Открытый урок в 7 классе по теме "Clothes"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Атутова Нина Сергеевна

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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока                          

Тема: «Одежда: школьная форма»

Цель урока: Совершенствование монологических и диалогических навыков по теме «Одежда»

Задачи урока:

  1. Актуализировать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме.
  2. Cсовершенствовать навыки диалогической речи, умения вести диалог-расспрос.
  3. Совершенствовать навыки описания человека по картинке.
  4. Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи

Тип урока: Урок развития речевого навыка.        

Оборудование: интерактивная доска для создания онлайн-книги в сервисе StoryJumper, ноутбуки, документ-камера совершения видео-звонка через мессенджер,

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Teacher: Have a look at the blackboard. What is it?

        Do you read books?

        And did you write books?


       Teacher: Today we will write a book

         But what is going to be about? Let’s open it!    

  1. Основной этап.


  1. Фонетическая зарядка, речевая зарядка.

“Good clothes open all doors.”

      Teacher: Read and translate the sentence, please.

      Teacher-Pupils: Good clothes-open all doors                                              


      Teacher: What does it mean “good clothes”?

                     What does it mean “to open all doors”? (ex.1.)

Ex. 1. Comment on the statement. What does it mean? Complete the sentences.                                                                                                                           

  1. Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).                                                                
  2. Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
  3. Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly)
  4. Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned)
  5. When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful.


 Teacher: Do you agree with this statement? What will the book be about?

 Pupils:                                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                        

  1. Аудирование. Актуализация лексических навыков. Установка темы и цели урока.

Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture.

Peter: I’m Peter. I’m wearing a grey T-shirt, a fashionable shirt, my favourite jeans and comfortable trainers.

Tony: I’m Tony. I’m wearing a white shirt, a dark blue suit, a tie and fashionable shoes.


Teacher: Look at Peter.

               Can he go to the theatre in these clothes?

               Where can he go?

               Look at Tony. Where is he going to?

Teacher: What is the theme of out lesson?

Pupils: School uniform.

Teacher: What will we do?



  1. Актуализация грамматических навыков. Подготовка к диалогической речи.

Teacher: Let us see what clothes we can wear in different places.

 Ex.3. Work in pairs. Make up questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.

1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ?  ___________________________                                                    

2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ?  _______________________________

3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ________________________________

              I          always            wear            a skirt                   to a party            

                          often                                  a dress                 to the gym                    

                          sometimes                         a pyjamas            to …

                           …                                     …



      Teacher: Thank you for your work. Now we know what you put on in different situations.

                     Are you tired? Let’s have a rest and relax!


  1. Физминутка.


  1. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи (видео-звонок в Америку).

         Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to         different places. Use the questions from ex.3.  


Speaker: Hello!

Pupils: Hello! (Вопросы учеников)

Speaker: ответы. You look wonderful today. Is it your school uniform?


Speaker: Pupils in the USA also wear a school uniform.

.                                                                                                                                     2

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Teacher: As you see, pupils in some other countries also wear a school uniform.

               Now let us make our book.  

Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.

This is a pupil. His/Her name is ____________.

She/He is going (to school/for a walk).

She/He is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________.

She/He is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.

I (think/don’t think) this school uniform is (comfortable/not comfortable) for school.

  1. Рефлексия.

Teacher: You’ve worked hard today! Do you like this book? Give it a name.

  1. Домашнее задание.


Предварительный просмотр:

Group 1                                                  Name ___________________________

Ex.1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).                                                                
  2. Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
  3. Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly)
  4. Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned)
  5. When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful

Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture. Complete the sentences.


Peter is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .

Tony is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .


Ex.3.  Make questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.                  


1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ?  ___________________________________________________________                                                    

2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ?  ___________________________________________________________

3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ___________________________________________________________


              I          always            wear            a skirt                  to a party            

                          often                                  a dress                 to the gym                    

                          …                                      a pyjamas            to …

                          …                                      sandals

Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.   

Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.


This is a pupil. His name is ____________.

He is going (to school/for a walk).

He is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________. He is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.

I (think/don’t think) this school uniform is (comfortable/not comfortable) for school.



Предварительный просмотр:

Group 2                                                  Name ___________________________

Ex.1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).                                                                
  2. Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
  3. Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly).
  4. Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned).
  5. When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful.

Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture. Complete the sentences.


Peter is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .

Tony is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .


Ex.3.  Make questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.                  


1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ?  ___________________________________________________________                                                    

2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ?  ___________________________________________________________

3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ___________________________________________________________


              I          always            wear            a skirt                  to a party            

                          often                                  a dress                 to the gym                    

                          …                                      a pyjamas            to …

                                                                    a shirt



Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.   

Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.


This is a pupil. His name is ____________.

He is going (to school/for a walk).

He is going to have a PE lesson.

He is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________. He is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.

I (think/don’t think) these clothes (is/are) (comfortable/not cofortable) for PE lesson.



Предварительный просмотр:

Group 3                                                  Name ___________________________

Ex.1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).                                                                
  2. Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
  3. Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly)
  4. Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned)
  5. When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful

Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture. Complete the sentences.


Peter is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .

Tony is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .


Ex.3.  Make questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.                  


1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ?  ___________________________________________________________                                                    

2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ?  ___________________________________________________________

3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ___________________________________________________________


              I          always            wear            a skirt                   to a party            

                          often                                  a dress                 to the gym                    

                          …                                      a shirt                   to …



Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.   

Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.


This is a pupil. Her name is ____________.

She is going (to school/for a walk).

She is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________.

She is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.

I (think/don’t think) these clothes (is/are) (comfortable/not comfortable) for school.



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