План-конспект открытого урока в 4 классе по теме "Сезоны и погода" и самоанализ урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Анастасия Владимировна Гелюс

План-конспект открытого урока в 4 классе по теме "Сезоны и погода" и самоанализ урока. На уроке учащиеся систематизируют свои знания по теме, выполняя различные виды заданий, просматривая фрагменты из известного американского мюзикла "Хайди", разгадывая кроссворд, составляя монологические высказывания и диалоги по теме.


Предварительный просмотр:



Course book: English III. Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A., Prosveshcheniye 2002.

Lesson: 88 p.299 – Optional lesson

Units: The English Year and Seasons.  

THEME of the lesson plan: Seasons and Weather

Aims: By the end of the lesson the children will be able

  • to build confidence in practicing vocabulary through choral repetition, in pairs, in groups, individually on the topic;
  • to promote self-esteem and provide more opportunities for self –assessment;
  • to speak about different seasons,  the weather in summer, spring, autumn and winter and the activities children can do and enjoy doing in four seasons of the year.




Teacher does (says)

Pupils do



to introduce the topic

Shows two episodes of the famous American musical drama “Heidi”

to revise, re-activate and recycle vocabulary on the theme of the lesson

Asks questions on the film: Where does the story take place? What month is it? What season is it? Why is the girl taking off her clothes? What is the weather like? Where can you see the snow? What kinds of fun can we have in winter?

Answer the questions on what they have just seen


To revise and to repeat  the vocabulary

Writes the transcription of the words on the blackboard  [h t],

[‘d u:’lai], [kould], [spri  ], [wint  ] etc.

the transcription of the words can be in the presentation

To work at the pronunciation of the words referring to the theme (phonetic drill)

Says: Let’s have a phonetic drill. Listen and repeat after me. I want you to watch my lips very carefully.

(for example 

Sweater weather,

Leather weather.  (makes her pupils  work much at the pronunciation of the sounds [w]

[    ].  "Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot, we have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or not."                                                       

Repeat tongue twisters after the teacher (choral drilling and individual drilling)

It’s better to work with English tongue twisters because it facilitates the introduction of key vocabulary and children easily memorize the vocabulary.                                                    

To reactivate vocabulary and to develop writing skills

Displays different kinds of written tasks to repeat vocabulary on the spelling  of the names of 12 months, different kinds of weather, winter activities, etc) (Appendix 1.2.3)

T can give different kinds of tasks: Write TRUE or FALSE, UNSCRAMBLE, WRITE THE MONTHS IN ORDER, etc

Main activities

to develop speaking and reading skills

Makes the cards and writes questions on them: How many seasons are there in a year? How many months are there in a year? What are the winter months in great Britain and in Russia? What month is it now? How’s the weather today? Why is summer beautiful?

Choose a card, read a question and answer it

If pupils wish they can ask their extra (additional) questions to each other and answer them.

To develop language skills, writing skills  and inter-pair work

Asks: in pairs write synonyms or antonyms to the following words or phrases (for example, make up pairs of synonyms: nice, enjoy, fine, 30-31 days, 12 months, fall..) 

Work in pairs and write synonyms or antonyms to the following words or phrases

It’s better to write the task on a big sheet of paper and give out crayons or markers

To develop speaking and language skills

Asks: Let’s play “Try to guess”. You are to talk about the month but not name it.

A few pupils describe the month and others try to guess what it is.

To develop reading skills

Says: work in pairs, you are to read the dialogue and answer the questions (Appendix 4)

Read the dialogue and answer the questions

Pupils can either work in small groups, or in pairs.

Post -Activities

To develop listening skills to check understanding and to develop writing skills

Asks: Solve the crossword

Do the crossword

It is a sort of a  social drill or a variation of brainstorm

To reinforce language skills, to personalize, reflection

Asks: recite your favorite poem about the weather or sing a song

Recite poems individually and sing songs chorally

It is one of the motivating activities to end a lesson


written by Gelyus A.V.

The most difficult thing for me is to analyze the lesson myself.  I’m never totally satisfied with the lesson as there is always something that I would have changed because in teaching others we teach ourselves, it’s never too late to learn and every learner is not expected to know everything.

To start with, I’d like to say that I really enjoy working with  primary pupils as they are mostly intuitive users, they are frank, openhearted and eager to study and go to school.

The very group consists of 9-year-old 14 pupils. The group contains a full range of different kinds of learners, different personalities and behavioural types with individual traits. The pupils’ leading learning intelligences are visual, musical, kinesthetic and interpersonal. My children vary considerably in their speed and skill in learning language: some of them are language-talented, but few of them are language-limited. That’s why I use various ways, methods and activities at the lesson to motivate my young learners. They learn best by reading, hearing and seeing words, cooperating. They care for tongue twisters, songs, test reading and playing games. It goes without saying, that everybody is aware of the fact that repetition, rhyme, rhythm help learners remember. They dislike writing quizzes and dictations; it’s really difficult for my young learners to spell the words in English. So, I have to pay more attention at the lesson to developing writing skills.

The theme of the lesson about seasons and weather was especially easy for young children to understand as they are part of their everyday reality.

Watching video at the beginning of the lesson was the introduction to the atmosphere of summer time and winter fun. Children are always excited when they watch video at the lessons.

Pair and group work at the practice stage provided an opportunity for me, as a teacher, to circulate and monitor selected learners during the process.

Reading a dialogue was learning “by eye” and a visual reference which helped understanding.

During the lesson I used the presentation where all the vocabulary (12 months of a year, what’s the weather like? how’s the weather? Spring, summer, winter, autumn, it’s snowy rainy, cold, warm, hot, foggy, windy etc.), the tasks, tongue twisters, a crossword were presented. The presentation always saves my time at the lesson, but takes much of my time to prepare for the lesson.

At this lesson I wanted to focus on reactivating key   vocabulary, systematizing all the knowledge on the topic to help them to speak in general about all the seasons of the year.

Thanks to the reflection at the end of the lesson (where my young learners had to choose a green leaf if they liked the lesson, or an yellow leaf if they couldn’t be sure whether they enjoyed the lesson or not, or a red leaf if it was quite boring for them at the lesson and stick it to the tree on the blackboard) my pupils were really satisfied with the lesson because all the leaves in the tree were green. They liked mostly pair work, interesting tasks (like choosing a card with a question to answer it, doing the crossword puzzle, singing songs and reciting poems.)

The lesson was really interesting for pupils and for me; I provided a variety of task types to suit different needs and different cognitive preferences.

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