Открытый урок в 7 классе по теме "Clothes"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока
Тема: «Одежда: школьная форма»
Цель урока: Совершенствование монологических и диалогических навыков по теме «Одежда»
Задачи урока:
- Актуализировать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме.
- Cсовершенствовать навыки диалогической речи, умения вести диалог-расспрос.
- Совершенствовать навыки описания человека по картинке.
- Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи
Тип урока: Урок развития речевого навыка.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска для создания онлайн-книги в сервисе StoryJumper, ноутбуки, документ-камера совершения видео-звонка через мессенджер,
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Teacher: Have a look at the blackboard. What is it?
Do you read books?
And did you write books?
Teacher: Today we will write a book
But what is going to be about? Let’s open it!
- Основной этап.
- Фонетическая зарядка, речевая зарядка.
“Good clothes open all doors.”
Teacher: Read and translate the sentence, please.
Teacher-Pupils: Good clothes-open all doors
Teacher: What does it mean “good clothes”?
What does it mean “to open all doors”? (ex.1.)
Ex. 1. Comment on the statement. What does it mean? Complete the sentences.
- Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).
- Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
- Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly)
- Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned)
- When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful.
Teacher: Do you agree with this statement? What will the book be about?
Pupils: 1
- Аудирование. Актуализация лексических навыков. Установка темы и цели урока.
Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture.
Peter: I’m Peter. I’m wearing a grey T-shirt, a fashionable shirt, my favourite jeans and comfortable trainers.
Tony: I’m Tony. I’m wearing a white shirt, a dark blue suit, a tie and fashionable shoes.
Teacher: Look at Peter.
Can he go to the theatre in these clothes?
Where can he go?
Look at Tony. Where is he going to?
Teacher: What is the theme of out lesson?
Pupils: School uniform.
Teacher: What will we do?
- Актуализация грамматических навыков. Подготовка к диалогической речи.
Teacher: Let us see what clothes we can wear in different places.
Ex.3. Work in pairs. Make up questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.
1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ? ___________________________
2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ? _______________________________
3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ________________________________
I always wear a skirt to a party
often a dress to the gym
sometimes a pyjamas to …
… …
Teacher: Thank you for your work. Now we know what you put on in different situations.
Are you tired? Let’s have a rest and relax!
- Физминутка.
- Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи (видео-звонок в Америку).
Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.
Speaker: Hello!
Pupils: Hello! (Вопросы учеников)
Speaker: ответы. You look wonderful today. Is it your school uniform?
Speaker: Pupils in the USA also wear a school uniform.
. 2
- Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Teacher: As you see, pupils in some other countries also wear a school uniform.
Now let us make our book.
Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.
This is a pupil. His/Her name is ____________.
She/He is going (to school/for a walk).
She/He is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________.
She/He is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.
I (think/don’t think) this school uniform is (comfortable/not comfortable) for school.
- Рефлексия.
Teacher: You’ve worked hard today! Do you like this book? Give it a name.
- Домашнее задание.
Предварительный просмотр:
Group 1 Name ___________________________
Ex.1. Complete the sentences.
- Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).
- Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
- Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly)
- Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned)
- When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful
Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture. Complete the sentences.
Peter is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .
Tony is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .
Ex.3. Make questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.
1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ? ___________________________________________________________
2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ? ___________________________________________________________
3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ___________________________________________________________
I always wear a skirt to a party
often a dress to the gym
… a pyjamas to …
… sandals
Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.
Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.
This is a pupil. His name is ____________.
He is going (to school/for a walk).
He is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________. He is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.
I (think/don’t think) this school uniform is (comfortable/not comfortable) for school.
Предварительный просмотр:
Group 2 Name ___________________________
Ex.1. Complete the sentences.
- Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).
- Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
- Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly).
- Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned).
- When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful.
Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture. Complete the sentences.
Peter is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .
Tony is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .
Ex.3. Make questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.
1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ? ___________________________________________________________
2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ? ___________________________________________________________
3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ___________________________________________________________
I always wear a skirt to a party
often a dress to the gym
… a pyjamas to …
a shirt
Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.
Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.
This is a pupil. His name is ____________.
He is going (to school/for a walk).
He is going to have a PE lesson.
He is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________. He is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.
I (think/don’t think) these clothes (is/are) (comfortable/not cofortable) for PE lesson.
Предварительный просмотр:
Group 3 Name ___________________________
Ex.1. Complete the sentences.
- Good clothes (is/are) (clean/dirty).
- Good clothes (is/are) (neat/scruffy).
- Good clothes (is/are) (beautiful/ugly)
- Good clothes (is/are) (fashionable/old-fashioned)
- When a person (wears/wears) … and …. clothes, he (is/is not) successful
Ex. 2. Listen to the speakers and say who is who in the picture. Complete the sentences.
Peter is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .
Tony is number … . He is wearing …, … and … .
Ex.3. Make questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the chart.
1. you /do/wear/to a party/What/wear ? ___________________________________________________________
2. to/the/gym/do/wear/you/What ? ___________________________________________________________
3. do/What/you/to/school/wear ? ___________________________________________________________
I always wear a skirt to a party
often a dress to the gym
… a shirt to …
Ex.4. You are talking to a person from another country. Ask him/her what he/she wears to different places. Use the questions from ex.3.
Ex.5. This is a pupil. He/She is going to school. What is he/she wearing? Complete the sentences.
This is a pupil. Her name is ____________.
She is going (to school/for a walk).
She is wearing (a) wonderful _______________and (a) fashionable ____________.
She is also wearing (a) comfortable _____________and his favourite___________.
I (think/don’t think) these clothes (is/are) (comfortable/not comfortable) for school.
Предварительный просмотр:
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