in 1973. Motorola engineer Martin Cooper made the call from the pavement of Sixth Avenue in New York to show off to his competitor – engineer Joel Angel. He said, “I’m ringing you just to see if my call sounds good at your end.” With the first mobile phones, only voice calls were available and there was no texting facility.

B. Recently the most expensive phone in the world was presented. It is the iPhone 5 with a case made of 24 carat gold with 600 diamonds! The home button of the smartphone is made of a rare black diamond and the company logo is covered with small diamonds. The cost of this device is about $15 million. The technical characteristics of the iPhone 5 are no different from the regular models.

C. Mobile phones are permitted at school in the UK, but students are not allowed to use them in class. Teachers can take away phones if these rules are broken. School students can use their phones at breaktime and at lunchtime. However, some teachers in British schools complain that students don’t always follow the rules and that lessons are disrupted by people texting, receiving calls, looking at social networking sites, watching videos and even making videos in class.

D. The mobile phone is a way to warn people about disasters. Some countries have worked out the following system: phone companies automatically notify their population in advance about emergencies and disasters. Such warnings are very efficient and free of charge. Japan and Finland were among the first countries that understood the necessity of this system.

E. Parents want their kids to be safe. Are children safer with a mobile phone or without? Many parents want their children to have a phone so that they can be in contact at any time or in any place. On the other hand, for lots of parents a phone is a source of possible danger. Parents worry that their child may meet the wrong kind of ‘friends’ on social networking sites or that they might receive cruel messages from school bullies.

F. The idea of sending short text messages originated in 1984. It was later brought to life by a group of engineers from different companies. Writing text messages became extremely popular in Asian countries, especially in Korea. Korean teenagers are certainly text message fans. They send over 200,000 text messages a year – that’s more than sixty texts per day. This hobby must have made their fingers really fast.

      Ex. 4. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer 6 questions.                  3

      Give full answers to the questions.

  1. How old are you?
  2. How much time do you spend on the Internet?
  3. What do you use the Internet for?
  4. Do you agree that the Internet is one of the greatest invention of the last century? Why?
  5. Why can the Internet be dangerous?
  6. What would you recommend to a person who spends too much time on the Internet?


Well done!


Try to do better


Writing (grammar)


Speaking  (a dialogue)

My mark

Homework: You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You have to speak for not more                

than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Use the plan. Remember to say:

  • why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much; 
  • how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier;
  • what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet;
  • what your attitude to the Internet is.

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