План-конспект урока для учащихся 7 класса «Me and My World» (Travel experiences)
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс)
Представленный план-конспект урока английского языка для 7 класса “Me and My World” (Travel experiences) разработан для совершенствования коммуникативных навыков учащихся. В ходе урока ученики будут тренировать умение вести диалог о путешествиях, воспринимать информацию на слух и из текста, а также использовать лексику, связанную с путешествиями. Урок предусматривает работу в парах и группах, интерактивные упражнения и элементы проектной деятельности.
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План-конспект урока для учащихся 7 класса
«Me and My World»
(Travel experiences)
- Начало урока. Приветствие.
Teacher: Listen to a song and say, which of the photographs you think it fits best.
T: You have guessed already, what topic we are going to discuss today.
T: That’s right. We are going to speak about your travel experiences and how much travelling means in our life.
- Основной этап.
- T: Look at the words of the song. Some of them are missing. Can you guess, what sort of word you need for any of the spaces? Listen to the song again and write down the missing words.
P: a – shining, b – sky, c – silver, d – shining, e – road, f – hard, g – high, h- out, i – never, j – gold, k- land.
- T: Why is the singer travelling, do you think?
T: Look again at the photos. Why are the people in them travelling?
T: We can talk about reasons for travelling, using nouns and verbs.
Reasons for travelling:
On holiday to meet new people to find better weather
Om business to see the world to discover new cultures
For pleasure to visit your family to broaden your mind
on a trip
to go on a tour
on holiday
- T: Look at the photo and answer the questions (p. 38 New Opportunities)
- T: Let’s practise some vocabulary related to the topic. Put the key words into the correct column in the table (NO, p. 38).
- T: One of the reasons for travelling is to see the world. Let’s play a game. You have to match the countries with their capitals.
1d, 2a, 3e, 4c, 5b, 6g, 7j, 8i, 9f, 10h
- T: I see you know the countries and their capitals well. It’s high time we flew to our destination. Look at the table and complete the information. Before listening to the recording, make sure you know what needs to be filled in (Прослушивание аудиозаписи).
T: Let’s check your answers. Now take turns to read out each line, e.g. Flight AF 2146 to Ottawa departs from Gate 12.
- T: So we have a few minutes before our departure. Let’s play another game. Look at the presentation. You can see some English words there. But the letters are not in the right order. Will you make up the words using these letters.
eracriag egalugg ltghif tpomasflr susotmc esactius rac | Carriage Luggage Flight Platform Customs Suitcase Car |
- T: Use the following adjectives to describe a noun from the previous task, e.g.
a suitcase, a car. Adjectives:
1. Italian, nice, leather, big, new, red for a suitcase (a nice big new red Italian leather suitcase)
2. American, dangerous, old, white for a car (a dangerous old white American car)
Remember that when we use more than one adjective, we usually put them in a certain order (opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material, purpose).
- T: Some people travel to far away destinations to see exotic animals like sharks. How long do you think it will take us to travel to Australia or New Zealand?
P: It will take us about 12 hours to get there.
T: Before such a tiring trip we need some rest (Физкультминутка “Little shark).
T: Now we are ready to act a role play “At the airport”. Divide into A/B pairs. Pupil A works in a travel agency at the airport. Pupil B wants to buy a ticket. Read your role cards, check that you understand the vocabulary and start working in pairs. As soon as you are ready, do your role play for the class.
- Резервное задание.
T: Look at the pictures showing different ways of travelling. Compare and contrast them.
P1: In photo 1 there is a family ready to travel by train. While in photo 2 we can see a young an who is about to board a plane.
P2: The photos have a few things in common. First of all, in both photos people look happy, they are smiling. Besides, both were taken just a few minutes before the start of the trip – a very exiting moment for every traveler.
P3: However, there are some differences. In the left hand photo we can see a family with a child, while the other photo shows a young man with a backpack. Unlike the young man, the family is not travelling light. They have got a big suitcase.
P4: As for me, I’d prefer to travel…
- Подведение итогов урока (раздать карточки для рефлексии)
T: So our lesson is coming to the end. Finish the sentences about the lesson:
- The topic of the lesson was…
- It was interesting to get to know/ to do…
- Now after the lesson I can…
- This is the first time, I have done…
- The most enjoyable task was…
Домашнее задание
T: And now please write down your home assignment.
Comment on the quote by Rudyard Kipling: “He travels the fastest who travels alone.”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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